The GOP gets crazier and crazier

In an earlier post, I wrote about how the GOP is on a slippery slope when it comes to some issues, where in pandering to their base by accepting certain premises like that life begins at conception, they found themselves quickly dragged to the logical end point that embryos produced in the IVF process are children and thus cannot be destroyed. Now they fond themselves struggling to extricate themselves from the mess they put themselves into without disavowing the ‘life begins at conception’ premise because doing so would infuriate their base.

But that is not the only slippery slope that the GOP find itself on. It is as if the floodgates of oil have opened on the slopes and there is no way to halt the descent.

The religious right wing extremists in the party, in their pursuit of creating a Christian nation, are going after their next targets. One is contraception. They seek to overturn the Supreme Court precedent set in 1965 in Griswold v. Connecticut that overturned an 1879 law “that banned the use of any drug, medical device, or other instrument in furthering contraception.” Religious people hate this ruling because it allows people to have sex without the fear of getting pregnant and the thought that people may have sex for pleasure alone strikes them with horror. They are seeking to outlaw birth control once again.

At a Turning Point USA women’s summit held in June, podcast host Alex Clark encouraged women to stop taking their hormonal birth control, because, she said, “it is completely altering your personality” and that “many birth control pills are actually abortifacients.” The same month, Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely claimed that the “Plan B pill kills a baby in the womb once a woman is already pregnant.” And in his concurring opinion to the Dobbs decision, Clarence Thomas suggested that the court reconsider other cases, including Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that granted married couples the right to buy and use contraceptives.

They also seek to reverse the decisions that allowed same-sex marriage and decriminalized homosexual acts. Tennessee is already targeting same-sex marriage.

There are other slippery slopes. CPAC used to be a venue for conservatives to discuss policy issues and how to advance them. Those days are long gone. This year saw Nazis openly attending and recruiting, something that would have been seen in the past as discrediting the conservative movement.

We also see that GOP candidates for major state and national offices no longer feel that need to hide their extreme views to make them palatable to the electorate. They are letting their freak flags fly proudly. Take for example North Carolina. Note that while it is a generally red state, it is not deep red. In fact, the outgoing governor is a Democrat. But Mark Robinson, the current lieutenant governor, was the winner of Tuesday’s Republican primary for governor, and provides yet another example of how the GOP has become a party of extremists.

Robinson has a history of controversial statements. He has described Covid-19 as a “globalist” conspiracy to destroy Donald Trump. In 2021, he criticized efforts to teach LGBTQ+ issues in sex education, referring to transgender and homosexual people as “filth”. He has also said gays are equivalent to “what the cows leave behind” as well as “maggots” and “flies”.

He implied at a campaign event last month that transgender women should be arrested if they use women’s restrooms.

He once described the movie Black Panther as “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by [a] satanic marxist”. He then said it “was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets”.

It should not be a surprise that serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) is a huge fan of Robinson and calls him “Martin Luther King on steroids” and “Martin Luther King times two”, whatever the hell that means.

On The Daily Show Ronny Chieng describes Robinson’s views.

It is hard to imagine that such a person is the party’s standard bearer for the position of chief executive of the state. But as Chieng says, SSAT has made the GOP such that to be successful in the party now, you have to be kind of insane. In contrast, his Democratic opponent for the governor post is Josh Stein, the current attorney general, who seems to be a normal human being.


  1. Matt G says

    Is it that they’ve become extremists, or that they’ve gotten far worse at masking it? Or that they feel more comfortable NOT masking it?

  2. mikey says

    More comfortable not masking, for sure. I saw it immediately the day after the 2016 election.

  3. raven says

    North Carolina’s elected Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is even more extreme than the OP lists.
    He said in 2020 that he wants to go back to the era when women couldn’t vote.


    Mark Robinson’s Bizarre Ramble: ‘I Absolutely Want To Go Back To The America Where Women Couldn’t Vote’

    But just four years ago, Robinson invoked a bizarre hypothetical in which he said he’d “absolutely” like to return to the days when the 19th Amendment didn’t exist ― when women didn’t have the right to vote.

