About Freethoughtblogs


About Freethoughtblogs

Freethoughtblogs is an open platform for freethought writers. We are skeptics and critics of dogma and authoritarianism, and in addition, we recognize that the nonexistence of deities entails a greater commitment to human values, and in particular, an appreciation of human diversity and equality.

We are for feminism, against racism, for diversity, against inequity. Our network of blogs is designed to encourage independent thinking and individual autonomy — freethoughtblogs.com is a vehicle for giving vocal secularists a venue for discussion of their values and interests.


PZ Myers, CEO

Ed Brayton

For media inquiries, contact FtBMedia, or @MediaFtB on Twitter.

Our writers:
Blog Author Contact Twitter Donations
A Trivial Knot Siggy [email protected]
Affinity Charly, Giliell, rq and voyager [email protected]
Against the Grain Siobhan
Andreas Avester Andreas Avester [email protected] @andreasavester
Atheism, Music, and More Nathan Hevenstone [email protected] @NateHevens
Comradde PhysioProffe Comradde PhysioProffe
Death to Squirrels Iris Vander Pluym [email protected] @irisvanderpluym
Fierce Roller Matthew Herron [email protected] @xprinceps
Freethinking Ahead TD Walker @tdwalker_
From the Ashes of Faith Megan Rahm Megan Rahm
Dr Sarah [email protected]
Great American Satan Great American Satan
I Have Forgiven Jesus
Impossible Me Abbey St. Brendan
Incongruous Circumspection Joe Sands [email protected] @IncongruousCirc
Intransitive Rhiannon
Jonathan’s Musings
Mano Singham Mano Singham [email protected] @manosingham
Marissa Explains It All
Nastik Deliberations Dr Arun [email protected] @charakan
Oceanoxia Abe Drayton @AbeDrayton patreon
Pervert Justice CripDyke
Pharyngula PZ Myers [email protected] @pzmyers paypal
Primate Chess
Pro-Science Kristjan Wager [email protected] @kriswager
Recursivity Jeffrey Shallit [email protected] @shallit43
Reprobate Spreadsheet
stderr Marcus Ranum @mjranum
No Country for Women Taslima Nasreen @taslimanasreen
The Bolingbrook Babbler William Brinkman [email protected]
The Digital Cuttlefish Cuttlefish @cuttlefishpoet
YEMMYnisting Yemisi Ilesanmi contact page @yemmynisting paypal
Background image: Cueva de las Manos