Speaking of pandas, I’ve just uploaded pictures from the St. Louis Chinese Lantern Festival exhibit at the Botanical Gardens here. While they’re not up to the quality of those here skilled in the photographic arts, some may find them enjoyable for the subject matter. (Cythni is a gaming ‘nym that I use occasionally.)
Scientists believe they are a step closer in the difficult journey towards developing a male contraceptive pill, after successful studies in mice.
A contraceptive pill for women has been around for decades, but an equivalent for men has proved elusive.
A US study, published in the journal Cell, showed a drug could make mice temporarily infertile without hampering their sex drive.
Experts said the findings were “exciting”, but needed tests in people.
I think I want to be the first one in the trial for that contraceptive. :)
thunk –
Skepticon, that is, St. Louis, is well served by Amtrak from Chicago. Several trains a day, about a six hour trip, very cheap. Cheaper than gas to drive, I bet.
I took Amtrak across the country last year and loved it. There’s security at the station with none of that take-your-shoes-off insanity like airports. Amtrak doesn’t have right of way on their tracks in most parts of the country — freight trains have right of way — so there’s a big chance you’ll get delayed on a siding somewhere, waiting for the freight train to pass … but there are comfy seats plus room to get up and walk around.
Took Amtrak across the country once.
Horrible experience. But that may have had a little bit to do with the ear infection that burst my eardrum midway through the trip. (Also my vertigo issues)
Definitely superior to the San Francisco to New York Greyhound Bus trip I took once though. THAT was an experience.
Tony •King of the Hellmouth•says
random thought:
Yoda is rather annoying when first introduced in Empire Strikes Back.
Tony •King of the Hellmouth•says
random thought #2:
Earlier today I wondered where all the creobots had gone. Silly me, all I had to do was check out the No Contest thread.
Rey Foxsays
Saw the Rifftrax Live for Manos tonight, so I’m not caught up. But big sorries and booze offers for Tony.
Hi, baby panda.
I can discuss anything I want ?
Really ?
Well, how about how pathetic my life being an Atheist + Vegetarian ?
Living in the Great Liberal State of Washington, but couldn’t even get a dinner date from any girls.
Gosh,… My friends still keep suggesting me go to church you can meet nice ladies, get to know them, then you may fall in love, but I rejected for all my atheism, now I am single at 30, with pathetic useless Engineering degree.
Ohh, I know why I am useless in this dating Market, My skin in not white color.
Well, pay the prize for being an atheist [ I am talking to myself now ]
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
Ahh, may be I should rethink about myself, there is a problem with me, I am looser, I don’t know anything about ladies, so I should shut up.
Whatever, I have no choice now except blame myself and live my rest of the life all alone, like one of my Christine friend said, I will die alone. I will die alone.
Random tidbit: Male contraceptive pill ‘step closer’ after mice studies
Oh, but what will the MRAs do when there’s suddenly a possibility for them to avoid unintented pregnancies. Oh, wait, there already are…
Sorry about your in-law’s kitty
Talking about kitty-woes, the cat that is not ours has disappeared. The whole neighbourhood went looking for her, but when her owner called the shelter she got her from, they told her there had been people already whose kitty had disappeared (yes, that’s a lot here) :(
Kids don’t know yet, and this one time I won’t go for the most likely truth
Squeeee, thanx, my own virtual rat
Good for the redhead. I think that will give her a lot of strength and power back.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
?? Are you serious?
Holy crap, Cunning Pam. Wow.
I’ve never seen anything quite like that. Nice shots.
Hi, panda! (writing this makes me feel like a five-year-old)
What just happened? numbermess @23, when you’re sober again, you might want to talk to your doctor, you seem depressed.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
Seriously, what was that pile of verbal diarrhea? Is it a troll? Is it a person with horrible english? If that’s the case, dude, the world doesn’t owe you a relationship.
One Thousand Needlessays
* high fives the panda *
Thanks Owlmirror and cohorts for the crash course on information theory in the No Contest thread! It’s only 3am and I’ve filled my daily quota of stuff to learn.
You serious? I generally have plenty of sympathy for lonely people and understand the urge to find someone to blame. But you come off as either drunk, blaming “the ladies” or fucking with us. For the first, I recommend sobering up and then coming back.
Thank goodness for the baby panda because the post about the demise of the American higher education system hits much to close to home and I would have had nightmares but the panda adorabled them away.
Well dang, if there’s a “market” not being exploited, some tech genius is bound to come up with a product to fix that.
Maybe I can come up with a design in my garage. Is the word “Ejaculatron” trademarked?
Not drunk. Just someone that sees “you can discuss anything you want” and thinks “I can be as stupid as I want! Whee!”
There, finally.
A baby panda. Something other than the usual cthulhoid monstrosities that are usually posted on this site! It’s about time that this blog finally joined the human race. We are all mammals here, after all.
Whoops. hold on…someone’s at the door.
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
Because you spend all your time whining about how you can’t get a date rather than topics of mutual interest.
I just re-read the short story The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall by John Kendrick Bangs, in which some watery spirit is defeated by science! Well, rational thinking and a good refrigerator, at least.
Are there any other such stories out there, about supernatural beasties defeated by science! (By supernatural I mean clearly non-naturalistic, rather than a natural phenomenon or alien creature misidentified as a ghost/demon/god, etc.)
Who put the bomp in the bomp-sh-bomp-sh-bomp
Who put the ram in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong
@lee: I seem to think that one of Lovecraft’s beasties was defeated by someone who looked logically at the internal system it was operating under and used its weakness within the “magic” system to defeat it. I would argue that that is a use of science in the broadest sense: looking at the world as it is and using what you see to make what you want to happen happen, even though the story called it “magic”.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
vaiyt #34
Not drunk. Just someone that sees “you can discuss anything you want” and thinks “I can be as stupid as I want! Whee!”
Xe got the commenting part down. Where is the discussing part going to come in?
P.S: Sorry I don’t know how tu put the youtube link in the correct format.
Dear SC-Numbermess, #23,
I can discuss anything I want ?
Really ?
Well, how about how pathetic my life being an Atheist + Vegetarian ?
Living in the Great Liberal State of Washington, but couldn’t even get a dinner date from any girls.
Gosh,… My friends still keep suggesting me go to church you can meet nice ladies, get to know them, then you may fall in love, but I rejected for all my atheism, now I am single at 30, with pathetic useless Engineering degree.
Ohh, I know why I am useless in this dating Market, My skin in not white color.
Well, pay the prize for being an atheist [ I am talking to myself now ]
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
Ahh, may be I should rethink about myself, there is a problem with me, I am looser, I don’t know anything about ladies, so I should shut up.
Whatever, I have no choice now except blame myself and live my rest of the life all alone, like one of my Christine friend said, I will die alone. I will die alone.
Presuming you are not a troll playing a silly character, allow me to give you a lovely response. Imagine a big bear hug coming right through your internet, just for you. That’s it. It’s okay. It’s okay. I understand.
First, well done on having an engineering degree and being an atheist. Both, hopefully, have involved some intellectual activity on your part. That is a good thing! Intellectual effort, or at least the capacity for it, at least grants you a chance to be interesting to other people.
Second, you live in a wonderful state from the little I know about it. If you are near a major metropolis like Seattle, the odds of you finding a partner, even an atheist vegetarian, are huge. You should have hundreds of thousands of people to choose from. You are unlikely to be utterly repellent to all of them, and if you are…
Third, work on yourself. Invest in YOU a little bit. If you need to tone yourself up a bit, and yes I realise it’s a bit “body fascist”, get to a gym or go jogging. Every one of us can modify our diet and exercise routine to some degree, no matter how small. Sad though it might be, there are cultural tropes, preferences and biases out there, playing into them might be the wrong thing to do ethically sometimes, but it does (rather annoyingly) smooth your path through life on occasion. Toning up, getting the physical and psychological benefits of moderate exercise and a reasonably healthy diet (don’t become a celery fetishist!) will do you the power of good. As a veggie, I can’t imagine you aren’t already pretty damned good at this, so if you are and this diet/exercise stuff doesn’t apply to you, well done for being much more awesome than I am as a meat eating, beer swilling ex-rugby playing bastard! ;-)
Fourth, work on yourself some more. This time exercise the “muscle” between your ears. Find an activity or class, ANY activity or class, learn a language, learn to knit, learn to hang-glide, learn to do placenta basket weaving on stilts, do SOMETHING. Get out there and get involved. Getting involved helps you meet people, and in the famous words of an incredibly wise academic of my acquaintance: “You have to heave a lot of bricks before you hit a duck”. More people you meet, more chances of romance you have.
Fifth, experiment. In the words of Dan Savage: every relationship you will ever have is going to fail, until one doesn’t. No very profound, but it sums it up nicely. If you have a “type”, break it, try meeting someone not of your “type”, take up most or all offers to go for coffee (not sex, I mean real coffee, real conversation). Try different things, talk to people a little differently, see what works. I guarantee you one thing, most people love listeners. If you can be a good listener and empathetic, most people socially, whether or not you are interested in them sexually, whether they are your boss or your brother or the woman of your dreams, love to feel that they are INTERESTING. Ever heard the saying “Interesting people are interested people”?
Last, get help if you need it. From joining dating sites, to going speed dating, to getting psychological help if you need that, realise that you are not an island and other people can help you. If you are clinically depressed, then you are unlikely to want to do any of the above, or present your best side (and dating is like a job interview…again…sadly) to prospective partners.
P.S. Phrases like “market” and “why are none of you atheist ladies into me” in relation to dating make it look like you view dating as a transaction. It isn’t. Whilst it helps everyone to put their best foot forward when dating, it also helps to be HONEST, CONSIDERATE, EMPATHETIC and INTERESTED. Viewing other people simply as a means for sex or to prevent you from being alone shows that you are only focussed on YOUR needs and not what you can bring to a partnership/relationship. I realise it’s easy to focus on what is making you unhappy and externalise that feeling by blaming others, but this is a) very unattractive, b) actually destructive for other people to engage with, and c) not going to get you what you want. Think not what other people can do for you, think what you can do for other people.
Lyn M, #42,
Well I have tried to help with my “Louis’ Shitty Guide to Being a Dating Human 101”.
Advanced courses involve holes in telegraph poles, socks on cocks, melons and microwaves, “Just How Ethical Is Goat Sex?”, and the answer to the eternal question “I have a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle, how do I find love?”.
P.S. Some of the above, and indeed some of my #45, might not be entirely serious. Shhhhhhhh I’m hunting wabbits.
Well, after reading Jason’s post about the campaign against Amy, I think christmas comes a little early this year…
It’s part of my “new” mission to take trolls (or posters I think are trolls) very, very seriously indeed. For about five minutes.
Then when demonstrated to be irretrievable fuckwits I can UNLEASH THE MOCKERY! Or just get bored and wander off, as appropriate.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
If I find my eyes sliding off the text about 5 lines in, I figure the comment is not one I really should worry about. Good thing about getting old is that pattern recognition is much broader and kicks in to flip input to off.
After a few stalls like that, I consciously realize this comment is not worth it for me.
Living in the Great Liberal State of Washington, but couldn’t even get a dinner date from any girls.
Good. You should not be dating children.
Teh kiloGraemesays
@39 – Hand me my Frank Sinatra type hat!
Who put the bomp in the bomp-sh-bomp-sh-bomp
Who put the ram in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong
That’ll sell a million records!
I’m going to bed now but was wondering about PZ’s book. When is it coming out?
Lyn M,
Oh you’re right, totally totally right. I was feeling self indulgent! It’s Friday, and like most of the last few weeks I am up to my ears in paperwork. I despise certain species of paperwork. Here is grade A pharma industry thinking for you:
Someone is good in the lab, so promote them. Someone then demonstrates they are great in the lab, so promote them. Someone then demonstrates that they are not just great in the lab, but can also run multidisciplinary projects with the biologists and/or the process chemists depending on what part of the drug discovery process they are in, guess what, promote them. Someone then demonstrates they can do all of the above and manage teams of people running projects, promote them. At every stage they take you further and further out of the lab and why? Because you were good in the lab in the first fucking place!
The same organisational skills that underpin efficient, good lab work underpin the basics of (medium level) management. The social/people skills might not be there in some people, but running things, planning things, organising things…if you’re good in the lab this stuff should come relatively easily.
But don’t reward people for actually being good scientists…oh fuck no, make them pseudo managers on a different track to the real managers with real power and no lab duties. Make the good scientists accountable to glorified bean counters and corporate stooges…THAT will solve the crisis in the drug industry and help patients…oh wait…no it fucking won’t.
I seem to have accidentally ranted. My apologies. I’ll get a mop.
Jefrir, #51,
One internet for you to collect from the front desk, I think. Your work, I’m a big fan.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
Cunning Pam @5:
Those shots are fantastic. A combination of two of my favorite things, art and stuff with lights. It must have felt a shame to go home. They would have had to throw me out at closing time.
Nice rant, Louis. When I become part of the 0.001% and can open my own drug company, I’ll definitely hire you to do lab stuff and nothing but lab stuff.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for that day, because hypoxia is very bad for you.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
I have no idea why, but I suddenly had this mental image of Louis squirting two-part hypoxia into a paper bag and then holding the open end up to his nose and taking giant, sucking whiffs of the stuff and hallucinating Cthulhu riding bareback on the Invisible Pink Unicorn and drag racing the FSM for pie. Then my brain snuck up on me and said ‘Dude…DUDE! Get your own head out of the glue-bag. The stuff is called EPOXY!’
I hate it when my brain intrudes on zany mental images.
Cunning Pam,
I almost missed your photos. They’re great and the exhibition looks like something I would have enjoyed visiting. And gotten thrown out with McC2lhu at closing time.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
It would have been quite the story to tell, how we got hauled out by the scruffs of our jackets by hulking lantern bouncers.
theophontes (坏蛋)says
@ Caine
Are there any virtual rats still looking for virtual rat parents? I volunteer. Any rat! (You might even have to acquire more.)
Pussy Riot are “guilty”. It is ridiculous what they are saying against them on CNN (the accusations that is – one long tone trolling diatribe in favour of the church, rather ridiculous and medieval).
¡No pasarán!
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Louis, it is indeed a common problem. And if the person states that he or she wants to do the lab work, then he or she is not a team player and is on the way out.
It is a failure of the up and on model. You have to go up and on to another position to be considered a success. Some people want to, and good for them, but lots of people are happy doing what they trained for.
So when are you getting promoted?
Romney says he’s paid 13% of his income in taxes every year.
The irony is he thinks that this shows how much he’s been sacrificing.
No, he didn’t offer any proof of this statement.
Thanks. There’s bits of the project management/paperwork things I enjoy, it’s actually good to get to a senior scientific position where you have some control, it’s just the lofty heights beyond that point reduce your scientific input and responsibility at the expense of making you another paper shuffling arse on a seat.
I get it, I really do, it’s cheaper, most people lack my passion for getting (and keeping) their hands dirty to some extent, and (something many people don’t know about) there is an awesome amount of paperwork (pretty technical paperwork) associated with any drug development process. But the quasi management at senior levels “research” career track in the industry is not fit for purpose, it takes people away from their core talents eventually. If you rise about your expected “career grade” you’re swamped by a morass of dull as shit but still labyrinthine paperwork.
I think I needed to get that off my chest. Especially as I will be working right through this weekend instead of going out with my family and having fun.
Yeah yeah, I know, my Ferrari won’t start and my crocodile skin shoes are too tight… ;-)
Anyway, when I join the 0.00001% with my awesome Euromillions lottery win of £200000000 next week (for sure), I will build my own lab. AND BUY A PONY!
Romney says he’s paid 13% of his income in taxes every year.
we’re paying a lot more and I can assure you we’re not making more than Romney.
So, to continue with bad news, today the German constitutional court has done away with the prohibition of the Bundeswehr carrying out military operations within the country. It should be noted that this was a historical “legacy” that should safeguard us from something ike the third Reich ever happening again. Even though they said that this would only be legitimate in case of extreme emergencies, they also didn’t define what such an emergency would be, although they excluded hijacked airplanes and demonstrations (yeah, sure, you said demonstrations, but those people didn’t hand in their applications in time, they were just a mob)
Fuck you, constitutional court.
So far they’ve managed to do away with each and every check and barrier explicitely written into our constitution whenever they were challenged because, well, the government wanted it.
Lyn M,
So when are you getting promoted?
Oh it’s already happened! Dare I say it a few times.
None of the people my grade spend any time in the lab now, I’m the only one who does because I make sure my non-lab work is done in 3 to 4 days so I get at least a solid day in the lab every week. I’m also constantly putting on (and taking off) reactions in between meetings etc. I annoy the shit out of the people working for me in the lab by being as productive (or only slightly less productive) in the lab as they are. I have fucked up my work/life balance I confess, but then I am compensating for having a Past as a thoroughly irresponsible shithead with more alcohol in his bloodstream than your average travelling funk band.
Of course it will all stop with the {insert next achievement here} because that’s totally how pseudo alcoholism converted into badly mismanaged compulsive workaholism works (nod nod).
And I totally don’t have a problem by distracting myself deliberately on the internet, that’s right out.
Denial…it’s not just a river in Africa!
Hi Lawrence Krauss!
That is all.
@Louis: At least you’re doing actual work.
I’m having a good news/bad news sort of day workwise.
The good news is I got a paper accepted.
The bad news is that seems to have filled all my “work” receptors for the day and I’m currently massively underproductive. If it weren’t for SAS needing a nudge periodically, I’d be doing nothing at all.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Mmm mmm mmm.
Shakes head
Hope you can find some balance. I’ve heard that when people turn themselves into machines, they can have heart attacks. I myself have always been careful to balance life in all things so as to maintain an awesome record of health.
Oh, and modesty.
hotshoe and thunk – Skepticon is in Springfield, not St. Louis. Other side of the state and all the way down.
Cunning Pam – I’m so jealous! I was going to go to that exhibit while I was in St. Louis, but that was the week it was over 105 every day so we decided not to.
numbermess – the world doesn’t owe you a girlfriend.
Looks like the best you could do from Chicago to Skepticon is an amtrak ticket to Warrensburg (currently $52 one way), and then a Greyhound bus the rest of the way (currently $30).
I’m under no illusions that I’m more lucky than talented and that there are far more talented and lucky people reading this thread than I can ever aspire to be! Let alone out there, you know, in the wider world.
That said, self deprecation, a very British habit, for anything else but Comedy Purposes (one of my two Gods) is simply bragging and immodesty wearing a humble cloak don’t you think?
I’ve done enough remarkably stupid things in my life to apologise for (and boy howdy have I) that I don’t have to apologise too much for the one or two tiny things I’m reasonably good at do I? Oh please say “no”, it’s Friday and I am feeling weakened!
P.S. Some of the above may be tongue in cheek. I jest with those I adore and envy. Like you…in China…you BASTARD!!!!! ;-)
Lyn M,
And yes, you are also awesomely modest. I am also a fucking idiot. Did I point that out?
I haven’t caught up at all yet, but I’ll do that later.
In the meantime, I found out yesterday that ohmygod I’m going to my first-choice university this September! I got the grades!! ^.^
(I was *so* nervous yesterday morning and I didn’t sleep well the night before, so I’m still really tired. But FUCK YES I GOT IN!)
Yes, getting to China was a good move for me. I still had to do it by way of heart attack, though. Sincerely believing you could die any time does re-arrange your priorities.
MY WIFE IS EMPLOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Improbable Joe,
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Bacon and chocolate confetti all over!
GREAT NEWS! Well done you…see previous post for confetti details! ;-)
Excellent news, Sarah and Joe!
Congratulations to you both (or more appropriately in Joe’s case, to his wife, but she doesn’t post here as far as I know so will have to get her Pharyngula congratulations second hand)!
Lyn M,
I’m dubious, but I’ll give that a try. Pass the bacon fried chicken steak bacon…
Conga rats, Sarahface! You’re talking about getting your A-level results, yes? That’s really great news, getting your first choice uni – time to celebrate!(oh, spare a crossed finger for Spawn waiting for their GCSE results next week …).
I’m passing the congrats on as we speak/type. We’re still going to have to get a title loan to pay the rent this month, and I already pawned my #1 guitar… but hey, you can’t always get what you want?
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Well it seems many deserve lashings of chocolate covered bacon, foaming icy cold beverage of choice and applause!
Current state of Arctic sea ice dipping to new lows and heading ever lower as our planet overheats.
I know we are all human
In this one spaceship Earth.
Dirty mammals all struggling to survive.
Skin colour means just nothing.
We all bleed and love and lie.
All us umpteen billion
Crammed, cramped and living why?
I know we all are human
Every person bleeds
Each human laughs and suffers
Wherever living life.
Its just so axiomatic
Yet we seem to see it not.
I know w eall are human
But humane we just are not.
opposablethumbs: Yes, A level results. Thanks :)
*fingers crossed* for ThumbSpawn in GCSEs.
dianne, Louis, Lyn M: Thanks to you as well :)
Improbable Joe: That’s awesome! Congratulations to your wife :)
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorphsays
I was feeling self indulgent! It’s Friday, and like most of the last few weeks I am up to my ears in paperwork.
Louis, you are a Calendarist Oppressor!
Our 28-pound super-doofus cat decided, this morning, to jump onto the butcher block table and then toss the contents of his stomach onto the floor. From about three feet. Figure the acceleration and imagine the splatter pattern. Impressive.
Sorry Oggie,
Is it REALLY Wednesday?
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
This is totally off topic, but it represents a sort of geek moment of triumph.
I bought a tablet awhile ago and put lots of apps on it. One of them is google maps. As I was coming home from downtown in a cab, I felt odd about the route the cab was taking. It is like an Olympic sport in China, cabbie vs. passenger. So I opened up google maps, saw the satellite icon pulsing and a map resolved on screen. I held the tablet so the cabbie would be able to see the screen if he looked over. The little indicator showed us on a street, and I punched up directions. Instantly a black line formed from where the cab was to where I was going. I said nothing, just glanced at a large street sign. The cabbie had been in the turn lane, but glanced at the screen and instead of turning, went straight through. We stuck to the black line all the way home.
Heh. That damned thing paid for itself right there.
I was very excited for a moment to think that Skepticon was in St. Louis (“I could get there easily!”) but alas…
thunk – as a recent Chicagoan who was without a car for a few years, Amtrak is actually pretty enjoyable for short distances and pretty inexpensive relative to other modes. I can’t speak for the bus.
Thirdly, I have two new clients for my new business. *happy dance.*
broboxley OTsays
numbersmess here let me help you backpage.com/yourcity/escorts since that appears to be what your looking for.
Louis, your lab is doing it wrong, promote the useless people into the management track
#87 quit reading the grimmer notes. Ice cores indicate severe melting every 150 years or so and this shit has happened before numerous times. Yes I do know that pumping co2 into the atmosphere isnt helping.
Shit day, shittier night everything caving in on the home front and I need to be chipper to start a new job on monday
@89: Oggie, I am very impressed by your cat. Clearly he understands newtonian physics and aesthetics and mad the decision to go to a spot high enough to create the perfect splatter pattern. And avoid getting his feet messy.
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorphsays
Jackson Pollack he ain’t! No artistic merit at all. 8 of 10 for volume, 7 of 10 for velocity, 4 of 10 for difficulty, and 1 of 10 for artistic merit. So I give him (well, ex-him) a 20/40. Should be easy to top.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Ogvorbis, wow! 28 lb cat making the chunky rainbow from three feet up! It’s like the cat-pocalypse.
Title loan, sell my other guitar, sell a couple of pedals, sell some plasma, borrow a few hundred from my parents… Jesus, so close and yet so deep in the hole!
You know, it would almost be easier if we were just flat poor and done with it. Instead, we’re on the edge of being financially stable and evicted at the exact same time. My wife isn’t going to get her first paycheck for a few weeks, but as soon as she gets one or two checks we’re out of the hole. We just need to survive until then. $1200 has never seemed like so much money before.
It’s an industry wide problem! Good scientists don’t necessarily make good managers, but they do tend to have the administrative/project management side of the job down pat. That’s the easy bit. People skills….yeah….not generally fostered in PhD labs… ;-)
Sacking people. I’ll never be happy about sacking people. Even for gross misconduct.
P.S. Also, re: your advice to numbermess. Ouch. For the escorts. ;-)
Socio-gen, something something...says
Farewell pub crawls are fun.
At least, I assume it was, based on the hangover I have this morning. I think packing will have to wait.
