I guess you could argue that corporate capitalism is a kind of religion

Ken Ham is pissed off at this song from an upcoming Disney movie.

I know nothing about the movie, nor am I interested in seeing it (maybe my grandkids will enjoy it, I don’t know). I don’t think it will turn anyone into worshippers of Sol Invictus. All it is saying is that the world around us is pretty nifty.

Not in Ken Ham’s feeble mind, though.

Imagine if public school students in their science classes were encouraged to worship the sun. And yet this is happening! But how do they get away with it? Well, they just call worshipping the sun “science,” and then claim they can teach this “science” in the public schools! Really the Disney song mentioned above is all about worshipping the sun and stars.

That’s quite a leap, from a cheerful bit of fluff to a sinister plot to inculcate sun worship in public school classrooms. No one is teaching kids to pray to and worship natural objects in the universe.

By the way, he also doesn’t like Neil deGrasse Tyson.

“Our ancestors worshipped the sun. They were far from foolish. It makes good sense to revere the sun and stars because we are their children. The silicon in the rocks, the oxygen in the air, the carbon in our DNA, the iron in our skyscrapers, the silver in our jewelry—were all made in stars, billions of years ago. Our planet, our society, and we ourselves are stardust.”

That statement was made by Neil deGrasse Tyson in the Cosmos series he narrated. Evolutionists encouraged teachers to use this series in public school classrooms.

Oh, how awful: he was suggesting that pre-Christian people were not stupid, and were trying to understand the world as best as they could. Tyson is not an animist. He’s not saying it would be a good idea to worship rocks, but that we should try to understand why some people might have. Damn those public schools! They’re teaching tolerance and empathy! You won’t get any of that in a Ken Ham-approved homeschool.

He really is a fully coked-up conspiracy theorist.

I think it’s about time Christians woke up and understood that even though there are Christian missionaries in the public (Government) school system (and they need our prayers), by and large these schools are actually churches of atheism. Millions of students are being taught that all life and the universe arose by natural processes—by naturalism. But we need to call naturalism what it is—atheism.

Well, so, True Christians™ reject understanding of the natural world? There’s no difference between studying physics, chemistry, and biology and worshipping pagan gods and being an atheist? Good to know.

Please to stay out of education and politics, Ken.


  1. Matt G says

    There are Christian missionaries in public schools? I thought they kicked God out of schools years ago, Ken.

  2. raven says

    Ken Ham is a professional outrage machine and just lying here.
    It’s the same sort of thing the Catholic League of Donohue does or Fox NoNews.

    Well, they just call worshipping the sun “science,” and then claim they can teach this “science” in the public schools!

    This is just a stupid lie.

    But we need to call naturalism what it is—atheism.

    No it isn’t.
    Many or most xians can and do say that…the gods invented natural processes.

    It looks like Ken Ham has to make more and more extreme statements to attract attention.
    Who knows, maybe his loot collection from his fake Ark is down.

  3. Big Boppa says

    It made sense for early people to worship the sun and stars because they could easily point to them to prove their existence. It’s when the chieftains and holy men started making up gods to explain the unexplainable that everything went in the crapper.

  4. raven says

    For those who wonder what Disney did to set off Ken Ham.

    LA Times

    The producer of Disney’s ‘Wish’ achieved a dream with the film and hopes to inspire others
    The power of wish-making, fairy tales and representation will come together on the big screen next month in “Wish,” a movie commemorating Walt Disney Studios’ 100th anniversary.

    The film, which will be released Nov. 22, is set in the Iberian peninsula and tells the story of the magical Kingdom of Rosas.

    The main character is 17-year-old Asha, who senses an evil dark presence in the kingdom’s ruler, King Magnifico. When Asha asks for help from the stars, a fallen star appears to help her save the kingdom.

    It’s a children’s animated movie.
    It has magic in it like a lot of Disney movies such as The Little Mermaid.
    Mermaids don’t become human because they want to.

    I’m underwhelmed.
    Magic doesn’t work in the real world.
    Instead of wishing on stars, to make your dreams come true, you have to actually live your life in a way to make it happen.

    Then again, I’m not the target audience of 12 year olds.
    I hope it is at least a good story with good animation and the kids like it.

    Ken Ham would say that wishing on stars doesn’t work.
    He would say you have to use thoughts and prayer to get what you want.
    Which is also magic and magic that doesn’t work.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    The proto-Jews worshipped the sun, moon and the brighter planets as gods.*
    So sun worship is in line with the Judeo-Cristian tradition.
    The Repubs do not like that, they favor Mammon and Priapus.

