A saya nomi is a Japanese-style chisel for making scabbards.
A saya nomi is a Japanese-style chisel for making scabbards.
I get lots of emails offering “guest articles” for blogs. By which they mean that they’ll pay me to post some bullshit marketing stuff as though I wrote it.
Celebrity culture has always made no sense to me.
This for the FtB legal defense fund. See [go fund me] for details. Rules are below:
This for the FtB legal defense fund. See [go fund me] for details. Rules are below:
Someone commented somewhere about how I was outfitting people with “stabby things.” I have to say that most of what I have published so far are cooking knives of some sort or another. This is a “stabby thing.”
Bulk mailing a big chunk of Pennsylvania has to be a bit expensive, right? Or maybe not. Perhaps I should write some of my own poetry and bulk mail everyone; then I can claim I am “widely published” or something.
Experiments are still my favorite thing to build, because they always come with some new problem-solving sets.
I know that cosmetic things don’t improve machinery’s lifespan or behavior.
Recent discussion [stderr] got me thinking about safety shoes. For the last two years my official forging shoes have been a pair of old Timberland “euro hikers” (that I wore to Chernobyl) but I know that the laces are flammable because I already set them on fire once.