Skepticon is pranking a couple of losers — every dollar donated is a vote for your choice of recipient of a goofy gift. You can vote for Heina Dadabhoy, Matt Dillahunty, Keith Lowell Jensen, or…what, ME? This must be a mistake. Hang on.
I had to run off and make a bunch of votes for those other people. I don’t need Mormon underpants, or my face on a potato, or a cardboard penis. Especially not the last one. As everyone knows, the penis I was born with is already _____________*. So go vote for everyone else, immediately.
*Choose one:
a) flat.
b) corrugated.
c) floppy.
d) made of 100% recycled wetsuits.
Azkyroth, B*Cos[F(u)]==Y says
One, or two?
trollofreason says
Caine says
Oh, that glitter dick is pure evil. The Beardo would suit you, I think.
Ichthyic says
“Currently Not Appearing in this Film”
Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says
Trick question! We all know it’s corrugated wetsuits.
dianne says
e) all of the above
Lady Mondegreen says
I hear Mormon underpants accomodate corrugated wetsuit penes perfectly. BRB
*votes for PZ*