    And Mammon is Ken Ham’s secret master (sorta like the way I sacrifice children to Nyarlahotep).

    *See “The Memoirs of God”. A very thorough explanation of the gradual move from paganism through monolatrism to monotheism that took more than a millennium.

  6. imback says

    I do like the full lyrics of the song:

    I’m a Star

    Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?
    Or why flowers in the wind are effortless and eloquent dancers?
    What forms the rings in the trees turns a pine from a seed?

    What’s passed down generationally, to you? (And It’s me)
    And why our eyes all look like microscopic galaxies?
    Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?

    Well, you don’t have to look too hard
    We’re here for all your question marks
    If you’re try’na figure out just who you are
    Don’t look far

    In the sky, and your front yard
    In your heart and in the scars
    If you really wanna know just who you are

    You’re a star (Yes!)
    Boom! Did we just blow your mind? Uh-huh

    Well, I’ve known the entire time
    When it comes to the universe we’re all shareholders
    Get that through your system (Solar!)
    See we’re all just little nebulae in a nursery

    From supernovas now we’ve grown into our history
    We’re taking why’s right out of mystery, closure
    Now we’re taking in all the star exposure!
    We eat the leaves and they eat the sun

    See that’s where all the balls of gas come from
    Hey, you still look like you’re hanging on by a strand
    But If you just see the mushrooms then you’ll understand

    So your dust, is my dust?
    Fantastic! Woohoo!

    Well, you don’t have to look too hard
    It’s all around and not too far
    If you’re try’na figure out just who you are
    You’re a star!

    Do you know you’re a work of art?
    Even in the deepest dark
    If you really wanna know just who you are

    I’m a star!

    Here’s a little fun allegory
    That gets me excitatory
    This might sink in in the morning
    We are our own origin story

    If I’m explaining this poorly
    Well, I’ll let star do it for me
    It’s all quite revelatory
    We are our own origin story

    You don’t have to look too hard
    It’s all around and not too far
    If you try’na figure out just who you are
    You’re a star!

    No matter where you end or start
    We’re all each other’s counterparts
    If you really wanna know just who you are

    I’m a star!
    Ooh, I’m a star!
    Watch out world here I are (Hey, hey)

    You know who’s lookin’ sharp? (Who?)
    Me, I’m a star! (Whoo!)
    You’re a star!

    Watch out world here you are! (Hey, hey)
    You know who’s lookin’ sharp? (Who?)
    You! You’re a star!

  7. stuffin says

    People worshipping anyone or anything more than the God Ken Ham tells them to worship needs to be destroyed and buried. Why do people need to focus on things like hope, dreams and how nature provides us with what we need to live productive fruitful lives.

  8. Robert Webster says

    “Because, unlike other gods I could mention, I can actually SEE the sun.” – George Carlin

  9. astringer says

    That statement was made by Neil deGrasse Tyson in the Cosmos series he narrated.

    Nope… even the quote is inaccurate

    The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff

    Carl Sagan

  10. Pierce R. Butler says

    raven @ # 4, quoting the LA Times: The film, which will be released Nov. 22…

    The 60th anniversary of JFK Day – conspiracy-mongers will perform magnificent contortions in celebration!

  11. Angle says

    Eugh. Yeah, I’ll be honest, the first 9 seconds had me cringing. “When it comes to the universe we’re all shareholders”, really? I think I’ll sit this one out. -_-

  12. says

    Ken the Ham sandwich is quoted: “Well, they just call worshipping the sun “science,” and then claim they can teach this “science” in the public schools!”

    Here is some perspective from our Enchiridion of the ToVPE – –
    As the wonderful insight of ‘St. George the Carlin’ satirically put it: “I’ve begun worshipping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It’s there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, and a lovely day. There’s no mystery, no one asks for money, I don’t have to dress up, and there’s no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to “god” are all answered at about the same 50% rate.
    from his album: Brain Droppings

  13. tprussell says

    @raven Not to go off-topic, but this particular movie looks like it’s aimed at a much younger age than 12. Lots of animated movies span the same demographics as live-action (i.e. a lot of all-ages and adult-only films rather than just kids specifically) but the heavily fairytale/princess/wish-upon-a-star movies are usually more for younger kids since they’re made to sell playsets and stuff

  14. woozy says

    Imagine if public school students in their science classes were encouraged to worship the sun. …. Really the Disney song mentioned above is all about worshipping the sun and stars.