    Strangely enough, quite a few people who voted for him are…women.

    It was said long ago. Women voting for the GOP are like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

  4. raven says

    More from the Huffpost article.
    Mark Robinson is a blatant, open misogynist.
    He really hates women.

    He is also a poly hater. His list of hates includes Muslims, gays, Trans, and Jews.

    Notably absent is him saying anything positive or outlining plans to deal with the problems facing the people of North Carolina.

    “The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,” he wrote on Facebook in December 2017.

    In still more Facebook posts, the GOP gubernatorial nominee strangely equated feminism with sexism and racism.

    There’s plenty more to revisit with Robinson’s attacks on women, including calling them “whores,” “witches” and “rejected drag queens.” There’s also his record of quoting Adolf Hitler, fanning Islamophobia, saying trans people should be arrested for using bathrooms, casting doubts on the Holocaust and spreading countless dangerous conspiracy theories.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    The tories in Britain have also partly given up pretending, but they have not yet reached the depth of their Republican cousins.

    Since the Dems have a pretty good war chest and the Republicans are nearly broke, I look forward to brutal campaign ads quoting the crazies. Let voters see Marjorie Taylor Greene and this Robinson person as symbolic of the Trump-era GOP.

  6. xohjoh2n says


    In today’s news I see:

    Leading counter-terror and extremism experts, including three former Conservative home secretaries [Priti Patel, Sajid Javid and Amber Rudd], have warned senior politicians against using extremism to score political points

    I nearly fucking choked!

  7. says

    Roe, Obergefell and Griswold were always givens, but the case I can’t wait for them to bring up will be Lovings. Let’s see Thomas tap dance around that one!

  8. JM says

    @1 Matt G: All of them at once. The Republican party is caught in a loop where the extremists are doing things that make the moderates leave. Then the Republicans need to keep their numbers up and the only group available for them to recruit from significantly is the extreme right. As the party recruits more extreme right it’s political position (both stated and unstated) moves further right, driving out even more moderates.
    The Republican party has be dancing around the edge of that for a long time but the wealthy that finance the party & the senior elected officials have kept it under control because they didn’t want the party to go too far right. Under Trump it turned into an uncontrolled feedback loop. Trump didn’t understand or care about the problem and casually encouraged it because the hard right supported him more.

  9. birgerjohansson says

    At some point the non-fascist segment of billionaire campaign donors may hopefully see the MAGA train has jumped the tracks and is incapable of governing. They can see the example of Argentina and an economic collapse is not what they want.

    Question: Do the billionaires have the power to help a new conservative party emerge (like when the Republican party replaced the Whigs)?

  10. Deepak Shetty says

    they found themselves quickly dragged to the logical end point that embryos produced in the IVF process are children and thus cannot be destroyed

    I wonder what happens when they realize that miscarriages should be involuntary manslaughter by their logic.

    Religious people hate this ruling because it allows otherpeople to have sex without the fear of getting pregnant


  11. xohjoh2n says


    I wonder what happens when they realize that miscarriages should be involuntary manslaughter by their logic.

    You realise that’s already happening, right?

  12. Pierce R. Butler says

    birgerjohansson @ # 11: Do the billionaires have the power to help a new conservative party emerge (like when the Republican party replaced the Whigs)?

    The situations don’t compare very closely. The Whigs had officially dissolved before the Republicans founded their new party, and the political situation in the US continued its fragmentation (Lincoln, f’rinstance, won in 1860 against three other national-level candidates, divided by both party and region), driven by racism/slavery and by backlash against blatant and publicly-acknowledged corruption.

    Perhaps the leading similarity: those pushing for secession/”national divorce” then and now both imagine(d) it would come easily.

  13. JM says

    @11 birgerjohansson: They have the money to help one but probably not the organization or leadership to create one. The rich Republicans that have the skills to form a new party are the ones that like it drifting far right, the ones that are both social and economic hard right.
    The rich are aware of the situation at this point at some level. Money for the RNC and Trump’s Pacs has dried up.

