Just add norovirus and this cruise would be perfect

There’s something called a Conspira-Sea Cruise, and it’s apparently “holistic”, which I suppose is a good thing. You wouldn’t want it to make that trip from LA to Puerto Vallarta in pieces, you know! They’ve got all kinds of speakers: there’s a futurist, a lot of Libertarians, a paranormal investigator, UFO people, a Spiritual Space Cleaner, astrologers, and a child-killer (Andy Wakefield is a speaker), so they’ve got all the people that you’d want to be trapped on a boat with, far from land.

They’ve also got a skeptical journalist on board, giving day-by-day reports of the shenanigans. Thank you, Colin, for taking the hit, and the extra pounds from the buffet, for us. It’s going to be entertaining. It reminds me a bit of the Paradigm Symposium, which I should think about attending this spring, except that it might conflict with a real science meeting I have to attend.

Oh, ooh, there’s a 12 strand DNA person on the cruise! I’ve always wanted to talk to a 12 strand DNA person. Although I’m afraid I wouldn’t understand her. There’s one fellow who has already explained part of the problem.

For right now let’s just say that his own description of himself may explain why his ideas are so outlandish: he says he operates on the high 5th-dimensional plane, and that sometimes he goes as high as the low 6th dimension, so it’s hard for the rest of us on the 3rd dimension to understand him. He explained a couple of times that he’s never worked in this dimension before this lifetime, and seemed a bit put out to be here.

I have got to remember that excuse.


  1. dick says

    What? That must mean human beings don’t operate in all eleven dimensions! (No wonder I find folks so strange.)

    Does it also mean Republicans operate in less dimensions than Democrats? I guess Trump the Chump is truly one-dimensional.

  2. Matrim says

    Only the low 6th? One of the guys I provide support to has gone as high as the 4000th. This dude needs to step his game up.

  3. Jennifer Raff says

    Some of the Paradigm Symposium conflicts with my final exam (friday), but I am seriously thinking of trying to catch the Saturday and Sunday presentations. I’ll let you know…

  4. Trebuchet says

    Wait, they have buffets on “holistic” cruises? How many ways can you fix kale and quinoa?

  5. moarscienceplz says

    I can’t believe they scheduled this cruise to conflict with the new X Files. How can they miss out on such a rich source of evidence?

  6. moarscienceplz says

    Trebuchet, this is a run-of-the-mill cruise to Mexico that they simply booked a block of cabins and some meeting rooms on. I’m pretty sure the only things on it that are “holistic” are the heads of the conspiracy nutters.

  7. Le Chifforobe says

    What do you ask a 12 strand DNA person? Whether their entire belief system is based on the graphic of LeeLoo’s genome in The Fifth Element?

  8. Rich Woods says

    You wouldn’t want it to make that trip from LA to Puerto Vallarta in pieces, you know!

    Damn, wrong ocean. I was hoping they were going to sail through the Bermuda Triangle.

    @Trebuchet #4:

    How many ways can you fix kale and quinoa?

    Only one way: chuck ’em overboard.

  9. says

    he says he operates on the high 5th-dimensional plane, and that sometimes he goes as high as the low 6th dimension, so it’s hard for the rest of us on the 3rd dimension to understand him.

    Oh, I do believe he’s high, the question is “on what?”

  10. robro says

    Perhaps 12-Strand DNA will read from the Book of the Holy Hierotheos. God is perfect and pure, and can not be in direct contact with the material world. So, there must be intermediary gods. How many levels?

  11. Moggie says

    The SPLC knows about the 5th dimension guy, Winston Shrout. He’s a prominent Sovereign Citizen, bilking the gullible with his hokey legal advice. That’s an interesting combination. Do they have admiralty courts in the 5th dimension?