    Um… So… A science class room is … going out to the movies?

  15. says

    I guess you could argue that corporate capitalism is a kind of religion

    You “guess?” Republitarians made a religion out of ECON 101 a long time ago; and they’ve been explicitly presenting it as a religion ever since — a set of doctrines and assertions the can never be questioned or debated, and need never be verified using any real-world evidence or experience.

  16. vucodlak says

    In the public school I attended, we were forced undergo Christian indoctrination during sixth grade science class. Instead of learning anything remotely scientific, we got Young Earth Creationist lies, and Bible stories.

    I pushed back hard. Other students supported me, and we got the administration to say something. The YEC shit mostly stopped after that, but the teacher made me her special project. She tanked my science grade, and forced me to take part in track and field, despite the fact that I had a medical exemption due to severe asthma. She told me if I didn’t risk my life to humiliate myself on the field, she’d make sure I was held back (this could only happen if she tanked all my grades, which were A’s and B’s despite her best efforts), and that would be the end of me.*

    No one with the power to do anything about any of that was willing to help me. I pretty much gave up on trying after that. What was the point, when one vindictive White Christian Nationalist** could destroy everything you’d worked so hard for?

    While that was my worst experience with one of Ham’s “Christian missionaries in the public (Government) school system,” it was hardly my only one. Mandatory Christianity was everywhere in the public schools I attended. From sixth grade onward, however, I never offered any resistance to those instances led by school officials.

    It filled me with anxiety, though. I knew from civics that there was supposed to be a separation of church and state, and I always felt like I was doing something wrong when I went along with the not-really-voluntary Christian prayers and proselytizing. I also knew from experience that, if anyone ever got in trouble for it, it would be the students who paid the price. It was almost a relief when my parents sent me to a private Christian school- at least I knew we weren’t breaking any laws.

    Ken Ham and his allies are White Christian Nationalists, period. The fear, intimidation, and repression people experience when dealing with their “Christian missionaries” is the point of their so-called faith. This has never been about sending souls to heaven or whatever- it’s all about maintaining their power here on Earth.

    WCNs have flooded the US public school system with their agents. Their #1 job is to convert children who fit their narrow view of acceptability by force, and intimidate any don’t fit in into silence until they can enact a more permanent solution to all us non-Christian, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and non-conforming people. Their secondary goal is to destroy public education by turning it into a WCN indoctrination system. We’ve seen this manifested in the past few years in the ‘critical race theory’ flap, and their increasing anti-LGBTQ+ violence.

    *I’d been taught that the absolute worst thing a kid could do was to fail their classes and be held back. As I understood it, being held back was something from which there was no coming back from, and meant that I would have ruined my entire life by the ripe old age of twelve. And that assumes that my parents didn’t kill me outright for being a “lazy disgrace.” They’d threatened to end my life before and, based on the fact that they weren’t shy about hurting me, I believed they do it.

    I told my teacher that I was afraid my parents would hurt me worse than ever if she failed me, because I still believed that, despite everything, she had to feel some kind of duty toward her students, even if she didn’t like me much personally. Too, I had some inkling that teachers were required by law to help in situations like that, and I thought that would mean something. She just smiled and told that that was “too bad,” and that I “should have tried harder.”

    That was the first time I’d ever told an authority figure that my parents were abusing me. I never made that mistake again.

    **She was also a big fan of Lost Cause lies, taught us that slavery wasn’t that bad, and so forth.

  17. astringer says

    larpar @ 14 and CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain @16
    Thanks both, I stand corrected. Always good to learn from this site : )

  18. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 19

    I’d go as far as to say that the fundies made unregulated capitalism a part of Christian dogma mainly because the “commies” were supposedly “godless.”

  19. says

    This is as bad as him, years ago on one of his putrid radio broadcast shorts, brainlessly making up false delusional statements about people flocking into movie theaters, which he dementedly brands as churches, to attend some Star Wars themed religious service. No, seriously. This is exactly one of the most demented of unfounded remarks he ever blared from his lying, mentally sick mouth.

  20. unclefrogy says

    I am appalled at what passes for economic theory in republican circles
    it has become a “true religion” that does not tolerate questions or doubts and worships their dogma regardless of the long term results purely an emotional relationship they fall for the latest BS scam and pipe dream. Unlike the cold clear thinking of those who focus on the bottom line and long term fundamental analysis the market, the economy, the country and society