I love Amtrak, mostly because it’s cheap and flying scares the beejeebers out of me. The only real downside on long trips, for me, is losing the seat lottery and getting an aisle seat. I end up with nowhere for my pillow and have to reach across my seatmate to use the outlets to charge my phone. Delays are sometimes a problem as well.
If you do decide to go Amtrak, sign up for the Student Advantage card. High school and college students get a 15% discount their tickets.
sc-number gibberish:
You poor poor dear….. *pats on the head* I can’t imagine why women just aren’t into you…
Seriously, though, my advice is to be (or learn to be) happy with yourself instead of trying to find someone who will make you happy. Do things you enjoy just because you enjoy them, cultivate the interests you have, and just have fun as much as possible.
Is the reverse is true, that people who are not-so-good or even really terrible at what they do are the only ones left doing it? Because, wow, this would explain a lot about a couple of places I’ve worked.
Off to find the Motrin and more tea. And then possibly return to bed.
One Thousand Needlessays
@ Joe:
I’d be happy to pitch in to a HordeLoan™ if anyone has any idea about how to set one up.
I’ll obviously consider amtrak. Never rode it before, though.
congratz Joe’s wife! and y’know Joe, you could consider keeping a roof over your heads a pet-keeping expense, too. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Finally SOMEone mentions nonpartisan election oversight – and it’s Jon Stewart, at the end of a big segment on voter suppression. Video and transcript here:
congratz Joe’s wife! and y’know Joe, you could consider keeping a roof over your heads a pet-keeping expense, too. *wink wink nudge nudge*
You think? I mean, there’s got to be a place to keep their food, and the house I’m in seems as good a place as any.
Re Amtrak: Amtrak is good in the northeast: usually on time or close, not too too expensive considering everything, nice trains, etc. But…I really think they shouldn’t describe themselves as “servicing the northeast corridor”. The mental images…
CONGA RATS to your wife, Joe! That’s wonderful news!!!!
6. That legal evidence clearly shows that, given an extradition to the United States of America, it would be unlikely for Mr. Assange to receive a fair trial, and likely that he would be judged by special or military courts, where there is a high probability of suffering cruel and degrading treatment, and be sentenced to life imprisonment or capital punishment, which would violate his human rights
What is remarkable about the Ecuadoran government’s statement is that they saying openly what is widely expressed privately about what has been obvious for some time, that the US is a rogue nation that has little regard for the law or due process or human rights if they happen to get in the way of its geopolitical goals.
More details – the embassy has offered to allow Swedish officials entry to question Assange on site (which is supposedly all they want from him) but the Swedish refused.
Cunning Pamsays
Congrats Joe’s wife and congrats Sarah! And hang in there Joe; I know what it’s like to be teetering on the precipice, and it’s a rotten feeling. But it sounds like things will be better very soon; I’m glad for you.
Ogvorbis, that sounds like quite an accomplished kitty you have! Thanks for giving me something to be thankful for next time one of my feline horde decides to leave me some sort of gastric composition: At least they haven’t mastered the jump-and-hurl yet!
And thanks for the comments on my lantern festival photos, all. It was really something to see. Carlie, I know what you mean about the temps, we’ve been putting off going since the exhibit opened in May for one reason or another, but usually because of the heat. On the bright side, the bone-dry summer made sure that the lanterns didn’t get totally beat up by weather. The downside was that there were SO many people there now that the weather’s turned pleasant, we were packed in shoulder-to-shoulder. Not the most enjoyable thing for me with my social anxiety, but a lovely evening nonetheless.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
More details – the embassy has offered to allow Swedish officials entry to question Assange on site (which is supposedly all they want from him) but the Swedish refused.
Assange had made an appointment to give his statement in Sweden while he was there. Then he left the country. I think they are keen to get him back into Sweden so if they decide to charge him, he is handy to them. If they go to the Embassy in England, and then question him, I think that would mean their warrant is void as the purpose for which it was issued has been met. The whole extradition case dies, and would have to be re-done on the basis of the charges, I believe.
Don’t see why the Swedes would want to go to the Embassy.
Bernard Bumnersays
That legal evidence clearly shows that, given an extradition to the United States of America, it would be unlikely for Mr. Assange to receive a fair trial, and likely that he would be judged by special or military courts, where there is a high probability of suffering cruel and degrading treatment, and be sentenced to life imprisonment or capital punishment, which would violate his human rights
Which would therefore prevent his extradition from Sweden, a fully ratified signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights.
More details – the embassy has offered to allow Swedish officials entry to question Assange on site (which is supposedly all they want from him) but the Swedish refused.
1) Standard Swedish procedure in such a case is to remand the suspect whilst the investigation is completed.
2) Sweden has issued a valid EAW which has been examined and found to be so by every court in the UK, including the Supreme Court.
3)Assange is in breach of his bail conditions.
EAWs cannot simply be ignored at the request of suspects. If a warrant was issued for my arrest and I tried to bargain with the police that they could come to my friend’s house to interview me (but not arrest me), then they would quite rightly refuse.
Ecuador is offering asylum to someone who is subject to arrest under an EAW on suspicion of rape, he is not (currently) facing politically-motivated charges or persecution. Ecuador has no legitimate grounds to grant asylum.
Assange is a fugitive from justice.
The judge sentences the three Pussy Riot members to two years in jail.
If they go to the Embassy in England, and then question him, I think that would mean their warrant is void as the purpose for which it was issued has been met. The whole extradition case dies, and would have to be re-done on the basis of the charges, I believe.
So? It’s just paperwork. Or would they leave a gap during which he could leave for Ecuador since there would be no legal reason for the British to refuse to let him go? In that case, why not just file charges now? If there is enough evidence on the basis of the victims’ testimony to press charges, why not just file them and get it over with?
This case is very confusing to me. Assange’s “it’s the feminazis” defense of himself was practically a confession that he committed rape, but the various governments involved are acting so strangely that I can’t feel comfortable just shrugging his claims off as paranoia.
The judge sentences the three Pussy Riot members to two years in jail.
didn’t expect differently, but still…need to smash some stuff now.
Bernard Bumnersays
The judge sentences the three Pussy Riot members to two years in jail.
Sadly predictable, although it may indicate some sympathy from the judge, since the prosecution was meant to be seeking three years (or it could be an ill-judged gesture of the prosecution to make a pretence of mercy).
Anyway, I wonder whether commentators are correct that this could be a spectacular own-goal by the authorities, and that Pussy Riot have made more of an impact than they could have hoped for.
I crossposted the Singham link to Thunderdome, go wild.
So, apart from the case history of Brenda Manning, the grand jury investigation for violating a 100 year old secrecy act, the rumor of a secret inditement, and various calls for assassination, Assange has nothing to worry about.
Ecuador is offering asylum to someone who is subject to arrest under an EAW on suspicion of rape, he is not (currently) facing politically-motivated charges or persecution. Ecuador has no legitimate grounds to grant asylum.
And based on the US’s established behavior, obviously they have no problem remanding, imprisoning, or torturing people without filing charges of any kind, politically-motivated or not.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
It may just be paperwork to re-do the case, but it will take months, cost a ton and it is possible the Swedes could lose. It is not practical for them to consider coming to him after they have been successful in their extradition case. That’s all I meant.
I guess the only good thing to say was that the judge set it at the minimum.
Congrats, Sarah and Joe!
Bernard Bumnersays
So? It’s just paperwork.
Its an arrest warrant. Sweden don’t need to do anything; it is the UK who are duty-bound to deliver Assange.
I can’t understand why anyone thinks that a valid arrest warrant can just be ignored.
In that case, why not just file charges now? If there is enough evidence on the basis of the victims’ testimony to press charges, why not just file them and get it over with?
The Swedish legal system doesn’t work like that. Are they meant to change their legal system just to suit Assange.
…the various governments involved are acting so strangely…
They aren’t. You just don’t understand the legal process.
1)Sweden issued a EAW for the return of Assange so that they could complete their investigation according to their normal legal process.
2) The UK government attempted to execute the EAW.
3) Assange, as is his right, challenged the legal basis for the EAW.
4) His challenge was rejected and the legal basis for doing so was laid out by a magistrate.
5) Assange appealed the decision, as is his right, to the High Court of England.
6) His appeal was rejected and the legal basis previously laid out was upheld.
7) Assange attempted, as is his right, to appeal to the Supreme Court of the UK.
8) The appeal was rejected.
9) Having exhausted the legal process, the UK government attempted to execute the EAW.
10) Assange sought asylum in Ecuador.
11) Ecuador, quite possibly as a leftist South American state keen to stick two-fingers up at the right-wing US, granted asylum despite there being no legitimate grounds for doing so.
12) The UK stated its duty and obligations to fulfil the EAW, and informed the Ecuadorian of the various legal means by which it could do this.
There is nothing odd about how we’ve reached this point.
So, apart from the case history of Brenda Manning, the grand jury investigation for violating a 100 year old secrecy act, the rumor of a secret inditement, and various calls for assassination, Assange has nothing to worry about.
He has much to worry about. And Sweden is obliged to protect Assange from any attempted violation of his human rights by the US.
And based on the US’s established behavior, obviously they have no problem remanding, imprisoning, or torturing people without filing charges of any kind, politically-motivated or not.
The European Convention on Human rights would prevent extradition of Assange to face unfair trial, extrajudicial justice, torture, or death.
The US can apply for extradition from the UK, and Assange would have the right to appeal through every court in the UK, including the Supreme Court, and to the European Court of Human Rights.
If he was extradited to Sweden, he would have the right to appeal through the Swedish courts, including to the Supreme Court, the UK would also need to grant the request and he would have the right of appeal through English courts up to the Supreme Court, and to the European Court of Human Rights.
His extradition to Sweden would actually afford Assange more protection, not less, against improper extradition to the US to face cruel punishment.
The US still hasn’t requested the extradition of Assange from anywhere.
Sweden has.
An alleged rapist still avoids justice.
thunk, erythematicsays
The judge sentences the three Pussy Riot members to two years in jail.
Shame on them.
Bernard Bumnersays
I’m just going to point out at as a matter of record that I don’t think Assange should be extradited to the US within the foreseeable future – I don’t believe that he would receive fair treatment.
Y’know, Singham answered that already.
Can anyone really be that naïve to think that constant discussions are not going on between the US, UK, and Sweden on how to get Assange into the hands of the US? Is it really unreasonable for Assange to think that Sweden asking him to be returned just for questioning is merely a ruse, when he has agreed to be questioned in the UK and in the Ecuadoran embassy? The fact that the US has not initiated extradition proceedings is hardly a sign that they will not do so as soon as he is in Sweden.
I find it surprising that there are still people who think that the US and Britain and Sweden act according to the law. Governments tend to obey the law only when it is convenient to do so. When it is not, they either change the law or interpret it conveniently to make it conform to their needs or simply ignore it. The US is one of the leaders in such hypocrisy and the British and Swedish governments have already shown a clear willingness to act as its agents. Sweden showed that it is willing to obey the US by extraditing people to third countries to be tortured. The British government has acted similarly. Do we really expect this trio of nations that have previously treated the law and human rights so cavalierly to suddenly adhere scrupulously to the law in this case, when the US is clearly anxious to get its hands on Assange?
Bernard Bumnersays
Y’know, Singham answered that already.
Sweden showed that it is willing to obey the US by extraditing people to third countries to be tortured. The British government has acted similarly. Do we really expect this trio of nations that have previously treated the law and human rights so cavalierly to suddenly adhere scrupulously to the law in this case, when the US is clearly anxious to get its hands on Assange?
(Emphasis mine.)
If that is the case, then why bother with Sweden at all? It doesn’t make sense. If the the UK or Sweden aren’t going to obey the law, why allow it to go on this long?
That is conspiracy theory stuff, since it suggests that the three nations will collude to carry out a very simple, illegal act, but only after going through a very convoluted and public process which could only serve to shine a light on their subsequent actions. It is incomprehensible that if their intent was criminal they would not have simply circumvented this entire process.
The US could apply to the UK for extradition, and it entirely possible that there would be legal grounds for granting it. Why not do that?
Is it really unreasonable for Assange to think that Sweden asking him to be returned just for questioning is merely a ruse, when he has agreed to be questioned in the UK and in the Ecuadoran embassy?
Assange already avoided questioning in Sweden. A valid EAW has been issued and the UK is duty bound to execute it. Assange has all of the rights that a suspect is entitled to, but no more.
He is a suspect in a rape case. Justice must be done.
Bernard Bumnersays
Look, just for the sake of not monopolising this thread – and apologies for my verbosity on this subject, but I’m very annoyed by the media coverage in the UK and primed for argument about this – I’ll try to restrict any replies to the Thunderdome where possible.
Not looking forward to Monday. Not because it means a new work week, but because I’m currently coding on 3 days of no sleep, and I’m going to have to spend Monday fixing everything I did today.
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinistsays
It looks like Tony Perkins, the FRC and others are now blaming the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Centre) for the shooting at the FRC headquarters.
Ah, I love chatting with Jehovah’s Witnesses. So earnest, so kooky.
Sent the men in suits away with homework: weasel out of the obvious interpretation of Psalm 137.
chigau (違う)says
With the kitchen-only internet, I’ve been downloading a thread, going to my tent to read it, composing responses in a word-processor and falling asleep before going back to the dining-tent to post.
So I’m behind on everything.
But we’re having a rain-morning so…
Baconhugs for for everone!
– – –
I had a looong Pharyngula dream last night.
PZ and I were sitting in a quiet lounge-type bar and chatting.
For hours.
It was really boring.
– – –
If there are any ratties left, I’d like one, please.
Preferably the runt of the litter or the weirdest one.
thunk, erythematicsays
My largest pharyngula dream was a while ago. All the horde was in a plane heading toward some remote area in the Pacific.
Richard Austinsays
If it was to a small atoll near Kiribati, I’m gonna have to interrogate you to determine how you found the location of my secret lair…
Arson against a Salt Lake City gay bar. Pontiac Grand Am used as getaway car:
A group of men launched several “flaming projectiles” into the patio area of a Salt Lake City gay bar Wednesday night .. There were no injuries, and police are currently investigating.
The incident occurred at approximately 12:30 a.m. during the nightclub JAM’s popular karaoke night. Witness Fernando Noriega estimated that between 30-40 people filled the outdoor space when the flares were thrown, and stated that it was “a miracle” no one was injured….
Noreiga and several other patrons pursued the assailants on foot, but the group escaped in a vehicle. Noriega described the men as blond, in their late teens or early 20s, and driving a red or maroon Pontiac Grand Am.
In other news, my neighborhood is in no danger but there are so many wildfires burning around the area that the air is full of smoke. Blech. Not enjoying the feeling of restricted and irritated throat, lungs, and nasal passages.
Why the hell am I spending time on Thunderdome, why the hell am I arguing whether a troll wanted PZ to die during auto-fellatio or a rape and why the hell do I think I should remember oolon (and not fondly)?!
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinistsays
Beatrice, it’s nicer here. I gave up following Thunderdome not 10 minutes ago. Something strange is going on in there and it isn’t good. I had to take a break.
Lynna, OM, I hope they catch the cowardly bigots. It’s a good thing that, for once, no one was injured by a violent manifestation of bigotry.
Also, stay cool and stay inside. If there’s lots of particulates from the nearby fires in the air, it may not be a good thing to be breathing it directly.
thunk, erythematicsays
Richard Austin:
If it was to a small atoll near Kiribati, I’m gonna have to interrogate you to determine how you found the location of my secret lair…
I didn’t know that, thanks.
Richard Austinsays
Thermocouples sunk near the magma chamber of a dormant volcano make for easy energy. Plus, you know, it’s pretty and stuff.
theophontes (坏蛋)says
[Pussy Riot]
This has gotten really sordid. Bombing artists into gaol because a few goddists are having feefees. The whole indictment has been completely ridiculous. “Offending” the church? They can’t even fucking prove their imaginary god exists. And they lock up these people because some creepy people claim to know the mind of a fictitious being. A fascist state smothering the Polis in an attempt to prop up an iniquitous fascist institution. (Or vice versa?)
“religious hatred” … more like an appropriate intolerance of cheap fiction. Pathetic bullies.
@ chigau
The queue is longer for ratties than for Brownian or Louis … put together. Caine will have to can the whole snippitysnip program.
Working on the theory that one bad turn deserves another, the FRC immediately tried to exploit the shooting to launch an attack on the reputation of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a longtime foe of the FRC’s anti-gay crusade.
“Let me be clear that Floyd Corkins was responsible for firing the shot yesterday,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told reporters in Washington about the suspect. “But Corkins was given a license to shoot an unarmed man by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that have been reckless in labeling organizations hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy.”
Right. Because the FRC’s relentless slanders against gays wouldn’t have offended anybody if it hadn’t been for those damn kids and their stupid dog.
Uh …. let’s put this in the Moments of Mormon Madness category. I mean, I wish the mormon women active in the semi-but-not-really-equal campaign well, I just think they are tilting at windmills. If they want true equality, they will have to leave mormonism.
Some of their own statements betray the depth of the brains-fucked problem:
These LDS women, McBaine said, are not trying to “eradicate the divine differences between men and women,” but want to be “used, engaged, recognized and appreciated … in the broadest context of the Lord’s kingdom.”
…Strayer notes that Mormons have “a uniquely feminist doctrine that … could be an example of religious gender equality to every other world religion….
Oh those divine differences. And that uniquely feminist doctrine. Assholiness.
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinistsays
Well, yeah, Beatrice, but it’s also a sad news day. It’s not very nice anywhere at present.
Pussy Riot. Odd name, but fun, I guess. Theophontes, don’t be mistaken, they’re being arrested has more to do with the anti-gay laws that Russia and Moscow have recently passed. The No Gay Propaganda law is at the root of the indictment of Pussy Riot.
That is, it’s not a religious thing. That’s a convenient angle for the government, but this about LGBTQ rights not the offended sensibilities of the religious.
Pteryxx, thanks. I hadn’t seen that yet. Isn’t it amazing how they (the FRC) can just completely ignore their privilege and ignore the difference between their propaganda and slander against a diverse segment of the population while decrying the use of ‘hate group’ because it’s apparently ‘enabling’?
Crazier, people are nodding their heads in agreement with the FRC.
Thomathy: well, yeah. The only unforgivable sin is exposing bigotry.
oniongirl: If it turns out that the contents of my email are unduly stoopid-sounding, or beside the point, feel perfectly free to ‘not have received it in time’. No penalty, no offense, no reprisals.
Skepticon, that is, St. Louis,
Skepticon is in Springfield. Sedalia, 103 miles away, seems to have the closest Amtrak station.
– McC2lhu, I like the way you think.
– Damn, but this bag of jelly beans sure has a lot of evil-tasting licorice-flavored beans.
MY WIFE IS EMPLOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it come in time to save your guitar? Get it out of pawn?
Our 14 pound cat panics when she barfs; she’ll start at one spot, hurl, then try to run away from her act-of-barfing-already-in-progress, laying a trail as she goes. It contrasts boldly with the beige carpet. We have come to take a relaxed view of carpet stains.
portia: Congrats on the new customers.
Okay, I’ve decided that Paul Ryan is the perfect VP pick for Romney. Those two guys could be twins as far as their campaign lies go.
Yesterday, Ryan strongly criticized President Obama for not rescuing an auto factory in Ryan’s Wisconsin district. There’s just one problem with this attack. The factory closed in 2008, when George W. Bush was President.
Maybe this is part of the Romney/Ryan “retroactive” strategy. They get to retroactively correct all their past errors, plus they get to retroactively blame Obama for all the difficulties of the George W. Bush administration.
I knew Obama was powerful, but I didn’t know he was that powerful.
I would like to point out that Obama claims he was born in Hawaii, but he failed to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor.
I seem to recall that a leading American Nazi was murdered at a laundrey in the early sixties.
So everyone who are dumping on the Nazis are obviously totally enabling murderers.
Or maybe laundries are an inherently jewish institution, I’m not sure.
— — — —
Nepenthe, when you are retired and have plenty of time you should invite Jehovah’s Witnesses to get even.
Start with deconstructing the concilium of Nicaea, then make a detailed description of the computer algorithms that show which passages of the Bible that have been added on centuries after the nominal author, a thorough description of the archaeology that shows towns supposedly built by David were built centuries afterwards…
Good news: “Federal Court Rules Florida’s Shortening Of Early Voting Discriminates Against Blacks”
Coming on the heels of the partisan/stupid ruling by the judge in Pennsylvania, this ruling is a hopeful sign that the courts will reverse at least some of the voter suppression laws that have been passed by Republican state legislatures, and/or otherwise put into effect by Republican Governors.
“In sum, Florida is left with nothing to rebut either the testimony of the defendants’ witnesses or the common-sense judgment that a dramatic reduction in the form of voting that is disproportionately used by African-Americans would make it materially more difficult for some minority voters to cast a ballot than under the benchmark law,” the court ruled.
I saw the funniest little dog in Florence. The poor thing apparently has bladder problems and he kept trailing piss as he was walking. I managed to trace his progress backwards, but lost the piss trail on a street crossing.
Ryan said that one of his favorite bands is Rage Against the Machine. His love is not returned.
“He can like whatever bands he wants, but his guiding vision of shifting revenue more radically to the one percent is antithetical to the message of Rage,” wrote Morello [guitarist Tom Morello], an activist for progressive causes.
He added: “Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta ‘rage’ in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions.”
Given the track record of the US, Assange might be safer in the UK or even Sweden than in Ecuador, where US drones, I’m sure are only a couple of hours distant in Colombia.
Rey Foxsays
I’m getting the impression that Ryan is trying to paint himself as the candidate of Generation X. I weep.
Are there any virtual rats still looking for virtual rat parents? I volunteer. Any rat! (You might even have to acquire more.)
No more acquiring! There are plenty left. How about Theo for you? He’s one of the mostly wild-types, not quite as strange as Chester and not as quiet as Oliver. (Chester, Theo & Oliver all look alike except for their tails. Dexter and Neville in Rubin’s crew look like them.) Anyway, Theo is nicely mannered, on the quiet side, likes bacon and chocolate and when he does manage to be a troublemaker, he does it in a spectacular manner!
If there are any ratties left, I’d like one, please.
Preferably the runt of the litter or the weirdest one.
Hmmm. The itty bittys are all claimed. Weirdest? Hmmm, barring Chester, that would have to be Amelia. She’s a facehugger (seriously, spreadeagle, attaches to your face, usually when you’re trying to sleep), major explorer and world class climber. Takes delight in teaching the other kidz how to do stuff they will get in trouble for at some point. She’s a black/gray and white hoodie. Generally speaking, she’s a very naughty little rat, but trades on her extreme cuteness.
a_ray_in_dilbert_space! :pounces and squeezes to bits:
Erm, good to see you again.
I’m getting the impression that Ryan is trying to paint himself as the candidate of Generation X. I weep.
Until I read about one of Ryan’s favorite bands being RATM, I had no idea what demographic he was supposed to pull aside from old white guys and people easily charmed by made-up figures made by a charismatic guy with an R next to his name.
Now I can’t shake the idea that he was supposed to be the Republican’s plan to pull in the youth vote. Mitt doesn’t resonate with the youth. He seems too fake. Ryan will really bring in the college Libertarian vote, at least. The ones that feel like they’re “raging against the machine” that gives their admissions slots and jobs to undeserving minorities in an attempt at tokenism.
Paul Ryan is trying to portray himself as the candidate of all the following groups:
1)Randroids–even though Rand was an atheist and would have deplored Ryan’s anti-LGBT, antiwoman positions, as well as his anti-science stance
2)Entrepreneurs–even though the only private sector work experience he has is a short stint at the family bidness.
3)Catlick dominionists–although like most of his fellow catlicks, he conveniently ignores any teachings having to do with charity, or pretty much anything but personal sexual morality.
4)Anti-science nutjobs.
Curiously, he appears utterly unable to appreciate the irony inherent in his philosophy.
I’m sorry, but Ryan’s confession that he lurves Rage Against the Machine made me feel old.
Really old.
1)Randroids–even though Rand was an atheist and would have deplored Ryan’s anti-LGBT, antiwoman positions, as well as his anti-science stance
Be careful about thinking “atheist” equates to “one of us”. It’s the root of a lot of the surprise and disappointment in the movement lately. Here’s the Ayn Rand and Homosexuality wiki page.
Ummmm… Paul Ryan has never listen to RATM lyrics, has he?
