It’s gone past funny to depressing

Creationists are pathetic and detestable.

The alt text on this comic reads, “Disappointed with myself that I haven’t done a creationism joke in years. Six years is like 0.1 percent of the past.” I sympathize. It’s hard to be funny about creationism because it is such obvious bullshit that I feel like all you need to do is transcribe what they say literally and stand back and go “See? See?” while underlining and circling their own words. They make comedy about creationism redundant.

What’s worse is that creationists are so damn serious about their fairy tales. Look at Stephen Meyer or Ken Ham — they’re so full of themselves and so committed to stating such ridiculous garbage while keeping a straight face. And it’s so sad to see people so adamant about wasting their lives defending the indefensible, and expanding the mythology by compounding the nonsense.


  1. says

    With some tweaks, I feel there’s potentially a joke in here about some transphobic trolls I’ve encountered. “You’re changing the definitions of words, therefore inviting all manner of chaos!”

  2. Robbo says

    but how do you know the earth is 4 billion years old? were you there when it was created?

    check mate rational people!1!!!!!!11

  3. Tethys says

    Hey y’all. We can thank the Vikings and AngloSaxons for fro, though they said til und frá.

    Whom, thy, thee, thine are still perfectly cromulent words, as is singular neuter they.

    Beloved and beget, begat, begotten are likewise not used much, but the be- prefix and verb case inflections are still easily kenned by modern English speaking folk.

    One of the oldest stories written in the Germanic languages is the story of Hervor/Herforð saga.

    It is the most metal of Saga’s, and it concerns the transgender protagonist, a cursed magical sword, Dwarves, Berserkers, Valkyrie, Goths, Huns, Vendels, etc…
    The saga involves multiple generations of their family, two Hervors, and tells of their game of thrones which began when Hervor reclaimed the cursed sword from her dead Father in his gravemound and then changed into Herforð and went víking.

  4. says

    I really enjoy SMBC. They often provide intellectual inspiration that sometimes causes mental perspiration.
    I learned to speak a language that is a descendant of proto-indo-european. But, I’m no longer fluent in it.
    Are those that speak in buzzwords and cliches using an artificial intelligence called ‘idiomatic’

    @2 robbo wrote: but how do you know the earth is 4 billion years old? were you there when it was created? check mate rational people!1!!!!!!11
    I reply: I’m not playing that game. Were you being sarcastic? If not, what rationally developed theories tell you the world isn’t? (other than the obscene, mythology of the bible or the Flying Spaghetti Monster). We reject superstitious, creationist fairy tales for the laughable ‘sciencey’ bs spewed by the half-baked Ham.

  5. Tethys says

    check mate rational people!1!!!!!!11


    The punctuation alone is definitely sarcasm.

  6. numerobis says


    I learned to speak a language that is a descendant of proto-indo-european. But, I’m no longer fluent in it.

    And yet here you are writing in English.

  7. says

    @6 numerobis wrote:
    learned to speak a language that is a descendant of proto-indo-european. But, I’m no longer fluent in it. And yet here you are writing in English.
    I reply: Thanks, numerobis, you’ve got a keen sense of humor, THAT was a checkmate statement. Don’t tell anyone my secret. I’m really writing in proto-indo-european and using a translation program.

  8. DanDare says

    Its so close ro true.
    I was linking to a PNAS paper about the flagellum. The responses were all about words in the paper like “suggest” and “homologue” that prove its all just guess work and faith.

    These guys are trying to tear down reason itself.