Classes are scheduled to start tomorrow. I’m ready, I’ve got a couple of weeks of lectures in the can, swarms of flies at the starting gate, and a grand plan for lab work that’ll take me all the way to May. Students are probably trickling back this weekend, except…
It’s -12°C, snowing, and we’ve got 40kph winds howling outside my window. It’s supposed to drop to -20°C tonight. There are travel advisories up all over the place.
I’m anticipating a half-empty classroom tomorrow. I don’t anticipate the school being closed — this is Minnesota, we take a stubborn pride in plowing ahead through the most frightful weather — but I might have to offer the class over Zoom, for just this one day. I have a strong allergic response to Zoom anymore, but it might be the safest recourse.
Hemidactylus says
It’s 5.6 °C here. I don’t mind given it’s a welcome reprieve from summer. We used to have several freeze watches per year, but that sort of thing seems to have become a thing of the past, even with these recent Arctic blasts. I keep my thermostat kinda low and snuggle under the duvet. My power bills have been quite low in recent months.
Hopefully I get away with not having to scrape ice off my windshield again this year (improvised CD case). Yes that can happen in Florida.
Stay warm everybody.