How weird are they getting?

This weird.

Trump supporters are carrying around a pretend jar of JD Vance’s jizz to mock Democrats that are unable to conceive children, just in case anyone wonders why we think they are a cult and just plain fucking weird

Even if it’s just pretend, this is a gross concept.


  1. raven says

    Since when is the ability to conceive children unusual and noteworthy?

    It is true of most people living today at 90%.
    Infertility runs around 10% in the USA and there is no reason to expect that it is more common among Democrats than Republicans.

    Yeah, this makes no sense.
    It’s aimed at VP Harris, who has two children, both adopted when she married her husband.

    FWIW, I’m not voting for the most fertile person for president. It’s completely irrelevant.
    I’m voting for the best qualified person to be president and it isn’t that mentally failing old guy or the wacko senator from Ohio.

  2. says

    Isn’t a bit early to turn Vance into a relic? I think the pope hasn’t declared hima saint yet. But hey, while they’re already at it, just drain all of his blood and take all his bones and nails too, those always make for the best Christianist fetishes.

  3. StevoR says

    It is a seriously monarchial – dictator-y thing to focus on actually. The idea of a leader being fertile and having kids as their big selling pint, er, point..

  4. Alan G. Humphrey says

    So, is this weird sexual gathering called a lek of cucks? They do seem to want their wives impregnated by the My Cushion guy, right?

  5. birgerjohansson says

    Alan G. Humphrey @ 11 wins… I dunno. He should win someting for coming up with “a lek of cucks”.

  6. robro says

    MAGA = Make America Gross Again

    This may be their “jump the shark” moment. In any case, more and more people are growing tired of the MAGA trolls.

  7. asclepias says

    Weird? Gross? I think this behavior belongs in the “seriously depraved” category.

  8. pilgham says

    I suspect this all started as hoax complete with fake photo. Pubs are too dumb to notice, start doing it for real.

  9. says

    See, that’s the thing. No matter what ridiculous idea someone comes up with, Republicans end up actually doing something even weirder.

  10. outis says

    Oh man oh man Recursive Rabbit @1 has nailed it, this is a obvs a mating/sexual display, complete with hooting and waving of symbols of potence.
    I very much fear the uncovering of rows of prominent, ape-manly red asses is coming next.
    Keeping the eye-bleach ready…

  11. tallora says

    And they have the nerve to accuse people like me of being pervs! Take your weird noncon breeding fetish somewhere private, JFC. This shit is for Colleen Hoover novels, not public policy.

  12. Matt G says

    Even their 12-15-year-old children (and grandchildren) could have told you this was a bad idea.

  13. Larry says

    To paraphrase Hunter S. Thompson, “When the MAGAt’s get weirder, the weirder turn pro.”

  14. Rich Woods says

    @Reginald Selkirk #22:

    “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy, Shannon, it’s like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy,” Vance said. “The American people are much smarter than that. They don’t buy the idea that Kamala Harris represents a fresh start.”

    So because Harris is the current VP and presumably is in the room when the economy is discussed, and policies with the potential for an effect on inflation decided, she wouldn’t represent a fresh start. But Trump, who four years ago had the final word on whether or not such policies were introduced, would be a fresh start.

    He hasn’t really thought this through, has he?

    In any case, hasn’t the Federal Reserve been responsible for inflation policy itself, applying the means of managing inflation, which for years across several administrations has been to keep inflation within 2%? Who is proposing to change this? Trump?

  15. Reginald Selkirk says

    @30: Ignoring the “inflation” context, any mention of Epstein is not good for Vance’s running mate.

  16. curbyrdogma says

    Why don’t they just go all-out and do their “male fertility celebration” the way the Japanese celebrate it? …With Trump’s and Vance’s faces on the giant pee-pee effigies, of course.

  17. Tethys says

    Cults are formed by the same type of people who willingly drank the poisoned kool-aid.

    Is this supposed to be a family friendly rally? Where are the people who wail about tainting their innocent children with filth?

  18. curbyrdogma says

    I’ve said this before but it’s becoming REALLY obvious now, to the point where they’re beyond predictable and entering caricature status. MAGAts aren’t “Christian”; they’re Darwinists — even if they don’t realize it. (Calling them pagans or Darwinists needs to be repeated as often as the “weird” label just to get under their skin.)

    Their overt fixation on who is or isn’t makin’ babies and whose “tribe” is more successful; getting ahead in the DNA race is about evolutionary survival strategy, basically. “Christianity” is just a virtue-signal by co-opting a successful culture-meme that’s supposed to represent superior moral values.

