The FDA hates sunshine and exercise?

Remember this: Trump wants to put RFK Jr. in charge of America’s public health policy.

FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, | have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.

There’s a bunch of both dangerous (opposed by the FDA) and innocuous (not opposed, and sometimes endorsed, by the FDA) things in that list, and a not-so-subtle paranoid conspiracy theory behind it all, but what I find particularly worrisome is the threat at the end. If you aren’t in favor of raw milk, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and random psychedelics, pack your bags, you’re going on Donald Trump’s list of undesirables.

At least I hate the Sacklers and Martin Shkreli as much as anyone, and I’m on the side of sunshine and exercise. In fact, I just had my morning vitamins and am going to go on a walk.


  1. raven says

    The christofascists didn’t learn much from the last pandemic, Covid-19 virus.
    The one which killed 1.4 million Americans and left millions more with long Covid-19 virus syndromes.

    Trumps mishandling of that pandemic had a lot to do with why he lost his last election.

    It’s estimated that 330,000 antivaxxers died unnecessarily from not getting the available vaccines.
    It’s estimated that the vaccines saved the lives of 3.2 million Americans, one of which is likely myself.

    There will be another pandemic some day.
    We just don’t know which new virus or when.

    Right now, lethal Mpox is creeping along in Africa and the bird flu is showing up in unexpected places in the USA.
    We don’t know, but it is possible that either of those viruses is a few mutations away from…a new pandemic.

  2. raven says

    One of the reasons why the US response to the Covid-19 virus was so inept and slow, was due to past attacks on the US CDC.

    The CDC used to be one of the world’s best organizations for understanding and fighting communicable diseases, ones caused by living pathogens.

    After years of attacks, not enough funding, and being used as a political football, the CDC ended up hollowed out.
    When it came time to move fast, they couldn’t do it. The expertise and organizational leadership weren’t there.

    Who ended up leading the anti-pandemic efforts were Tony Fauci and the NIAID instead. At least no one had been kicking them around for years.

    I’m sure Robert Kennedy jr. et al would go after NIH and NIAID as well. They are after all, centers of modern medical research.

  3. Snarki, child of Loki says

    Be a bit careful about that “sunshine” thing, because it is too easy to get radiation burns from that minimally-shielded fusion reactor overhead.

  4. Hemidactylus says

    Vitamins, exercise, sunshine, and…raw milk? One of these things is not like the others.

    If RFK Jr gets near the public health power structure I wonder how long before vaccines are banned and preventable communicable diseases make an even more resounding come back. Plague rat.

  5. robro says

    As I understand it, the FDA’s stance against psychedelics was largely a relic of Republican policy, particularly Richard Nixon’s, so I guess the numbskulls are changing their tune. The FDA has softened their stance somewhat in recent years so researchers have more opportunity to explore how psychedelics might help with some mental illnesses. The possible benefits are TBD, so that’s not an invitation to drop a bunch of LSD or micro-dose mushrooms.

    And I just confirmed for myself that as I recalled, hydroxychloroquine was one of those COVID-19 panaceas that floated around briefly. It didn’t prove to have any benefit.

  6. Doc Bill says

    It’s serious business. It’s happened before. Trump installed Michael Caputo, a rethuglican “strategist” as a communications director in the CDC during Covid, as I recall. His job, which he did, was to alter reports coming out of the CDC to align with statements and beliefs of Trump. Now, the thing about people who actually obey the law and have professional ethics is that there is nothing they can do about it short of revolution. It’s a real battle between keeping your job and battling injustice. However, the heat was on and Caputo eventually resigned due to “medical conditions.” Caputo was also involved in Russia, Russia, Russia and a subject of the Mueller investigation.

    Again, it happened under George W. Bush who appointed a stooge as communications director at NASA. His job was to suppress any reports mentioning climate change or the Big Bang (dog know why!) The stooge resigned after if was discovered he forged his resume having never actually graduated from Texas A&M, as I recall.

    It only takes a few people in key positions to poison an entire organization.

  7. Hemidactylus says

    The infamous exemplars Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers are potential outcomes of experimenting with psychedelics, right? Not a good look. Reminds me of the egg in a frying pan commercial.

  8. Kagehi says

    @4 Snarki, child of Loki
    Yeah, was going to say, do they think there is a “conspiracy” to sell people sun screen, or that the vast number of pasty white dermatologists in the country are all somehow making money from telling people to stay out of the sun, just like they do? Because, seriously, unless this is some weird attempt to shift the US back towards a more sane view of naturism and nude beaches, which I seriously freaking doubt given that these right wing nutjobs are the people literally responsible for the sort of madness you get on every single media site in existence in which said sites have panic attacks over, “OMG a female nipple!”, I very much doubt there is any sort of sanity involved with including “sunlight” as something on that list. Oh, and are these nuts not also the people who are anti-solar?

    Yeah, sorry, but I rather suspect that those two have done way more than just psychedelics. And even if they have not, there is a reason why tribal people, when they used them, employed ritual to “guide” people’s pre-drug mental state into something that would be conducive to the preferred outcomes – if you go into such a thing already convinced of utterly stupid things, and obsessing over whether or not they are true, the likely outcome of the experience is going to be one of, “feeling even more connected to all the crazy shit you already imagine is happening.”, and not necessarily in a “good way”. The value these things have is somewhat tempered by the fact that they don’t “fix” stupid, or crazy, or pseudoscientific thinking, or anything of the sort. They might make you, in theory, more empathetic, but maybe only to people that think the same absurd things, or “more connected” to what ever silly nonsense you already believe (magic, trickle down economics, etc.), but they don’t make you smarter, or give you incite into what things you already think are true, which are complete BS.

    Its kind of like if someone who is a complete ass became depressed, and instead of sending them to some place where they might learn how f-ed up everything they believe really is, and guide them to be better by realizing that the world is reacting to them being an ass, you instead sent them to someone who is an expert in self affirmation, and telling them how totally never wrong they are. Just because the tool can be used to screw someone up worse doesn’t mean its not, if used right, a useful tool.

  9. robro says

    Hemidactylus #8 I know quite a few people who did a fair amount of psychedelics, myself included, and we didn’t end ip like Joe or that other guy. So maybe it’s not the meds but other things that lead to those behaviors.

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