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinistsays
Ayn Rand, enlightened bigot.
I really, really dislike anyone who calls themselves libertarian. I also really dislike Ayn Rand -she wasn’t just a crappy novelist with a bad idea.
I second Improbable Joe. There is no way, nooooooooo way he has ever listened to the lyrics of their songs. Not a hope. Not now. Not then. Not ever.
Or if he has, he is deeeeeeeeeeeeeply confused…
…oooooh wait libertarian, sexist, god bothering, Republican…deeply confused is redundant. It comes with the territory.
Paul, Oh, I would never consider Rand one of “us”. She was a helluva piece of work. Ryan, though, and his fellow magic-of-the-marketplace glibertarians are worse.
Not only is it doubtful they’ve even read Rand, I doubt they’ve even read Adam Smith. They’re like all the xtians who have never read the Bibble, except a few choice bits in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, skipped to The Revelation and then maybe tried to find the juicy bits in the Psalms.
And ARIDS! Hey there!
Thank ye kindly, maam. And in my eyes, you are still a pup.
Paul, Oh, I would never consider Rand one of “us”. She was a helluva piece of work. Ryan, though, and his fellow magic-of-the-marketplace glibertarians are worse.
My point was that you were projecting our pro-LGBT, pro-woman positions onto her. I don’t know much about her position on science, and don’t particularly feel like looking it up. But from my link:
In 1971, Rand published The New Left, a collection of essays that attacked feminism and the sexual liberation movements, including the gay rights movement. Rand called them “hideous” for their demand for what she considered “special privileges” from the government. She addressed homosexuality in the course of an attack on feminism, stating that “[T]o proclaim spiritual sisterhood with lesbians… is so repulsive a set of premises from so loathsome a sense of life that an accurate commentary would require the kind of language I do not like to see in print.”
She endorsed rights that protect gays from discrimination by the government (such as apartheid), but rejected the right to be protected from discrimination in the private sector (such as employment discrimination).[6] The basis of this conclusion was not related to her feelings about homosexuality, but rather a product of her stand on property rights. Rand supported the right of a private property owner to discriminate, even on a basis that she condemned as immoral, such as racism, and that any act of the government to change this would be an intrusion on individual rights.
Rand asserted that “the essence of femininity is hero worship — the desire to look up to man” and that “an ideal woman is a man-worshipper, and an ideal man is the highest symbol of mankind.”[7] In other words, Rand felt that it was part of human nature for a psychologically healthy woman to want to be ruled in sexual matters by a man worthy of ruling her. In an authorized article in The Objectivist, psychotherapist Nathaniel Branden, Rand’s extramarital lover and onetime “intellectual heir,” explains Rand’s view as the idea that “man experiences the essence of his masculinity in the act of romantic dominance; woman experiences the essence of her femininity in the act of romantic surrender.”[8]
I don’t think she would significantly disagree with Ryan on LGBT issues or many of his anti-women positions.
17 August 2012 at 2:52 am
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
Because you spend all your time whining about how you can’t get a date rather than topics of mutual interest.
Did you know that I don’t get the dates because whenever I mentioned I am atheist.
So, dianne would you date someone if they telling you they are passionate christian and they won’t date hateful atheist ?
Ahh, you think I am whining, I think atheist are less likely to get a date, well I think that’s a mutual interest too, right.
Louis, have you come across the Peter Principle? Because that sounds very much like what you’re experiencing. Basically, you discover that someone is good at something, so you promote them. You keep doing this until they reach a position that they aren’t good at. And that’s where they stop. Eventually, every position is filled with someone who’s incompetent at it – but might well have been very good at whatever they were doing 10 years before.
chigau (違う)says
Amelia … facehugger
Like in Alien?
I’m in.
Richard Austinsays
Did you know that I don’t get the dates because whenever I mentioned I am atheist.
So, dianne would you date someone if they telling you they are passionate christian and they won’t date hateful atheist ?
Ahh, you think I am whining, I think atheist are less likely to get a date, well I think that’s a mutual interest too, right.
Erm, I wouldn’t date someone if they tell me they’re a passionate Christian, full stop. I also wouldn’t expect such a person to date an active atheist. While such a relationship could work and likely has at points, I’d assume those are the exceptions and definitely not the rule.
That being said, I list myself as “atheist and pretty serious about it” on OKCupid, and I still get dates and people talking to me. So, it’s not like “dating” and “outing ones self as an atheist” are mutually exclusive, at least not in all markets. I admit the area of the world you’re in could have different social norms and this it might be more difficult, but I doubt it’s impossible.
Ahh, you think I am whining, I think atheist are less likely to get a date
You are whining. By the way, this atheist has been married to another atheist for 33 years. Also, if you can’t be arsed to click on your scmess above the comment box and get a proper godsdamn nym, go the fuck away.
A_ray, what am I, chopped liver?
Chigau, yes, like Alien. :D
So, your problem is that you too often encounter religious women who don’t want to date you because you are an atheist.
I don’t understand why you were whining about atheist women not wanting to date you then. You sound a bit like you expect atheist women to sniff out your atheism and come knocking at your door. I’m afraid I can’t offer advice on how to meet more atheists if you are surrounded by very religious community, other than telling you to maybe find and join an atheist group or try dating sites.
Eventually, every position is filled with someone who’s incompetent at it – but might well have been very good at whatever they were doing 10 years before.
There are complicating factors that certainly don’t help.
1) Many “careers” don’t have any kind of promotion path except to management, and often people feel that if they aren’t getting regular promotions ever few years they’re “bad” or “unwanted”. So, often, the only option is to promote someone to management.
2) There are very few non-manager positions that define someone as being a good fit for management; it’s usually stuff you do in addition to your regular job (or around it) that show off your management skills. As a result, being a good worker very often does not mean being a good manager, if only for lack of training.
3) Telling management or HR that you don’t want to be a manager – especially if it’s your only promotion path – is often seen as “xe is lazy and wants to stagnate in xe’s position for the rest of xe’s life.” So, people who should stay at whatever level they’re at are often let go in the next round of layoffs because they have “no ambition”.
So, you end up with people who have nowhere to go but management and have no skills or training on how to be a manager. If they know this and decline management positions, they’re seen as deadweight and gotten rid of at the next opportunity.
hotshoe and thunk – Skepticon is in Springfield, not St. Louis. Other side of the state and all the way down.
Oh, dear, my mistake. I should have known not to trust my memory.
Too bad, that means Amtrak is not a good option, leaving Greyhound bus — which is surprisingly more expensive, and not anywhere near as much fun.
Seriously. I’ve been married for 3.5 years to someone who recently let go of his faith (but was never terribly observant). One would think that if “atheist” or “nonreligious” was a dating criteria, it wouldn’t be any more difficult to find someone than picking another set of criteria.
I never had a hard time getting dates because of my atheism, anyway. *shrugs*
“TET will become [Lounge]. It is still the same: an open thread, talk about what you want, but I’m going to be specific: it is a safe space. Discussion and polite disagreement are allowed, but you will respect all the commenters, damn you. No personal attacks allowed at all. If you’re feeling angry at someone in the thread, back off and leave: there is no shortage of rage threads on Pharyngula, but this one isn’t it. These threads will be heavily moderated…which means that if you break any of the rules, they will be promptly and strongly enforced.”
On the good news at work front:
I get to offer one of my guys a promotion (and a raise) today! I had a meeting with my manager and provided my guy accepts the offer, I’ll be able to start training him as my replacement next week. :)
Why are you popping into the Lounge and quoting the rules to us?
The poopyhead was quite clear about his feelings on Inspector Javert type behavior.
David Marjanovićsays
Sign the petition against large-scale coal mining on top of the Great Barrier Reef.
More petitions. The one currently on top of the page: “President Obama has done good things to reign in dirty coal pollution. So why is his campaign running a radio ad in Ohio which promotes coal and actually criticizes Mitt Romney for saying that pollution from coal plants kills people? Pres. Obama should have his campaign pull this cynical ad.” *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*
Most understated abstract ever. And a good lesson about unexpected benefits from basic research undertaken just for the sake of theory! Be sure to read the part after the very last comma.
I’ll try to find a way to skepticon.
Shit, it is this lack of understanding of what Nazis actually were that allows dipshits like Jonah Goldberg make the argument that they were liberal/progressive.
Ah, another day ! Unfortunately it’s the day when Russia is likely going to send 3 young women to labor camp for 3 years for offending religious sensibilities.
Pretext for offending Putin’s sensibilities.
In this case, I don’t think that’s it. Our schools do cover the Holocaust multiple times, beginning in elementary school.
In how much detail?
Anyway, how do you account for David Irving?
The same way.
San Francisco to New York Greyhound Bus trip
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
How many do you even know? I recommend staying on the Internet for longer.
Ahh, may be I should rethink about myself, there is a problem with me, I am looser, I don’t know anything about ladies, so I should shut up.
There isn’t really anything you can know “about ladies” that isn’t simply “about people”. Women aren’t a monolith. Treating them as one never works.
couldn’t even get a dinner date from
Instead of “get from”, try “have with”. It’s something two people do with each other for their own enjoyment (which includes the other person’s).
Are there any other such stories out there, about supernatural beasties defeated by science!
Of course, the “science” there is all made-up technobabble. “Total protonic reversal.” But the idea still clearly is that ghosts aren’t magic – that nothing is magic.
the German constitutional court has done away with the prohibition of the Bundeswehr carrying out military operations within the country
WTF. With what reasoning???
In the meantime, I found out yesterday that ohmygod I’m going to my first-choice university this September! I got the grades!! ^.^
MY WIFE IS EMPLOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Jadehawk’s® Totally Biodegradable Confetti®*
Oh, and for those of you not following me on Twitter… my wife’s new salary? Double.
Theophontes, don’t be mistaken, they’re being arrested has more to do with the anti-gay laws that Russia and Moscow have recently passed. The No Gay Propaganda law is at the root of the indictment of Pussy Riot.
Srsly? Their “punk prayer” in the famous Savior Cathedral was to be delivered from Putin.
strange gods before me ॐsays
Tethys, because I don’t want to see sc_b3852da0511075db84e787440ae4d8ec wrongly driven out of here. It’s not okay to tell anyone here “if you can’t be arsed to click on your scmess above the comment box and get a proper godsdamn nym, go the fuck away”. And I don’t want to see sc_b3852da0511075db84e787440ae4d8ec inappropriately escalate the situation while thinking that it’s okay to treat people like that here.
Chopped liver, you most decidedly are not. I’m envisioning a rather delicious Pate–perhaps with a habanero pepper hidden deep within for the unwary.
Missed Y’all.
Looks like the best you could do from Chicago to Skepticon is an amtrak ticket to Warrensburg (currently $52 one way), and then a Greyhound bus the rest of the way (currently $30).
Maybe better Amtrak only to St. Louis ($24, in advance) then switching to the Greyhound in St. Louis for Springfield ($42). Schedule works okay with a long gap between the scheduled arrival in St. Louis and the bus departure, which allows for train delays en route.
I wouldn’t do it; bus doesn’t get in until 10:30PM in Springfield. I wouldn’t have the energy to carry my bag to a hotel in a strange town already past my bedtime, and then get up in the morning and enjoy a conference. Probably fine if you’re young and energetic.
Google maps says it’s 512 miles, 9 hours drive, from Chicago Union Station to Springfield MO. So even carpooling, with drivers to share the trip, that’s a long haul. Easy to forget how big this country is.
Pretty country, though. I suppose with the drought this year it’s not quite as green as I remember, but I bet the old shade trees are still as grand.
Do you actually have a pantograph machine? Dracula Duckie is coming out nicely. I love that you are giving him hearts.
I am also going to be bossy and request more ratlet pics.
I am curious which one is Angua. I am also in love with the little gray rat that looks like mini-Chas without the white blaze.
Any news on the latest betes test? Gah, sympathies on having had to go through that.
Richard Austinsays
Be sure to read the part after the very last comma.
Gotta love fullerenes :)
From the full text:
Finally, it is important to note that OACC created ring crack indentations on the diamond anvils. These indentations follow the original boundary of the sample in the gasket, indicating the exceptional hardness of the new phase (4, 5). Two optical pictures of the ring cracks generated after releasing from pressures of 32.8 and 60.1 GPa are shown in Fig. 4. From previous studies, ring cracks have only been observed when a diamond anvil is indented by another superhard material, such as an opposing beveled diamond anvil. The observation of ring cracks indicates that OACC has ultra-incompressibility comparable to diamond. The shift of the strongest XRD peak of the high-pressure phase as a function of pressure was also analyzed (fig. S11). Comparison with diamond also suggests that OACC is as incompressible as diamond.
And Louis,good to see you still fighting the ggod fight.
I understand your concern. I’m sure if it becomes an issue, a mod will bring it to PZ’s attention.
Please don’t do the Inspector Javert thing. I don’t want the Poopyhead to get upset with you again.
Another lipless old white guy who is also a right wing nutter has come out against feeding poor children. Well, actually he is just against the federal government being involved in education at all, and this, he thinks, makes it okay for him to suggest putting a stop to support for school lunches.
U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican candidate, said he opposes federal spending for the National School Lunch Program, which provides cash and surplus food for nearly 650,000 school lunches in Missouri each day.
“Is it something the federal government should do?” Akin said. “I answer is no. … I think the federal government should be out of the education business.”
In fairness, I should note that Akin doesn’t care if state governments offer school-lunch programs, but he wants Congress to stop making investments in public education altogether.
In other words, for purely ideological reasons, the right-wing GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate in Missouri feels comfortable saying he wants to take food out of the mouths of poor children. It’s OK if the money comes from state or local government, but if federal funds are needed, it’s preferable to have the kids go hungry….
I should point out that Todd Akin thinks the federal student loan program is a “stage-three cancer of socialism.” He also thinks liberalism is based on “a hatred of God,” and he wants to impeach President Obama, who is, of course, “a complete menace to our civilization.”
Thanks, Cecily. Where did they move the spanking couch?
I think the onion fullerene is particularly awesome.
You know, I look at these Teabaggers, and I cannot help but wonder: What the hell is wrong with these people? They are just nasty, mean, hateful scumbags. They have no appreciation of science, culture, art, thought… They are even utterly unaware of the intellectual traditions they claim to embrace–xtianity, libertarianism, capitalism…
Try as I might, I cannot find a political movement as reprehensible in American history. Even the Know-Nothings would shun them as ignorant, hypocritical Philistines.
More music and politics news ! [ironic exclamation mark]
Previous music and politics news @159.
We know that Rage Against the Machine has a beef with Paul Ryan. Their beef makes sense for the most part. Well, it turns out that Megadeath singer Dave MUstaine has a beef with Obama, and no sense is made nor even approached.
When did Dave Mustaine trade in heavy metal for a tinfoil hat? During a concert in Singapore, the 50-year-old Megadeth frontman declared that the Obama administration was responsible for the recent mass shootings in Aurora and Oak Creek.
“My president,” he told the crowd, making a dramatic gagging gesture, “is trying to pass a gun ban. So he’s staging all of these murders, like the ‘Fast and Furious’ thing down at the border, in Aurora, Colo., all the people that were killed there, and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple … I don’t know where I’m gonna live if America keeps going the way it’s going because it looks like it’s turning into Nazi America.”
Mr. Mustaine is also convinced that Obama was born in Kenya because he saw signs in Kenya claiming just that.
Socio-gen, something something...says
A long nap, some chicken soup and crackers, and more tea and I’m feeling semi-human again.
Improbable Joe:
I missed it earlier, but mucho congratulations to your wife!! *applause* *chocolates *confetti* *booze* *paper horns
Congratulations to you as well!! *bacon *booze* *chocolates
Paul Ryan likes RATM? Ummm…okay.. (or “what Improbable Joe and Louis said.”) Good grief.
It’s more gag- and shudder-inducing here. But I’m actually older than Paul Ryan, so perhaps that’s normal?
“Rand asserted that “the essence of femininity is hero worship — the desire to look up to man” and that “an ideal woman is a man-worshipper, and an ideal man is the highest symbol of mankind.”[7]”
Oh my. And I didn’t think I could hate Ayn Rand more than I already did….
sc-number gibberish:
You’re back! *sigh* Atheism does not make one magically more attractive or more repulsive.
I’m open about my atheism and no, I don’t date anyone who holds strong religious beliefs, but there hasn’t been any lack of people who are okay with my atheism and dating me. But, I also spent 10 years not dating at all after my divorce and learned to like who I was — and learned not to care about people who didn’t like me as I was. I love my life. A date or even a relationship is a bonus that I appreciate, but don’t expect or even need.
“Is it something the federal government should do?” Akin said. “I answer is no. … I think the federal government should be out of the education business.”
I should point out that Todd Akin thinks the federal student loan program is a “stage-three cancer of socialism.”
Of course. Because because it’s not like healthy children and an educated citizenry are important or anything.
I look at these Teabaggers, and I cannot help but wonder: What the hell is wrong with these people?
Teabaggers are good at recycling. Look at the way they’ve recycled birtherism. We thought that meme was dead, but no. Teabaggers can resurrect anything.
U.S. House of Representatives member Steve King from Iowa recently recycled the moldy “Death Panel” meme.
The North Iowa Globe Gazette reports that King visited Stellar Industries in Garner, where he fielded questions on health care policy:
One man asked if it was true that the plan would deny care to elderly cancer patients.
“We think so,” King said.
King said the new health care law sets up a panel to decide who gets treatment and who doesn’t.
“They will make a decision on whether your life is worth saving.”…
Do you actually have a pantograph machine? Dracula Duckie is coming out nicely. I love that you are giving him hearts.
Hahahahaha. Uh, no, I do not. Everything is done by hand. Thank you! I’ve done something a bit different for each one. I found a lovely little skull & crossbones for Pirate Duckie’s pantograph, assuming I ever get the effing Pirate Duckie done in the first place. I don’t know what I’ll do for the Devil and Ninja Duckies. My fave pantograph is the Sci-Pi I did for the Geeklet Duckie. :D I did locate an awesome stylized octopus for the whole quilt pantograph. Oy, I have so much to do.
I am also going to be bossy and request more ratlet pics.
I am curious which one is Angua. I am also in love with the little gray rat that looks like mini-Chas without the white blaze.
Okay! In the next day or three. Angua is a black & white who rarely affords me opportunities for photos. There are two ultra-soft grays, Merlin (male) and Mallory (female). They are gorgeous. The two apricot blondes are interesting on the eye front – Percival developed black eyes, but Pearl has the classic red eyes which usually go with a very pale coat. Perdita is a mini-Gytha. Giles is unto himself, stone gorgeous and the only one who doesn’t have a match between the two litters.
Now that Rubin is spayed, I let her back into the studio, twice (she wanted back in so badly) and immediately started attacking every single rat, including all the spawn, hers and Esme’s. We haven’t quite figured out what the hell is going on, but it’s going to be interesting trying to re-introduce them all once the gals are all spayed. It’s never easy.
So, went to my parents today.
A) My mum looks horrible and isn’t very coherent
B)I miss the cat. Fuck, it’s like she’ll come over any minute now” and she won’t come.
Congarats to Joe’s wife and Sarah
JOe, I hope you can dig up the money. Light the Horde-signal if you need help
More details – the embassy has offered to allow Swedish officials entry to question Assange on site (which is supposedly all they want from him) but the Swedish refused.
Yes, since when do you talk to an alleged rapist on his terms? If you’Re wanted for a crime investigation you gotta play to their rules.
WTF? That’s hardly an argument.
Also, if it’s all just a plot to get Assange to the USA*, why on earth would anybody consider Ecuador to be safe?
The USA kidnapped innocent people to torture them all over Europe. Ecuador would probably be as easy as pie.
*I don’t doubt that they want them. Probably a Swedish prison would be quite a safe option for him.
Mitt Romney gave a speech Beallsville, Ohio, this week, and presented an unfortunate attack against President Obama. “How can you go out there and tell people things that just aren’t true?” he asked rhetorically. He added, “This is a time for truths.”
In context, Romney was referring to Obama’s claim that “we’re adding jobs in the coal industry.” In reality, the nation really is adding jobs in the coal industry — Romney was looking for an example of the president saying something that “just isn’t true,” and he pointed to an Obama quote that happened to be accurate, though he told his audience the opposite. …
I would just like to quote Ann Romney here in order to put extra sauce on the irony pudding: “Mitt’s integrity is golden.”
10. Romney went on to say, “A nation which is a highly productive nation as we are benefits by trade with others… The Obama administration has negotiated no new [trade] agreements.”
Did Romney not hear about the trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.
12. Romney also said, “We’re at a 30-year low in new business startups.”
22. Romney said this week that Paul Ryan reached out to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) to “co-lead a piece of legislation that makes sure we can save Medicare.”
24. In Beallsville, Ohio, Romney argued, “President said he’d cut the deficit in half. He’s doubled it.”
Maybe Romney doesn’t know what “double” means. The deficit on Obama’s first day was $1.3 trillion. Last year, it was also $1.3 trillion. This year, it’s projected to be $1.1 trillion. When he says the president “more than doubled” the deficit, as he has many times, Romney’s lying.
There are 33 instances of Romney lying in the past week.
I linked to it in #104. :-) Yeah it’s EXACTLY what’s going on to a degree.
I hope I haven’t hit my ceiling yet!
Anyway, my rant/whinge/entirely privileged dude middle class pseudo “problem”, was more about “wah wah wah I am having to do shit I do not like”, as opposed to “wah wah wah job be hard”. The job’s good, the taking me away from playing with my chemistry set…not so much! ;-)
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinistsays
David Marjanović, seriously. Well, I can’t discount all of the other very awful laws that Russia has, but they definitely violated the gay propaganda law and at least the news sources with a gay bent are taking that angle …though the story is everywhere I can’t find one that lists the laws they contravened, only the charges they were found guilty of.
Is it still on-the-books illegal to stage protests of the government in Russia? Not that it matters in the end, I guess.
I thought: if you were somewhat of an unstable person and you read this sort of stuff and you were in line with what they believe I think it could drive somebody to violence. So we’re back to the question of, to what degree should there be public pressure on some of these gay rights organizations to tone it down?
Tone it down? These quotations are not something that LGBT groups have made up out of whole cloth. The FRC and its representatives really said these things. Peter Spring, senior fellow of the FRC, did say “I would much prefer to export homosexuals from the United States than to import them into the United States, because we believe that homosexuality is destructive to society.” Sprigg did say ” I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior.” And Tony Perkins, president of FRC, did say “While activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. … It is a homosexual problem.”
How exactly are we supposed to tone down their own words?
Anyone who can look up to someone who was booted out of Metallica for being too much of an asshole seriously needs to rethink their priorities.
Oh wait. We’re not talking about the most thoughtful people, are we?
Lynna, #207,
1) I had drinks with Dave Mustaine and the rest of Megadeth at a Wolfsbane/Megadeth concert in the UK ~22 years ago. I nipped to the bar before Wolfsbane had finished there set in order to beat the rush, and there they were. After Megadeth played we were allowed back stage for a beer, and for some reason we ended up chasing Wolfsbane through the streets of my hometown massively drunk. Ahhh to be 16 again.
2) Even ~22 years ago I could tell he was a little bit…interesting. Didn’t he become an evangelical Christian?
3) Batshit wingnuttery from Mustaine…not a surprise!
Re Dave Mustaine and his batshittery: notice how no one who criticizes liberal celebrities for bashing Republicans, and especially no one who went after the Dixie Chicks, has anything bad to say about Dave Mustaine.
1) Read my #45.
2) Stop whining.
3) Don’t worry, be happy!
I can forgive Mustaine many things, he did write/cowrite many of my favourite songs as a teenager, and kicked major arse live.
I need to listen to some thrash now…
…which I can! I have a free weekend (hold your horses ladies and gentlemen…Josh gets first dibs).
I have to work all weekend, my wife and kid are away until Sunday night at my in laws, I get hours of free, quiet worky time and my dance card is unmarked for tomorrow night. So form an orderly queue…
…hey…HEY!…where are you going. Form a queue I said…don’t run away. Please come back…I’m so alone…I’ve got rum!
thunk, erythematicsays
Ahh, too many rats (at least for me)
Can’t keep track of them all. I’m cool with any, honestly.
Apparently I talk and move a lot in my sleep. I’ve been told that, last night, I sat up in my sleep, pointed to the window, and said “not everything”. Weird.
Okay! In the next day or three.
Joy and happiness!
