I had no idea they were so progressive! If my local churches had religious services like this I’d be going three times a week. Scandinavian languages are all so pretty to listen to, anyway (don’t worry, the link has English subtitles).
I had no idea they were so progressive! If my local churches had religious services like this I’d be going three times a week. Scandinavian languages are all so pretty to listen to, anyway (don’t worry, the link has English subtitles).
I don’t recommend reading Comfort’s book, but I can whole-heartedly recommend the reviews of You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can’t Make Him Think: Answers to Questions from Angry Skeptics as worthy and entertaining. As you might guess, they aren’t kind.
The best review, though, gives the book five stars. But then, what else would you expect from General JC Christian, Patriot?
The Daily Show has compiled their best evolution moments. I hadn’t known this was such a funny business!
Jon Stewart is so good at drawing blood from his targets.
Normally, I detest the stereotypical convention of the portrayal of evolution as a progressive process — it’s so linear and simple-minded — but somehow it fits perfectly with this example.
Try searching for a “magic shop” in Queensland in the Australian white pages. They have a lot of them.
(via Randi)
You’ll have to think about this one. There probably is no teapot.