Whoa…faux-Seussian poetry, fairly nice animation, all in the service of a dumb, dead idea: The Watchmaker. It’s a rather elaborate setup for Paley’s watchmaker argument that starts with an imaginary animated analogy of glass and metal condensing to spontaneously form a watch, and then compares the absurdity of that argument with cells, which contain “assembly lines, robots, electrical cable”, and argues that it’s silly to claim that cells could just happen from dirt and warm water…as if anyone has argued such a thing.
Isn’t it enough to simply point out that watches need watchmakers because they don’t reproduce? Rabbits don’t need rabbitmakers (other than other rabbits), so the analogy fails just by contradiction with common experience.
One enlightening and informative aspect of the exercise is that it does go on about the debunked watchmaker argument, and also associates itself with Intelligent Design—the Discovery Institute is recommended on the page—but it is screamingly evangelical and religious.
Kids 4 Truth International is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that exists to inspire and equip God’s people to reach boys and girls worldwide with the memorable, creative, leading-edge teaching of God-focused truth.
Great science there, isn’t it? It’s more propaganda for creationism aimed directly at children. If there were a god and heaven, I would hope that lying to impressionable kids would be one of his most smite-worthy sins.