
  1. birgerjohansson says

    The Republican party needs far more weird candidates like this. I hope it will be the same in 2026, dooming them to irrelevance.

  2. Holms says

    “…I love her because she’s who she is, obviously she’s not a white person, but I just love…” -- Unless there is something profound hidden outside that short clipping, that’s a hell of a comment to make about your own spouse. But the total forgetfulness of previous positions? That shit is probably the primary requirement for a maga politician. Consistency is simply for other people.

  3. says

    No one, let alone no politician, is 100% consistent forever. But Vance, in his relatively short career as a public loudmouth, is on an extreme.

    On the other extreme would be someone like Bernie Sanders, He has been around for -- how many decades? -- and clips of him from the 80’s have a lot in common with whatever he said today.

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