My feelings are very similar. I do not condone the killing of the vampiric CEO of a corporation that has killed hundreds of thousands, if not actually millions, of people so that a few bloodsuckers at the top can buy mansions and yachts and gloat over having more money than they will ever actually need. But I completely understand the motivation behind the killing and hard as I might, I cannot find in me even the tiniest speck of sympathy for a dead parasite. I wish the CEO were stripped of his wealth and imprisoned for the murders he committed instead, but my wishes don’t mean squat.
Because, murdering people by neglecting their basic human needs for personal profit is very often legal in the USA, and in most probability, it will become even more legal under Trump. All the while he will claim doing the opposite and his brainless followers will cheer him on.
I only hope that the EU will continue to resist the USA’s attempts at exporting their model of “healthcare” here too, we already have whole parties centered around trickle-down economics and creationism, etc., so we don’t need more bad ideas in our politics.
That was not a “tick”.
That was gonorrhea or syphilis or