Do you have a positive or negative opinion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives? The right has been howling up a storm, claiming that DEI is a bad, wicked thing and hitching all kinds of anti-DEI campaigns to that idea.
It hasn’t worked. A Post-Ipsos poll asked what people’s attitudes towards DEI were, and a majority said it was a good thing.
The numbers also went up when the pollsters explained what DEI actually meant, which tells us that there’s a lot of bias and misinformation out there. Turn off Fox News, everyone!
Not sure why some people are against diversity. I’d get pretty bored if everyone around me was just like me.
Reminds me of when some people were against Obamacare but loved the ACA.
…and don’t forget “get your government hands off my Medicaid!”
Let all merit rise.
Mediocre white cis men
Need a wake-up call.
The problem is that fascist assholes like Rufo have learned long ago how to spin failure into a conspiracy theory. “THE NUMBERS ARE RIGGED AND FABRICATED TO ADVANCE THE WOKE AGENDA! DON’T BELIEVE THEM!,” and so forth.
an unobfuscated point of contention becoming agreeable? shocking…
The poll was done by the Post, known to have heavy liberal bias. It seems more like the final numbers were a result of their own bias rather than added clarity.
Christopher Rufo has become famous, influential, and beyond doubt wealthier. What other metrics matter?
Only godless liberals would call that “failing”.
It seems so to you because of your own heavy anti-liberal bias.
(heh; don’t piss into the wind if you don’t want to get piss on yourself, Drew)
Learn to read context.
He’s failing to turn voters
Against DEI.
Despite his bluster,
Some Americans value
Fairness in work practice.
DEI is a mixed bag like all employment policies. I’ve seen women progress rapidly in their careers, leap-frogging over equally capable men who have worked and waited for promotional positions to become available. Its annoying but the key thing is the person has to do the job. I’ve seen less than qualified people promoted into positions using DEI policies who have struggled to perform and in the end its not fair on them and counter-productive for the organisation. At the same time I have seen well-qualified capable people passed over because of their gender or sexual orientation. It stinks and some of the best people I have worked with fell into that category.
Texas is the 2nd most diverse state in the USA, despite that, Greg Abbott signed a law banning diversity programs last year that went into effect January of this year. In another poll, Texans supported the ban 49% to 34% against. 311 full and part-time jobs have been lost since the ban became effective at nine academic and five health care campuses in the UT system.
Texas thinks that DEI is just “left-wing indoctrination” at least among the republicans who run this place.
eastexsteve, sorry mate, but…
Well, given that claim, Texas is the 2nd least needy state regarding diversity in the USA, so if it’s gonna be banned anywhere, it’s the 2nd least worst place for it to be banned.
@11 forgive me; but you have spoken like a true capitalist: disgregard the patriarchy and class struggle , the companies need capable people to accumulate more wealth ,yes!
@7 the “Post” in the end is a pro-“free market” , pro-burgeios outlet , owned by one of the most obnoxious capitialists in the world, and showing its “true colors” now and then (especially when there are articles form “the board” coming out), so I really do not know how you could seriously get the idea they are “hard liberals”, on the other hand if you wanted to insinuate that they are “liberal” as in the sense described in the 1st line instead of actually left-wing progressive I’d be inclined to agree, the Post is not actually leftist and it is working agianst system change, who would have thought they’d affirm the status quo in the end?
Yay, Recursive Rabbit!
John Morales, thst is a non-sequitur. That Texas is demographically diverse does not necessarily mean workplaces reflect this diversity, especially wrt positions of high earnings, or leadership.