  14. flex says

    @11 birgerjohansson,

    Do the billionaires have the power to help a new conservative party emerge

    No need. They have the democratic party as the new conservative party.

    If a new party forms, it will probably come out of the left.

  15. John Morales says

    The term “Grand Old Party” is a traditional nickname for the Republican Party, and the abbreviation “GOP” is a commonly used designation. The term originated in 1875 in the Congressional Record, referring to the party associated with the successful military defense of the Union as “this gallant old party”. The following year in an article in the Cincinnati Commercial, the term was modified to “grand old party”. The first use of the abbreviation is dated 1884.[183]



  16. Deepak Shetty says

    @xohjoh2n @13
    I havent read about that yet. Im assuming it will be on the legislative agenda after they prosecute people who have abortions for murder though.

  17. Deepak Shetty says

    @birgerjohansson @11

    At some point the non-fascist segment of billionaire campaign donors may hopefully see the MAGA train has jumped the tracks and is incapable of governing

    I think most billionaires (even if they are of the non-fascist kind) see incapable of governing as a plus (no regulations!) and they can still rely on the MAGA politicians to get tax breaks passed (Jesus and Trump are both against tax collectors dont you know?)

  18. says

    Non-MAGA voters in NC must turn out in droves. That someone this vicious and crazed could be the official GOP candidate for governor in any state in the union is terrifying.

  19. says

    I’m thinking that the inter-war years in Germany were about the same duration, and probably had a similar sense of skidding out of control.

  20. KG says

    Patel and Braverman are certainly terrorism and extremism experts. Just not counter-… -- rsmith@7

    The warning xohjoh2n mentions looks to be aimed at the government and comes from what counts as the moderate wing of the Tories! That Patel can now appear to be on that wing (Braverman didn’t sign it) shows just how fast the party is shifting to the right. I thought this headlong plunge to the extreme would happen after the approaching election defeat, but it’s well underway. With the defection of Lee Anderson (former deputy party chair, blatant racist) to The British Union of Fascists Reform UK, the pressure on Sunak to go further (in an attempt to prevent more defections) will increase. If there are any more defections, Sunak may decide to call an election while he still has a party of sorts to lead into it.

  21. xohjoh2n says

    @22 KG:

    The warning xohjoh2n mentions looks to be aimed at the government and comes from what counts as the moderate wing of the Tories!

    That’s one interpretation.

    Another I thought of is that this comes about because the tories are introducing a new definition of extremism which will no doubt be interpreted expansively to cover any criticism or disagreement with government policy and any form of protest they don’t like. The letter could be interpreted as a warning to *Labour* not to disagree with the new policy, because that would be “making it political”. And we all know that “making it political” is the worst thing ever and instantly removes all your credibility and no one, not even politicians, should be doing that.

    (Most coverage appears to assume the former, but I can’t imagine preserving the rights of the people is high in their priorities.)

  22. Jazzlet says

    This is a public service announcement
    With guitar
    Know your rights
    All three of them

    Number one
    You have the right not to be killed
    Murder Is a crime!
    Unless it was done
    By a policeman or an aristocrat
    Know your rights

    And number two
    You have the right to food money
    Providing of course
    You don’t mind a little
    Investigation, humiliation
    And if you cross your fingers

    Know your rights
    These are your rights
    Hey, say what, hey

    Know these rights

    Number three
    You have the right to free speech
    As long as you’re not
    Dumb enough to actually try it

    Know your rights
    These are your rights
    Know your rights
    These are your rights
    All three of ’em

    And it has been suggested
    In some quarters that this is not enough

    Get off the streets
    Get off the streets

  23. sonofrojblake says

    If a new party forms, it will probably come out of the left.

    Judean People’s Front? Or People’s Front of Judea? Probably both, and they’ll spend most of their time attacking each other…

  24. says


    I think Thomas will have an easy time with Loving: He’ll say “It’s a states’ rights thing,” and Virginia just happens to have a Democratic legislature.

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