Regnery Publishing has been on my radar for a long, long time. They’re the go-to publishing house for far-right-wing cranks everywhere: Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Souza, every angry loon who mainlines AM talk radio, or babbles on AM talk radio, can turn to Regnery to take the fevered hash festering in their brains and turn it into ink on paper. I’ve been tracking their poison for so long because another collection of kooks using their services are the creationists. The Discovery Institute loves them some Regnery. Wells’ The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design was published with them, as was Icons of Evolution. If you want to lie about science, history, or politics, Regnery will publish it.
But they have another connection. William H. Regnery II has been using the money from his publishing house to promote open racism.
By 1999, Regnery had come to believe that the only future for white people in North America was a reconfigured continent with a white-only homeland carved out of the former United States. He began consorting with Ku Klux Klan apologists, Holocaust deniers, eugenics boosters, and immigration foes. He set up two white nationalist nonprofits and steered money into them. He published fringe-right journals and books. Through his family’s famed conservative publishing house, Regnery had been on a first-name basis with the cream of the Republican establishment. But by 2006, his public views on race left him ostracized from the GOP.
Isn’t that cute? Remember the GOP back in 2006? Odious and dumb, but hey, at least then they repudiated outright, open association with naked racism, even if we all knew they were associated with it quietly, behind the scenes. They ostracized Regnery, at least.
But then, the very next sentence:
Now, he’s back. Working behind the scenes, the retired Chicago business executive has played an important role in making his ultra-right views a part of America’s political conversation in the era of Trump. In what he has described as his crowning political achievement, Regnery discovered Richard Spencer, the mediagenic agitator who invented the term “alt-right.” In 2011, Regnery made him the frontman for his white nationalist think tank, the National Policy Institute, providing Spencer the platform to launch the alt-right movement.
William! Don’t sell yourself short! Richard “Punchable” Spencer is not your only accomplishment: thanks to Regnery Publishing’s contributions to propaganda, Republicans hate education and Republicans hate science, you’ve got a buffoon in the White House, and congress is a nest of vermin. You have burned so very very brightly, William. You’ve done extraordinary things. Revel in your time. Don’t think about what comes next.
But until they are defeated, the Regnerys of the world will continue to promote hateful nonsense.
The white race may go from master of the universe to an anthropological curiosity,he warned the audience. Later he remarked,Whites are unique in welcoming racial aliens into their midst.
Delusional white people will continue to think in terms of master and slave, as they always have. Human beings, however, will continue to meld in all their diversity in complex patterns of descent, as they always have, because all those “racial aliens” are just people.
The problem is all those master race assholes who cannot welcome the fellow human beings in their midst.
Oh really???
1. North America was once occupied by Native Americans. Most of them, 90% or so ended up dead, they all ended up dispossessed, and moved to reservations, usually in out of the way places.
2. The USA didn’t exactly welcome Africans into their midst.
They were kidnapped, enslaved, and brought here against their will.
When slavery was abolished, the next century and half haven’t been all that “welcoming” for Blacks.
3. In the early 20th century, the USA had an Asian Exclusion Act and prohibited Asian immigration.
During World War II, the American Japanese were rounded up and sent to concentration camps.
4. Mexicans were rounded up and deported in several waves.
5. There were anti-immigrant riots in the 1800’s, targeting Catholics, Germans, and Irish that killed dozens.
There has always been a strong xenophobic streak in the USA that is riding high again in 2017.
If the white race is so superior, why are they “losing” ???
Or, and hear me out here, if Europeans didn’t look at the rest of the world and exclaim “Mine!” then perhaps the racists would have had their white Utopia somewhere in Europe.
I think you just broke my irony meter.
I was curious, so I googled the chap – and yep, the old adage about the proponents of white supremacy being the worst possible physical argument for it holds true.
I am white and I don’t care whether the white race survives. More concerned about the human species surviving.
Regnery also published INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS, the first big HIV-AIDS denialist book, by the first big HIV-AIDS denialist, child-prodigy-wunderkind-retrovirologist-turned-koo-koo-loonie Professor Peter Duesberg. If you don’t know who he is, look him up, kind of an interesting, pathetic story.