I seem to be peddling a lot of t-shirts lately, but I cannot resist this one. At this rate, I either need a couple of torsos or need to cultivate a habit of changing my shirt every hour.
I seem to be peddling a lot of t-shirts lately, but I cannot resist this one. At this rate, I either need a couple of torsos or need to cultivate a habit of changing my shirt every hour.
I’ve got a class to teach in an hour and a mountain of snow to clear from my driveway and sidewalk, and the morning was looking rather grim. And then I saw this cartoon and laughed, so I feel better now.
Mormon Heaven is going to be a much more interesting place now, especially since Stephen Colbert had all the dead Mormons converted to Judaism, so they’ve been sucked right out of the place and presumably sent to Sheol, instead.
Look what just appeared in Ray Troll’s store:
It’s on a t-shirt. I WILL HAVE ONE. IT MUST BE MINE.
I have had this conversation so many times.
Read the whole thing. It’s only failing is that the atheist side of the argument is presented so politely.
Hey, what if men’s health issues were treated by congress in the same way women’s health issues are?
Have you ever had relatives give religious books to your kids as Christmas or birthday presents? And then you start thinking about sending their kids science books to teach them a lesson? Here’s another way to do it: send them The Intelligent Design Coloring Book. Then time how long it takes them to figure out it’s satire, rather than an admission of your conversion.
The only worry is that they might not ever figure it out.
It’s been a long day — classes and lots of grading. I was ready to sit back and switch off my brain and take it easy, and then Mr Deity dives into the tangled twisty logic of paradise, and suddenly I’ve got a brain-ache.
I don’t even like Disneyland, why would I want immortality of any kind, let alone one where I’m supposed to be happy for eternity? I think the only afterlife I’d like would be the kind where I get to storm the gates of heaven and end the whole tyrannical empire.
It truly does, and someone has caught us out and published a stunning exposé that reveals the horrible, awful behavior that our goddess, Nature, endorses. You must read “God Hates Checkered Whiptail Lizards!!!” and weep. This is but one page of a devastating revelation.
(Also on Sb)
Celebrate! I hope you all skipped church, and are planning on a nice dinner with a little dessert and a little wildness after.
I love this picture, because it answers the question perfectly.