I think I’ve figured out Trump’s strategy: he is going to be such a jackass that nothing he does carries the ability to shock anyone, anymore. Once he hits zero credibility, he has nothing left to lose.
I think I’ve figured out Trump’s strategy: he is going to be such a jackass that nothing he does carries the ability to shock anyone, anymore. Once he hits zero credibility, he has nothing left to lose.
Controversy swirls around Trump’s declaration that US troops will leave Syria, where they have been sitting as a buffer between Turkish troops and Kurdish irregulars. [stderr]
Lost in all of the noise about Trump’s impeachment, is a bit of fact-nugget about how the US is diligently trying to make the world a worse place.
David Axe reports [db] a rather odd thing: the US and Iraqi government bombed the living crap out of an island in the middle of a river. Their stated reasoning was that ISIS was there. And: explosions!
It looks to me like the Trump administration thinks it’s going to announce a big peace deal and exit with honor from Afghanistan, just in time for the 2020 election campaign.
The cracks began when I started studying psychology as an undergraduate, and we got to the experimental methods and the value of self-reported data.
A US test of MIRV warheads in a ballistic missile. In typical applications, this would be the last thing your eyes were able to see
“Mommy, look! A falling star!”, the child yelled, and pointed. There was a burning line in the sky, splitting into a claw-shape.
The mother enfolded her child in her arms, hugging her tightly to her breast, “Oh, sweetie. Close your eyes and make a wish.” She turned her back on the falling suns and breathed deeply of the warm smell of the child’s hair.
This is depressing; I don’t blame you if you just click ‘Next’.
This posting has been kicking around in the back of my mind for over a year, and (for reasons that will become clear) it has been difficult to pull together.
This story was offered up to me by youtube’s algorithm, because I had been searching for videos about Project Ares.