The stars are not quite right, so he has not risen…yet. Hope is not appropriate, but you may continue your pointless day-to-day activities with a slight diminution of despair, and may resign yourself to the ongoing prolongation of your existence.
I think that means the party is at my place.
echidna says
The post is very timely for me: we Just had a despairing afternoon playing Arkham Horror, and restored our spirits by watching the Hogfather. Fearful Cthulhumas!
Nathaniel Frein says
PZ! I found a picture of you grading!
chigau (違う) says
May you all be eaten first.
Ray, rude-ass yankee "I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!" says
WooHoo! Party at PZ’s! Road Trip!!!
Lynna, OM says
Thanks, PZ, for starting my day with laughter.
Road conditions are really bad here. I may not be able to make it to my brother’s house, let alone your house. I appreciate the invitation, though.
Akira MacKenzie says
edhidna @ 1
I was hoping that one of my relations would have gotten me that copy of “Mansions of Madness” I put on my Amazon wishlist, but no dice.
Gregory Greenwood says
And now for the traditional Cthulhumas seasonal greeting;
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
And before any abject travellers from the reaches of Faux News complain that this is some ‘war on Christmas’, I would point out that it is not a war – the Great Old One’s no more war with 2000 year old zombie carpenters then humans war with sponges. The Elder Gods have already won…
Note to self – I have never played Arkham Horror or Mansions of Madness. I must rectify this at the earliest opportunity.
Gregory Greenwood says
We wish you a Fearful Cthluhumas;
We wish you a Fearful Cthluhumas;
We wish you a Fearful Cthluhumas and a Squamous New Year.
Dark tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Dark tidings for Cthulumas and a Squamous New Year.
Oh, bring us a Squidy Overlord;
Oh, bring us a Squidy Overlord;
Oh, bring us a Squidy Overlord and let us be eaten first;
We won’t go until He rises;
We won’t go until He rises;
We won’t go until He rises, so bring forth his rebirth.
We wish you a Fearful Cthluhumas;
We wish you a Fearful Cthluhumas;
We wish you a Fearful Cthluhumas and a Squamous New Year!
Anne, Lurking Feminist Harpy & Support Staff says
May you all be eaten first!
Gregory Greenwood, that is awesome.
robinjohnson says
I’m just gonna go ahead and leave this here
Akira MacKenzie says
Ignorant fools! It wouldn’t be Christmas without this Yuletide favorite!
Azuma Hazuki says
In all seriousness, I’d rather deal with Cthulhu than Yahweh any day. Cthulhu doesn’t torture anyone for eternity, and he doesn’t sacrifice his own son, who is also himself, to himself, to stop himself from torturing his own creations for doing what he knew they’d do before he created them.
You know a religion’s got a problem when motherloving Cthulhu is kind and gentle and civilized by comparison to its head god…
Gregory Greenwood says
Here is a little more seasonal Cthulhu-related musical material.
Gregory Greenwood says
And now to… edit another christmas classic – I saw Mommy kissing Yog-Sothoth.
And not forgetting not one but two traditional Cthulhumas Carols…
Gregory Greenwood says
Damnit, Akira MacKenzie beat me to it. It appears I will not be eaten first.
Menyambal says I’ll have a blue solstice, Cthulhu
Lofty says
Just remembered this:
Merry Squidmass.
cicely says
Happy Hogswatch, everybody!
cicely says
Ha! Found It!
Akira MacKenzie says
Here’s an obscure fantasy holiday:
“Happy Chitlásha to all!”
caseloweraz says
Not so obscure that no one’s written a poem about it…
Akira MacKenzie says
caseloweraz @ 21
Yeah, I’ve been suffering with a nasty cold the last couple of days and forgot that Google exists when I posted that.
(Unless you actually recognized it off the bat without looking it up. If so, Otulengba!)