You’re sitting there trying to argue that reality isn’t what you see right there in front of your face: nah, that wasn’t a Hitler salute, nah, Trump is not a fascist, nah, opposing DEI isn’t racist, but then eventually something is going to pop up that shows you’re totally wrong and are living in denial. On that last item, there are many people arguing that getting rid of DEI will simply open the door for a meritocracy, it will get rid of all those idle wastrels who are coasting on their victimhood and are demanding special privileges.
And then…whoops. The mask slips.
The Air Force has removed training courses with videos of its storied Tuskegee Airmen and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs — the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military — to comply with the Trump administration’s crackdown on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
The videos were shown to Air Force troops as part of DEI courses they took during basic military training.
In a statement, the Air Force confirmed the courses with those videos had been removed and said it “will fully execute and implement all directives outlined in the Executive Orders issued by the President, ensuring that they are carried out with utmost professionalism, efficiency and in alignment with national security objectives.”
Look at these pilots from WWII.
Apparently, they weren’t brave or skilled or self-sacrificing, and their history can be discarded. You can tell because they’re black, obviously DEI hires.
Same with those women who were ferrying bombers across the Atlantic to serve in Europe.
The Air Force was wrong to resist their willingness to serve their country 80+ years ago, and they continue their shame today.
To quote a famous person (in the preceding article): Don’t look more closely at your government.
I am disgusted by the fact that everything the magat and his cult members demonize and destroy are the products of people trying to improve the level of civil behavior and enlightenment. WTF! Examples are: DEI, antifa, BLM, BDS, ad infinitum.
Oh right yeah because they were all about DEI back then… Christ. Insane.
I believe that the GOP exists – as does the Catholic church – to make horrible people feel better about themselves, without having them face the hard work of actual improvement. And once a week – or every other administration :( they get blanket forgiveness at no cost to themselves and at no benefit to, or input from, the harmed parties.
i don’t know if it’s in the wording of the executive order, but i know the orders sent to federal employees specify that they can be punished for not dismantling anything that could even be perceived as DEI. so fed employees cannot do shit about this.
this isn’t obvious to the public, but over the last four decades, government policies and training have done nothing but gradually increase and expand protection for the underprivileged. was it adequate? did it work?
idk, but this executive order is the first time since the civil rights movement gained national traction that the government has moved in the other direction, and it has done so with such a hard swing that – with a stroke of the pen – civil rights has been set back to the sixties.
his inauguration taking place on MLK day should stand forever as one of the cruelest, bitterest ironies in the history of fascism.
They didn’t call it DEI(A) back then but as pointed out by Lawdork, there was an executive order from Franklin D. Roosevelt ordering nondiscrimination in federal hiring.
And those executive orders were revoked by Trump, implementing what his Project 2025 pals gave him to sign.
As Owlmirror noted in #6, it is now called DEIA, with the A being for Accessibility.
I was angered by the removal of DEI training, etc.
Now, as a mobility disabled person, I’m livid.
For those disabled individuals who need to work to provide for themselves and/or families, those accessibility provisions were a lifeline. ADA requirements are also needed for any handicapped person who shops, travels, etc.
The irony is that everyone, even the orange moron, will eventually need accessibility accommodations eventually.
who needs accessibility aids when they can be carried on a gold palanquin by pious idolaters until they are laid gently into a perfumed grave?
@7– Thinking of starting a Kickstarter for grave perfume.
If you are opposing Diversity then you are favouring its opposite which is a lack of diversity ie one priviledged group – not hard to guess which – having all the power, having a favoured place in society. IOW White Supremacy, Christian Supremacy. Heterosexual Cis Supremacy.
If you oppose Equity then you are against everyone being ablke to achieve the same outcomes IOW, again denyiong people a chance and ways to obtain the same opportunities, get the same positions, again favouring certain already privileged groups. Clearly the pale stale males that previously dominated without it thanks to theliteral old boy networks and connectiosn and expectations.
If ou oppose Inclusion then you obvs refer exclusion – having the ability to disciminate against others based on race, gender, sexual orientation, being trans, etc..
This is the racistss, the nazis getting their way and reversing all the historical progress sicne the 1960”s and before. This is all so very obvious I wonder why I bother writing it but maybe it helps to spell it out directly? Maybe?
Rewriting history, and plenty of Americans voting for the erasure of their own relatives.
MAGA commander terminates female Navy pilot’s Top Gun application—unveils anti-DEI ’10 Commandments’
^ Gah. Botched the blockquotes while I was revising.
First paragraph = Daily Kos
Everything after that is the letter.
