Still looking through images…the Molossus rufus embryo is stunning.
… an aquatic carnivorous plant, humped bladderwort (Utricularia gibba). The plant feeds on microinvertebrates …
This micro-photograph of a vegetable lunching on some animals was brought to us by a vegetarian.
And there I was thinking it was a diagram on what the mind of a Libertarian was really like inside…gothic horror disguised by tinselly “sparkles”…and it turns out to be tiny too. To learn that it’s called humped bladderwort is almost too precious to be true.
This is exactly the sort of thing that one can imagine, (if we could see closely related species), natural selection eventually and almost inevitably producing, whereas the idea that a loving god could do it is an absurdity, (unless it’s totally fucked-up).
David Marjanovićsays
So many pretty prasinophytes!
Antiochus Epiphanessays
Daddy like.
Colorful, but it looks like a Don Martin cartoon gone wrong. And no tongue to boot.
Thumper: Token Breedersays
Ooooh, pretty!
It looks like a Rastafarian cyber-zombie preparing to chunder.
Azuma Hazukisays
Whatever that thing is, it is getting a Treble Energy Bolt dead-center as soon as my ST finishes charging up…
A carnivorous plant, with symbiotic microflora magnified over 100x and stained with fluorescent dye?
Nah. i think it’s some construction paper cut-outs sitting in a half-smashed piñata.
It’s like album cover art, circa 1974.
Wow. It looks knitted. Amazing image, and I was unaware of Humped bladderwort. The rest of the images are astonishing, too.
Still looking through images…the Molossus rufus embryo is stunning.
This micro-photograph of a vegetable lunching on some animals was brought to us by a vegetarian.
And there I was thinking it was a diagram on what the mind of a Libertarian was really like inside…gothic horror disguised by tinselly “sparkles”…and it turns out to be tiny too. To learn that it’s called humped bladderwort is almost too precious to be true.
Enjoy your new diet. Mwahahahaouch!
Lofty wins.
Oh no! The real Republican Jesus!
(Honestly. He’s white. You can tell by the eyes.)
This is exactly the sort of thing that one can imagine, (if we could see closely related species), natural selection eventually and almost inevitably producing, whereas the idea that a loving god could do it is an absurdity, (unless it’s totally fucked-up).
So many pretty prasinophytes!
Daddy like.
Colorful, but it looks like a Don Martin cartoon gone wrong. And no tongue to boot.
Ooooh, pretty!
It looks like a Rastafarian cyber-zombie preparing to chunder.
Whatever that thing is, it is getting a Treble Energy Bolt dead-center as soon as my ST finishes charging up…