We’re home at last!

We’re back from our excursion to Madison — a day driving there, two days with Iliana, and a day driving back, but totally worth it. You may recall that I mention the distinct change at the border with Wisconsin (“adult novelty stores, billboards for cheese, and roadkill as far as the eye can see”), but we also saw something in common: so many “Pro Life Across America” billboard spread across both Minnesota and Wisconsin. They’ve gotten more condensed over the years, at least. Nowadays they’re just a photo of a cute, plump 6-month old babies with the words Heartbeat 18 Days. That’s all. Not even grammatical. We’re just supposed to leap to the conclusion they want.

I have a much more interesting statement: Poop 19 Seconds.

That’s from Bethany Brookshire’s Insomniac Academy of brief YouTube shorts with fascinating facts about anatomy. Check it out!


  1. birgerjohansson says

    Having grown up on a farm with cows and horses, I can testify she is correct!

  2. birgerjohansson says

    …while Trump would be an extreme outlier in the other direction, judging by his nighttime activities.

  3. StevoR says

    If one heartbeat takes 18 days to occur that baby is well and truly dead.

    By comparison to pooping here.

    Oh and according to the buy-bull, a baby doesn’t count as alive until one month – out of the womb.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    Maybe you can make Wisconsin the second state of Minnesota? Their governor would get the title second-best-governor.
    Hey, it was Tr*mp that started.

  5. StevoR says

    ^ Leviticus 27- 6 as cited here – 1.51 mark by Betty Bowers (abortion explained clip) minute under 5 mins long in total.

    It occurs tome that pro-choice people could respond with a billboard or three showing a fetus or embryo at the 18 day mark – it need not even be a human one to drive the point home further. See :


    Plus : https://ifunny.co/picture/these-are-not-human-beings-if-that-offends-you-tough-jxxVOI1W6

  6. says

    PZ mentions a billboard with a photo of a cute, plump 6-month old babies with the words “Heartbeat 18 Days”.
    I reply to their no context, no info “Heartbeat 18 Days” that’s a load of crap. (In wordplay reference to PZ’s elephant video.)
    As everyone here has pointed out, a clump of cells that spasms is NOT a viable baby. If it is, let’s see these aholes deliver it and raise it into an imbecilic, bible thumping adult.

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