That’s a terrifying thought, actually. The Perth Zoo is featuring a week long lecture series on this important subject. We all go to the zoo for the educational experience, don’t we? Wouldn’t you be happy to spend Aus $660 on learning about animal dreams?
I tried to grok my cat’s dreams, but they mainly seem to involve bloodily tearing apart small rodents and birds, and she sometimes seems to think my ankles are appropriate targets for her aspirations. I think I’ll pass on taking a flight to Australia and shelling out big bucks to a charlatan to get a more ‘meaningful’ reading.
If you haven’t blinded yourself with the force of your facepalming, perhaps you’d like some more Scott Alexander King?
No, actually you didn’t. Sorry.
machintelligence says
According to Freud, what comes between fear and sex?
mwalters says
Is it actually the zoo, or just someone renting their conference space and slapping the zoo’s name on it for false credibility just because it’s where it happens to be taking place? That price tag in particular makes me suspicious.
I work at Cornell University and I see this fairly often where random people will rent the conference rooms at the Hotel School (which is also a real hotel that rents conference space as a business to whoever has the money) and then make a big deal about their “scientific” conference being at Cornell University. Creationists have done it. In reality, it’s no different than renting a room at the airport Hilton, but that doesn’t sound as good on your propaganda.
doubter says
Unfortunately, I have a close relative who occasionally shells out money to an “animal communicator” to find out what her dogs are thinking. I try to maintain a polite silence when she talks about it.
Cuttlefish says
Beat you to it:
mickll says
$660 for new agey animal dreaminess?
Crikey, that’s like 120 pots of beer!
sparkomatic says
Its the conference space the zoo rents out.The zoo itself is great and a few of us from UWA spend time working with animals there. I’m halfway tempted to head and down and check it out but I’m terribly allergic to woo
Scr... Archivist says
I could be mistaken, but I see nothing on that list about learning or education. Isn’t that one of the purposes of zoos?
1. At the beginning of Time, there was no Earth. So where was the Earth Mother hanging out?
2. At least they acknowledge that dreams and visions are not real life.
3. Do not give the zoo animals alcohol!!!
5. I’ll stand over on this spot, away from Scott, thanks.
6. Is this a Pokemon thing?
7. It’s probably not a good idea to get too close to our nickel-iron core. It’s on the warm side.
8. Surrender? The New Age needs to try that a little harder.
9. Coaching? As in preparing people to say what you want them to say when the time is right?
11 and 1. Seriously, though, I find the New Age’s emphasis on “healing” to be kind of sinister.
12. You can use that +1 Amulet of Fertility regardless of your level, but it’s only ever going to be +1.
14. If my spirit animal ends up being a porpoise, wouldn’t I already have found it?
chigau (違う) says
Is a ‘Power Spot’ anything like a G-spot?
leftwingfox says
I will stick with furry conventions. I’m guaranteed fertile messages from animals there, for a fraction of the cost.
davek23 says
Huh. I’d go for the vision quest thing, if I thought for one second that they’d be doing it properly. By which I mean, “with lots and lots of peyote”! :)
Desert Son, OM says
Uh . . . kind of a personal question . . .
*awkward shuffle*
“Inherent psychic abilities?” What oth- . . . ?
Never mind.
Still learning,
Kevin Kehres says
Good grief…I know what my dog is thinking when he dreams.
Kevin Kehres says
@10…no thanks, I don’t like vomiting.
george gonzalez says
I’ll g only if Shirley Mclaine is going to be there, channeling her Mayan Princesses ancestors.
chigau (違う) says
“my cat”
Cuttlefish says
The one thing missing from the pic PZ chose to illustrate this sham with, is the fact that this is the SEVENTH ANNUAL version of this fraud.
It sells, apparently.
Via Kylie, the Perth Zoo apparently rents out the lecture hall to anyone who can afford it; they are not a sponsor.
erichoug says
What always baffles me about stuff like this is that there are people who are smart enough to have gotten to a place in life where they have spare $660 lying around that they, presumably, don’t need, but still dumb enough to spend said money in stupid crap like this.
Muz says
In accordance with advertising standards law, to maintain the lurching emBOLDING manner of speech he has ACQUIRED and is now expected to continue, during the lecture Scott will be randomly bitten on the bum by a variety of animals.
loreo says
Ever looked through a Skymall catalog? Rich people are NOT smarter than the rest of us.
azhael says
Someone turn on the Minchin Signal! (He is from Perth, right?)
Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says
Fer…fertility…? O.O
*runs away and hides*
feralboy12 says
Can you actually develop intuition? It seems like you would already have it.
octopod says
Nonono — not dreaming as in the things that you want in the nebulous future, nor the things your brain does when you’re asleep. I think he means Dreaming, the Australian mythological construct. It’s an incredibly tricky concept (or set of concepts, considering the huge variety of cultures and languages involved) to translate, but it’s something like a parallel timeless-spirit-realm type thing, as well as a hereditary body of knowledge, stories, and laws about a particular animal/location/group of people/whatever, and also a sort of intellectual property law. A bit hard to wrap your head around for someone who hasn’t heard anyone talk about, and that includes me.
Of course I have very little idea how exactly that relates to whatever this dude’s pushing, but I thought I’d put that out there because the OP suggested a missing context. Sorry, carry on. /atheist mythology nerd
octopod says
And I’m sure most of you knew that already, but, well…::shrug:: maybe it was useful to someone. :-p
Ichthyic says
“Look to the Earth Mother for wisdom and guidance…”
What message was mother earth sending with the “chimp fucks frog in the mouth” video I wonder?
WMDKitty -- Survivor says
Oh, come on! I could put together a better woo session with $50 and access to a used book store!
2kittehs says
660 bucks?
That’s a flippin’ fortnight’s money on Newstart!
I have quite enough to do keeping up with my kitties needs and wants* while they’re awake, never mind trying to figure out what they’re dreaming about.
*same thing with kitties
2kittehs says
PaulBC says
What exactly is fertility on all levels? Do I start budding like SpongeBob?
EveryZig says
“turn FEAR into Fertility on ALL LEVELS”
That is terrible in so many ways and I just can’t stop laughing.