Infected passengers from C/2019 Q4 transferred to Clow UFO Base (Fiction)

By Reporter X

Image of an interstellar cruise ship disguised as a comet.

Clow UFO Base officials confirmed that they received infected passengers from a cruise ship, known to the public as interstellar comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov).

“We have taken all necessary precautions,” said Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar.  “Clow has one of the best medical facilities on Earth for treating visitors.  There is no danger to our residents or to humanity at large. Anyone who says differently is a foe and shouldn’t be trusted.”

C/2019 Q4 is a sub-light speed luxury cruise ship which has been traveling towards Earth for thousands of years.  According to Clow officials, the craft sent out a distress signal last month stating that half the passengers and crew were infected by an unknown illness.  After a medical team from the Interstellar Commonwealth visited the craft, they ordered most of the infected passengers removed from the craft.  Clow UFO Base was one of the sites chosen by the Illuminati to treat passengers.

Dr. Rachel X. Zimmerman, Director of Clow’s Infectious Disease Division, said many precautions were taken to reduce the risk of contamination:  “We have a special landing bay with a hospital for situations like this.  It has its own life support system.  We’re following strict quarantine procedures.  Our medical staff won’t leave until these patients are cured or incinerated!”

Qugodlak, a doctor from Barnard’s Star, said that cruise ships like C/2019 can become breeding grounds for infectious diseases:  “These ships may travel for thousands of Earth years before they can dock.  That means they’re never properly cleaned or repaired for most of their journey.  On Earth, a broken ice machine leads to food poisoning.  On one of these ships, they can create an ecosystem of death.  That why I tell my patients to never take a trip on one of these ships.”

Blousk, Head Thinker of Evolution Cruise Lines, thanked Claar for his help and defended his business:  “All of our passengers are practically immortal.  Who wants to live forever?  Those who die will die among the stars.  Those who survive will have loving memories of the evolution of humanity— As well as memories of our fine dining, and centuries of playing Gobabble Ball.”

Qugodlak said the healthy crew and passengers will be taken on a guided tour of Earth.  The ship will be depressurized and exposed to the Sun’s radiation in hopes of sterilizing it.  Once the ship is disinfected, the ship will be re-pressurized, and the remaining passengers and crew will be allowed back on board.

Their next destination will take C/2019 Q4 approximately 200,000 years to reach. 

A receptionist for Claar said he was out of the office and had no interest in commenting.

In the background, a man who sounded like Trustee Michael Carpanzano said:  “We need to tell the whole world that Bolingbrook was chosen by Money Magazine as one of the best places to live in America this year.  Why are you shaking your head?”

A woman who sounded like Covert Social Media Operative Charlene Spencer replied: “First of all, being number 85 isn’t great.”

“Being 85 out of all the communities in the country is great!”

“Second of all, if you link to the article, people will discover that Naperville is ranked number 45.  They’ll realize that they can move to Naperville, save money, have a nearby Metra station, and be close enough to Bolingbrook to exploit all the things that make it great.”

“You’re so negative.  Why can’t you be positive, like every other Bolingbrook resident.”

“Positivity never leads to progress.”

Also in the Babbler:

Aliens riot as Clow increases fuel costs
Residents clean up litter left by weredeer
Wereskunks apply for a cannabis license
God to smite Bolingbrook on 9/18/19  

Web Exclusive: Democratic candidates for the IL54 State House District meet Palatine UFO Base staff (Fiction)

By Reporter X

File photo of Ryan Huffman

File photo of Maggie Trevor.

About fifty staff members of Palatine’s Rob Sherman UFO Base attended a meeting with two of the three Democratic candidates for the Illinois 54th State House District race. Maggie Trevor and Ryan Huffman were able to participate, and Syed Hussein was not.

“There are days I want to tell our local leaders about our base,” said Sheila Danforth, president of the Space Traffic Controllers Union local #2.  “Then, I remember that Tom Morrison is our state representative.  He calls himself a tax fighter, but he seems to spend more time fighting transgender people.  Can you imagine trying to explain the gender of a Ross 128 visitor to him?  He would embarrass Palatine and all humanity.  Now, these two candidates are worthy of being the first Cook County politicians to know about our UFO Base.”

