Needs more Nazi-punching

A group of cowardly jerk-offs gathered at the Emmett Till memorial, which they can’t shoot up anymore because it’s been made bullet-proof, to whimper a bit.

We are here at the Emmett Till monument that represents the Civil Rights Movement for blacks. What we want to know is, where are all of the white people?

Huh. Strange question. I can at least say they aren’t lying in a coffin, battered into unrecognizability, because they were the ones doing the battering. Did they expect a complementary monument to the racists who beat Till to death, shot him, mutilated his body, and threw him into a river? I don’t see any heroics or sacrifices made by those white people, because they got acquitted by an all-white jury.

Nothing has changed. Want to hear Richard Spencer rage about Jews and black people, saying My ancestors fucking enslaved those little pieces of fucking shit? We have been blessed with a recording.

I guess that partly answers where all the white people were.

You know, Richard B. Spencer still has a Twitter account, still gets invited to pontificate on CNN, is still favorably regarded by the alt-right.

Are people still arguing about whether it’s good or bad to punch Nazis? Because think that debate is now settled.


  1. Saad says

    They want to have a calm discussion and are open to have their minds changed on whether black children should be murdered or not. They don’t pose a threat to the black people and POC of the community. Anybody who thinks so is overreacting.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    Gotta wonder what Milo’s motivation is. This reveal might cost him some suckers.

    My suspicion is that it’s a desperate ploy to get back into social media’s good graces by turning on one of his own. Nice try Milo, but it’s way too little, waaaaaaay too late.

  3. blf says

    (Pedant.) Since when is sunlight plus fertilizer said to be a disinfectant?

    The original saying is “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants” (Louis Brandeis, 1914, writing about publicity and its effects on corrupt or dubious practices / practitioners).

  4. vucodlak says

    “But, but, we don’t have any evidence that today’s Nazis are like the originals…”

  5. Alt-X says

    Fancy going to a memorial where white people tortured and killed a child because of racism and asking where the white people are.

    Do white Americans normally hang around memorials to dead children? Is this a thing in the USSA?

  6. blf says

    Do white Americans normally hang around memorials to dead children?

    The memorials make excellent targets for one’s shooty mcshootface practice. As apparently happened previously to the this particular memorial.

  7. Saad says


    Sorry, I forgot we have enough real Nazi apologists around now that even “are open to have their minds changed on whether black children should be murdered or not” doesn’t always come across as sarcasm.

  8. lochaber says

    Can’t even reach a dozen comments before someone shows up defending the nazis and making false equivalences…

  9. militantagnostic says

    My concern about punching Nazis is that it is first step on a slippery slope that could lead to people booing the president when he attends a baseball game.

  10. Rob Grigjanis says

    George Norman @11: You want to shoot one of my nephews in the back of the head? I want to rip off your head and piss down your throat. Nice chat.

  11. says

    @George Norman – So what you’re saying is that your sense of proportion is so completely out of whack that you consider a punch to be equivalent to an execution?

  12. John Morales says

    Abe, there is more than one degree of freedom there; the actual claim is that a punch to a nazi is equivalent to the shooting of a communist.

    (Or: an implicit use of the concept of intersectionalism)

    And, of course, the intimation is that Nazis and Communists are somehow opposites, though in reality both are authoritarian and totalitarian ideologies.

  13. aramad says

    @0 PZ “Are people still arguing about whether it’s good or bad to punch Nazis? Because think that debate is now settled.”

    How so? What new information did this add? We already knew Spencer was a rancid person who despises everyone that isn’t white, and now we ‘learn’ …that he despises jews. Yes, and?

    There is one thing that I enjoy about this recording: the fact that it was released by Milo Yiannopolis. Infighting among enemies is always a bonus.

  14. aramad says

    @2 Saad “They want to have a calm discussion and are open to have their minds changed on whether black children should be murdered or not. They don’t pose a threat to the black people and POC of the community. Anybody who thinks so is overreacting.”

    Can you point to a single person on FTB that has espoused a dialogue-only, zero protesting repsonse to nazism? I have not seen it here a single time.

  15. John Morales says

    aramad @20, Saad’s “they” clearly refers to the alt-rightists themselves.

    (Which makes your question rather inappropriate)

  16. aramad says

    And you thought that meant his comment was thereby not a reference to the arguments that have taken place here? LOL

  17. Frode says

    Anyone left who is in doubt that this is just another proto-Hitler? Thank goodness he hopefully won’t get enough power to turn his nightmares into realities!

  18. John Morales says

    aramad @22:


    Such donkey braying befits you.

    Look: you can either ask who here has made that claim (which you did), or assert that someone here did (which you also did).

    Saad’s point was very sarcastic, and very clear: they (yeah, those “they”) are pretending to be reasonable.

  19. aramad says

    Where do you live, that has donkeys saying LOL? What do you know of me that goes hand in hand with saying LOL? Why is it bad to say “LOL” but not bad to say that your interlocutor is braying like a donkey? So many questions for the curmudgeon-in-residence!

    “Look: you can either ask who here has made that claim (which you did), or assert that someone here did (which you also did).”

    I did the first but not the second.