I’d intended to have the commands indented within the letter.
Mikey at the MRFF (2:23)
What next election?
Well, there’s gubernatorial elections this year in Virginia and New Jersey; and midterms next year.
On the subject of “next election”, here’s a friendly reminder that the time to pick your preferred candidate is RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
If you wait a few years, someone else will have made the decision for you and I won’t have the slightest patience for whining on the subject. You want better candidates? Now’s the time.
<sarcasm> The newly-confirmed Secretary of the
GeheimstaatssicherhietsbüroDepartment of Homeland Security is obviously a DEI hire and must be fired immediately. </sarcasm>Just remember that the opposite of “woke” is “comatose”.
• • •
@11: Sorry, Sky Captain, none of that is news to me. I heard the same sort of nonsense forty years ago (I’m old). Militaries prepare to fight the last war; worse, they select their leadership from one or two wars before that (median “major conflict” cycle is about 18 years from endpoint to beginning point). So, let’s see, I think that means “Vietnam mindset,” because that’s who the current senior leadership was taught by and mentored by until they made O-4 — yeah, that’s gonna help a lot.
“nah, that wasn’t a Hitler salute, nah, Trump is not a fascist, nah, opposing DEI isn’t racist, but then eventually something is going to pop up that shows you’re totally wrong and are living in denial. ”
You’re not wrong. Even certain liberals, and “atheists” such as Coyne are also gaslighting us that the above aren’t real, and we’re delusional. This isn’t overnight; this has been going on since 9/11. When someone made racist jokes etc., the New Atheist defend said jokes as free speech, and blame the black & brown people for being too insensitive.
At very least, the MeToo movement has exposed men like Shermer, Silverman & Krauss for being shams, but we don’t know how far or deep those men have been in bed with the far right, behind the their opaque “liberal/centrist” shield.
No, no one will be forced to attend,, but you can bet if you don’t attend your evaluations and chances for promotion will take a nosedive. And the Bible in question will be whatever version the commander venerates, not a generic modern translation.
According to the San Antonio Express News, Lt Gen Robinson (AETC Commander) stated today (27th) that the Tuskegee Airman video will be reinstated.
As a Navy veteran, I can only shake my head in disbelief. These wrong-headed (dare I say trumped-up?) policies won’t improve morale or unit cohesion, just the opposite. Have these MAGAts forgotten that our military is a highly professional, lethal fighting force? The rank and file don’t give a damn about the skin color or the gender of the guys or gals serving alongside them. When the shooting starts they want intelligent, capable and courageous comrades in arms, people they can trust in the very worst situations. I never heard of a Black recruit getting preferential treatment at any phase of their career. It was sink or swim for us all. I wasn’t a Naval aviator, so my opinions on female fighter pilots aren’t based on first-hand knowledge, but I never heard any disparaging comments about them from their male counterparts. But, I was once told that testosterone isn’t what is needed in the cockpit. What is needed are nerves of steel and an ability to coolly evaluate situational awareness. What’s important is what’s in the brain houser, not what’s between your legs.
And now we have that alcoholic Hegseth bozo as SecDef. He’s talking up a fantasy “warrior ethos” like it’s all a video game. The Navy has very strict no-alcohol policies aboard ships. You can’t drink on Navy vessels except under very limited circumstances. For instance, if a vessel has been at sea for 45 consecutive days or more, sailors are allowed to have two beers, on a one-time basis. You think Hegseth could last 45 days without a tipple? Nah. Me neither. This has disaster written all over it.
OT but related.
Things I Learn on the internet.
There is a large outbreak of an ancient disease right now in Kansas.
The Federal agencies involved in fighting infectious diseases can’t tell you about it right now. Because they are under a blanket gag order.
We are going backwards in time in terms of public health and medicine.
When I was a kid in northern Washington state in the 1950s, there was a large building complex set way back from the road and visible through a screen of trees that we would sometimes drive by. It was a “Tuberculosis sanatarium”, where people were sent with TB to either get over it or die from it. Everyone knew what TB was back then and it was a spooky place for a spooky disease. It was just starting to empty out as antibiotic treatments were developed to treat TB.
@9 – StevoR
To answer your semi-rhetorical questions, above, I appreciated the fact you wrote out what being “anti-DEI(A)” really means. I’ve been thinking similar thoughts from time to time, and kept saying to myself, “I really need to write this out, so it’s coherent and organized.” I wanted to have these very points in my back pocket, ready to whip out and batter some thoughtless MAGAt at need.
BOOM! You did the job for me. Thanks!