There will be an interesting meeting in London next fall, New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives. The description:
Developments in evolutionary biology and adjacent fields have produced calls for revision of the standard theory of evolution, although the issues involved remain hotly contested. This meeting will present these developments and arguments in a form that will encourage cross-disciplinary discussion and, in particular, involve the humanities and social sciences in order to provide further analytical perspectives and explore the social and philosophical implications.
It’s interesting because it could be enlightening, but it could also be weird and chaotic and a magnet for crackpots. Larry Moran is attending — not as a representative of the crackpot contingent, but, I suspect, to cast a cynical eye on the shenanigans. The Third Way of Evolution gang seems to be excited about the meeting, which is not a good sign — these are people who have taken some useful ideas in evolutionary theory, like epigenetics and niche construction, and turned the dial up to 11 to argue that these concepts are so revolutionary that they demand a complete upheaval of neo-Darwinian thinking.
That’s a shame. It taints some provocative ideas with hyperbole and unjustifiable detours. And, unfortunately, I’ve just learned that the Queen of Hyperbolic Revolutionary Evolution, Susan Mazur, Journalistic Flibbertigibbent, is all wound up about it, which is also not a good sign. She’s raving about Paradigm-Shifters
who will come up with a replacement
for the modern synthesis.
So will the November gathering actually go all the way in recommending neo-Darwinism be replaced? Clearly, the answer depends on the list of invited speakers. Names of the 20 or so presenters will be officially announced by the Royal Society shortly. Hopefully, the outcome of the meeting will also be influenced by audience participation.
Mazur clearly has no idea at all how science works. Twenty people attending a meeting don’t get to suddenly declare that a theory is replaced
, and I don’t care who they are. Modern evolutionary theory is the product of decades of work — it is a large body of ideas and data that cannot suddenly be declared obsolete and wrong by a tiny cadre of weirdos. At best, the outcome of this meeting will be a few papers that will be added to the thousands of existing papers in the scientific literature, and no, their presence will not suddenly cause all prior work to spontaneously combust.
The comment about audience participation
influencing the outcome of the meeting is simply bizarre. That’s not how science works! Could a collection of Manchester United fans show up at the meeting and lobby for the theory that human evolution has been profoundly shaped by participation in football? Sure they could. It wouldn’t matter. Science is defined by the success of models that influence how scientists practice their art, not by popular opinion, the acclaim of crowds, or a vote at some meeting.
What’s really going on, I suspect, is that some people are twisting in an uncomfortable position: they have a nominal respect for the authority of science, but at the same time, they are deeply disturbed by the conclusions of evolutionary theory, which knock apart human exceptionalism and argue against humanity as a product of purposeful progress, so they really really want an alternative to the implications of modern science that opens up a crack to mystical, magical phenomena. All the epigenetics hype, for instance, is coming from people who don’t understand how it works, but think it’s all about how their behavior and will can influence the heritable properties of their offspring — that they can somehow direct evolution with diet and exercise and positive thoughts. So they seize upon random fringe ideas to distract themselves from reality.
I wouldn’t mind attending this meeting myself — there’s the prospect of it being entertainingly shouty or weird — but unfortunately, with a Korean wedding this spring exsanguinating my bank account, I doubt that I’ll be able to afford it. I’ll have to tune into Sandwalk to watch the virtual fireworks.
blf says
Of course Darwinism needs to be paradigm shifted! It, as the mildly deranged penguin points out, fails completely to take into account Atlantis, does not understand cheese grows on migratory plants (originally found / bred in Atlantis), and tolerates peas (never successfully attacked Atlantis, perhaps mostly due its defend-by-sinking strategy). In addition, it’s not paying her any royalties.
Nick Gotts says
Why bother with diet, exercise and positive thoughts, when you could just edit the genome?
Tethys says
No, no, no, I don’t think they are having a conference about Darwinism and evolution. They are having a conference on Neo- Darwinism, which is about how we live in a matrix and if we can just believe it hard enough we could fly, and run up walls, while wearing sunglasses and long black pleather trench coats.
Ray, rude-ass yankee, Bugblatting Flibbertigibbet says
Tethys@3, I though that was about Darwin in sunglasses and a long black leather trench coat, evolving through sheer willpower. Or something like that.
Athywren - This Thing Is Just A Thing says
Ah, no, see, what you’ve missed here, PZ – and I think this is the crux of your misunderstanding – is that they’re having a meeting? So… they can do that.
Meetings are special, don’tcha know?
I was once involved in a meeting where we determined that gravity isn’t real, and for half an hour until some other meeting in France decided otherwise, we could fly like birds. It was quite magical.
Yes, I had had rather a lot to drink that evening. Why do you ask?
aceofspades25 says
PZ you may already know this but your good friend Perry Marshall takes all of his ideas from this Third Way crowd. In one of his comments he was promoting their “revolution” and whenever asked to produce scientific papers to support his assertions, they tend to be writings from the philosopher Guenther Witzany or quotes from Guenther’s good friend James Shapiro.
F [i'm not here, i'm gone] says
Given this and the other tidbits, it rather seems like New Trends in Evolutionary Biology Horror Show
This committee thing and the weirdness of reporters, though, has really annoyed me lately with this “new” Anthropocene epoch. Which, really, is the sort of convenient consensus label that can be decided by a committee, but it all sounds like it hasn’t been in use for years already, and like the epoch just started yesterday.
Very Quantum.
nmgirl2 says
Thanks PZ. I have been wondering about this because the speakers all seem to be Philosophers of science, not scientists.
jack16 says
How have you come to participate in a Korean wedding? I spent a couple of years in South Korea (my son was born there). Did you know there are eighty three US bases in South Korea?
zenlike says