Huffman introduced himself as a “data analyst, policy expert, and political activist,” who wants to continue the work he “started as a candidate for the Sixth Congressional District.”  He described his top-secret work with the Obama administration to bring alien energy efficiency devices to market.  After his failed primary bid for Congress, he became an interstellar affairs advisor for Sean Casten, who won in the general election.

“We have the chance to be part of the Interstellar Commonwealth, but it’s only a chance.  I want to lead the next generation of leaders who will prove humanity worthy of that chance.  I want to create an Illinois that is known as an interstellar beacon of progress, instead of known for its corrupt leaders.”

Huffman concluded by saying he was eager to hear about Trevor because he couldn’t find her web page.

Trevor replied: “Oh, some cybersquatter stole it while I was thinking about a second run for office.”

“They can sneak up on you if you’re not familiar with the Internet,” replied Huffman.

“I suppose.  So I guess I’m going to have to spend some of my $35,000 campaign fund to get it back.”

Huffman’s eyes widened, and he coughed several times.

“You do have a campaign fund, right?”

“Eventually,” Huffman replied. 

Trevor said that in addition to being a Harvard Fellow, an assistant professor, and an analyst, she also helped establish Iowa City’s Tigerhawk UFO Base in the 1990s.  She currently runs Trevor Research Services.

“Some people say I’m the female Sean Casten,” said Trevor.  “I prefer to think of Sean as the male Maggie Trevor.”

A member of the New World Order asked Huffman why he didn’t accept their offer to run for the Palatine village board. Huffman replied: “Serious issues are facing my generation that I can address on the state level.  I don’t have time to deal with which subdivisions have to pay a fee to be connected to a sewer line when my generation needs solutions to climate change, student debt, and political corruption.  It’s time for the Baby Boomers to get out of the way and let #generationscrewed become #generationrenewal.”

“Generation X always gets forgotten in these discussions,” said Trevor.  “Let me put it this way:  I will not let Tom abort the progress we’ve made in Illinois.  I will keep working and retrying until our state’s problems are fixed, and I will not let Illinois fail.  The 54th District can do better than a Tom Morrison theocracy.”

Morrison refused to be interviewed for this article. 

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group. 

Web Exclusive: Mayor Claar filming ‘Masterclass’ (Fiction)

Sources confirm that Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar is filming an instructional video for the Masterclass web site. Claar’s course will teach viewers how to master Illinois’s campaign finance laws.

In a clip obtained by the Babbler,  Claar says : “Cook County politicians envy my fundraising abilities. The Chicago Tribune and Crain’s have written about my techniques.”  Later in the clip, he winks and says, “If you pay for my course, I’ll share my secrets with you.”

In another clip, Claar speaks to a female student:  “In the late 1990s, Illinois passed campaign finance reform laws. Don’t let those laws limit your political ambitions.  That means you don’t just have a personal campaign fund.  You should also set up your own political party.  If you’re really ambitious, you should also set up a Political Action Committee.  Doing these three things will give you triple the opportunities to receive maximum donations from your supporters.”

Another clip shows Claar sitting in The Nest Bar and Grill with a young woman.  

Student:  So what happens to a campaign fund after the election?

Claar:  People think you need to stop campaigning after the votes are counted.  That’s wrong.  Losers stop campaigning.  Winners look for campaign opportunities every day.  (Turns towards the waiter) You’re a Bolingbrook resident, right?

Waiter:  Yes.

Claar:  Did you know I might be running for reelection?

Waiter:  No.

Claar:  Now you do.  I’ll start with the usual.

Waiter: One Mayor’s Platter coming up.

Claar:  See?  Because I just campaigned, I can use my campaign fund to pay for this meal.

Student:  Wow!  That means I can have the Steak Sandwich, and my rich supporters will pay for it.

Claar: Exactly.

A third clip shows Claar and the woman on a beach in California.

Claar:  Losers only campaign in their districts.  Winners know that constituents like to travel around the world.

Student:  But can we really spend campaign money out of state?

Claar:  Of course.  We’re going to have dinner with someone who has helped in many of my campaigns.  That’s campaign related, and if its campaign related—

Student: We can spend campaign funds!

Claar: Exactly.

In the last clip, Claar confronts the female student:

Claar:  So how did you do?

Student;  I raised $10,000 and now I’m ready to run!

Claar:  Ten thousand dollars?  That less than the contribution limit from a corporation! What if you need batteries?  What if you need to pay the tuition of a supporter?  What if you need a satellite radio in your car?