Angua is a black & white who rarely affords me opportunities for photos. There are two ultra-soft grays, Merlin (male) and Mallory (female). They are gorgeous
The grays do look soft. They remind me of my beloved childhood angora hamster Bianca.
thunk, erythematicsays
I was somewhat of a sleepwalker when I was younger.
Funny Divasays
Hello, Horde!
I’m srsly threadrupt, but saw cat-related condolences going out.
Improbable Joe: You’re a good person, taking critters into your heart that way. I feel for your MIL…I’ve been in that situash (though only after 7 years), and I thought my heart would break.
Where are you geographically?
I just “Inherited” about a half of a GIANT bag of MeowMix tender centers fish n chicken flavor kibble from a neighbor. Her (totally indoor) cats were tooooo fond of it, and gained weight. I don’t need it because New Kitteh came with big food supplies and a small trust fund.
So…any North Seattle/South Snohomish Co. Pharyngulites need a bag o’ kitteh chow?
Tony–sorry about the job loss. I’m sure they made a huge mistake. Hang in there. Booze and nachos if you need more.
Going to make me choose, eh? Well, how about Merlin for you? Merlin is young, very cute, on the quiet side when anyone is looking, but adventurous and mischievous enough when he thinks no one is around (or observing) and he’s recently decided that chocolate is quite nice.
— — — —
Sweden deported some people to Egypt where they got tortured. Major scandal followed, especially considering the treatment of the prisoners by CIA guards when the plane was still on Swedish teritory and subject to Swedish law. The political establishment really took a pounding.
No one in government wants to go through a similar process so A. would be safe from extradition to USA.
— — — —
99 percent of people prosecuted in Russia get convicted. No major difference from the communist days.
Caine, can I have a virtual rat too? And if so, is Giles already taken? He’s so gorgeous and kind of reminds me of Esme. :)
Of course! No one has claimed Giles, so he’s yours. He’s beyond beautiful and the only one who is even close to Esme in looks. I need to get a new photo of him, his colouring gets prettier and prettier and he’s *huge*.
Seriously. I’ve been married for 3.5 years to someone who recently let go of his faith (but was never terribly observant). One would think that if “atheist” or “nonreligious” was a dating criteria, it wouldn’t be any more difficult to find someone than picking another set of criteria.
When Mr. and I first met he was still nominaly Lutheran. After he left the church because he was just fed up with all the church tax, I was the official excuse why everything about us is secular to his grandma. He was also believing in “something beyond” at that time.
Never was a problem.
Nowadays he identifies as full-out atheist. Having kids did that to him.
Well, it’s been more than 12 years now…
Of course! No one has claimed Giles, so he’s yours.
Great, thanks!
Oh, please do get a new photo of him. Can’t wait for it.
Remember those seven kittens on livecam that have been linked to dozens of times? They’ve all been adopted and it’s only a matter of time until they’re all at their new homes. Their mum was a stray and she’s being adopted with one of the boys.
Even ~22 years ago I could tell he was a little bit…interesting. Didn’t he become an evangelical Christian?
Yes. Born again fuckhead.
thunk, erythematicsays
Going to make me choose, eh? Well, how about Merlin for you? Merlin is young, very cute, on the quiet side when anyone is looking, but adventurous and mischievous enough when he thinks no one is around (or observing) and he’s recently decided that chocolate is quite nice.
thunk, erythematicsays
Both of the Tropical waves I mentioned earlier struggles in the tropics, but are now full-fledged tropical storms.
TS Gordon (winds of 65 mph) is heading east, and is forecast to hit the eastern islands of the Azores in about 60 hours.
TS Helene has recently popped up in the Bay of Campeche, and has about 18 hours to go before landfall in Mexico south of Tampico.
Ouch for anyone in the path of the storms.
thunk, erythematicsays
And likely to ruin someone’s day.
Caine, think you might put up a ratlet cheat sheet at some point? ;>
and I shouldn’t have backed out… if one of the browny brown wildtype identicals is left, I’ll virtually guard one.
Movie about Milgram-type doings in real life – even though it’s accurate, some audiences have walked out in outrage.
Compliance is a psychological thriller based on a true event in which a sociopath pretending to be a cop called a fast food joint and convinced the manager to do horrific things to a young employee. It sounds like the Milgram Experiment in the real world.
From the NYT article:
“Compliance” came into focus when [director Craig Zobel] learned about the 2004 case of a man who called a McDonald’s in Mount Washington, Ky., and persuaded the female manager to interrogate and strip-search a female employee. Mr. Zobel was amazed to discover that this story was part of a wider pattern; the culprit was a serial prankster, and similar incidents had been reported at other chain restaurants.
Mr. Zobel has noticed that a common criticism of the film is to write off the characters as implausibly gullible fools. “Everyone plays the part of the hero in their mind and says that they wouldn’t do it,” he said. “But clearly that statistically is not accurate.”
Fuck, that’s frightening. And not surprising. I think most people (I include myself, obviously) will respond at least to some extent – and probably a lot more than we would like to think – given the right combination of authority figure and desire to please. Fuck.
Compliance is a psychological thriller based on a true event in which a sociopath pretending to be a cop called a fast food joint and convinced the manager to do horrific things to a young employee. It sounds like the Milgram Experiment in the real world.
They did an ep in one of the police procedurals (Law and Order: SVU?) on this same real life events. The creeper was played by Robin Williams.
In RL (in case this was not mentioned on boingboing or the NY times), the way it happened is that there were calls to several different fast food joints. The caller indicated that he was a cop, searching for a particular female employee. She was to be confined, iirc in some cases actually bound, and frisked (I think in some cases disrobed) for stolen goods/money.
Lest we get too depressed, I don’t think any numbers are available for how many places got these calls and either refused to believe that it was a cop on the other line or refused to follow the instructions given.
and I shouldn’t have backed out… if one of the browny brown wildtype identicals is left, I’ll virtually guard one.
You have your choice of Oliver, Dexter or Neville, all males. :D Let me know and I’ll add a pic to the parade of virtual ratties. (If it helps, Oliver is Daddy Sam’s favourite.)
I’m trying to get a gravatar. My nym was taken, but someone told me I could register under a variation and the picture would follow me. I must be doing something wrong.
Whoa– what happened? It changed! All of them changed!
Ok. Never mind. Happy now.
If you want a black circle with an A in the middle (one continuous line), it’s showing on my end. That’s not the default sort of scrambled IP-based image like I have (I can’t help but think of Coyne’s site whenever I see it, since that was the first place I saw them and it’s the same image unsurprisingly), so I was guessing that might be what you meant by gravatar (all I know is that gravatar allows for custom avatars).
Yes, that’s the universal atheism symbol, and it’s what I wanted. For some reason my first two ‘tests’ showed the generic blue design. Gravatar takes a bit of time before it works, I guess. And it starts gradually …
Caine, I can share Oliver with Sam. (I think I can maybe remember the name Oliver!)
thunk, erythematicsays
Hi Sastra. Welcome back.
94L (latest tropical wave) is making me shudder right now.
*However, models have little validity beyond 5-7 days. Weather is hard to predict*
Yes, that’s the universal atheism symbol, and it’s what I wanted.
Huh, I must have missed that committee meeting. Good to know. I haven’t decided on an atheism symbol I prefer, although that seems like a really nice candidate (I’m big on simplicity). I like the idea behind the GNU Atheism upraised fist one, but ever since Jadehawk put one together I can’t shake the idea that it looks like a person fisting a Gnu.
Caine, I can share Oliver with Sam. (I think I can maybe remember the name Oliver!)
Oliver it is! He can be seen here, right after Merlin.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
Conga rats Sastra for the avatar appearing. I know how I felt when Fantasia hippo came up after the transition to FtB. Somehow I always pictured a wise owl as your avatar.
Something he does often. :D I love him so. He’s always the very first one to come running to me when I wake up and goes with me to make tea and get salad & ensure for the crews.
thunk, erythematicsays
I admit I do not have the visceral reaction many people do upon seeing kitties or ratties. But Merlin looks rather cool. I have a random plush rat too, and that’s also gray. :)
I admit I like the other ratlets more. Never actually liked Merlin that much. Ah well.
You’re not a dipshit. You don’t have to be stuck with Merlin. Maybe one of the other ratties would be more your cuppa – which ones do you like the most? There’s Basil, who looks just like Beatrice or Magrat, who looks like Amelia & Agnes, except with a dark gray streak along her lower back and butt and many more. Just tell me what ya want. :D
thunk, erythematicsays
There’s Basil, who looks just like Beatrice or Magrat, who looks like Amelia & Agnes, except with a dark gray streak along her lower back and butt and many more.
I really like Beatrice, so I’ll probably go with Basil then. ANd not freak out.
Aw. I go away for a few days and come back to find ratties for virtual adoption. Is Magrat still available?
thunk, erythematicsays
I’m going back to school tomorrow, so I’m just having random freakouts, and being generally nervous at other times.
I know it’s going to be all right, I just can’t convince myself.
I want a rattie… both Caine’s virtual and real. I recently had to decide to be responsible and not take a couple of snakes… but that means I might be able to talk the housemate into rats…
but that means I might be able to talk the housemate into rats…
Oooh, good luck!
I’m honestly not sure she’ll go for it. She loves the cat a lot, and I think she’ll freak that they won’t get along. That said, she was the same way about snakes until she met them. I do love the look of the agoutis and the hooded guys though. They are so cute.
Yay! She’s adorable! I’ve always had a soft spot for hooded rats. I’ve had a seriously shitty week at work, and seeing all the cuteness has definitely lifted my mood. That, and the glass of wine. :)
Ava, Oporornis maledettasays
Late to the party, but Numbermess #23, if you’re sincere, I hope you can buck up and look on the bright side. Others, this is the lounge now, cute baby pandas and things, right? Three-post rule?
Improbable Joe: That’s sad about the guitar and other equipment. Years ago when my sister’s husband’s business went under, she had to sell her beautiful Ovation guitar to help them survive. It hurts.
She loves the cat a lot, and I think she’ll freak that they won’t get along.
Well, the rat[s] don’t have to free range and a lot of rats and cats get along just fine. Mine boss the hell out of the cats and chase them. If you have time to waste, search pet rats cat on yootube. You’ll be there forever. :D
The good news is that my wife will get paid in time for me to get my #1 guitar back from the pawn shop. The bad news is that I’m going to have to flat-out sell my Strat to help pay rent/groceries for September. The other good news is that my wife will be making enough money that I will be able to go out and buy a brand new Strat by the end of September.
I put this up at Zinnia’s also; the SPLC response to right-wingers blaming them for the FRC shooting.
As the SPLC made clear at the time and in hundreds of subsequent statements and press interviews, we criticize the FRC for claiming, in Perkins’ words, that pedophilia is “a homosexual problem” — an utter falsehood, as every relevant scientific authority has stated. An FRC official has said he wanted to “export homosexuals from the United States.” The same official advocated the criminalizing of homosexuality.
Perkins and his allies, seeing an opportunity to score points, are using the attack on their offices to pose a false equivalency between the SPLC’s criticisms of the FRC and the FRC’s criticisms of LGBT people. The FRC routinely pushes out demonizing claims that gay people are child molesters and worse — claims that are provably false. It should stop the demonization and affirm the dignity of all people.
She is, too. Magrat is very active, playful, tends to be a leader in learned mischief and *loves* to climb. The higher, the better.
Ava, Oporornis maledettasays
Pteryxx, #115: Good for Ecuador. I have no doubt that if Assange is brought here, they’ll do a Bradley Manning or a Wen Ho Lee on him. I’m glad Ecuador came out and said so.
Vasily is a form of Basil, so I think that’s fine. :D
Basil is a wild and craaaaaaaaaazy guy. He popcorns at the slightest touch, loves to run, wrestle and chew on fingers. He has the cutest habit of falling asleep when he’s sitting up – he nods off and his head keeps falling down until it hits the surface of whatever he’s sitting on and there he sleeps. I’ll try to get a pic of him doing that, it’s too damn cute.
He’s named Basil for two reasons. First, Basil Rathbone is one of my all time favourite actors and my favourite episode of Fawlty Towers is Basil the Rat.
Well Lynna at 159 bet me to it (damn work!), but I was going to comment about that awesome op-ed piece by Tom Morello in the Rolling Stone.
I grew up listening to Rage Against the Machine, and I saw Tom Morello play last weekend at outside lands. I have to give it to him, he stole the entire weekend (beating out Neil young). Him playing “This is Your Land” (the true Woody Guthrie version) really hit me emotionally.
I suggest everyone read that little screed that Lynna linked to in 159, even if you aren’t into his music. He really gives Paul Rand a bit of a slap.
Ava, Oporornis maledettasays
Improbable Joe, #278. Well, that’s a turn for the better. I hope the check comes in before #1 is bought by somebody!
John Moralessays
I’ve never viscerally understood this symbolic attachment to specific items; a copy which is indistinguishable from the original (or a replacement which is functionally no less) is fine by me.
I am not sure why I feel compelled to read the entire thread before posting, but I do. Which leaves me knowing lots about you all and you knowing nothing about me.
Improbable Joe: Yay for newly-employed wife! And double-yay for getting number one guitar back eventually! Is that the Les Paul? I was very very sad when I read about its trip to the pawnshop. I have a Special–no carved top, bought on a grad school budget–and I am devoted to it. I have a thirty year old Strat, too, that I bought new. I don’t play it much anymore, but I am as attached to it as to my right foot. Or my left one.
Meds withdrawal report, good: nine hours of sleep last night, plus two hours napping today. Annoying: dopamine receptors in gut are having too much of a party now that their restraints are off. Ouch. Also head noise, but nothing like what this was prescribed for in the first place.
So what is a Friday night like here? Lots of nonsense and carrying on? I might be up for awhile. You might be happy to know I am feeling less loquacious than recently. I can be plied with coffee, though.
Caine, don’t be mean — even I get that people aren’t replaceable or copyable.
John Moralessays
Meds withdrawal report, good: nine hours of sleep last night, plus two hours napping today. Annoying: dopamine receptors in gut are having too much of a party now that their restraints are off.
Knowing what’s going on surely must be helpful, though.
(I’m cheering you on in that endeavour)
broboxley OTsays
John, I have a guitar in my basement which cost $150 new, has the finish sanded off, crap soldering on the pickups by me and was my eldest boy’s treasured possession. He isnt around any more, his guitar is.
Now after I am gone the guitar will probably end up at goodwill (a us donation based thrift store) but until then it means more than anything else I own.
Do understand where you are coming from, I have always advocated to never get attached to anything that doesnt fit in a backpack, but there are exceptions
John, I wasn’t being mean! I meant for you to actually ask your wife – it’s like the whole jewelry business. She’ll know best how to explain the sentimental attachment to you.
John Moralessays
broboxley, I intellectually get it, just not viscerally — and I think the converse applies between you and I.
(e.g. I don’t keep photo albums or mementoes, but my wife does; I don’t care about birthdays or anniversaries, but ditto)
John Moralessays
Caine, I already have! :|
Like I said, normal people are weird.
(We’ve been together 34 years now, and very intimate)
The good news is that my wife will get paid in time for me to get my #1 guitar back from the pawn shop.
(We’ve been together 34 years now, and very intimate)
Well, you’re a pod person. You try your best to understand the rest of us irrational creatures. You remind me a lot of Walter Plinge, a character in pTerry’s Maskerade. When Granny Weatherwax asks him what’s the one thing he’d carry out of the house if it were on fire, he answered “the fire”.
I’ve lost almost everything I ever had an attachment to, so I’m not overly burdened in that sense. There are a few things, though. Mostly, my pillow and there’s a silly thing for ya.
Ah, 34 years, good on ya both. It’s 33 for us.
I’ve never viscerally understood this symbolic attachment to specific items; a copy which is indistinguishable from the original (or a replacement which is functionally no less) is fine by me.
Attachment to items for me is all about linking memories to them. My issue is that copies are very rarely indistinguishable to me. I notice detail. So when I look at a copy, I notice that it doesn’t have that scratch there near the bottom, or a small imperfection in the paint on the back, or wear on the side like the original did. So when I try to link the item back to the memory, the linkage fails because the copy doesn’t recreate the full memory for me.
Rey Foxsays
Could I still virtually adopt a virtual rat? I seem to still be in a state of mind in which I need a little rattie to hug and squeeze and love and name George.
I think I like Giles, he looks like a little schemer.
And damn. I feel like a young’un. Mr. Jessa and I have been together for only 4 years; 3-year wedding anniversary is in November. Though we both had a late start on marriage. He was 39 and I was 34 when we met.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
Am I overreacting by reading back through the thread and seeing the info about comments hate religious groups have made regarding the LBGTQ community? There are people advocating they be banished from the country. There are people advocating violence against them. This is ridiculously close, if not parallel to the situation that Jews faced in Europe, basically from 1947 down back through recorded history. It’s all too disturbingly close to the history of Nazi Germany and these utter and complete fucking morons are reviving the entire storyline.
Places in the world that actually teach history and science and expect students to know it by graduation must be horribly worried about this massive Idiocracy uprising in a country that has at least half the world’s nuclear weapons. Maybe it’s a new religious science called ‘applied stupidity’ DESIGNED to accelerate the End Times. Because, you know, the world wasn’t ending fast enough, and we all have to go and see Jeebus so we can be judged, and sent to burn in Sulphur so the cretins can smile over the edge of their clouds, because they love us so much.
thunk, erythematicsays
An overexcited ratlet named Basil sounds like fun :)
Thanks, John. Yeah, it helps to know that whatever I experience in the next three to six weeks may be more ephemeral than usual. Anything that becomes persistent I will deal with as necessary; I don’t want any more neuroleptics in my body.
I tend to get attached to things that I like: sheetmetal, rusted ship parts, certain pieces of silver, my guitars–which are only nominally replaceable, as each one will play differently. I have a few photos of friends and family members that are not as precious to me as they seem to be to some, but I am glad to have at least one image of a couple of people who have died in the last few years. Since I am not going to see them again, I want to be able to look at a picture from time to time. I have a hard time visualizing faces, otherwise.
But in an emergency I would grab the cat and run. Or get us under heavy furniture, depending. And yes, I have tried to hold onto a frightened cat. It can be done if you are willing to part with small pieces of tissue.
broboxley OTsays
John, I dont need pictures my memory is good enough. I also own a Bass guitar, violin and an electric keyboard with some wind instruments. That guitar is different. In use by a 14yo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEwmKPFyrcY&feature=g-upl
John Moralessays
So when I try to link the item back to the memory, the linkage fails because the copy doesn’t recreate the full memory for me.
Well, for me, both the original and the copy would evoke the memory, and the memory is the memory — its evocation is enough — it doesn’t matter what makes me remember.
Don’t imagine I don’t feel emotions normally — I speak only of the unnecessary need for specific symbolic triggers.
(Could this typical human quirk provide a plausible basis for the law of contagion?)
broboxley OTsays
damn, now I’m maudlin, more grog dammit! get some sports on the tube! Willing to battle penguins for pea flavored cheese! Horses bring on the dam horses!
Could I still virtually adopt a virtual rat? I seem to still be in a state of mind in which I need a little rattie to hug and squeeze and love and name George.
I think I like Giles, he looks like a little schemer.
Of course you can. I’m afraid Giles was taken by Nightjar earlier. If you want one you can call George, then you have your pick between Neville, Dexter, Percival and Merlin. Neville & Dexter are mostly wild-type agoutis, they look like Chester, Oliver and Theo (see here). Merlin is a soft gray, Percival is a pale cream with black eyes.
The girls who are left (you can call one of them George, too!) there’s Angua, Pearl, Perdita and Mallory. Angua is black and white, Pearl is like Percival, but with red eyes, Perdita is a mini-Gytha and Mallory is like Merlin.
On the schemer front, I’d go with Neville or Dexter. Both those boys bear watchin’, if you know what I mean. :D
I have been worried about US christofascism for a long time, and have been pointing and yelling to any who will listen. It is hard to get people to really understand that complacency has killed, does kill, and will kill again.
Myself, I need to get my passport. I don’t want to leave, but I want to be able to leave if necessary.
And the fundie/evangelicals are trying to hasten the End Times. It may be cynical of some, who are in fact more interested in controlling access to oil, but there are many who are convinced that we are the last generation–of course, this has been going on long enough that it has started to get a little confusing as to which generation, precisely, is to be the last one.
Sometimes being maudlin is the only logical response.
Mind if I join you? *passes the tissue*
John Moralessays
broboxley @308, I don’t follow you.
I mean, yes, but that wasn’t what I meant to express there.
Sarahface Yay!
Improbable Joe Yay!
Ogvorbis All too see-able. Boo!
Louis The Peter Principle. I’ve always called BS on that one, and not just because of the simplistic-to-the-point-of banality of it. My, hrmhrm, very recent experience reinforces my impression that there are far too many people in managerial positions who really ought not be. And, it’s the people with relatively good “people skills” (I dislike the term,) a group in which I’d humbly include myself, who don’t gain managerial positions. Partly because we don’t have the tendency to claw our way over others to get where we want to be. I’m guessing your very specialised field perhaps differs. Also, like most other things, damn variables make everything damn complex. Feh.
And alas! I cannot take you up on your kind offer. LMA (Luckiest Man Alive) has recently returned from a couple of days absence. My dance card is is quite, quite full :)
Caine I think Agnes has a very kind face :) Also, all this work you’re doing, the caring, the building the new condo, grieving for Esme. All with a concussion, now. I feel I should be contributing something. There’s a spaying session at the vet on the 27th, am I correct? Could we chip in something to help cover costs?
broboxley OTsays
eriktrips #310 we are the last generation has been going on religiously so to speak since the crusifiction. The original road crew were convinced they were and that has been handed down generation by generation unto today. The shia also have the same generational endtimes concerning the 12th mahdi since he went out for cigarettes in 839 and hasnt been seen since.
Don’t imagine I don’t feel emotions normally — I speak only of the unnecessary need for specific symbolic triggers.
I didn’t mean to imply anything about how you feel emotions; I was just giving my personal take on attachment to items. Just sharing my experience.
Caine I think Agnes has a very kind face :) Also, all this work you’re doing, the caring, the building the new condo, grieving for Esme. All with a concussion, now. I feel I should be contributing something. There’s a spaying session at the vet on the 27th, am I correct? Could we chip in something to help cover costs?
Oh, that’s so very sweet of you to offer. We’ll be parting with $565.00 on the 27th and that’s with the discount. It will cause us a serious ouch, but we can handle it. Thank you very much for the offer though. ♥
Agnes does have a very sweet face, however she is the mischief maker in chief and a leader among rats. She is very protective of her sisters.
I went looking for something cheerful on the net, and this ended up being slightly relevant: a blind book aficionado writes about the joyous development of portable Braille e-book readers.
And this is where my love-hate relationship with the printed book, and the bookshop, starts. I remember going into them with my mum, running my fingers along the shelves, letting the edges of pages slip through my fingers. Was this, perhaps, Five Go Bungee-Jumping, or William and the Outlaws Learn to Rap? It’s been no better since I’ve been an adult, although instead of Blyton, Crompton and Frank Richards, I’ve obsessed about the latest Sebastian Faulks, tacky bonkbuster or political biography. I have all the sensory hankerings of the book-lover – the smell of the paper; the satisfying crack of opening a new book; the pleasingly rounded feel of the spine – with none of the satisfaction of reading them.
Russians are a weird lot. I don’t know what baffles me more, that Putin sends 3 young women to labor camp for singing, or that half of Russians think that is a good idea.
chigau (違う)says
John Moralessays
Jessa @315, me too! :)
Agnes does have a very sweet face, however she is the mischief maker in chief and a leader among rats. She is very protective of her sisters.
Ah…that’s my girl! :D
thunk, erythematicsays
Russians are a weird lot. I don’t know what baffles me more, that Putin sends 3 young women to labor camp for singing, or that half of Russians think that is a good idea.
You can count me as part of the other half. This is deplorable, but nearly every Russian government since about Ivan IV has also been screwed up.
Also, thunk:
Right back atcha, actual young’un.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Improbable Joe—Hugest congratulations on your wife’s employment, and at such a salary! You could dine at any dumpster of your choice now, maybe?
A_Ray—How awesome to see you! Stay around now, you hear?
Sastra—You too!
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
TMI Warning: Question For Gentlemen
Have you all, those who do not wish to discuss male privy parts, averted your eyes? Good. Because I’m not going to be coy or use euphemisms.
