But, it will be said, is not the dogma of the immortality of the soul consoling for beings who often find themselves very unhappy here below?

Your host, Jean Meslier
If this should be an illusion, is it not a sweet and agreeable one? Is it not a benefit for man to believe that he can live again and enjoy,sometime, the happiness which is refused to him on earth? Thus, poor mortals! you make your wishes the measure of the truth! Because you desire to live forever, and to be happier, you conclude from thence that you will live forever, and that you will be more fortunate in an unknown world than in the known world, in which you so often suffer! Consent,then, to leave without regret this world, which causes more trouble than pleasure to the majority of you. Resign yourselves to the order of destiny, which decrees that you, like all other beings, should not endure forever. But what will become of me? you ask! What you were several millions of years ago. You were then, I do not know what; resign yourselves, then, to become again in an instant, I do not know what; what you were then; return peaceably to the universal home from which you came without your knowledge into your material form, and pass by without murmuring, like all the beings which surround you!
We are repeatedly told that religious ideas offer infinite consolation to the unfortunate; it is pretended that the idea of the immortality of the soul and of a happier life has a tendency to lift up the heart of man and to sustain him in the midst of the adversities with which he is assailed in this life. Materialism, on the contrary, is, we are told, an afflicting system, tending to degrade man, which ranks him among brutes; which destroys his courage, whose only hope is complete annihilation,tending to lead him to despair, and inducing him to commit suicide as soon as he suffers in this world. The grand policy of theologians is to blow hot and to blow cold, to afflict and to console, to frighten and to reassure.
According to the fictions of theology, the regions of the other life are happy and unhappy. Nothing more difficult than to render one worthy of the abode of felicity; nothing easier than to obtain a place in the abode of torments that Divinity prepares for the unfortunate victims of His eternal fury. Those who find the idea of another life so flattering and so sweet, have they then forgotten that this other life, according to them, is to be accompanied by torments for the majority of mortals? Is not the idea of total annihilation infinitely preferable to the idea of an eternal existence accompanied with suffering and gnashing of teeth? The fear of ceasing to exist, is it more afflicting than the thought of having not always been? The fear of ceasing to be is but an evil for the imagination, which alone brought forth the dogma of another life.
You say, O Christian philosophers, that the idea of a happier life is delightful; we agree; there is no one who would not desire a more agreeable and a more durable existence than the one we enjoy here below.But, if Paradise is tempting, you will admit, also, that hell is frightful. It is very difficult to merit heaven, and very easy to gain hell. Do you not say that one straight and narrow path leads to the happy regions, and that a broad road leads to the regions of the unhappy? Do you not constantly tell us that the number of the chosen ones is very small, and that of the damned is very large? Do we not need, in order to be saved, such grace as your God grants to but few?Well! I tell you that these ideas are by no means consoling; I prefer to be annihilated at once rather than to burn forever; I will tell you that the fate of beasts appears to me more desirable than the fate of the damned; I will tell you that the belief which delivers me from overwhelming fears in this world, appears to me more desirable than the uncertainty in which I am left through belief in a God who, master of His favors, gives them but to His favorites, and who permits all the others to render themselves worthy of eternal punishments. It can be but blind enthusiasm or folly that can prefer a system which evidently encourages improbable conjectures, accompanied by uncertainty and desolating fear.
“But what will become of me? you ask! What you were several millions of years ago.” – that is a good paraphrase of Epicurus’ “Death is nothing to us; for that which has been dissolved into its elements experiences no sensations, and that which has no sensation is nothing to us.”
Meslier seems to have been a student of pagan philosophers, or perhaps the skeptical philosophers that were weaponizing ancient skeptical tropes into the war between catholics and protestants. How he must have cringed whenever he had to tell his flock the lies about an afterlife.
The afterlife is a simple scam: if you sit down, shut up, and behave in this life; eat shit, do what the king says, and do not question why there is so much inequality and oppression in the world – you’ll get a Lexus and an iPhone X after you’re dead.
“But how will it do me any good after I’m dead?” Oh, because you’ll get to live a full life and party with KISS eternally in metal-heaven. Just sit down, shut up, and stop asking questions or you won’t get to heaven when you die. Besides, if you keep asking annoying questions, you may die unexpectedly soon if you get my drift.
It such an obvious scam, I am amazed that so many people fell for it for so long. Of course, those that didn’t may have died unexpectedly soon if you get my drift.
One of Meslier’s points on the absurdity of the whole afterlife and heaven/hell thing is that, supposedly, very few people will make it to heaven — so few that, for the vast majority, afterlife is invariably punishment. It then makes no sense to think of it as a reward. Meslier thinks this is a bug, but I think it may be a feature. A very unlikely, highly desirable reward — why, it’s a lottery!
Perhaps this aspect of belief tickles the same gland as gambling; or perhaps long odds appeal more to the desperate.
Or, more likely, people are quite good at holding contradictory beliefs, and the Dunning-Kruger effect applies to one’s own eligibility for eternal bliss too.
for the vast majority, afterlife is invariably punishment.
I interpreted that as a whack at the calvinists.
To me, this dichotomy is the fundamental…wickedness…of Christianity. What kind of God would prefer followers and worshippers who enjoy the torture of other sentient beings?
Calvinism is the only “logical” Christianity, and Calvinism says that God knows from the beginning of time who will be saved, the Elect. That means that most of us are just playthings, to be tortured for the amusement of The Elect.
That just seems…wicked.
Meh. Carrot and stick are better than only carrot or only stick.
Not a necessary condition, though. It’s the sort of thing that (should) be easy enough for any freethinker such as he.
Sorta, but even more wicked.
It acknowledges one of the implications of the Christian deity’s supposed omni attributes, but not otherwise in any way [more?] “logical” than other strains, but it still ignores the pointlessness of it all unless God not only wants the end state, but all the ancillary suffering leading to it.
(But it’s congruent with the simulation hypothesis :) )
The sentiment expressed musically:
cf. reference to the Salvation Army in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_People_of_the_Abyss