How dare Joe Biden give Bill Nye the Medal of Freedom?
Ham doesn’t think he deserves it because Nye supports abortion, LGBTQ rights, and left wing liberal ideology. Nye encouraged his audience to follow reason, which is opposed to the word of God, and he left the world worse off. Nye also said that humans are animals, so Ham trots out a little girl and demands that Nye call her an animal — which is no insult, just a simple truth — and is irritated that Nye encouraged her to go to college someday. What a monster! Everything he says makes me think he was even more deserving of the medal.
Ham also says he wouldn’t want a medal from someone like Joe Biden with such a wicked anti-god worldview
anyway. Gosh. Anyone think he would spurn a medal from Trump?
Bill Nye, the Presidental Medal of Freedom Guy.
Ken Ham, the maker of internet spam.
Ham needn’t worry, surely Trump will hand out a few dozen Medals of Freedom to underserving Bat Shit Crazy Right Wing White Religious Nationalists. Just like everything Trump touches, it loses its value.
Watching Bill Nye receive that choked me up a little. He’s a genuinely good man.
Why should Ham be upset about Earthly rewards and recognition? Doesn’t he know his Bible?
I just looked up Oklahoma’s new plans for education in Oklahoma. Their roadmap in teaching of biology indicates they will be honestly teaching and emphasizing evolution in Oklahoma’s schools. Despite Oklahoma school superintendent Ryan Walter’s Bible fetish. I wonder when the creationists start yapping about that.,state%20scholastic%20standards%20is%20a%20first%20in%20Oklahoma.
Best recommendation anyone can get. Thanks Ham!
Here are the 19 recipients of the Medal of Freedom in 2025. Overall a pretty good group I think!
José Andrés
Ash Carter
Hillary Clinton
Michael J. Fox
Tim Gill
Jane Goodall
Fannie Lou Hamer
Magic Johnson
Robert F. Kennedy
Ralph Lauren
Lionel Messi
Bill Nye
George W. Romney
David M. Rubenstein
George Soros
George Stevens Jr.
Denzel Washington
Anna Wintour
(Note Ash Carter, Fannie Lou Hamer, RFK Sr., and George Romney were awarded posthumously.)
If Bill really wanted to explode the Hamster’s brain he could have called the little girl “hayawan natiq”. Translated from Arabic it means “thinking animal”, a term used by the Muslim philosopher, Al-Ghazali to describe humans and distinguish them from other animals. Ken Ham, dumber and more extreme than a Muslim. Who’d a thunk it?
@ seversky : ” Doesn’t he know his Bible?”
Only the bits he likes apparently and not those that contradict his bulldust like loving thy neighnour, relative sizes of motes in certain eyes, feeding and helping the poor, David and Jonathan’s supposedly blessed relationship (1 Samuel 20:42), the Divine commands to NOT lie, pay your taxes and pray in private NOT public among many other things that Ken “not the astronaut one” Ham ignores..
The subject line of your post is a tautology.
Fun with words: Ken the demented hamster.
Xtian terrorists have a baby mill anti-abortion clinic in a town nearby. They filled the front yard with red flags and put up a sign that said, ‘2,000 babys are aborted every day’. These people are as full of shit as the diapers they change. I remember reading that there is a large percentage of pregnancies that naturally, spontaneously abort. And, these are probably the same people that would make a woman carry a dead fetus to term. AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!,
@6 cheerfulcharlie said oklahoma will be teaching and emphasizing evolution in Oklahoma’s schools. I’m glad to see some signs of sanity there.
I suspected that Dumb Idiot Ham is very jealous of Nye. Turns out to be the case. With the girl being used as a prop for his jealous rants against Nye and other scientists who achieve scientific greatness, unlike Dumb Idiot Ham who achieved nothing.