Second Iraq War veteran in hospital after beating by Oakland police

A second protestors has been seriously injured by police in Occupay Oakland, this one also a veteran:

Kayvan Sabehgi, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is in intensive care with a lacerated spleen. He says he was beaten by police close to the Occupy Oakland camp, but despite suffering agonising pain, did not reach hospital until 18 hours later.

The spleen is a vascular organ, it bleeds profusely when damaged. People die every day from that exact injury. Sabehgi survived 18 hours with no treatment in a jail cell before officers took his condition seriously. At last report he was being prepped for surgery.


  1. hotshoe says

    Can we just demolish the entire Oakland police force and start fresh ?

    They’ve killed so many people over the years, any good cops among them must be just buried under the weight of keeping silent about their unindicted-criminal partners.

  2. lordshipmayhem says

    You’d think the Oakland police would have learnt their lesson after the last veteran was seriously injured, but noooo.

    The lesson is simple: if you don’t use excessive force, ever, then you don’t jeopardize any convictions, you don’t alienate the public, you don’t risk your badge, you don’t risk your pension…

    Except there seems a dearth of consequences for the proud members of the Oakland force. They are a disgrace to honest and honourable police everywhere.

  3. Francisco Bacopa says

    Gotta say when I read stuff like this I’m glad HPD is doing such a great job. I was at the Occupy Houston Divestment March yesterday and HPD really showed what a force that understands that free speech is not in opposition to public safety and order is capable of. I commend their professionalism.

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