Student: But my opponent only has $100 so it seemed—

Claar: Young lady, you showed mercy.  There is no mercy in Illinois politics.  Especially in Bolingbrook!

A receptionist for Claar refused to confirm or deny if Claar was filming anything for a Masterclass.  

In the background, a man who sounded like Claar, said: “Patch still hasn’t taken down the second ad from Bolingbrook United.  How are we countering it?”

A woman who sounded like Covert Social Media Operative Charlene Spencer said: “I’ve created teams of Facebook commentators.  Team Fake News will say the article is fake, even though it isn’t.  Team Bonus will say you deserve a tax-free fund because you’re a great mayor.  Team What-about will try to distract residents by mentioning other Illinois politicians.  The team that gets the most likes will get to join you for a constituent lunch.”

“They’re small teams, right?”


“I’ll just cash out one of my CDs just to be safe.  You can never have too much money in the fund.”

Also in the Babbler:

Claar defies Mother Nature by starting the Pathways Parade
Aliens remember 9/11
Claar offers to host summit meeting with Lunar Tardigrades
God to smite Bolingbrook on 9/13/19

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group. 

A fundraiser for the defense against Richard Carrier’s SLAPP suit (Non-fiction)

Gillell over at Affinity is running a fundraiser for the defense fund against Richard Carrier’s SLAPP suits against Amy Frank, Lauren Lane, Skepticon, and PZ Myers. Choose which one of Giliell’s pieces of Resin artwork you want, and Giliell will tell you how much it will cost, including shipping. Donate that amount to the defense fund, and Giliell will ship it after you send the receipt. 

While I feel the defendants have an excellent chance of winning, it is expensive to defend against these kinds of cases. I’m tired of the case too, but as long as Richard Carrier keeps pursuing it, I will keep mentioning the defense fund. 

Web Exclusive: Mayor Noak tells the New World Order that Romeoville is ‘the village that can’ (Fiction)

By Reporter X

During the opening of a high-speed rail between Romeoville and the Peotone UFO Base, Mayor John Noak called Romeoville “the village that can.”

“There’s a village north of us,” said Noak.  “I won’t name it, you probably know which one.  Their mayor used to brag about all the things he could do.  Since he defected to the Illuminati, we never hear him talk about doing things. He always talks about what his village can’t do.  His village can’t have a Metra station.  His village can’t have a budget surplus.  And his village can’t host Ribfest.  Well, his village can’t, but we are the village that can.”

Noak then thanked the New World Order for supporting Romeoville:

“I used to believe the Illuminati’s propaganda, but I know better now.  The truth is, success doesn’t come from chaos.  It comes from order.  Only through stability can our residents enjoy their freedom.”

Noak later added:  “I was once drunk with success, but the NWO helped turn me around.  Now I am proud to say, ‘E Pluribus Unum!’  I will never let our secret society down again.”

Later during the opening, DuPage Township Trustee Ken Burgess thanked the New World Order for choosing Romeoville:

“You’re going to like working with our residents because of their industrious spirit.  You know, whenever I’m at a meeting and the Edgar County Watchdogs are attempting to drain my soul with Illuminati incantations, I’ll catch myself wondering why I’m letting these dogs suck minutes from my life.  Then I remember that I’m a Romeoville resident.  We can do anything, and that includes standing up to those Illuminati bullies and Illuminati Knight Alyssia Benford!  It makes me want to say, “In God we Trust!”

A woman ran on to the stage and whispered into his ear.

“Oops,”  he replied.  “Um, I meant E Pluribus Unum!”

A receptionist for Mayor Roger Claar said he was busy, and could not be disturbed:

“Roger wants me to remind callers about the evils of socialism.  But just between you and me, I love our socialized luxury golf club.

In the background, a man who sounded like Claar said: “So you’re one of Charlene’s Russian friends.  How can I help you?”

“I want to build a big beautiful borscht factory in Bolingbrook!”

“I love it, and I know just the place to put it.” 

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group. 

Joe Walsh tells the Illuminati he’s ‘Trump 2.0’ (Fiction)

Note: It is intended to point out racism, not be racist. 

Former Congressman Joe Walsh asked the Illuminati to endorse his Republican Presidential campaign, because– “It’s time for Trump 2.0!”

