The least sexy porn ever

I had seen the still images from that MRI study of the anatomy of people having sex…

…but I had no idea that they’d made a video of the act.

Warning: it’s rather off-putting, not at all sexy, unless you’ve got some kink about watching sagittal sections of humans, guts and all, squishing together.


  1. Akira MacKenzie says

    Warning: it’s rather off-putting, not at all sexy, unless you’ve got some kink about watching sagittal sections of humans, guts and all, squishing together.

    Kink nothing, PZ. I’ve been single and lonely for 22 years. I’LL TAKE WHATEVER I CAN FREAKING GET!!!!

    That’s it baby… let me see that pubic bone…

  2. lesherb says

    I recently watched a 4 part documentary on Amazon Prime. It’s entitled, Anatomy for Beginners. It’s actual human dissections on 4 systems of the body. They’re performed by a German anatomist. The bodies are from donated remains.
    The segment on human reproduction uses one male & one female body. They have some MRI images of intercourse in action. They also have plastinated bodies.
    The entire series was creepy & mesmerizing at the same time.

  3. hemidactylus says

    I think such a video in sex ed would do far more to curtail unwanted pregnancy than abstinence only covert religious indoctrination. Watching such a technically detailed graphic portrayal of intimacy would horrify all but the most curious seekers and turn most if not all watchers into asexual and childfree prudes. I became very concerned about the relative displacement of bladders and adjacency of abdominal walls. And my god does anyone think of the vertebrae in all this to and fro?