Any guys here who bicycle? I need your advice.
I just started biking to work and for various errands—groceries, getting about town, etc. The head of my dick is rubbing most uncomfortably back and forth against the inside of my underwear while biking to the point where I must find some solution. It’s not titillating, or tickling. It’s flat-out painful and bothersome. Stopping to rearrange shit isn’t working.
Usually I wear cotton boxer briefs for underwear, then loose-fitting shorts or pants. Clearly this is wrong. So what do I need?
A jockstrap? Close-fitting lycra bike shorts? Some sort of Protect-a-Peen?
I don’t want to walk around with my junk on display and hear passers-by say, “Oh, honey, look! He’s circumcised.” Definitely not into the immodest, body-hugging bullshit. But I need some comfort.
Damn. Three blocks and back to get some food. Sweating: like a badly overworked horse. Shaking: like salt on a subwoofer. Shirt is off, fan is on, drinking cold liquids to reset internal thermostat, which took large muscle movement to mean that we were very very very hot.
Outside it is about 60F here in San Francisco. My neighborhood is flat (Yes there are a couple like that!).
This is beginning to remind me disturbingly of opiate withdrawal (It’s ok. The internet knows).
I wonder if I should postpone the backpacking trip on order for a week from Monday.
(The cat says geez you humans leak a lot of water!)
Josh, I’d think anything which tucks you up and out of the way would be good. If Dhorvath is around, you might ask him. Failing that, why not ask at the local bicycle shop? This has to be a fairly basic issue, given the amount of men who cycle.
Also, if the skin tight lycra is the best answer, you can always wear a looser pair of shorts over for modesty.
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
Tight fitting whatever josh. I used to have the same issue biking until I got over my not wanting to wear tight as all hell everyone can see your junk shorts.
Bikers wear them for a reson.
broboxley OTsays
josh, tighty whiteys keeps the junk in a compact space without too much whang disruption. My wife trained me from going commando eons ago as she hates buttcrack. tighty Whiteys keep the nutsack and head from flopping into hmm, need to peek out and see whats lookin good
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
They make tight on the inside baggy on he outside biking shorts too
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
Coincidental to this conversation, I’m contemplating giving my SiL a smack on the snout on the subject of “End Times”, and how they explain autism, climate change, resistant diseases, etc. I’d thought to lead in with “Ever since the first century Christians expected Jesus’ return any minute now, it has always been the “End Times”…except, of course, that it never has been”, and then point out that using it as an excuse for never giving thought to the world we’re shaping is, and always has been shown to be, irresponsible; talk about leaving debts for our grandchildren to pay off!
Comments? Suggestions? Hints? All solicited. Balloon goes up tomorrow evening.
Okay, not as important as Josh’s Private Discomfort, but still….
Is there some fundamental difference between American bicycles or penises compared to the rest of the world? Because I don’t remember ever having this problem.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
funny, you don’t look Jewish.
Depends on whom you ask. Some think so. Others think I must have an Asian grandparent.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Is there some fundamental difference between American bicycles or penises compared to the rest of the world? Because I don’t remember ever having this problem.
I don’t fucking know. What I do know is that I asked the question in good faith because it’s a problem I’d like to solve. If it’s not a problem for you that’s great, but please fuck off if you’re gonna snark.
Josh: I’ve never had this problem, but in principle it seems like briefs might help – anything with legs is likely to get pulled into the leg motion more, so there’ll be more rubbing. More flexible shorts, without necessarily being form-hugging, might be helpful?
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Ovensays
Also, I’ve just rubbed a modest-sized glob of vaseline on places where bits or folds of flesh rub together when I’m working out or walking a lot, or where there’s something friction-inducing on my underwear, and it helps with the friction.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Azkyroth-I’ve seen that same advice; using something to lubricate. I’d rather avoid that if possible because it’s messy, obviously. Would rather keep everything. . . bundled:)
Just to be clear: I didn’t post what I did to be cute, funny, or raunchy. I know the jokes are obvious, and you all know that I love ribald and bawdy humor.
But don’t act like I posted a comment to invite bullshit dirty jokes. I was only looking for practical advice.
Josh: I’ve put the question out to my male cyclist friends. The consensus seems to be tight underwear or tight bike shorts, and cornstarch to alleviate chafing. They’re in vocal disagreement about the exact peen position in such tight confines.
Also, I’ve just rubbed a modest-sized glob of vaseline on places
I don’t have man bits, but that would make me a bit crazy.
Rey Foxsays
The thing with bicycle shorts, aside from the aerodynamic tightness, is the chamois pad that goes under the butt and crotch area and provides the extra cushioning that makes longer rides possible. With all that extra stuff downstairs, you’re not really that likely to look like an Olympic rowing champion. At least, that’s been my experience with them.
I also own a pair that is designed to be worn under regular clothing, in that it has less padding and no “legs”. More like cycling underwear than cycling shorts.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
thank you, Jessa. I’d be interested in the various opinions about Peen Position (not pruriently, really, but practically!). I’d imagine the best thing is “as tight against your body as possible without crushing your nuts”.
Rey Foxsays
Caine: OIC. I saw multiple names under some of the rats, and I figured we had ran out and were doubling up on them. Which would be a benefit of virtual rats.
I think I’ll go with Merlin, since I like the soft gray, he sounds kinda like me, and he’s named after a lovely little falcon that I finally added to my life list while in northern Wisconsin last week.
cicely: I don’t have much concrete advice, but I think your angle is quite reasonable–which might mean your SiL will not be able to hear it at all. There is also the “no man knows the hour” bit that the New Testament says somewhere. I would probably say something like I think the better bet would be to give a damn about one’s fellow creatures and their children and their children’s children, on the off chance that no, he’s not coming back now, either.
Best of luck. Would be interested to know how it goes, if you do engage her on this. I have spent most of my adult life avoiding conservative christians in order to preserve my sanity.
And that has worked so well!
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitternesssays
Well, you’re a pod person. You try your best to understand the rest of us irrational creatures. You remind me a lot of Walter Plinge, a character in pTerry’s Maskerade. When Granny Weatherwax asks him what’s the one thing he’d carry out of the house if it were on fire, he answered “the fire”.
I just got done reading that book!
I get so many more references now. It makes me feel smarter.
It’s not titillating, or tickling. It’s flat-out painful and bothersome. Stopping to rearrange shit isn’t working.
*sympathetically holding my own crotch* That problem definitely sounds painful. =(
Side question: Am I the only woman who hold their own crotch when people get crotch pain or injuries, regardless if it’s a man? I swear I cringe and grab in sympathy pain when guys or gals gets kicked in the crotch.
Also, I’ve just rubbed a modest-sized glob of vaseline on places where bits or folds of flesh rub together when I’m working out or walking a lot, or where there’s something friction-inducing on my underwear, and it helps with the friction.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, that’s a good idea! I wish I had thought of that for chaffing, that’s a right pain in my ass.
For issues with the undersides of bras, especially wire ones I’ve used deodorant, I wonder if this tip would work for that as well…
Josh, according to my scientific poll (N=5), three guys tuck it “downwards” (I didn’t ask for elaboration; I hope you know what that means), and two guys tuck it “upwards”. The two “upwards” guys said that they do it because they get turned on when they’re riding their bikes. And now I know more than I wanted to know about my cycling friends. FOR SCIENCE!
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
I can second the corn starch for chaffing as well.
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Ovensays
Also, I’ve just rubbed a modest-sized glob of vaseline on places
I don’t have man bits, but that would make me a bit crazy.
I was being a bit circumspect about how fat my thighs are. x.x
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Ovensays
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, that’s a good idea! I wish I had thought of that for chaffing, that’s a right pain in my ass.
For issues with the undersides of bras, especially wire ones I’ve used deodorant, I wonder if this tip would work for that as well…
I should note that I haven’t paid very much attention to whether it stains or discolors the fabric. It doesn’t obviously, but my underwear is mostly some kidn of dark gray or dark blue. It’s also much more effective for skin-on-skin chafing; fabric tends to absorb it. And it might have unfortunate effects on elastic; it’s just kinda been what I had around.
I think I’ll go with Merlin, since I like the soft gray, he sounds kinda like me, and he’s named after a lovely little falcon that I finally added to my life list while in northern Wisconsin last week.
I should note that I haven’t paid very much attention to whether it stains or discolors the fabric. It doesn’t obviously, but my underwear is mostly some kidn of dark gray or dark blue. It’s also much more effective for skin-on-skin chafing; fabric tends to absorb it. And it might have unfortunate effects on elastic; it’s just kinda been what I had around.
Meh. Not an issue. I appreciate the information though. All my clothes are dark colored and in varies stages of worn out. They were worn out before I even got then and time with my care has not been kind to my clothes. I also have boxers that I love wearing specifically since it helps so much with chaffing. I’ve tried all kinds of powder products, including cornstarch, and it did not go well. So any ideas to help I’m glad to try.
My feet and legs already give me enough pain from walking, chaffing is just that little extra making you literally bleed and feel the pain for hours later that does me in. I’ve only been able to take the Little One to school and pick her up two days this week because of all my pain just from walking the 2 blocks to her school.
JAL: Have you tried cornstarch for chafing? I was introduced to its wonders when I was a restaurant server. It’s cheap, it doesn’t stain, and it works wonders for chafing. Seriously.
Looks like our posts crossed. Never mind, then.
Rey Foxsays
Okay, you and Merlin are up.
Pardon me, I’ll just be intoning a string of nonsense syllables through pursed lips at my computer screen now.
For chafing, I’ve always got much better results with corn starch. It works like a dream where the bra hits the boobage, and has dramatically lowered the incidence of fungal outbreaks in the groin area.
Vaseline and other lubricating agents only make everything all sticky and goopy, and plaster cloth tight to my skin—Do Not Like!
I was being a bit circumspect about how fat my thighs are.
I’m not being at all circumspect about how fat my thighs are, and again I say: corn starch. It’s on the store shelves right next to the baby talc.
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Ovensays
…okay. How does one use it? Or will be exhorted to just Google it? :/
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitternesssays
Oh, and Caine, I showed Little One the pictures of Chas II and she’s in love. All gushing over him, it’s adorable. Chas II is definetly her favorite. “Look at him eat the peas! I can give him all my veggies! He’s little hands! Look at his white stripe!” etc.I had to explain the virtual adoption and why they aren’t all hers and it was difficult. Cute but difficult.
She’s all “If it’s a virtual adoption why can’t we virtually adopt them all?”
“Because hunny other people, and other little girls want those rats to be their very own virtual rat pets.”
“But you said it was wall pretend! Why can’t I pretend to have them all?”
“Um, well…because it’s nice to share…I mean you can pretend to play with them all but they aren’t all yours…it’s like the pictures. Everyone sees them but it makes you feel special that that one rat is yours…”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
Then she flounced off to play.
So yeah, sorry everyone Little One calls dibs on them all. I think she’s taken them all to live with her in her refrigerator box house. She said she’s okay with letting everyone else pretend the same thing, if that’s any consultation. Very generous that one.
…okay. How does one use it? Or will be exhorted to just Google it? :/
Are you asking about cornstarch? If so, you would use it like any powder.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitternesssays
…okay. How does one use it? Or will be exhorted to just Google it? :/
Take powder in hands, apply to areas. That’s it. Just make sure you’re dry when you apply it.
I know it works for what seems like everybody else but it really doesn’t work for me. I don’t get why. It just feel all sorts of wrong and there’s still rubbing and pain, it just gritty and makes it worse. Maybe I sweat too much or something? I dunno. I’ve had better luck with creams. I like creams, I just haven’t been able to buy any but I’m sure I can get Vaseline from someone. It seems like Vaseline is the Duct tape of medical creams. Everyone has it for some reason or another.
Skimmed a bit of the thread just now, but I’m not caught up.
I’m in BC for a wedding/family reunion. I think I’ve had enough family togetherness already – can I go home now?
Some day, in my perfect world, everyone will understand the concept of introversion, and I will not be expected to cheerfully socialize for hours on end. Right now, I’m just going to snark here until I feel better.
Oh, and Caine, I showed Little One the pictures of Chas II and she’s in love. All gushing over him, it’s adorable. Chas II is definetly her favorite. “Look at him eat the peas! I can give him all my veggies! He’s little hands! Look at his white stripe!” etc.
Aaaw. You and LittleOne are listed with a new pic of Chas here.
Another option, if you feel like investing more money, is to get a different type of bike seat: the no-nose bike seat.
Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!
JAL, I reckon the little one can virtually have all of the virtual ratlets if she really likes, but then I haven’t officially virtually adopted any myself so I don’t think my vote counts for much.
Today I registered voters at the local mosque.
I can now say that I’ve been religious services/rituals of the following types:
Christian (primarily Catholic)
Native American
and now Muslim.
Registering voters is really quite fun! I must say I was surprised at that.
Yesterday I convinced a nun who was upset about all the injustice in the world and skeptical that voting actually did anything that it might be worth it to vote.
Caine: Can I have virtual Mallory or Angua? I love the name Mallory, and Sergeant Angua the ratlet sounds awesome.
I’d like to just hop in a car when the ratlets are grown, drive to North Dakota, and bring one home. But I’m pretty sure my mom wouldn’t let me in the door if I brought home a rat. :( And I haven’t had enough exposure to rats yet to know if they’re an asthma trigger for me or not. So maybe a virtual ratlet is a better idea.
Caine: Can I have virtual Mallory or Angua? I love the name Mallory, and Sergeant Angua the ratlet sounds awesome.
Sure. You want one or both?
I’d like to just hop in a car when the ratlets are grown, drive to North Dakota, and bring one home. But I’m pretty sure my mom wouldn’t let me in the door if I brought home a rat. :( And I haven’t had enough exposure to rats yet to know if they’re an asthma trigger for me or not. So maybe a virtual ratlet is a better idea.
Most ratlets are adopted out fairly early, from 8 weeks. We brought Esme home when she was 8 weeks. It seems rather heartless, but that way, they aren’t totally set in their ways, which makes it easier for the person adopting.
I know some specific types of rats are supposed to be okay for someone with asthma, the hairless in particular. Outside of that, I don’t know about rats and asthma. Some people who are allergic are allergic to the hair/skin and others are allergic to their urine.
I just had to lecture Havelock & Sam about fighting in front of the ratlets. “You have to be good daddies, fighting scares the children. Now behave, you two.” They ran upstairs, Havelock laying on top of Sam, with a pile of ratlets on top of them. :shakes head:
Caine, I see what you mean about slow on Friday night. Do people go out or go to bed or am I just in the wrong time zone?
strange gods before me ॐsays
In how much detail?
Well, I don’t know. I come from a family that teaches the history of the Holocaust to our children as a necessary curriculum from an early age, ~seven. And I’ve been out of public school for like a decade and a half. While I have a memory for words as words, I don’t always source them properly. So I have a bit of a hard time separating where from everything I’ve learned.
But I believe nobody can come away from it all without an understanding that the Nazis wanted to kill heaps of Jews. I am confident that in the USA, denial of this is ideological, not ignorance.
The same way.
That seems naive. Irving is a clever fellow, and has access to all the same information we have. In the past you’ve characterized Holocaust denialism as the intention to finish the final solution — this is, iirc, Austria’s justification for outlawing Holocaust denialism. I think you’re basically right about that. But then doesn’t that require admitting that some people aren’t ignorant, they really just want to finish the job.
Anyways, though, how then do you account for Gerd Honsik?
(Obviously my endgame here is to say “a theory which accounts for everything accounts for nothing.” But I’m ready to be surprised.)
Erik, I think a lot of people go out. Movies and such. For others, it might just be the standard Friday flake out. Also, most USians are in bed by this time (1:30 a.m. my time right now).
I’m generally up, but lately my concussion has seen me to bed earlier than usual. I’ll probably be heading off soon. Thanks for the like on the ratlet pics!
strange gods before me ॐsays
erik, I’m going to email you in about ten minutes.
theophontes (坏蛋)says
@ Thomathy
That’s a convenient angle for the government, but this about LGBTQ rights not the offended sensibilities of the religious.
The accusations did seem very much contrived and overblown with regard to the “offenses” given to religious people. Odd though that they are pussyfooting around the real issue. The new anti-gay laws are completely ridiculous. What is it with these people? Are Rmoney and Putin going to be getting into bed together on these issues? Détente!
@ Caine
How about Theo for you?
Anyway, Theo is nicely mannered, on the quiet side, likes bacon and chocolate and when he does manage to be a troublemaker, he does it in a spectacular manner!
Like virtual parent, like virtual rat!
@ chigau
Amelia (“seriously, spreadeagle, attaches to your face, usually when you’re trying to sleep”, “world class climber”, “trouble”)
Ratties with superpowers! We shall be invincible!
Welcome back!
@ Joe
Good news!
@ Josh
You maybe need to talk (don’t be shy!) to someone at a professional bike shop. Some chaffing is to be expected with cycling and running and may just need a bit of vaseline (not joking: runners often get “nipple rash” from shirts and literally tape their nipples or apply vaseline). It may be as simple as just acquiring a proper saddle.
The City of Kelowna, in Southern British Columbia, wants to fly a ‘pro-life’ flag at its city hall. Usually BC is pretty left coast and groovy, but this one place seems to want to be the asshole of the province. It’s only a short drive from Kamloops, where PZ was a guest speaker at a skeptic con, so I don’t know WTF Kelowna’s problem is.
I had an issue after clicking to participate in the poll where I had to choose a default location. Choose Kelowna and you’re in.
Your only really good solution to chaffing is to get a pair of bike shorts. If this seems a fashion faux pas to you, you can wear them under another pair of shorts, as I sometimes do.
The chamois patch inside the shorts soaks up moisture and is very comfortably soft, and it is virtually impossible to chaff inside them. That is, unless you are going for fifty-plus mile rides. In the instance of these long rides cyclists actually use a jelly to lube up the inside of their cycling shorts. Feels like you’re sitting in Crisco for a moment, but you appreciate it when you don’t have a very sorry feeling hynder and trouser-trout with matching luggage set.
If you are set on wearing your regular briefs and shorts, perhaps you could try out the cycling shorts jelly by itself. I’ve never tried it that way, but it should perform the same service. I would just make sure it doesn’t permanently stain or leave a greasy looking spot on the outside of your clothes first.
Dhorvath, OMsays
To add to that I have done two to four hour ride without cycling shorts or any balm. Change as soon as you finish riding. Take a shower. Don’t ride tomorrow.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
I just realized I had no freakin’ idea how to spell chafe correctly. Apologies to pedants and pendants.
There are special biking trunks with a thick layer (leather in ye olden times) to protect the privates in question (can be very uncomfy for pussies, too)
Side question: Am I the only woman who hold their own crotch when people get crotch pain or injuries, regardless if it’s a man?
And I also scratch my head when somebody mentions lice.
Your little one seems verrrrrry smart
Wowbagger, Antipodean Dervishsays
Apparently that leader of the atheist movementscumbag Justin Vacula has posted Surly Amy’s residential address in a post at the slimepit. At least I think that’s what’s happened; it’s hard to tell, since she’s alluded to DJ Grothe ‘living there too’.
At least I think that’s what’s happened; it’s hard to tell, since she’s alluded to DJ Grothe ‘living there too’.
Fucking scumbag.
He got the adress probably via the counter DMCA.
I understand that she probably doesn’t want to put her energy and money into it but I’d love to see her sue the blood out of the fucker.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
Vampires have no blood. The level of douchery going on right now is bewildering. Only the dimmest of dim could think putting someone in a situation of danger by outing their home address is ‘rational skepticism.’ These guys are just as fucking stupid as any creationist.
Way to move the progress pin back four decades, MRA assholes.
Great photos, thanks for sharing. I laughed at the last one and your description.
theophontes (坏蛋)says
@ Josh et al
Your Dutch expression for today:
“Het is beter om over je fiets te lullen, dan over je lul te fietsen!”
(Lul= small talk / blather but can also be slang for penis —> “It is better to talk about your bicycle, than to cycle over your penis!”)
Why did Vacula do that? Does he want Amy to get hurt by some slimepit nutcase, was he just bragging? I don’t get this.
That’s because your brain operates on decent human beings modus.
McC2lhu saw what you did there.says
Mea culpa to the folks that come to the Lounge for the fuzzy animals and recipes for borscht and biscuits. If Imagonna vent about the planet’s low-lives I should have taken it to the Chunderdome. I forgot that there’s new wiring on the back of the blog and forgot to use the ‘input’ button to switch over. Back to calm thoughts and green tea with berries in it.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
@ Louis
…hey…HEY!…where are you going. Form a queue I said…don’t run away. Please come back…I’m so alone…I’ve got rum!
Interesting. So do I, and I’m willing to share. I went to a party here in the foreign teachers’ housing, and brought a bottle of rum (Myers’s in fact). I left it there for the hosts. Then next day, being out of rum, I picked up a bottle at the store (Barcardi Black). Day after, I went shopping with a friend and in this great foreign foods shop, they had Bacardi 151! Well, stand back, I bought it. (Rule in China, if you see it and you want it, buy it, because it won’t be there the next time you go back and maybe never again.) A week later, a wine shop owner offered me a deal on Diplomatico Reserva rum (less than half price) so I bought it. THEN the hosts insisted on giving me my bottle of rum back because they felt it was just too expensive a gift to waste as they were leaving soon and didn’t want to gulp it, etc, etc. So I took it (baffled). Now I have four bottles. Whoops.
Any who would like some, please open your USB port and hold the mug under it.
Amblebury, #313,
The Peter Principle. I’ve always called BS on that one, and not just because of the simplistic-to-the-point-of banality of it. My, hrmhrm, very recent experience reinforces my impression that there are far too many people in managerial positions who really ought not be. And, it’s the people with relatively good “people skills” (I dislike the term,) a group in which I’d humbly include myself, who don’t gain managerial positions. Partly because we don’t have the tendency to claw our way over others to get where we want to be. I’m guessing your very specialised field perhaps differs. Also, like most other things, damn variables make everything damn complex. Feh.
In all seriousness I feel the same way about it. The problem is I don’t know enough about it to really have a worthwhile opinion.
And yes, what you are saying about managers who definitely do not need to be there…oh yes. I’ve met them. I have to work very hard not to BE one!
My door is always open, you play fair by me, I’ll play fair by you. ;-)
And alas! I cannot take you up on your kind offer. LMA (Luckiest Man Alive) has recently returned from a couple of days absence. My dance card is is quite, quite full :)
I shall weep in abject sorrow all weekend. Nothing shall rouse me from my grief. It is to sob brokenheartedly and so on.
Oh! Pizza! GTG!
P.S. Enjoy dancing. I find absence makes the dancer prance longer!
Lyn M,
RUM PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!
Shit…I have work to do…hmmm…designing novel syntheses, interpreting spectral data, assessing the work of others (A-fucking-GAIN!), creating submission documents for first in human trials, scanning through CVs of candidates to replace the bloke I had to sack for gross misconduct this month (HATE DOING THAT!), and catching up on the literature is best done whilst drunk, right?
Also: Justin Vacula.
This is lounge. I do not want to mention what ran through my head when I discovered this address dropping shit smear.
It involved a hot kettle flex and a games sock filled with wet sand…
Any who would like some, please open your USB port and hold the mug under it.
*looks at the clock*
At least it’s passed noon.
USB port open. Mug ready.
Is it just me or does DJ seem like he doesn’t believe her…
Yeah, that’s exactly what happened.
Hey @DJGrothe Just thought you’d like to know that @justinvacula just posted [redacted]. Sure its all in good fun, right?
@SurlyAmy If that’s true it is completely inappropriate, and obsessive. Do you have a link to slime pit? @justinvacula
His first response to her telling him something happened is “If that’s true…” What. The. Everloving. Fuck?
And then a few minutes later he says it again: “I haven’t seen links yet (multitasking) but if he has published”…
Fucking hell, seriously? Treating a friend as if the default is that they’re lying every time they tell you something just happened to them is doin’ skepticism very, very wrong.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Sending bursts of rum in the following order: Barcardi Black, Myers’s, Diplomatico Reserva and last the 151.
Please do not permit an open flame near your USB port when the last one comes through. There will be a 15 second interval between rums to permit you to switch containers, should you care to.
Pro tip, drink the 151 with lemon juice as part of the mix. It is amazing what that does for the flavour. A genuine, no kidding Jamaican friend taught me that one.
As for working while drunk, I think working while sipping is not a problem, but actually googly eyed drunk … with chemicals … nah.
