How the media fails us

Many newspapers around the country have refused to publish this Doonesbury cartoon. Why? Because they are owned by chickenshit rich people.

Don’t surrender without putting up a fight. That’s how the adjudicated rapist wins.


  1. gijoel says

    Dear Karen, aren’t you worried that the new Republic of Gilead is going to take all of your money and possessions and give them to your husband, or most likely, your abusive ex-husband and force you to be a maid he has sex with? I could also go on about the decline in women’s health care thanks to force-birth policies, and gutting health service and research facilities because some people find it too inconvenient to wear a face mask at Walmart. But that would just fly over your head.

    Yours Gijoel

  2. StevoR says

    Fascism fears laughter.

    It fears mockery and maybe somewhere inside knows how deserving of mockery it is.

    Satire is dead?

    When the reality is more absurd and indistinuguishable from its most extreme as Poes laws says it is.

    Can truth now be told in any form without drawing retribution from petty tyranny?

    Must we all now pretend the emperor wears finery and is not just a bloated orange, paired with pale grey aprtheoid- bloodmoney-heir scummy arse?

  3. stuffin says

    I cannot believe how easily everyone bends and twists themselves for the privilege of living in Donald Trump’s imaginary reality.

  4. drewl, Mental Toss Flycoon says

    @3 That was nice… thank you. I’ll be sending that to some people.
    Re: Doonesbury, I haven’t followed comics recently, but I’m glad to see Garry hasn’t lost his edge (I still have his first 4 or 5 collections somewhere around the house. I’m off work for a bit, so I might have to dig them out for a reminder that we got though a similar shit-show before, so we can do it again. They are probably in with my Calvin and Hobbes and Far Side collections. (I hope I can still find them…)

    Side note… the random neighborhood opossum just showed up in my backyard for the 2nd day in a row after being MIA for a couple months. Good to see it again.
    I’m glad my Little Dog hasn’t noticed, I don’t want to deal with that…

  5. birgerjohansson says

    FYI Mano Singham’s blog also features interesting discussions about the Tr*mp agenda.

  6. canadiansteve says

    I fail to see why you think the media should do anything else. For decades now US Media has not been about reporting fact and analysis as compared to reality, but has rather been geared to generating viewership to drive profit. This has gotten worse in the last decade or so, but it is a change in degree, not kind. If anything it’s just a shift to the remaining cable networks to stay relevant in the face of social media.
    The US is rapidly becoming a demonstration of why unfettered capitalism is doomed to failure. With the gutting of remaining protections from monopolistic/cartel behaviours, gutted labour protections and decreased monitoring for compliance on the few remaining rules it’s just a race to the bottom.
    To me, it looks more like feudalism is the goal rather than fascism.

  7. F.O. says

    “chickenshit”? They are getting exactly what they wanted.
    They WORKED for this for decades.

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