Tucker Carlson gives repellent parenting advice

Listen to what he said at a MAGA rally in Georgia

The audience at a Donald Trump rally in Georgia on Wednesday erupted into bizarre chants of “Daddy’s home!” and “Daddy Don!” after an extraordinary and borderline creepy and sexist speech by far-right personality Tucker Carlson likening the Republican presidential candidate to an angry father spanking his daughter.

This man is sick. Someone who fantasizes along these lines and speaks of it with such relish reveals himself to be deeply sadistic and misogynistic.

Carlson has three daughters. I wonder what they make of such utterances


  1. birgerjohansson says

    To quote Stephen Colbert’s comment about the event: “I wonder why they perform so badly among women voters”.

  2. birgerjohansson says

    ‘Fasces’ comes from the rods used as truncheons by the Roman-era police.
    Fascists will fasch.

  3. cartomancer says

    birgerjohansson, #2

    Not quite. The Romans didn’t really have a police force -- there were local organizations of city watchmen called vigiles, who had basic fire-fighting and overseeing of public order duties, but they weren’t state-funded and had very limited powers if any at all. If things got too bad then the city authorities tended to just bring in soldiers.

    The fasces (from fascino, fascinare -- to bind or tie up in a bundle) were the symbols of authority for Roman magistrates -- Consuls, Praetors, Aediles and the like, and were carried around behind the magistrate by a special bodyguard called a Lictor. The more important you were the more Lictores you got, so a Consul had twelve, a Praetor had six, a Curule Aedile had two and so on. Vestal Virgins were even entitled to one Lictor when out and about on their public duties. While Lictores could arrest citizens on the orders of a magistrate, or clear away crowds with sticks, the fasces were really just a symbol that the magistrate possessed the authority to dish out corporal punishment. Indeed, on one occasion where a magistrate actually did have his fasces untied and used to beat a citizen with, this was considered altogether too literal an interpretation of their function, and said magistrate shamed for it.

    The symbolism runs two ways. Firstly, a bundle of sticks represents that people acting together are stronger than people acting alone -- the magistrate was chosen by election, so he represents the combined will of the Romans just as the sticks bound together are harder to break than individual sticks. Secondly, it does represent the possibility of physical punishment. This is why in military contexts the fasces had an axe bound up in the middle of the rods -- representing the possibility not just of corporal but of capital punishment.

    Before Mussolini the symbolism of the fasces in Europe was somewhat benign. It represented properly appointed authority in a Republican regime, and could be found in many contexts as a decorative motif. It is only in the last century that it has become a symbol of overweening military might and strong-man fetishism. Its original symbolism is quite different.

  4. sonofrojblake says

    There’s a man who should be on a register. Someone really ought to be popping round his house and doing a search on his hard drive, the removable one he keeps in the safe.

    Apart from anything else, that little grin that creeps across his face towards the end tells you, when you really didn’t want to know, that he’s getting aroused thinking about it.

  5. DrVanNostrand says

    This is creepy even by Tucker Carlson standards. Thanksgiving must be fun in his home. When do you think he gives out the spankings, before or after the pie? And do the boys get them, or just the naughty girls?

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