  19. gijoel says

    Why didn’t they get Vance to fill all of those vials. It shouldn’t be that hard, he is a colossal wanker after all.

  20. Jazzlet says

    birgerjohansson @#16
    Unless you are saying Alexei Sayle came up with them to seriously discredit the Republicans wash your mouth out with soap. Sayle is definitely not a right winger.

  21. Akira MacKenzie says

    What amazes me is just how vulgar the uptight, sexually repressed, Bible-fucking Republicans have become. A decade earlier, these shits would be scandalized if anyone mentioned semen in public. Now…

  22. says

    Vance says Trump campaign is expanding messaging beyond loyalists

    …even to all those shmucks and losers who get medals? And chicks who are only a 4 at best? Wow, I’m impressed! /s

  23. Zeckenschwarm says

    I’m looking forward to the VP debate on october 1st. Walz has a lot of experience dealing with kids, I’m sure he can handle one 40 year old child.

  24. says

    Does anyone remember the traditional family value where people carry around the jizz of a politician like a holy fetish? Do MAGA fathers rub one off into their children’s hands and tell them to present that at school as evidence of their virility? I can see that coming.

    What a bunch of freaks.

  25. Lauren Walker says

    Aside from the fact that this is disgusting, bizarre, and perverted, it doesn’t even make sense to me. No amount of ji22 is going to matter if someone is infertile. Though, I’m hardly surprised these people have no idea how sex and reproduction work. Just one more incentive to boost sex education in schools.

  26. F.O. says

    They have to show the manly prowess of their betters, and vicariously bask in that alleged light.

    Because again, they don’t care about policy or morals or self interest, they care about feeling strong and powerful.

    This is why Trump can’t admit sickness.
    This is why punching them is so effective.
    This is why you don’t reason with them, you laugh at them, you humiliate them, you call them weird.

  27. birgerjohansson says

    Jazzlet @ 36
    I was joking. I assumed everyone knows Alexei Sayle is a marxist, and his crazy style of comedy is a great companion piece to the craziness of Vance et al.

    Basically, the antics of hard-line MAGA activists have for a long time overlapped the kind of humor we connect with Monthy Python, The Goodies et cetera.
    Also, for gross lowbrow absurd comedy, see TV comedy ‘The New Statesman’ about the politician Alan B’Stard.
    30 years on, it could be a documentary. When he dumps toxic waste on a scool playground, it is what today would be considered feasible conduct.

  28. StevoR says

    Written by Jim Wright of the Stonekettle Station blog on fb and quoting her e for spot on truth :

    It’s 30 years from now.

    Trump died in prison long ago. America has universal healthcare and taco trucks on every corner. You’ve led a quiet happy prosperous life in an America at peace these last few decades.

    Your parents have recently passed. They were quiet people. Kept to themselves. They never talked about what they did during the Bad Years before Trumpism was finally stamped out, but you always assumed they were on the right side. Of course.

    One day, you’re in the attic, cleaning out their old house. There’s a locked trunk you’ve never seen before. What could be in there?

    You force it open and, oh my god, it’s packed with stained MAGA hats, Gadsden flags, and old The Election Was Stollen [sic] buttons. There’s a picture of your mom in a “Trump Can Grab My P*ssy!” shirt, leaning on your scowling dad, his hairy belly spilling out of a too small shirt cut from an American flag at some rally with a shouting red-faced man in the background. There are certificates for long ago zeroed out NFTs of Trump as an astronaut, they’re not worth the paper they’re printed on and nowadays might even earn you a couple months of community service just for possession. There’s a pack of adult diapers with Trump’s face on each one and are those a pair of golden sneakers, what the heck?

    Worst of all, there are a dozen little cups of JD Vance’s dried…wait, what?


    Why indeed.

    Vote Harris/Walz, don’t make your children ashamed three decades from now.
    – Jim Wright.

    Source :

  29. kenbakermn says

    How do we know it’s fake? Maybe someone bought his old couch on Ebay and started wringing out the cushions.

  30. says

    Also, for gross lowbrow absurd comedy, see TV comedy ‘The New Statesman’ about the politician Alan B’Stard.
    30 years on, it could be a documentary. When he dumps toxic waste on a scool playground, it is what today would be considered feasible conduct.

    Reminded of an anecdote of a company burying some toxic waste on a patch of land. Local government bought the land to build a school despite the company’s protest.
    It was used as a ham-handed libertarian talking point about how companies are responsible and governments aren’t or something to that effect, but I have a sneaking suspicion the local government couldn’t afford to buy any other piece of land because they kept getting their budget slashed to ‘support the economy.’

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