
  1. chigau (I don't like this eternal 'nym thing, either) says

    First, I googled to see if this is really a movie.
    Next, I checked if it is available on DVD.
    It is.

  2. Menyambal --- Ooo, look! A garage sale ... says

    I’ve been watching _Father Ted_. This looks like more Ireland fun.

  3. Outrage Zombie says

    The twist ending is some of those poor monsters don’t starve to death, right?

  4. says

    This movie is actually good! Not just in the so bad, it’s amazing way (though it is that, too) but they actually made it really well with regards to camera angles and so on.

    I can strongly recommend it!

  5. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Tentacled creatures that can’t eat you if your blood alcohol is above a certain level?


  6. Reginald Selkirk says

    that can’t eat you if your blood alcohol is above a certain level? Set in Ireland?

    They will starve.
    I am reminded of The Andromeda Strain, in which blood pH was a critical factor in infection.

  7. Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thought says

    Rey Fox

    Sounds stupid.

    Not if your blood alcohol is above a certain level.

    So: drinking starts before the movie.

  8. says

    We rented it from Amazon video. It’s a very fun movie. It’s actually a lot like Local Hero, one of my favorite films from the 1980s – a warm, affectionate look at the eccentric residents of a small seaside town reacting to a weird situation brought on by outsiders. Only in Local Hero the outsiders worked for a Texas oil company and in Grabbers the outsiders are vicious alien predator tentacle beasties.
    Supposedly the director took the two leads out, got them drunk and filmed them so they could see what they were like plastered.
    Harrumph. My spell checker doesn’t recognize “beasties”. Useless bloody thing.

  9. says

    Half the reason I wanted to see it was I’d just seen the first series of Coupling and was curious to see the guy who played Jeff playing a non-weirdo.
    It’s unlike Coupling in that less than half the dialog is about sex and I’m pretty sure there weren’t any scenes that consisted entirely of amusing misunderstandings involving a euphemism for naughty bits.

  10. sc_770d159609e0f8deaa72849e3731a29d says

    Malt does more than Milton can
    To justify God’s ways to man
    And if you don’t believe that’s true
    The grabbers come and eat up you.

  11. birgerjohansson says

    Ha! I mentined the film at the Lounge months ago. (Yes, I am a grumpy old fart who discovered Lord Of The Rings five years before most other Swedes. Get off my lawn!)

    Actually this film seems to be more cerebral than most horror films with a SF component.