An Australian reader sent me this photo of a redback, the Aussie version of Latrodectus. So pretty! And with an egg sac!
That reminds me…this is a big week in the lab, I hope. My second generation black widows are looking ready for breeding, so that means I have to prepare the nuptials. I’m moving the females to a larger, cleaner container and giving them time to make a cozy web today. Tomorrow I’m giving them a feast — gotta fill ’em up so they aren’t hungry when a visitor comes calling. Then on Friday I’m introducing them to second generation males.
I’m a little nervous about that. As usual, males are less common than females — more of them die during development. But the big concern is sexual dimorphism. Latrodectus males are so much daintier and distinctly tinier than the females, so it could be a bloodbath in two days. I’ll record video of the event, and maybe if it isn’t too disappointing I’ll post it then.