Trump is nuts: Example #453

Today Trump said on his social media platform the following:

The military entered California and turned on the water to the state? We didn’t have any water before? Is there some spigot that can be used to turn water on and off to California? Where is this spigot and where is the pipe that. carries the water? And who is in charge of it that they had to be ordered by the military to turn it on? What the hell is Trump talking about?

As Kevin Drum writes:

This is beyond weird. It’s hallucinatory. And even if it were somehow true that the Army TURNED ON THE WATER, California doesn’t get any water from the Pacific Northwest or beyond. We get it from our very own Sierra Nevadas.

Is Trump really and truly losing it? Or does he figure he can just say anything he wants for the rubes? Or what?

UPDATE:California has responded.

The California department of water resources said in a post on Twitter/X that the “military did not enter California”.

“The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days,” the agency posted. “State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful.”

Most of California’s water comes from the north, where it melts from mountain snow and runs into rivers that connect to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. From there, much of it is sent further south to farmers and cities such as Los Angeles through two large pumping and canal systems. One is run by the federal government and the other by the state. There is no water supply from the Pacific north-west that connects into California’s system.

Tomorrow we may get a post from Trump saying that the military has also turned on the Sun in California, so that we are no longer in the dark.


  1. says

    so he’s subtly coercing literally everybody in the federal gov except the military to resign, so he can rebuild a non-union workforce, basically. meanwhile, i hope y’all took care of any pressing business you have with the government, because shit’s about to become functionally impossible until question marks. and the scabs are going to feel more temptation to do evil things with your personal information, while they’re toiling for peanuts under party apparatchiks on the sweatshop floor, so that’ll be cool.

  2. Dennis K says

    As linking supports, I have it blocked in my HOSTS file and can’t read whatever garbage Trump posted. But your point is clear enough.

    …i hope y’all took care of any pressing business you have with the government, because shit’s about to become functionally impossible until question marks…

    I wonder if the IRS will still exist come April 15. Hmm…

  3. Dunc says

    Is Trump really and truly losing it? Or does he figure he can just say anything he wants for the rubes?


  4. birgerjohansson says

    Since Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes created Fox News, the strategy of the Republican party has been to target the proudly ignorant segment of the population.

    Or, as Goebbels put it, “for propaganda to be successful, it must target the least intelligent part of the mssses”.

  5. Leo Buzalsky says

    I recall there being a MAGA commenting here just a few days ago, bellering about “Trump derangement syndrome,” so I would not only say “Yes” to the question, “Or does he figure he can just say anything he wants for the rubes?” but add that Trump is correct in thinking that. This is, after all, example #453. I know that’s a made up number, but he has been saying nonsensical stuff for a long time. Yet, almost a majority of people who voted did so for Trump. That should be all the evidence we need to come to that same conclusion.

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