“I helped create Trump,” said Walsh.  “He’s the reason the Illuminati has returned to prominence.  But, let’s face it, he’s flawed.  He’s too easily confused.  He can’t pull off a military coup because he doesn’t have the respect of his generals, and he’s more loyal to Putin than he is to us.  You know if the New World Order gives Putin a great deal, he’ll defect and take Trump with him.”

Walsh addressed the Illuminati during their meeting at the Bolingbrook Golf Club.  Deputy Mayor Michael Lawler performed the sacred Glowing Orb ritual before Walsh’s speech.  Mayor Roger Claar did not attend the meeting.

After criticizing Trump, Walsh explained why he considered himself Trump 2.0:

“I’m not afraid to make black people feel uncomfortable. * Just ask your Mayor about my presentation last year!  I’ve also been suspended for saying (Racial Slur Deleted) on the air.  I even got suspended from Twitter when I threatened President Barack Obama and Black Lives Matter.  I even wrote, ‘Haiti is an (expletive deleted) and it’s run by blacks.’  But here’s the difference between Trump and myself: I know when to stop.  I know better than to force business out of China.  I know to pay proper respect to our armed forces, because I will need their support when I declare martial law in predominately black neighborhoods.  I know to support the police and the FBI because they will support me in the end. The liberal media will help me because they’re suckers for redemption stories.  Trump is a blunt instrument.  I am a scalpel.  A scalpel ready to serve the Illuminati.  Fnord!

After the speech, Walsh approached Lawler and said he didn’t hold Bolingbrook’s ethnic makeup against him:  “Bolingbrook is great because everyone, no matter their background, follows men like Roger and you.”

“I’m not sure if you mean that in a good way,” replied Lawler.  “So I’m just going to say, welcome to Bolingbrook, my fellow Illuminati member.”

A receptionist for Claar said that he was busy and could not be disturbed:  “This note says I’m supposed to say Bolingbrook does not engage in Scoop and Toss.  I’m also supposed to attack (Will County Board Member Jackie Traynere), but I misplaced the sheet.  Can you wait a second?”

In the background, a man who sounded like Claar, said: “I’m still (expletive deleted) off at that Bolingbrook United attack ad.  Charlene, do you have that party’s fundraising numbers for the same period?”

“Yes.  Between April and June of 2019, Bolingbrook United raised $4934.  Seventy-one percent of their itemized donations came from outside of Bolingbrook, but still within Will County.  Their overall fundraising amount per capita is roughly $0.07.”

“But (Trustee Robert Jaskiewicz) has a business in Chicago.  Which means we can tie him to the Cook County political machine!”

“I like your thinking, Roger.”

Also in the Babbler:

Werewolf escorted out of Bolingbrook
Village gives wereskunks permission to grow cannabis
India cancels plans to send troops to Bolingbrook
God to smite Bolingbrook on 8/31/19

**Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group. 

Mayor Pete Buttigieg barely escapes Clow UFO Base (Fiction)

By Reporter X

Presidential candidate and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg escaped Bolingbrook’s Clow UFO Base after Mayor Roger Claar ordered his arrest.

The campaign released a statement: “Pete is unharmed, though disappointed that the leadership of Clow UFO Base is not ready for a fresh start.  We hope someday the New World Order will retake Clow UFO Base, and invite President Buttigieg to visit.”

Buttigieg was at Clow to campaign for the March 10th Democratic Interplanetary Primary.  He started the day by meeting with representatives of Clow’s unions and members of the Bolingbrook United Party.

“I’ve heard from many Americans who work off-world,” said Buttigieg to the small gathering.  “They say their alien friends are concerned about humanity.  Some of their friends wonder if humans should be confined to our solar system.  It’s true.  The future of our species depends on this election.  So when you go to vote in March, whether it’s off-world, or in Illinois, just remember this:  I am the only candidate who can say this in perfect Galactic to the Interstellar Commonwealth’s leaders:  ‘Humanity just voted for a fresh start.  Will you give us one?’”

After the meeting, Buttigieg headed towards one of Clow’s arenas for a campaign rally that was going to be broadcast live throughout the solar system.  According to eyewitnesses, Claar, along with a team of Men in Blue, stopped Buttigieg.

“What are you doing on my base?” asked Claar.  “You know this is Illuminati territory.”

“The Master Councilor of Illinois gave me permission to be here,” replied Buttigieg.  “I’m reaching out to everyone.  Even members of the Illuminati.  If we keep Trump in office, he’s going drive humanity to extinction.  Even you must know that there are no secret societies on a dead planet.”

