If you read Donald Trump’s victory speech, you can see that we’re going to have a great deal of progress made in the war on authenticity. Trump’s speech was clearly not a carefully prepared and manicured product from a writing-room.
It sucked. But it was authentic gibberish.
CNBC described it as a “gracious” speech, keeping up with the media’s tradition of inauthenticity; had they been concerned with truth and authentic good speechifying they would have said “Trump’s victory speech is a bizzare surrealist ramble through a broken landscape of phrases and half-formed thoughts.”
Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much.
I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.
It’s almost unreadable. This is the guy who complained about teleprompters, because he wants speechifying to be more authentic. That’s a case study of the strategy card players know as “playing to your weak suit.”
People used to ridicule W. for using words like “misunderestimate”. He was an oratorical genius next to Trump. I mean, at least he spoke in sentences. Trump’s style is fascinating in its complete rejection of sentence structure, coherence, consistency and pacing. And yet it works. It’s like staring at a road accident. It’s so fascinating I can’t accept that it’s accidental. He simply can’t be doing this without meaning to.
Turns out that W. was more literate than Trump. Funny old world.
If he wins a nobel prize for literature, it’d be as well-earned as Obama’s nobel peace prize, that’s for sure.
After this year’s nonsense I wouldn’t put it past the Nobel academy.
So? All that means is that sentence structure, coherence, consistency and pacing aren’t necessary to the message he communicates. He’s a demagogue, not an orator.
(Have you never come across the concept of non-verbal communication? It lacks sentences, nevermind their attributes)