I have beer!
A walk to the local shop, a casual stroll back. Yes, this working weekend lark is going to go smooooooothly methinks!
Yeah, but it was a woman who made the claim, so he’s very justified in doubting it, cause, you know, bitches lie.
Talking ’bout Peter principle and stuff, at least in Germany I’m always amazed how we leave the highest level of teaching to people who have zero qualification in, well, teaching.
My BIL would like to take a university career-path, doing the classical research-and-teaching-mixture. I don’t doubt that he’s a good biologist and a decent researcher, but he has no idea about teaching. He doesn’t know how to ask a question or set up an exam. His lack of qualification could seriously ruin somebody’s life because, contrary to common knowledge, knowing the facts doesn’t mean you can teach them as well.
On managers – I think part of the problem as to who becomes managers is that the people who are best at it tend to be almost invisible. They do a huge amount, but it’s all effort getting other people to do their parts well and fit together, so if you look from outside, everything just kind of “magically” seems to work. It takes a very good higher-up administrator to notice who’s responsible for everything running smoothly.
Oh I’m not in the lab Lyn M! I brought the paperwork home.
Crikey! Drinking in lab! Not since 1994 thank you very much! I R Responsibubble adult an everting now.
I’m not even wearing proper PPE…
theophontes (坏蛋)says
@ Caine
Interesting pic on your blog: Sunflower “trapping” (?) a butterfly. What happened there?
Also, listening to Sinatra’s “This Town” loudly whilst drinking beer with a Sailor Jerry’s rum on the side and assigning proton NMRs is about as good as life can possibly get.
Well, I suppose it would be better if I could somehow work a blow job into it, but I think that would put me off accurately determining the couplings…
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Lol, Louis, OK! I kind of skimmed your comment, I think. Good thing you are not proposing drink+chemicals. I did tons of paperwork at home, too, because it was more comfortable than the office. I used to sit in bed with files spread all over it. I could prepare very effectively that way, laptop on a pillow on my lap (raised the keyboard). I had a rule that I stopped working when Letterman came on so I could watch the monologue. Meant I stopped at 11:30. Was usually up again by 6, but what the hell.
When it passed 10, I sometimes poured a scotch. Depended on what I was preparing. Trial, no. Editing affidavits, pleadings, letters, sure.
I haven’t had to hire/fire for a year. Love being back in the trenches. The whole staff management thing gets old fast.
What beer did you get? Will it go with USB rum?
Just wanted to share this. One year on from the London riots a Tottenham (London) school starts to reclaim pride in their community..
the song was written and performed by pupils of the school..
Beer: I have a selection. Mostly Ringwood 49er (my personal favourite), which goes nicely with rum. I have a couple of nasty, nasty lagers for self harm purposes.
Rum goes with everything!
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
This is true. I just had a Diplomatico Reserva. My, my, my. That is goooood stuff. I like it straight.
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
Slept like shit, woke up at 5:45 and the coffee at my parents house here in the NC mountains sucks donkey balls. Big shitty donkey balls.
However, I am smoking 8 racks of ribs for dinner tonight so there’s that to look forward to.
Sally Strange, EFFG:
Thanks! I have to look if no-nose bike seats are available around here and try one. I get numbness in my genitals when I ride my bike and because I do it in winter (extended periods of snow, ice and temperatures below the freezing point of water) and low blood circulation down there in cold weather and air speeds of 20 – 50 km/h cannot be good in the long run.
Side question: Am I the only woman who hold their own crotch when people get crotch pain or injuries, regardless if it’s a man?
And I also scratch my head when somebody mentions lice.
Your little one seems verrrrrry smart
Yay I’m not alone! =)
And thank you! I’d like to think I have something to do with Little One’s smartness. Her teacher loves her and told me how Little One was one of the few kids that was writing (practicing her name, letters and numbers) before she got into school. I’ve always tried to explain and get her to understand things instead of the whole “Because I said so!” excuse.
thunk, erythematicsays
Lyn M:
*sees rum stains on floor*
*shakea fist*
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
But I warned everyone! and DO NOT LIGHT A MATCH.
thunk, erythematicsays
I was sleeping!
Some of us sleep!
re ratlets:
Alright, the Not Yet Virtual ratties have their pics up – 7 left.
I was gonna say, eeeeep! How does Angua not have a virtual owner yet, with that inquisitive face! (Also LOL at the pic of Dexter investigating the cover of Psycho…)
re bike seats: DO get the noseless or split-pad seats if y’all can find them, folks. People with male bits have a significant chance of numbness, nerve damage or restricted circulation causing infertility or erection problems from prolonged biking on the default horned seats. I’m sure the pressure’s not healthy for external female bits, either.
and between the ratties and biker bits, this was a great evening of conversation before Vacula went and escalated the shit. IMHO, I’d rather be alerted to such things than not, even here in the Lounge, because it’s heartening to see that y’all are on it.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Scuffs foot on floor. Stares at wall.
Well, I’m in CHINA! I sleep too! Just 12 hours later than you.
And seriously, no matches. That 151 is really flammable.
John Moralessays
To quote the Bard:
To die, to sleep — To sleep — perchance to dream.
Ay, there’s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil …
(Good start, but degenerates into magical thinking.
Gimme Epicurus any day!)
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorphsays
The Romney and Ryan Presidential Campaign’s official logo!
via one of my IM friends:
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan anagrams to “My Ultimate Ayn Rand Porn”
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorphsays
And seriously, no matches. That 151 is really flammable
ProtoWife and I once built a candle out of a coffee mug and Dos Dedos Tequila. Don’t ask what we used for a wick. You can imagine it, just don’t ask. It was weird.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but netsays
Carefully does not ask.
The 151 bottle has a metal neck with a vent in it so if it does catch fire, the flames can escape and the bottle does not explode. Seriously.
Tastes the bomb, too.
Is Neville anyone’s virtual ratlet yet? Does adopting a virtual ratlet come with responsibilities (for example, transferring money to Caine’s paypal?)
Does adopting a virtual ratlet come with responsibilities (for example, transferring money to Caine’s paypal?)
No, but a bunch of us would volunteer… *hint hint nudge nudge*
and I’m not Caine but AFAIK Neville’s still on the non-virtual list above.
broboxley OTsays
josh, do not point the penis down when riding. It has been many years but if any girth gets involved for any reason you will have to stop and adjust. pointed upwards within whitey tightys it can grow and subsist grumbling while you, the adult keeps riding.
I don’t handle death well. My husband’s uncle died yesterday at the age of 58. Because I can’t lie to myself that I will see him again or that he’s in a better place, I don’t cope well.
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorphsays
Hugs, grog, beer, nachos, chocolate and bacon are now clogging your USB port.
aw, ImaginesABeach I’m so sorry. *offers anklehugs* to you and husbeach.
Romney lied about his taxes in 2002, and thanks to a lawsuit he was caught.
Romney says we should trust him now when he tells us what is in the tax returns he refuses to release. He has proven that he can’t be trusted.
Republican gubernatorial hopeful Mitt Romney contradicted his previous public statements yesterday, and said for the first time that he did not file Massachusetts income tax returns for 1999 and 2000 as a resident of this state.
At a news conference, Romney said that he filed as a part-year resident for 1999 and a nonresident for 2000. He amended those returns, claiming Massachusetts resident status, on April 2, a week after he announced he was running for governor of Massachusetts and four days before the state Republican convention that endorsed his candidacy.
The Massachusetts Constitution requires a governor to be a resident for each of the seven years prior to the election. Romney has been embroiled in a controversy over his residency since Wednesday, when the Globe reported his home in Park City, Utah, was classified as his “primary residence” for 1999 through 2001, giving him a $54,000 break on his property taxes….
Romney insisted, and had his staff insist, that he had filed taxes as a resident of Massachusetts before he ran for Governor there. He lied. He had his staff lie. “You’ll have to take my word for it,” was the line. Why does he think he can get away with this kind of stuff? Do his tax filings magically change to reflect whatever he says today?
Meanwhile, Romney appears to have escaped relatively unsinged from the apparently unrelated revelation that he may have committed voter fraud in January 2010, when – despite not owning a house in Massachusetts and having given every appearance of having moved to California – he registered and voted in the Massachusetts special election to replace the deceased Senator Ted Kennedy. Given the GOP’s ongoing use of the “voter fraud” fable to justify modern Jim Crow laws and its highly-publicized persecution of the voter registration group Acorn, an actual case of felony voter fraud committed by the Republican nominee could have been a big story – but Romney was able to tamp down the flames by claiming, not very credibly but also not disprovably, that he and Ann actually were living in their son Tagg’s Belmont, Massachusetts basement in 2010. Without proof that Romney lied about where he lived, there’s no felony – and no big national story.
Lynna: the Guardian yesterday suggested Romney may be withholding those returns to avoid a repeat lawsuit.
Interesting. One more speculation to add to a long list of reasons why Romney is withholding his tax returns.
I wouldn’t put any amount of sneakiness past him. He has proven that skirting tax and other laws is something of a passion.
I still think people are underrating his penchant to be personally insulted when anyone asks him, a golden mormon priesthood holder of royal extraction, to explain or document anything.
and this may be the fluffy place, but it’s also the venting-place. I am so sick of these lying hating fiddling parsing skepticky liars who lie.
Which one this time? It has been five whole minutes since the last lying liar I saw, so there’s time for 15000 more lying liars to have popped up. Fuck skeptics.
In short, this person managed to starkly illustrate, through collected late 19th-early 20th century photographs, how non-sexual physical expressions of affection between male friends largely disappeared during the 20th century.
I must admit, I hadn’t realised this change was quite so recent. I knew the ‘boys don’t cry’ stuff came in during the Victorian era, and the much earlier cultural switch from the medieval-and-earlier ‘women are lusty and men must control themselves’ to the later; ‘women are chaste and pure, and men are uncontrollable animals the women must not provoke’. Guess we can chalk up the lack of ‘allowable’ male affection to the Patriarchy’s many crimes too…
Caine: Could I have virtual Mallory, please? She looks so smart!
Joe: on the Freethought conference in Dallas thread, and Jason’s Campaign against Surly Amy thread; also someone accusing Rebecca Watson on Twitter, a couple going after Stephanie Zvan over DMCA, another batch of FTB/Skepchick-haters as described on Cristina Rad’s latest… take your pick. NOBODY with a shred of reason or consideration can legitimately argue for good-faith literal readings at this point.
ImaginesABeach, I’m really sorry. I get very impatient with people who tell me not to grieve because I will see X again someday. I get to grieve if I want, dammit.
[insert long rant about US culture’s unwillingness to face death honestly here]
Oh look, a little puddle of rum!
/me shakes usb hub over coffee
In case anyone wants to see what Vacula posted, but doesn’t want to visit ‘hell on the internet’, here’s a screen cap I took. http://tinypic.com/r/2i8i1sp/6
(btw, the captcha was “bad egg” for that pic upload lol)
And yet, lots of people will continue to pretend that the anti-feminists are the heroes in this nasty affair. I wish there was something we could legitimately do that wouldn’t sink to their level…
Tea Partyism negatively affects urban planning. Yes, I know we discuss the negative effects on education, women’s rights and so forth. But even urban planning? Well, yes.
…Tea Party paranoia includes a bizarre fear of smart-growth policies, in which more intelligent land-use management is seen as a shadowy United Nations conspiracy (complete with a scary-sounding name: Agenda 21). …
But Tampa can only do so much thanks to a toxic combination of hostility toward government, revenue and collectively used amenities. What’s the matter with Tampa? The Republican conventioneers will get to see for themselves when they arrive. Except that some of them will be staying up to 90 miles away from the convention venue. “Tampa’s reeeally spread out,” the host of the Politico discussion observed to Mayor Buckhorn. That it is. And because of this, the city has chartered over 400 buses to move the convention visitors around while they’re there. It’s an inconvenient, makeshift, make-do solution — the kind that’s necessary when you don’t plan and don’t invest — and a cautionary tale for America at large should a Romney-Ryan ticket reach the White House.
I have no idea. I was out shooting for quite a while and that butterfly didn’t budge. There were all manner of butterflies out in the field, but this one seemed quite happy to stay where it was. Either that sunflower went carnivorous or Butterfly was takin’ a nap. :D
Is Neville anyone’s virtual ratlet yet? Does adopting a virtual ratlet come with responsibilities (for example, transferring money to Caine’s paypal?)
No and No! So, you want Neville, then?
Caine: Could I have virtual Mallory, please? She looks so smart!
You may! She is a little smartypants…a quiet one, doesn’t parade it around, just gets shit done. You and Mallory are now up.
From the New York Times article about Tea Party activists fighting green projects:
Across the country, activists with ties to the Tea Party are railing against all sorts of local and state efforts to control sprawl and conserve energy.
They brand government action for things like expanding public transportation routes and preserving open space as part of a United Nations-led conspiracy to deny property rights and herd citizens toward cities….
They are showing up at planning meetings to denounce bike lanes on public streets and smart meters on home appliances — efforts they equate to a big-government blueprint against individual rights.
“Down the road, this data will be used against you,” warned one speaker …
In Maine, the Tea Party-backed Republican governor canceled a project to ease congestion along the Route 1 corridor after protesters complained it was part of the United Nations plot. Similar opposition helped doom a high-speed train line in Florida…..
Treating a friend as if the default is that they’re lying every time they tell you something just happened to them is doin’ skepticism very, very wrong.
No, that’s doin’ friendship very, very wrong. It’s also doing decent human being very, very wrong.
David Marjanovićsays
Four hours ago, I just finished eating garlic soup. Recipe:
30 cloves of garlic
1/2 l veggie broth (from powder or cube)
1 leaf of laurel
1 clove
nutmeg, thyme, basil, oregano, black pepper, parsley, chives
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
Peel garlic, chop parsley & chives. Boil broth with garlic, olive oil, laurel, clove, nutmeg, thyme, basil and oregano.
Boil with a lid on for some 20 minutes (till the garlic is soft). Pour through a sieve, press the garlic through, stir the mashed garlic back into the soup. Add lemon juice and pepper to taste, garnish with parsley and chives.
What I actually did:
I didn’t have any laurel or cloves. Instead of parsley, I took lovage. Thyme, basil and oregano I only had as a package (herbes de Provence) that also contains rosemary. I put a bit of loser curry and cumin in.
Lacking a sieve, I tried to mash the garlic in the pot, first with a gravy whisk, then with a wooden spoon. Didn’t work well, but worked well enough.
The lemon juice turned out to be unnecessary. The oil, unsurprisingly, turned out to be rather much; fine with me*, but I know people who couldn’t deal with that much fat. Lemon juice turned out to be unnecessary. I must have overdone the broth powder, because the soup got a bit too salty. Other than that, it was fine. :-)
* Except now I’m not sure what to cook next, because I’m… somewhat full. Update: I gave up and made tea; still not sure when I’ll start cooking. Further update: the sun is setting behind the next building (what? already?), so I decided to cook lest I go to bed hungry and/or resort to eating all cookies I have. It’s going to work out fine. :-) Update: eating Spätzle with supermarket gravy. Rice with herb gravy is for tomorrow, then!
There are 33 instances of Romney lying in the past week.
wow, quote-bullying’s totally a thing:
Point and laugh.
How exactly are we supposed to tone down their own words?
But… but… they never said them, and the evil media quoted them out of context!
(Last time an Austrian politician tried that, his career was over a few days later. The TV newsreaders actually mocked him.)
3) Don’t worry, be happy!
Louis… reconsider.
99 percent of people prosecuted in Russia get convicted.
Nowadays he identifies as full-out atheist. Having kids did that to him.
Heh. =8-)
Virtual Ratlets!
:-o I didn’t know there were any left for virtual adoption! As a scientist, I’m probably supposed to take Pearl, but I want to virtually have Dexter. He looks interested. :-)
but ever since Jadehawk put one together I can’t shake the idea that it looks like a person fisting a Gnu
X-) I don’t like you anymore, you and your twisted brain.
since he went out for cigarettes in 839 and hasnt been seen since
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Russians are a weird lot. I don’t know what baffles me more, that Putin sends 3 young women to labor camp for singing, or that half of Russians think that is a good idea.
The media are controlled by Berlusconi’s best friend.
Have you all, those who do not wish to discuss male privy parts, averted your eyes? Good. Because I’m not going to be coy or use euphemisms.
The… freedom of movement you describe… I find it hard to imagine. Still, my underpants (I guess “tightey-whiteys” is a largely fitting description) are pure cotton; they’ve never chafed; and while I’ve biked 30 km one-way more or less without interruption, I don’t bike every day or every month.
Tight underpants don’t necessitate tight pants. I’ve never worn lycra.
Too loose underpants are uncomfortable. I can’t stand feeling like I’m wearing a skirt instead. Most important is that they’re tight in the leg seams.
Is there some fundamental difference between American bicycles or penises compared to the rest of the world? Because I don’t remember ever having this problem.
Individual variation of shapes & sizes.
They’re in vocal disagreement about the exact peen position in such tight confines.
See, rorschach? More individual variation of shapes & sizes.
I remember when it was on the Austrian TV news that “biking can make men impotent”. They showed an X-ray photo of… someone sitting on the tip of his dick which was curved all the way around by tight biking shorts. WTF. Such length when flaccid? I didn’t know that even existed, and yet it’s apparently common enough that people chronically injure themselves.
the extra cushioning that makes longer rides possible
Some bike saddles have such narrow noses that they sit between your hipbones instead of under them. That hurts pretty soon. Stupid design.
There is also the “no man knows the hour” bit that the New Testament says somewhere.
In two gospels, and it’s Jesus who says it. In one of them, Mark’s, Jesus says that even he himself doesn’t know it.
Side question: Am I the only woman who hold their own crotch when people get crotch pain or injuries, regardless if it’s a man? I swear I cringe and grab in sympathy pain when guys or gals gets kicked in the crotch.
See, I’ve never understood why bike saddles have noses. It must be so that bikes are more like horses.
I’ve never experienced numbness or tingling; I guess I just don’t lean that far forward…
Yesterday I convinced a nun who was upset about all the injustice in the world and skeptical that voting actually did anything that it might be worth it to vote.
You’re awesome. ♥
That seems naive. Irving is a clever fellow,
Are you sure? Isn’t he the guy who claimed that ausrotten, “extirpate”/”kill every last one”, might maybe just mean “uproot”/”move them somewhere”, as if nobody actually spoke German?
and has access to all the same information we have.
Heh. Every creationist on the Internet has access to Google.
In the past you’ve characterized Holocaust denialism as the intention to finish the final solution —
if it happens in a country where I know the school system makes ignorance impossible.
Also, I don’t think I actually said intention to finish, though some obviously have that intention. It’s an intention to seize dictatorial power (which is really bad enough on its own).
this is, iirc, Austria’s justification for outlawing Holocaust denialism.
Yep. What’s outlawed is “making National Socialism appear harmless”, because the assumption is that denialists are liars who want to seize power and abolish the very freedom of thought they hypocritically invoke.
Anyways, though, how then do you account for Gerd Honsik?
He’s so old that ignorance might be marginally possible… he grew up in the time of the rhetoric of Austria as the poor innocent victim plus increasing anticommunism… but it’s more likely that he’s a professional liar. I mean, he’s already lying to himself: he must have come up with some excuse for why his surname is Czech, and blatantly so.
Talking ’bout Peter principle and stuff, at least in Germany I’m always amazed how we leave the highest level of teaching to people who have zero qualification in, well, teaching.
It’s not just Germany. University researchers are simply expected to be able to teach even though most of them have never been taught how to do it – and even though they face no consequences for incompetence in teaching.
Why does he think he can get away with this kind of stuff? Do his tax filings magicallyretroactively change to reflect whatever he says today?
I had to do it.
David Marjanovićsays
Aaah, forgot to close a blockquote.
Most Reverend BigDumbChimp, you’re in South Carolina, right? Would you like me to come visit before the conference in Raleigh (NC)?
(I’m trying to find out what my first destination in the US will have to be. Without that, I can’t apply for a visa waiver or book flights.)
In Maine, the Tea Party-backed Republican governor canceled a project to ease congestion along the Route 1 corridor after protesters complained it was part of the United Nations plot. Similar opposition helped doom a high-speed train line in Florida…..
In a few years, “Tea Party” will have replaced “retarded” and “gay” as the new word for “stupid”.
Heya David M,
I remember when it was on the Austrian TV news that “biking can make men impotent”. They showed an X-ray photo of… someone sitting on the tip of his dick which was curved all the way around by tight biking shorts. WTF. Such length when flaccid? I didn’t know that even existed, and yet it’s apparently common enough that people chronically injure themselves.
…That’s why there are Growers and Showers. *nodnod* Perhaps you have insufficient experience of penes…
As a scientist, I’m probably supposed to take Pearl, but I want to virtually have Dexter. He looks interested. :-)
Okay, you Dexter are up on the list of virtual ratties. Dexter is a right…squirrel. (In the slang sense of the word.) He’s shy around people, incredibly fast, generally quiet but willing to squeak up a storm if you try to hold him for any length of time, quite skilled as a food thief and forever curious. The only effective ways to get him to remain fairly still are to put him up very high or let him burrow under very heavy towels or blankets.
Theophontes, new pic of Theo is up, replacing the previous one, showing his tardigrade side. :D
QueQuoi, traded in her jackboots for jillstilettossays
This is a paraphrased X-posting from the earlier lounge. If I am spamming, please tell me to piss off. It’s just that I really liked this idea:
If you’ve ever wanted to show appreciation for the bloggers on FtB or Skepchick, I started a Tumblr page where messages of support, or LOLcats/squids for laughs can be posted in one central and public place. – quequoi.tumblr.com – it is titled “Love for FtB and Skepchick” Any pictures of you in your Surlyramics finery would be especially appreciated.
If you’d like to have something posted, send it to quequoi at gmail.com along with how you want attribution. I will of course keep all emails confidential.
Good evening
Today I had one of those experiences that make you hate people. Since I was a very good girl working hard the last days, I took the girls to a medieval fair today. It’s a pretty big one in an even bigger park. So, already on our way to the exit, I picked up a desperately crying little boy, about three, who had apparently lost his parents. I held him up, tried to calm him down, looked if there were some people desperately looking for a kid and when there was nobody to be seen I went to the nearest stable and told them I need help. the boy was lost, could they call security, please.
So, with everything taking about an hour we got feedback that his mum was waiting by the main stage/entry. So I carried the poor lad there.
If my child had been lost for over an hour, I would have LOOKED into the direction of the market for hir to be returned to me. If it had been my child I would have MOVED towards the woman carrying hir. If it had been my child I would have HUGGED and kissed and caressed hir. I might have forgotten about thanking anybody cause, you know, so glad.
As things were, I wouldn’t have guessed that the woman standing there indifferently had anything to do with the whole thing. Security led me towards her, she took him up, and walked away. Then she remembered to turn around and say “thank you”. I’ve been thanked more enthusiastically by people whom I made aware of having lost their hankie. Then she put the boy into his stroller and turned around to talk to her friends.
So I suppose he got the most caresses and hugs that day from a strange woman.
Well, I didn’t do it for that asshole woman anyway, I did it for a desperate little boy. If my child were lost I’d like somebody like me pick them up and make sure they get back to me safely.
Sweet story of the day: we went there with some friends. Still at home, #1 searched for some money to take with her. We asked her what she needed it for. To give it to S. Why do you want to give it to S.? Because of the dog. People with dogs always need a lot of money for the dog-food. We don’T need that much.
Ogvorbis: faucibus desultor singularisays
Damn. I just found out that the UK does not have a kidney transplant list. They do, however, have a Liverpool.
It is a beautiful Thursday afternoon here. Just a few clouds, very low humidity, temp in the low 80s (F) in the sun. Nice.
Wife and I will be able to take a minivacation next week. Three days camping up in the Adirondaks (upstate New York). We get to try our new mega tent (it is over 2m tall so I can actually stand up in it).
Sorry for your loss. Bacon covered chocolate internet hugs?
I think that’s a lovely idea. Trying to think of what to send…maybe a picture of my cherished Surlyramic :) (which resulted in high fives from other surly-wearing strangers at Reason Rally. Good times).
(more ragey Deep Rifts news)
apparently DJ just blocked Jen McCreight on Twitter, along with doubting Surly Amy and promoting JV’s podcast. Here’s Jen’s latest:
Jennifer McCreight @jennifurret
Stock up on your chocolate, cat photos, and other anti-shitstorm comforts. Writing a massive feminism in the atheist/skeptical movement post
What the fuck is wrong with DJ Grothe? No, seriously… WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH DJ GROTHE?!?!
