Don’t fear the octopodes » « You mean there are degrees of Catholic foolishness? Friday Cephalopod: blue baby Sometimes I’m in the mood for a cephalopod, because they look so ethereal, even angelic. Annette Kirchgessner But other times, I’m in the mood for a spider, because they are totally metal and kind of gothic. I understand that that’s not to most people’s taste. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Don’t fear the octopodes » « You mean there are degrees of Catholic foolishness?
azpaul3 says 8 October 2021 at 11:18 am That is the most beautiful spider to grace these pages in some time. Your return to sanity, however temporary, is most welcome. Thank you.
That is the most beautiful spider to grace these pages in some time. Your return to sanity, however temporary, is most welcome. Thank you.
@1 Don’t be sarky ,else the doc will stop doing it .