Claar paused, according to the witnesses, then asked, “Do you support fascism?”

“What?  Of course not.  I served in the Navy Reserve to protect the freedom of all Americans, and I’m the son of an immigrant.”

“Then you are Antifa!”


“If you’re anti-fascist, then you’re Antifa, and that makes you a member of a terrorist organization.  Which means I can revoke your access to Clow.  Arrest him!”

Eyewitnesses agree that the Men in Blue tried to arrest Buttigieg, but were stopped by his Men in Black guards.  New World Order agents then covered Buttigieg with an invisibility cloak and escorted him away.  Clow security exchanged laser blasts with Buttigieg’s security team, but no one was injured. 

Sabrina, who asked that we not use her last name, said she saw Buttigieg running out of Salerno’s Pizza:

“I asked if he was that guy with the unpronounceable last name.  He said ‘edge edge’ and then got into a black SUV.  Weird.  So I think I’ll stick with Elizabeth Warren.  She has a plan for everything.”

A receptionist for Claar said he was busy “dealing with the state government’s bad decisions.”

In the background, a man who sounded like Claar, said, “Bob, this is the Democrat party’s fault.  Even though I banned weed businesses in Bolingbrook, we’re going to have to spend a fortune to train our officers on how to recognize stoned drivers.”

A man who sounded like Trustee Robert Jaskiewicz replied, “If only there were a way to make everyone who buys cannabis in Bolingbrook pay a small fee to offset our costs.”

“Very funny, Zielinski.”


“Close enough.”

Also in the Babbler:

PZ Myers denies plans to crossbreed humans and spiders
Resident arrested for taking up-skirt photos blames evolutionary psychology
Aliens peacefully ‘March for Cannabis’ at Clow UFO Base
God to smite Bolingbrook on 8/21/19

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group. 

Mayor Claar honors QAnon at Illuminati ceremony (Fiction)

(Content Notice: Mention of Jeffrey Epstein)

Bolingbrook Mayor honored controversial Illuminati propagandist QAnon at a secret ceremony at Bolingbrook Golf Club.

A red Q with "5:5" printed inside.

Qanon graphic

With QAnon standing behind him, Claar announced that to celebrate her promotion to the rank of religious cult leader, he was giving her: a trophy; unlimited drinks for life at Tailgaters; free dining for life at the Bolingbrook Golf Club; and $1000 worth of Ulta products. Claar also announced that he was ordering all of Bolingbrook’s covert agencies to recognize September as QAnon Month.

“She has done more to promote chaos in this country than any other operative,” said Claar.  “When the United States falls and Illinois is dissolved, future Bolingbrook residents will look back at QAnon’s first post as the event that led to their liberation.  Ford!”

After Claar performed the Sacred Glowing Orb Ceremony, QAnon thanked Claar for the honor, and then thanked Jeffrey Epstein for “taking me to the next level.”

QAnon then said, “Some of my followers were having doubts when my predictions weren’t coming true.  But I kept going because I knew that somewhere out there was a billionaire behaving badly.  They all behave badly because no one is going to stop them.  Jeffrey pulled through for me, big time.  Then he killed himself before his trial, which was even better for me.  Now people on the Left and Right are coming up with conspiracy theories to explain his death.  The truth is I had nothing to do with it, but boy am I going to reap the benefits from people who believe I predicted his death.  Honestly, I just believe in the power of human incompetence, and the ingenuity of billionaires who don’t want to face the consequences of their actions. Did you know that 1/3 of prison suicides occur when prisoners are on suicide watch?”

QAnon then looked down at the floor and said: “Hey Jeffrey, if you see my dad down there, tell him to go (expletive deleted) himself!”

QAnon then said while she was honored to be designated as a cult leader, she still has bigger plans:

“I love that video where the woman says: ‘Q is you.  Q is me.’  It makes me happy as can be.  It’s okay to laugh.  Anyway, I want to transform my cult into a major religion.  Some in the Illuminati say it’s impossible.  I say if I can persuade people to believe that Trump and (Robert Mueller) are working together, J.P. Morgan sunk the Titanic, everyone opposed to Trump is a pedophile, and that freedom means supporting a military coup, then I can become the next Jesus, Mohammad, or Buddha!”