That dude makes me sick to my fucking stomach.
OOOOOH! That THAT is the cutest one yet! Thanks. Are you absolutely sure we Virtual Rattists cannot make contributions to the Rat Upkeep Fund? If only for the regular photo updates! ;-)
If this wasn’t the Lounge, I’d tell you where to stick it. Hint: it does involve DJ Grothe, does NOT involve lube but probably should.
seriously, professional caliber cute rattie photos! …Caine, might you submit a few to Zinna for her Adorable rat series?
Improbable Joe,
Whoa. Erm. Explain please.
I was making the joke in #472 that everyone blames Rebecca Watson for everything (and is wrong to do so), I kinda thought that was understood seeing as we had a thread basically dedicated to that joke recently.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitternesssays
Caine, did you name Perdita X just because of the book or is there actions that reminded you of Perdita X?
I keep going back to look at her and wondering.
I feel so bad for the ratlets with out a virtual owner. =(
I know that’s terribly silly and all but I can’t help it. It’s like the lonely pets in a cage by themselves at pet stores.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitternesssays
He may as well dive in headfirst into the slimepit.
I think he has, he just made the terrible mistake of being able to breathe down there, now the rest of the world must suffer…
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Louis: Short version.
1. SurlyAmy files a copyright infringement notice on Justin Vacula. He used a photograph she took without her permission.
2. Vacula filed disingenuous counterclaim, in the process noting Amy’s home address.
3. Vacula then posted Amy’s home address in the slymepit.
4. Amy tweeted about this to DJGrothe.
5. Grothe responded with an “If that’s what happened, then it’s terrible. . ” HyperSkepticism from the gate.
6. Grothe continued to say how awful it was (that’s good) but quickly devolved into “both sides are being divisive.”s
7. Grothe then retweeted an announcement of Vacula’s podcast.
Summary: DJ Grothe is an amoral politician to his core. He is an ethically disgusting man.
I know… which is why you’re the stickER and not the stickEE in that hypothetical scenario that bears no relation to reality.
Of course with DJ Grothe being a hypocritical asshat, he’ll probably see “DJ can stick it” and see that as a serious threat that condemns all of FtB to federal prison if he has his way, and posting Surly Amy’s address is a reason to plug Vacula’s podcast.
I knew all that!
I was just wondering why Improbable Joe told me I could stick it for what I thought was obviously a joke (about the sexists blaming everything on RW), and wondering if I had fucked up somewhere.
Improbable Joe,
Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh! Sorry I misread you as telling ME to stick things up MY…. I mean, fine, but never on a first date!
I should point out I am slightly alcoholically impaired this evening. I did 75% of my work, drank 100% of my beer and 50% of my rum. In the lovely, sweaty sunshine.
OOOOOH! That THAT is the cutest one yet! Thanks. Are you absolutely sure we Virtual Rattists cannot make contributions to the Rat Upkeep Fund? If only for the regular photo updates! ;-)
Vasco (aka Big Balls) is so effin’ adorable. He lives up to his name, he loves to explore, just like his daddy Havelock. He’s Havelock’s favourite, by the way. Vasco is also becoming proficient at shoulder riding, he likes to go with me to the wondrous big box of food in the kitchen. He’s fascinated with the eggs in the egg rack of the fridge. He is also a serious aficionado of boxes – all types of boxes and he’s pretty sure that all kleenex in the universe do indeed belong to him. Like Chester, he is also fascinated with remote control units and enjoys stomping on them. He also enjoys belly kisses. Altogether, he’s a confident, happy fellow.
As for money, it’s not necessary, however, if anyone feels the need, they can contribute to the Pharyngufund with a note to Josh that it’s for ratties.
Caine, might you submit a few to Zinna for her Adorable rat series?
Um, colour me clueless. What is this?
Caine, did you name Perdita X just because of the book or is there actions that reminded you of Perdita X?
Well, it turned out that Perdita X is a mini-Gytha in looks. I already had Agnes (As in Agnes Nitt), so I went with Perdita X, so as to have the full Agnes, so to speak. It’s a good name for her, outwardly, she’s not as much a presence as Agnes, but she’s outspoken and knows what she wants and has no problems attempting to get whatever she wants. She’s very persistent and she does have the habit of following Agnes around all over the place. :D
Good times Louis! I’m just starting to pollute myself. Magic Hat variety 12-pack, plus a couple of Sam Adams Latitude 48 IPAs. Managed to sell one of my guitar effects pedals, so it is like winning the lottery in my house tonight!
Caine: glad to hear money’s not a problem! (as opposed to time, stress, equipment, injuries… talk about yer above and beyond!)
About Zinnia, every couple of weeks she posts something like this:
Oh, the ratties, they’re all so cute! *squeee* And Caine, could you tell me more about Giles? I mean, every time someone virtually adopts one of the rats you tell them about their behaviour and personality, but you didn’t with me. I’m curious.
I just visited SB Pharyngula. It’s a weird place. It’s almost abandoned (but not by David! :)), but it shouldn’t be because there’s so much WOTI going on over there. Just in the most recent threads I saw a creationist asserting that ribosomes proofread RNA (*headdesk*) even though they don’t have brains (*headdesk*) and a Christian seriously wondering if anyone commenting on Pharyngula has ever needed to use evolutionary concepts in their jobs/graduate studies and assuming the answer is no so why do we need to teach it at school anyway (*headdesk*). Huh.
Tony •King of the Hellmouth•says
You still have a few female ratlets, correct? I needs me one to give virtual love and hugs to.
I know I’m mostly just a lurker and all, but could I possibly adopt Perdita X? She’s just so adorable, and I like the idea of a virtual rattie for hugs and snuggles.
She is a little smartypants…a quiet one, doesn’t parade it around, just gets shit done. You and Mallory are now up.
Aww, cute, thanks! She sounds perfect – I’d like to think that I’m like that in real life.
David M:
30 cloves of garlic
I didn’t think there was anyone in the world who used more garlic than my mom. I was wrong. You win some kind of prize…maybe mouthwash? :p
I even had an ice cream from an ice cream van.
I would say “Yay for Louis,” except that ice cream vans have been *ruined* for me by the one that visits my neighbourhood regularly. It plays the most horrible, bastardised version of the Teddy Bears Picnic, and whenever I hear it, I go to my window to see, and I can’t see it. (It hides behind a giant fir tree, I think.)
Until this week, I’d *never* seen it and was starting to think it was someone trying to drive me to madness.
Went to a beer festival at a local pub today, which was good. I got to try a bunch of real ales (yum!) and sit in the warm afternoon sunshine with some good friends. All in all, a good afternoon was had.
Ogvorbis: faucibus desultor singularisays
30 cloves of garlic
I didn’t think there was anyone in the world who used more garlic than my mom. I was wrong. You win some kind of prize…maybe mouthwash? :p
I’ve got a breaded and baked chicken that usually takes 40 to 60 garlic cloves. Then again, I’ve been known to go through a kilogram of garlic in less than a month, so . . . .
Oh, the ratties, they’re all so cute! *squeee* And Caine, could you tell me more about Giles?
Oh, Giles. He looks more and more like Esme every day. He is a very calm, cool and collected guy. He does enjoy the occasional wrestling match and always wins. He doesn’t care for shoulder riding, but will happily splay himself along the back of your neck for a ride. He tries to sleep by himself all the time, but he’s the most popular rat when it comes to being considered a pillow – the other ratlets pile on top of him whenever he tries to nap. He likes to chew on fingers and hair. He loves chewing on hair. He’s recently discovered Nutella and approves of it, but only a tiny bit at a time. Giles doesn’t see much need to run when walking gets the job done just fine, thank you.
Giles loves hanging out with Daddy Sam and they can often be found napping together, all curled up in a bundle. Giles also tends to arbitrate when there’s a fight going on – I’ve seen him get inbetween two other ratlets and hold each one down, one hand on each ratlet’s neck. He’s a very big guy, and like a lot of very big guys, he’s gentle and good-natured.
You still have a few female ratlets, correct? I needs me one to give virtual love and hugs to.
Yes, there’s Angua, Pearl and Perdita X. They can be seen here.
If it’s not too much trouble with all the virtual rat adoption going on, can you write a little bit something about Beatrice? All I know is that she used to be Basil (and maybe plans to steal all your paints and be an artist when she grows up, but I’m just guessing ;).
I know I’m mostly just a lurker and all, but could I possibly adopt Perdita X? She’s just so adorable, and I like the idea of a virtual rattie for hugs and snuggles.
If it’s not too much trouble with all the virtual rat adoption going on, can you write a little bit something about Beatrice? All I know is that she used to be Basil (and maybe plans to steal all your paints and be an artist when she grows up, but I’m just guessing ;).
Beatrice is a little troublemaker extraordinaire. She does not like being bossed around at all and is very stubborn. If you tell her ‘no’, she’ll go out of her way to do whatever it is she isn’t supposed to do. She does like hanging out on my table when I’m painting. She enjoys climbing, leading the younger ratlets around (mostly into trouble) and stealing Oreo cookies and pencils. Beatrice has little patience for being held and fussed over, but she does enjoy shoulder riding, especially if the ride contains the promise of exploring someplace new. She absolutely *hates* having to take medicine of any kind and has a marked talent for spitting it out.
this is now the rattie personality reference thread. *bookmarks*
thunk, erythematicsays
I’m settled in again.
Somewhat cramped with useless furniture, but the beds are soft. Also, roommate is a decent human being.
Thanks, Caine.
*big grin*
That girl definitely shares more than a name with me.
So… I’m making potato soup. Do I add lots of bacon, or ALL THE BACON?
If I make it through the next 40 hours without killing my mom or my aunt, it will be a remarkable achievement.
Why is it that when I’m forced to travel with my mom, she immediately reverts to treating me like I’m 14? (I’m sure any 14-year-old lurkers understand what I mean about that. There were many many reasons why I hated being 14, and parental treatment was pretty high on the list.)
She doesn’t seem to realize that I am perfectly capable of handling social situations on my own, and that there’s nothing wrong with being quiet and letting others lead the conversation. And there is so much fucking gendered bullshit among the older generation, I feel like going on a ten-minute rant. Why do the men get to be quiet and reserved while I have to be a bleeding social butterfly every waking moment?
And on that note, I’m going to put on my dress and go to the damn wedding.
Improbable Joe says
…new what? I just seen a 2-headed shark screw up my wife’s vacation plans!
otrame says
Ahh. Look at the little thumb.
cicely says
Oh, hai baby panda!
Improbable Joe…2-headed shark??? Please, do tell us more!
Improbable Joe says
I says “Hi!” back to the little panda!
Cunning Pam says
Speaking of pandas, I’ve just uploaded pictures from the St. Louis Chinese Lantern Festival exhibit at the Botanical Gardens here. While they’re not up to the quality of those here skilled in the photographic arts, some may find them enjoyable for the subject matter. (Cythni is a gaming ‘nym that I use occasionally.)
Cythni’s Flickr: Lantern Festival
Improbable Joe says
You missed Stephanie Zvan’s weekly “Mock the Movie” thing on Twitter.
cicely says
True. I don’t Tweet. The only time I see anything in the Twitterverse is when someone links to something in it.
Improbable Joe says
Tonight’s movie was “2-headed Shark Attack”. A real winner of a loser?
ibyea says
Hai, Panda!
thunk, erythematic says
Hai, ibyea.
I just remembered you like astronomy. So do I. :)
Jafafa Hots says
Cats are my friends.
thunk, erythematic says
Random tidbit: Male contraceptive pill ‘step closer’ after mice studies
ibyea says
I think I want to be the first one in the trial for that contraceptive. :)
hotshoe says
thunk –
Skepticon, that is, St. Louis, is well served by Amtrak from Chicago. Several trains a day, about a six hour trip, very cheap. Cheaper than gas to drive, I bet.
I took Amtrak across the country last year and loved it. There’s security at the station with none of that take-your-shoes-off insanity like airports. Amtrak doesn’t have right of way on their tracks in most parts of the country — freight trains have right of way — so there’s a big chance you’ll get delayed on a siding somewhere, waiting for the freight train to pass … but there are comfy seats plus room to get up and walk around.
thunk, erythematic says
dailydouq says
I assume you saw the cybernetic squid, a flexible thing with color-change capability. Sounds like a good tactic for world domination.
cactuswren says
I captioned that picture!
Jafafa Hots says
Took Amtrak across the country once.
Horrible experience. But that may have had a little bit to do with the ear infection that burst my eardrum midway through the trip. (Also my vertigo issues)
Definitely superior to the San Francisco to New York Greyhound Bus trip I took once though. THAT was an experience.
Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says
random thought:
Yoda is rather annoying when first introduced in Empire Strikes Back.
Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says
random thought #2:
Earlier today I wondered where all the creobots had gone. Silly me, all I had to do was check out the No Contest thread.
Rey Fox says
Saw the Rifftrax Live for Manos tonight, so I’m not caught up. But big sorries and booze offers for Tony.
woggler says
Hi, baby panda.
sc_b3852da0511075db84e787440ae4d8ec says
I can discuss anything I want ?
Really ?
Well, how about how pathetic my life being an Atheist + Vegetarian ?
Living in the Great Liberal State of Washington, but couldn’t even get a dinner date from any girls.
Gosh,… My friends still keep suggesting me go to church you can meet nice ladies, get to know them, then you may fall in love, but I rejected for all my atheism, now I am single at 30, with pathetic useless Engineering degree.
Ohh, I know why I am useless in this dating Market, My skin in not white color.
Well, pay the prize for being an atheist [ I am talking to myself now ]
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
Ahh, may be I should rethink about myself, there is a problem with me, I am looser, I don’t know anything about ladies, so I should shut up.
Whatever, I have no choice now except blame myself and live my rest of the life all alone, like one of my Christine friend said, I will die alone. I will die alone.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
Good morning
Oh, but what will the MRAs do when there’s suddenly a possibility for them to avoid unintented pregnancies. Oh, wait, there already are…
Sorry about your in-law’s kitty
Talking about kitty-woes, the cat that is not ours has disappeared. The whole neighbourhood went looking for her, but when her owner called the shelter she got her from, they told her there had been people already whose kitty had disappeared (yes, that’s a lot here) :(
Kids don’t know yet, and this one time I won’t go for the most likely truth
Squeeee, thanx, my own virtual rat
Good for the redhead. I think that will give her a lot of strength and power back.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa) says
?? Are you serious?
F says
Holy crap, Cunning Pam. Wow.
I’ve never seen anything quite like that. Nice shots.
Beatrice says
Hi, panda! (writing this makes me feel like a five-year-old)
Good morning to everyone else.
rorschach says
What just happened? numbermess @23, when you’re sober again, you might want to talk to your doctor, you seem depressed.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa) says
Seriously, what was that pile of verbal diarrhea? Is it a troll? Is it a person with horrible english? If that’s the case, dude, the world doesn’t owe you a relationship.
One Thousand Needles says
* high fives the panda *
Thanks Owlmirror and cohorts for the crash course on information theory in the No Contest thread! It’s only 3am and I’ve filled my daily quota of stuff to learn.
Beatrice says
You serious? I generally have plenty of sympathy for lonely people and understand the urge to find someone to blame. But you come off as either drunk, blaming “the ladies” or fucking with us. For the first, I recommend sobering up and then coming back.
gerdienecrocker says
Thank goodness for the baby panda because the post about the demise of the American higher education system hits much to close to home and I would have had nightmares but the panda adorabled them away.
Jafafa Hots says
No women in the dating “market,” huh?
Well dang, if there’s a “market” not being exploited, some tech genius is bound to come up with a product to fix that.
Maybe I can come up with a design in my garage. Is the word “Ejaculatron” trademarked?
vaiyt says
Not drunk. Just someone that sees “you can discuss anything you want” and thinks “I can be as stupid as I want! Whee!”
reynoldhall says
There, finally.
A baby panda. Something other than the usual cthulhoid monstrosities that are usually posted on this site! It’s about time that this blog finally joined the human race. We are all mammals here, after all.
Whoops. hold on…someone’s at the door.
dianne says
Why lot of you atheist ladies are not in to me ?
Because you spend all your time whining about how you can’t get a date rather than topics of mutual interest.
rorschach says
Doesn’t Eharmony claim that they already facilitate 5% of all new marriages in the US? Seems like a market to me.
leebrimmicombe-wood says
I just re-read the short story The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall by John Kendrick Bangs, in which some watery spirit is defeated by science! Well, rational thinking and a good refrigerator, at least.
Are there any other such stories out there, about supernatural beasties defeated by science! (By supernatural I mean clearly non-naturalistic, rather than a natural phenomenon or alien creature misidentified as a ghost/demon/god, etc.)
grumpyoldfart says
Who put the bomp in the bomp-sh-bomp-sh-bomp
Who put the ram in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong
leebrimmicombe-wood says
Who is that man? I’d like to shake his hand.
dianne says
@lee: I seem to think that one of Lovecraft’s beasties was defeated by someone who looked logically at the internal system it was operating under and used its weakness within the “magic” system to defeat it. I would argue that that is a use of science in the broadest sense: looking at the world as it is and using what you see to make what you want to happen happen, even though the story called it “magic”.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
vaiyt #34
Xe got the commenting part down. Where is the discussing part going to come in?
leebrimmicombe-wood says
This is for fans of Bandes Dessinees.
I think I just soiled myself in excitement.
Here is Jean Giraud and Hugo Pratt in a sketch-off supervised by Jean Claude Forest and Jije on French TV, circa 1972.
Bloody brilliant! Pratt’s panels, incorporating Corto Maltese, are completely breathtaking.
Mario says
I don’t have a lot to say, but I can recommend you this cute short film made in Brazil:
P.S: Sorry I don’t know how tu put the youtube link in the correct format.
Louis says
Dear SC-Numbermess, #23,
Presuming you are not a troll playing a silly character, allow me to give you a lovely response. Imagine a big bear hug coming right through your internet, just for you. That’s it. It’s okay. It’s okay. I understand.
First, well done on having an engineering degree and being an atheist. Both, hopefully, have involved some intellectual activity on your part. That is a good thing! Intellectual effort, or at least the capacity for it, at least grants you a chance to be interesting to other people.
Second, you live in a wonderful state from the little I know about it. If you are near a major metropolis like Seattle, the odds of you finding a partner, even an atheist vegetarian, are huge. You should have hundreds of thousands of people to choose from. You are unlikely to be utterly repellent to all of them, and if you are…
Third, work on yourself. Invest in YOU a little bit. If you need to tone yourself up a bit, and yes I realise it’s a bit “body fascist”, get to a gym or go jogging. Every one of us can modify our diet and exercise routine to some degree, no matter how small. Sad though it might be, there are cultural tropes, preferences and biases out there, playing into them might be the wrong thing to do ethically sometimes, but it does (rather annoyingly) smooth your path through life on occasion. Toning up, getting the physical and psychological benefits of moderate exercise and a reasonably healthy diet (don’t become a celery fetishist!) will do you the power of good. As a veggie, I can’t imagine you aren’t already pretty damned good at this, so if you are and this diet/exercise stuff doesn’t apply to you, well done for being much more awesome than I am as a meat eating, beer swilling ex-rugby playing bastard! ;-)
Fourth, work on yourself some more. This time exercise the “muscle” between your ears. Find an activity or class, ANY activity or class, learn a language, learn to knit, learn to hang-glide, learn to do placenta basket weaving on stilts, do SOMETHING. Get out there and get involved. Getting involved helps you meet people, and in the famous words of an incredibly wise academic of my acquaintance: “You have to heave a lot of bricks before you hit a duck”. More people you meet, more chances of romance you have.
Fifth, experiment. In the words of Dan Savage: every relationship you will ever have is going to fail, until one doesn’t. No very profound, but it sums it up nicely. If you have a “type”, break it, try meeting someone not of your “type”, take up most or all offers to go for coffee (not sex, I mean real coffee, real conversation). Try different things, talk to people a little differently, see what works. I guarantee you one thing, most people love listeners. If you can be a good listener and empathetic, most people socially, whether or not you are interested in them sexually, whether they are your boss or your brother or the woman of your dreams, love to feel that they are INTERESTING. Ever heard the saying “Interesting people are interested people”?
Last, get help if you need it. From joining dating sites, to going speed dating, to getting psychological help if you need that, realise that you are not an island and other people can help you. If you are clinically depressed, then you are unlikely to want to do any of the above, or present your best side (and dating is like a job interview…again…sadly) to prospective partners.
P.S. Phrases like “market” and “why are none of you atheist ladies into me” in relation to dating make it look like you view dating as a transaction. It isn’t. Whilst it helps everyone to put their best foot forward when dating, it also helps to be HONEST, CONSIDERATE, EMPATHETIC and INTERESTED. Viewing other people simply as a means for sex or to prevent you from being alone shows that you are only focussed on YOUR needs and not what you can bring to a partnership/relationship. I realise it’s easy to focus on what is making you unhappy and externalise that feeling by blaming others, but this is a) very unattractive, b) actually destructive for other people to engage with, and c) not going to get you what you want. Think not what other people can do for you, think what you can do for other people.
Louis says
Lyn M, #42,
Well I have tried to help with my “Louis’ Shitty Guide to Being a Dating Human 101”.
Advanced courses involve holes in telegraph poles, socks on cocks, melons and microwaves, “Just How Ethical Is Goat Sex?”, and the answer to the eternal question “I have a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle, how do I find love?”.
P.S. Some of the above, and indeed some of my #45, might not be entirely serious. Shhhhhhhh I’m hunting wabbits.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
I see. Cats. Skinning. Gotcha.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
Well, after reading Jason’s post about the campaign against Amy, I think christmas comes a little early this year…
Louis says
It’s part of my “new” mission to take trolls (or posters I think are trolls) very, very seriously indeed. For about five minutes.
Then when demonstrated to be irretrievable fuckwits I can UNLEASH THE MOCKERY! Or just get bored and wander off, as appropriate.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
If I find my eyes sliding off the text about 5 lines in, I figure the comment is not one I really should worry about. Good thing about getting old is that pattern recognition is much broader and kicks in to flip input to off.
After a few stalls like that, I consciously realize this comment is not worth it for me.
jefrir says
Good. You should not be dating children.
Teh kiloGraeme says
@39 – Hand me my Frank Sinatra type hat!
That’ll sell a million records!
obscure1 says
I’m going to bed now but was wondering about PZ’s book. When is it coming out?
Louis says
Lyn M,
Oh you’re right, totally totally right. I was feeling self indulgent! It’s Friday, and like most of the last few weeks I am up to my ears in paperwork. I despise certain species of paperwork. Here is grade A pharma industry thinking for you:
Someone is good in the lab, so promote them. Someone then demonstrates they are great in the lab, so promote them. Someone then demonstrates that they are not just great in the lab, but can also run multidisciplinary projects with the biologists and/or the process chemists depending on what part of the drug discovery process they are in, guess what, promote them. Someone then demonstrates they can do all of the above and manage teams of people running projects, promote them. At every stage they take you further and further out of the lab and why? Because you were good in the lab in the first fucking place!
The same organisational skills that underpin efficient, good lab work underpin the basics of (medium level) management. The social/people skills might not be there in some people, but running things, planning things, organising things…if you’re good in the lab this stuff should come relatively easily.
But don’t reward people for actually being good scientists…oh fuck no, make them pseudo managers on a different track to the real managers with real power and no lab duties. Make the good scientists accountable to glorified bean counters and corporate stooges…THAT will solve the crisis in the drug industry and help patients…oh wait…no it fucking won’t.
I seem to have accidentally ranted. My apologies. I’ll get a mop.
Louis says
Jefrir, #51,
One internet for you to collect from the front desk, I think. Your work, I’m a big fan.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
Cunning Pam @5:
Those shots are fantastic. A combination of two of my favorite things, art and stuff with lights. It must have felt a shame to go home. They would have had to throw me out at closing time.
dianne says
Nice rant, Louis. When I become part of the 0.001% and can open my own drug company, I’ll definitely hire you to do lab stuff and nothing but lab stuff.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for that day, because hypoxia is very bad for you.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
I have no idea why, but I suddenly had this mental image of Louis squirting two-part hypoxia into a paper bag and then holding the open end up to his nose and taking giant, sucking whiffs of the stuff and hallucinating Cthulhu riding bareback on the Invisible Pink Unicorn and drag racing the FSM for pie. Then my brain snuck up on me and said ‘Dude…DUDE! Get your own head out of the glue-bag. The stuff is called EPOXY!’
