It is acceptable. I shall hush the chitterings of unseen chitinous creatures in the shadows beneath the giver’s home tonight; there will be an absence of strangely glutinous slitherings over their windowpanes; the unspeakable colors will cease flickering on the edge of their vision, as the malign influence of the Old Ones temporarily recede.
Just for tonight. One night of respite. We will resume tomorrow.
mattand says
What if they’re serving calamari for dinner?
Mattir - now will you PLEASE go your own way already? says
Happy Valentines Day, Horde. You are all awesome. Even if you hate Valentines Day.
lb says
I hate V-Day but if I’d ever got one of these I would have liked it much better. :-)
Jean-Renee says
These cards are perfect, too.
Caine, brigade de garces says
Now that’s a proper Valentine.
Marcus Ranum says
Heart: it’s what you eat first.
Stacy says
I approve.
otrame says
Hey, wait a minute. Where’s his wings?
crayzz says
Here I thought you ate the liver.
Akira MacKenzie says
Heh, this morning I was listening to HPLHS’s new “Dark Adventure Radio Theater” version of The Call of Cthulhu. I was impressed that the gave the story a new spin rather then just attempted to do an audio version of their earlier silent film. Just yesterday I contributed to a Kickstater for a new Mythos/WW2 mashup RPG setting.
While Lovecraft may still be a “geek” thing, I think it’s safe to say that he won’t be sinking back into eye obscurity anytime soon.
sc_1afdbca0f6f2896b62f4140e94e557d8 says
His wings are there, they are just folded. He is coming out of a cave (Temple? Multidimensional polyhedron?) This has always been my favorite picture of Cthulhu. I once tried to track down the artist to try and get a copy of original.
crayzz says
Whoops, borked link. Here’s the real one.
cicely (I can see Friday from here) says
Happy Velociraptor Day, fellow Hordelings!
shockna says
I normally don’t like Valentines Day, but this is fucking brilliant.
fastlane says
I saw some shiny Firefly V-day cards on bookface. Rather liked them. My wife and I enjoy the schmaltz (is that the right word?) of V-day.