Another Commission

Please give me feedback if these are getting boring for you, and I can stop and spend my time complaining about the F-35, instead. I’m going to do a series of postings about a knife I recently delivered into the hands of its new person, which I am quite proud of.

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Blowing Bubbles

My friend Michael Helms [helms] is a famous Hollywood portrait photographer, who does head shots of stars as they rise and fall. He’s been bored and has been sending me some of the photos he has been doing out of boredom and – with permission – here are a few of them.

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Shop Update

I haven’t been doing a lot of photos, so I don’t have a photographic narrative of what Q’s been up to. That’s because it’s pretty much the same as every other step of the process, which you’ve already been exposed to. Part of me is thinking there must be a limit to how interesting any number of blobby-looking pieces of glowing red steel can be.

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