
  1. says

    Actually it’s not entirely clear to me. Why is the octopus on the eel’s head in the first place? I don’t really get what’s happening.

  2. Amphiox says

    Actually it’s not entirely clear to me. Why is the octopus on the eel’s head in the first place? I don’t really get what’s happening.

    Well, it could be coincidence, but I note that the Cephalopod is strategically positioned in the one place where the Chordate can’t grab it with its jaws.

  3. Amphiox says

    Well yeah, but it could have just steered clear entirely.

    Well, the animation doesn’t catch the beginning, and it vamoosed with the standard ink squirt at the end. Perhaps the eel tried to ambush it in close quarters at the beginning.

  4. Grewgills says

    @cervantes #3
    Morays eat octopi, so it is a safe bet the octopus is doing it’s level best to not make the choice between being eaten or having one of it’s arms eaten. There are a fair few octopi around here that have had to sacrifice an arm or two to morays.

  5. Acolyte of Sagan says

    As Dean Martin once (almost) sang;

    “If it makes a great fuss
    ’bout a small octopus
    That’s a moray”.

    I’ll get my coat.

  6. Trebuchet says

    @8: Octopuses. Octopi is incorrect. (/nitpick)

    Clearly, the octopus made the eight seconds and dismounted. 44 points for the rider, 42 for the bull moray, total 86.

  7. Grewgills says

    To pick your nit back, octopi is also acceptable as are simply octopus and octopodes, though the last is a bit pedantic. I take it you come down on the prescriptive rather than descriptive side of the linguistic debate.