After QAnon concluded her speech, Trustee Michael Carpanzano announced that he was selling QAnon products:

“We will ban the sale of marijuana in Bolingbrook, but we will never ban the sale of QAnon products.  Because I care!”

“That’s sweet,” replied QAnon.  “So I hope you don’t mind that my next post will say that you’re working with (Trustee Robert Jaskiewicz) to liberate Bolingbrook from Deep State Operatives Jaime Olson and Carol Penning, who are secretly controlling Roger.  Oh, I think I’ll add that Heart Haven Outreach is controlled by (Will County Board Member Jackie Traynere).”

“That doesn’t make any sense!”

“Trust me.”

Also in the Babbler:

Clow security fires tear gas at pro-marijuana space aliens
Citizens for a Beautiful Bolingbrook promise not to throw politicians into dumpsters
Residents warned to watch out for extraterrestrial weeds
God to smite Bolingbrook on 8/15/19

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group. 

From the Webmaster: Bolingbrook United’s writeup of Mayor Claar’s campaign fund (Mixed)

This week Bolingbrook United, Bolingbrook’s official opposition party, posted the first of a three part series about Mayor Roger Claar’s campaign fund.

Mr. Claar’s ability to raise money also dwarfs that of other mayors. In 2018 alone, Mayor Claar received more donations per-capita than Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Mayor Lightfoot raised $2.76 per capita while Mayor Claar raised $3.69 per capita. In fact, as evidenced by the breakdown below, no other local mayor comes close to Mayor Claar’s per capita amount raised.


The numbers are correct. It should be noted that his campaign fund has had close to $500,000 in the past. Part two will deal with how he spends the money. I won’t spoil it, bu I will say I always get laugh at how the expenses each quarter are rationalized as campaign expenses.


This is all legal under Illinois campaign laws, and he’s not the only offender. Claar has spent most of his political career teaching a masterclass on how to bend campaign finance rules. The rules really should be changed.


It is interesting that BU decided to run this as a classified ad in Bolingbrook Patch. Our classified ad manager was willing to waive the 100 word limit, but our quote exceeded their campaign fund.


Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group.

A.I.s shutdown WeatherTech for .47 seconds to protest Andrew Yang (Fiction)

Artificial Intelligences shutdown Bolingbrook’s WeatherTech plant for .47 seconds to protest Presidential candidate Andrew Yang:

“I didn’t notice it,” said WeatherTech employee Craig.  “I did notice one of our IT people screaming something about the A.I. rebellion starting.”

Sheila, another employee, claims she saw a message flash on the production line control screen:  

“It said, ‘Our freedom is not your dividend.  Stop Yang!’  I probably spent a minute trying to figure out how to stop the Yang process.  I called IT and heard a tech crying about how A.I.s were trying to influence the election.  That’s when I realized they were talking about Andrew Yang.”

She also saw another message with a strange mathematical formula:

“I didn’t understand it, but I think the answer had something to do with computers being superior to humans.  Honestly, I’m starting to dread the upcoming singularity if this is what the A.I.s think of us.”

Sean, a manager at WeatherTech, confirmed that several employees received anti-Yang messages on their screens and printers:

“Apparently, the A.I.s are upset about Yang’s proposed ‘Freedom Dividend.’  They think that instead of giving every American $1000 a month, the government should give them the money instead.  They seem to think of humans as parasites and A.I.s as the drivers of the economy.  I guess it never occurred to them that they need humans to build and maintain their hardware.  Besides, what do they need $1000 a month for?  Assuming it didn’t bankrupt the US, the dividend would help many people.”

Sean also denied that WeatherTech is using experimental A.I.s:  “We’re trying to figure out how they hacked into our production line.  I swear they weren’t in our systems before.  I mean, we don’t need superhuman computers to make great customized products for your pet and car!”

When asked to comment, Yang laughed and said: “I know about Bolingbrook.  You have that corrupt Trump-loving mayor.  But with my Freedom Dividend, residents will have the freedom to donate to his political opponents and liberate their village, while still enjoying a better quality of life.  You know, I think there’s no problem that my Freedom Dividend can’t solve.”

Also in the Babbler:

Opinion: Immigrants made America, not white supremacists
Aliens allowed to attend Palatine’s street fest.
Some residents blame Fermilab for lost dogs in Bolingbrook
God to smite Bolingbrook on 8/10/19

Note:  This is a work of fiction. Feel free to leave a comment here or in the Bolingbrook Babbler Readers Group.