I hate it when my brain intrudes on zany mental images.
Beatrice says
Cunning Pam,
I almost missed your photos. They’re great and the exhibition looks like something I would have enjoyed visiting. And gotten thrown out with McC2lhu at closing time.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
It would have been quite the story to tell, how we got hauled out by the scruffs of our jackets by hulking lantern bouncers.
theophontes (坏蛋) says
@ Caine
Are there any virtual rats still looking for virtual rat parents? I volunteer. Any rat! (You might even have to acquire more.)
Pussy Riot are “guilty”. It is ridiculous what they are saying against them on CNN (the accusations that is – one long tone trolling diatribe in favour of the church, rather ridiculous and medieval).
¡No pasarán!
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Louis, it is indeed a common problem. And if the person states that he or she wants to do the lab work, then he or she is not a team player and is on the way out.
It is a failure of the up and on model. You have to go up and on to another position to be considered a success. Some people want to, and good for them, but lots of people are happy doing what they trained for.
So when are you getting promoted?
dianne says
Romney says he’s paid 13% of his income in taxes every year.
The irony is he thinks that this shows how much he’s been sacrificing.
No, he didn’t offer any proof of this statement.
Louis says
Thanks. There’s bits of the project management/paperwork things I enjoy, it’s actually good to get to a senior scientific position where you have some control, it’s just the lofty heights beyond that point reduce your scientific input and responsibility at the expense of making you another paper shuffling arse on a seat.
I get it, I really do, it’s cheaper, most people lack my passion for getting (and keeping) their hands dirty to some extent, and (something many people don’t know about) there is an awesome amount of paperwork (pretty technical paperwork) associated with any drug development process. But the quasi management at senior levels “research” career track in the industry is not fit for purpose, it takes people away from their core talents eventually. If you rise about your expected “career grade” you’re swamped by a morass of dull as shit but still labyrinthine paperwork.
I think I needed to get that off my chest. Especially as I will be working right through this weekend instead of going out with my family and having fun.
Yeah yeah, I know, my Ferrari won’t start and my crocodile skin shoes are too tight… ;-)
Anyway, when I join the 0.00001% with my awesome Euromillions lottery win of £200000000 next week (for sure), I will build my own lab. AND BUY A PONY!
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
we’re paying a lot more and I can assure you we’re not making more than Romney.
So, to continue with bad news, today the German constitutional court has done away with the prohibition of the Bundeswehr carrying out military operations within the country. It should be noted that this was a historical “legacy” that should safeguard us from something ike the third Reich ever happening again. Even though they said that this would only be legitimate in case of extreme emergencies, they also didn’t define what such an emergency would be, although they excluded hijacked airplanes and demonstrations (yeah, sure, you said demonstrations, but those people didn’t hand in their applications in time, they were just a mob)
Fuck you, constitutional court.
So far they’ve managed to do away with each and every check and barrier explicitely written into our constitution whenever they were challenged because, well, the government wanted it.
Louis says
Lyn M,
Oh it’s already happened! Dare I say it a few times.
None of the people my grade spend any time in the lab now, I’m the only one who does because I make sure my non-lab work is done in 3 to 4 days so I get at least a solid day in the lab every week. I’m also constantly putting on (and taking off) reactions in between meetings etc. I annoy the shit out of the people working for me in the lab by being as productive (or only slightly less productive) in the lab as they are. I have fucked up my work/life balance I confess, but then I am compensating for having a Past as a thoroughly irresponsible shithead with more alcohol in his bloodstream than your average travelling funk band.
Of course it will all stop with the {insert next achievement here} because that’s totally how pseudo alcoholism converted into badly mismanaged compulsive workaholism works (nod nod).
And I totally don’t have a problem by distracting myself deliberately on the internet, that’s right out.
Denial…it’s not just a river in Africa!
a3kr0n says
Hi Lawrence Krauss!
That is all.
dianne says
@Louis: At least you’re doing actual work.
I’m having a good news/bad news sort of day workwise.
The good news is I got a paper accepted.
The bad news is that seems to have filled all my “work” receptors for the day and I’m currently massively underproductive. If it weren’t for SAS needing a nudge periodically, I’d be doing nothing at all.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Mmm mmm mmm.
Shakes head
Hope you can find some balance. I’ve heard that when people turn themselves into machines, they can have heart attacks. I myself have always been careful to balance life in all things so as to maintain an awesome record of health.
Oh, and modesty.
carlie says
hotshoe and thunk – Skepticon is in Springfield, not St. Louis. Other side of the state and all the way down.
Cunning Pam – I’m so jealous! I was going to go to that exhibit while I was in St. Louis, but that was the week it was over 105 every day so we decided not to.
numbermess – the world doesn’t owe you a girlfriend.
carlie says
Looks like the best you could do from Chicago to Skepticon is an amtrak ticket to Warrensburg (currently $52 one way), and then a Greyhound bus the rest of the way (currently $30).
carlie says
Live blogging of the Pussy Riot verdict here
Louis says
Lyn M,
But I AM being modest. ;-)
I’m under no illusions that I’m more lucky than talented and that there are far more talented and lucky people reading this thread than I can ever aspire to be! Let alone out there, you know, in the wider world.
That said, self deprecation, a very British habit, for anything else but Comedy Purposes (one of my two Gods) is simply bragging and immodesty wearing a humble cloak don’t you think?
I’ve done enough remarkably stupid things in my life to apologise for (and boy howdy have I) that I don’t have to apologise too much for the one or two tiny things I’m reasonably good at do I? Oh please say “no”, it’s Friday and I am feeling weakened!
P.S. Some of the above may be tongue in cheek. I jest with those I adore and envy. Like you…in China…you BASTARD!!!!! ;-)
Louis says
Lyn M,
And yes, you are also awesomely modest. I am also a fucking idiot. Did I point that out?
Sarahface says
I haven’t caught up at all yet, but I’ll do that later.
In the meantime, I found out yesterday that ohmygod I’m going to my first-choice university this September! I got the grades!! ^.^
(I was *so* nervous yesterday morning and I didn’t sleep well the night before, so I’m still really tired. But FUCK YES I GOT IN!)
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Sarah, awesome! All the best to you!
Setár, self-appointed Elf-Sheriff of the FreethoughtBlogs Star Chamber says
My MP is an asshole. Help.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
I knew you would get there!
Yes, getting to China was a good move for me. I still had to do it by way of heart attack, though. Sincerely believing you could die any time does re-arrange your priorities.
And I liked your rants.
Improbable Joe says
MY WIFE IS EMPLOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Louis says
Improbable Joe,
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Bacon and chocolate confetti all over!
Louis says
GREAT NEWS! Well done you…see previous post for confetti details! ;-)
dianne says
Excellent news, Sarah and Joe!
Congratulations to you both (or more appropriately in Joe’s case, to his wife, but she doesn’t post here as far as I know so will have to get her Pharyngula congratulations second hand)!
Louis says
Lyn M,
I’m dubious, but I’ll give that a try. Pass the bacon fried chicken steak bacon…
opposablethumbs says
Conga rats, Sarahface! You’re talking about getting your A-level results, yes? That’s really great news, getting your first choice uni – time to celebrate!(oh, spare a crossed finger for Spawn waiting for their GCSE results next week …).
Improbable Joe says
I’m passing the congrats on as we speak/type. We’re still going to have to get a title loan to pay the rent this month, and I already pawned my #1 guitar… but hey, you can’t always get what you want?
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Well it seems many deserve lashings of chocolate covered bacon, foaming icy cold beverage of choice and applause!
Best of luck to you, too, Joe.
StevoR says
Excellent post on the Bad Astronomy blog today :
Well worth a read.
Plus this I hope :
comment by me.
Meanwhile on a grimmer note :
Current state of Arctic sea ice dipping to new lows and heading ever lower as our planet overheats.
I know we are all human
In this one spaceship Earth.
Dirty mammals all struggling to survive.
Skin colour means just nothing.
We all bleed and love and lie.
All us umpteen billion
Crammed, cramped and living why?
I know we all are human
Every person bleeds
Each human laughs and suffers
Wherever living life.
Its just so axiomatic
Yet we seem to see it not.
I know w eall are human
But humane we just are not.
Sarahface says
opposablethumbs: Yes, A level results. Thanks :)
*fingers crossed* for ThumbSpawn in GCSEs.
dianne, Louis, Lyn M: Thanks to you as well :)
Improbable Joe: That’s awesome! Congratulations to your wife :)
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorph says
Louis, you are a Calendarist Oppressor!
Our 28-pound super-doofus cat decided, this morning, to jump onto the butcher block table and then toss the contents of his stomach onto the floor. From about three feet. Figure the acceleration and imagine the splatter pattern. Impressive.
Louis says
Sorry Oggie,
Is it REALLY Wednesday?
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
This is totally off topic, but it represents a sort of geek moment of triumph.
I bought a tablet awhile ago and put lots of apps on it. One of them is google maps. As I was coming home from downtown in a cab, I felt odd about the route the cab was taking. It is like an Olympic sport in China, cabbie vs. passenger. So I opened up google maps, saw the satellite icon pulsing and a map resolved on screen. I held the tablet so the cabbie would be able to see the screen if he looked over. The little indicator showed us on a street, and I punched up directions. Instantly a black line formed from where the cab was to where I was going. I said nothing, just glanced at a large street sign. The cabbie had been in the turn lane, but glanced at the screen and instead of turning, went straight through. We stuck to the black line all the way home.
Heh. That damned thing paid for itself right there.
portia says
I was very excited for a moment to think that Skepticon was in St. Louis (“I could get there easily!”) but alas…
thunk – as a recent Chicagoan who was without a car for a few years, Amtrak is actually pretty enjoyable for short distances and pretty inexpensive relative to other modes. I can’t speak for the bus.
Thirdly, I have two new clients for my new business. *happy dance.*
broboxley OT says
numbersmess here let me help you backpage.com/yourcity/escorts since that appears to be what your looking for.
Louis, your lab is doing it wrong, promote the useless people into the management track
#87 quit reading the grimmer notes. Ice cores indicate severe melting every 150 years or so and this shit has happened before numerous times. Yes I do know that pumping co2 into the atmosphere isnt helping.
Shit day, shittier night everything caving in on the home front and I need to be chipper to start a new job on monday
portia says
congrats to your wife, Joe. :D Very exciting.
dianne says
@89: Oggie, I am very impressed by your cat. Clearly he understands newtonian physics and aesthetics and mad the decision to go to a spot high enough to create the perfect splatter pattern. And avoid getting his feet messy.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Aaand some bragging
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorph says
Jackson Pollack he ain’t! No artistic merit at all. 8 of 10 for volume, 7 of 10 for velocity, 4 of 10 for difficulty, and 1 of 10 for artistic merit. So I give him (well, ex-him) a 20/40. Should be easy to top.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Ogvorbis, wow! 28 lb cat making the chunky rainbow from three feet up! It’s like the cat-pocalypse.
I hope you can hose out the kitchen.
Improbable Joe says
Title loan, sell my other guitar, sell a couple of pedals, sell some plasma, borrow a few hundred from my parents… Jesus, so close and yet so deep in the hole!
You know, it would almost be easier if we were just flat poor and done with it. Instead, we’re on the edge of being financially stable and evicted at the exact same time. My wife isn’t going to get her first paycheck for a few weeks, but as soon as she gets one or two checks we’re out of the hole. We just need to survive until then. $1200 has never seemed like so much money before.
Louis says
It’s an industry wide problem! Good scientists don’t necessarily make good managers, but they do tend to have the administrative/project management side of the job down pat. That’s the easy bit. People skills….yeah….not generally fostered in PhD labs… ;-)
Sacking people. I’ll never be happy about sacking people. Even for gross misconduct.
P.S. Also, re: your advice to numbermess. Ouch. For the escorts. ;-)
Socio-gen, something something... says
Farewell pub crawls are fun.
At least, I assume it was, based on the hangover I have this morning. I think packing will have to wait.
I love Amtrak, mostly because it’s cheap and flying scares the beejeebers out of me. The only real downside on long trips, for me, is losing the seat lottery and getting an aisle seat. I end up with nowhere for my pillow and have to reach across my seatmate to use the outlets to charge my phone. Delays are sometimes a problem as well.
If you do decide to go Amtrak, sign up for the Student Advantage card. High school and college students get a 15% discount their tickets.
sc-number gibberish:
You poor poor dear….. *pats on the head* I can’t imagine why women just aren’t into you…
Seriously, though, my advice is to be (or learn to be) happy with yourself instead of trying to find someone who will make you happy. Do things you enjoy just because you enjoy them, cultivate the interests you have, and just have fun as much as possible.
Is the reverse is true, that people who are not-so-good or even really terrible at what they do are the only ones left doing it? Because, wow, this would explain a lot about a couple of places I’ve worked.
Off to find the Motrin and more tea. And then possibly return to bed.
One Thousand Needles says
@ Joe:
I’d be happy to pitch in to a HordeLoan™ if anyone has any idea about how to set one up.
One Thousand Needles says
The motherlode of info for Curiosity-philes: The official MSL press kit.
Louis says
thunk, erythematic says
I already read that thing from top to bottom.
thunk, erythematic says
Socio-gen, Portia:
I’ll obviously consider amtrak. Never rode it before, though.
Pteryxx says
congratz Joe’s wife! and y’know Joe, you could consider keeping a roof over your heads a pet-keeping expense, too. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Finally SOMEone mentions nonpartisan election oversight – and it’s Jon Stewart, at the end of a big segment on voter suppression. Video and transcript here:
Beatrice says
Congrats to Sarah and Joe’s wife!
Improbable Joe says
You think? I mean, there’s got to be a place to keep their food, and the house I’m in seems as good a place as any.
dianne says
Re Amtrak: Amtrak is good in the northeast: usually on time or close, not too too expensive considering everything, nice trains, etc. But…I really think they shouldn’t describe themselves as “servicing the northeast corridor”. The mental images…
opposablethumbs says
CONGA RATS to your wife, Joe! That’s wonderful news!!!!
Improbable Joe says
Oh, and for those of you not following me on Twitter… my wife’s new salary? Double.
Louis says
I believe that is the correct number Improbable Joe! ;-)
birgerjohansson says
Congratulations all over!
— — — — — — — —
Ten-minute film:
“Blinky TM” http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1520494/
A heart-warming, violent tear-jerker about a boy and his increasingly buggy robot.
Notice to kids: READ THE FUCKING MANUAL!!!!!
Pteryxx says
Y’all following the Assange situation, check it: Ecuador’s formal statement via Singham.
More details – the embassy has offered to allow Swedish officials entry to question Assange on site (which is supposedly all they want from him) but the Swedish refused.
Cunning Pam says
Congrats Joe’s wife and congrats Sarah! And hang in there Joe; I know what it’s like to be teetering on the precipice, and it’s a rotten feeling. But it sounds like things will be better very soon; I’m glad for you.
Ogvorbis, that sounds like quite an accomplished kitty you have! Thanks for giving me something to be thankful for next time one of my feline horde decides to leave me some sort of gastric composition: At least they haven’t mastered the jump-and-hurl yet!
And thanks for the comments on my lantern festival photos, all. It was really something to see. Carlie, I know what you mean about the temps, we’ve been putting off going since the exhibit opened in May for one reason or another, but usually because of the heat. On the bright side, the bone-dry summer made sure that the lanterns didn’t get totally beat up by weather. The downside was that there were SO many people there now that the weather’s turned pleasant, we were packed in shoulder-to-shoulder. Not the most enjoyable thing for me with my social anxiety, but a lovely evening nonetheless.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Assange had made an appointment to give his statement in Sweden while he was there. Then he left the country. I think they are keen to get him back into Sweden so if they decide to charge him, he is handy to them. If they go to the Embassy in England, and then question him, I think that would mean their warrant is void as the purpose for which it was issued has been met. The whole extradition case dies, and would have to be re-done on the basis of the charges, I believe.
Don’t see why the Swedes would want to go to the Embassy.
Bernard Bumner says
Which would therefore prevent his extradition from Sweden, a fully ratified signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights.
1) Standard Swedish procedure in such a case is to remand the suspect whilst the investigation is completed.
2) Sweden has issued a valid EAW which has been examined and found to be so by every court in the UK, including the Supreme Court.
3)Assange is in breach of his bail conditions.
EAWs cannot simply be ignored at the request of suspects. If a warrant was issued for my arrest and I tried to bargain with the police that they could come to my friend’s house to interview me (but not arrest me), then they would quite rightly refuse.
Ecuador is offering asylum to someone who is subject to arrest under an EAW on suspicion of rape, he is not (currently) facing politically-motivated charges or persecution. Ecuador has no legitimate grounds to grant asylum.
Assange is a fugitive from justice.
Beatrice says
dianne says
If they go to the Embassy in England, and then question him, I think that would mean their warrant is void as the purpose for which it was issued has been met. The whole extradition case dies, and would have to be re-done on the basis of the charges, I believe.
So? It’s just paperwork. Or would they leave a gap during which he could leave for Ecuador since there would be no legal reason for the British to refuse to let him go? In that case, why not just file charges now? If there is enough evidence on the basis of the victims’ testimony to press charges, why not just file them and get it over with?
This case is very confusing to me. Assange’s “it’s the feminazis” defense of himself was practically a confession that he committed rape, but the various governments involved are acting so strangely that I can’t feel comfortable just shrugging his claims off as paranoia.
portia says
didn’t expect differently, but still…need to smash some stuff now.
Bernard Bumner says
Sadly predictable, although it may indicate some sympathy from the judge, since the prosecution was meant to be seeking three years (or it could be an ill-judged gesture of the prosecution to make a pretence of mercy).
Anyway, I wonder whether commentators are correct that this could be a spectacular own-goal by the authorities, and that Pussy Riot have made more of an impact than they could have hoped for.
Pteryxx says
I crossposted the Singham link to Thunderdome, go wild.
dianne says
So, apart from the case history of Brenda Manning, the grand jury investigation for violating a 100 year old secrecy act, the rumor of a secret inditement, and various calls for assassination, Assange has nothing to worry about.
Pteryxx says
And based on the US’s established behavior, obviously they have no problem remanding, imprisoning, or torturing people without filing charges of any kind, politically-motivated or not.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
It may just be paperwork to re-do the case, but it will take months, cost a ton and it is possible the Swedes could lose. It is not practical for them to consider coming to him after they have been successful in their extradition case. That’s all I meant.
carlie says
I guess the only good thing to say was that the judge set it at the minimum.
Congrats, Sarah and Joe!
Bernard Bumner says
Its an arrest warrant. Sweden don’t need to do anything; it is the UK who are duty-bound to deliver Assange.
I can’t understand why anyone thinks that a valid arrest warrant can just be ignored.
The Swedish legal system doesn’t work like that. Are they meant to change their legal system just to suit Assange.
They aren’t. You just don’t understand the legal process.
1)Sweden issued a EAW for the return of Assange so that they could complete their investigation according to their normal legal process.
2) The UK government attempted to execute the EAW.
3) Assange, as is his right, challenged the legal basis for the EAW.
4) His challenge was rejected and the legal basis for doing so was laid out by a magistrate.
5) Assange appealed the decision, as is his right, to the High Court of England.
6) His appeal was rejected and the legal basis previously laid out was upheld.
7) Assange attempted, as is his right, to appeal to the Supreme Court of the UK.
8) The appeal was rejected.
9) Having exhausted the legal process, the UK government attempted to execute the EAW.
10) Assange sought asylum in Ecuador.
11) Ecuador, quite possibly as a leftist South American state keen to stick two-fingers up at the right-wing US, granted asylum despite there being no legitimate grounds for doing so.
12) The UK stated its duty and obligations to fulfil the EAW, and informed the Ecuadorian of the various legal means by which it could do this.
There is nothing odd about how we’ve reached this point.
He has much to worry about. And Sweden is obliged to protect Assange from any attempted violation of his human rights by the US.
The European Convention on Human rights would prevent extradition of Assange to face unfair trial, extrajudicial justice, torture, or death.
The US can apply for extradition from the UK, and Assange would have the right to appeal through every court in the UK, including the Supreme Court, and to the European Court of Human Rights.
If he was extradited to Sweden, he would have the right to appeal through the Swedish courts, including to the Supreme Court, the UK would also need to grant the request and he would have the right of appeal through English courts up to the Supreme Court, and to the European Court of Human Rights.
His extradition to Sweden would actually afford Assange more protection, not less, against improper extradition to the US to face cruel punishment.
The US still hasn’t requested the extradition of Assange from anywhere.
Sweden has.
An alleged rapist still avoids justice.
thunk, erythematic says
Shame on them.
Bernard Bumner says
I’m just going to point out at as a matter of record that I don’t think Assange should be extradited to the US within the foreseeable future – I don’t believe that he would receive fair treatment.
Pteryxx says
Y’know, Singham answered that already.
Bernard Bumner says
(Emphasis mine.)
If that is the case, then why bother with Sweden at all? It doesn’t make sense. If the the UK or Sweden aren’t going to obey the law, why allow it to go on this long?
That is conspiracy theory stuff, since it suggests that the three nations will collude to carry out a very simple, illegal act, but only after going through a very convoluted and public process which could only serve to shine a light on their subsequent actions. It is incomprehensible that if their intent was criminal they would not have simply circumvented this entire process.
The US could apply to the UK for extradition, and it entirely possible that there would be legal grounds for granting it. Why not do that?
Assange already avoided questioning in Sweden. A valid EAW has been issued and the UK is duty bound to execute it. Assange has all of the rights that a suspect is entitled to, but no more.
He is a suspect in a rape case. Justice must be done.
Bernard Bumner says
Look, just for the sake of not monopolising this thread – and apologies for my verbosity on this subject, but I’m very annoyed by the media coverage in the UK and primed for argument about this – I’ll try to restrict any replies to the Thunderdome where possible.
Loqi says
Not looking forward to Monday. Not because it means a new work week, but because I’m currently coding on 3 days of no sleep, and I’m going to have to spend Monday fixing everything I did today.
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinist says
It looks like Tony Perkins, the FRC and others are now blaming the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Centre) for the shooting at the FRC headquarters.
Queerty posts about this. (I don’t enjoy linking to Queerty, but there you go.)
Nepenthe says
Ah, I love chatting with Jehovah’s Witnesses. So earnest, so kooky.
Sent the men in suits away with homework: weasel out of the obvious interpretation of Psalm 137.
chigau (違う) says
With the kitchen-only internet, I’ve been downloading a thread, going to my tent to read it, composing responses in a word-processor and falling asleep before going back to the dining-tent to post.
So I’m behind on everything.
But we’re having a rain-morning so…
Baconhugs for for everone!
– – –
I had a looong Pharyngula dream last night.
PZ and I were sitting in a quiet lounge-type bar and chatting.
For hours.
It was really boring.
– – –
If there are any ratties left, I’d like one, please.
Preferably the runt of the litter or the weirdest one.
thunk, erythematic says
My largest pharyngula dream was a while ago. All the horde was in a plane heading toward some remote area in the Pacific.
Richard Austin says
If it was to a small atoll near Kiribati, I’m gonna have to interrogate you to determine how you found the location of my secret lair…
Lynna, OM says
Arson against a Salt Lake City gay bar. Pontiac Grand Am used as getaway car:
Advocate link.
In other news, my neighborhood is in no danger but there are so many wildfires burning around the area that the air is full of smoke. Blech. Not enjoying the feeling of restricted and irritated throat, lungs, and nasal passages.
Beatrice says
Why the hell am I spending time on Thunderdome, why the hell am I arguing whether a troll wanted PZ to die during auto-fellatio or a rape and why the hell do I think I should remember oolon (and not fondly)?!
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinist says
Beatrice, it’s nicer here. I gave up following Thunderdome not 10 minutes ago. Something strange is going on in there and it isn’t good. I had to take a break.
Lynna, OM, I hope they catch the cowardly bigots. It’s a good thing that, for once, no one was injured by a violent manifestation of bigotry.
Also, stay cool and stay inside. If there’s lots of particulates from the nearby fires in the air, it may not be a good thing to be breathing it directly.
thunk, erythematic says
Richard Austin:
I didn’t know that, thanks.
Richard Austin says
Thermocouples sunk near the magma chamber of a dormant volcano make for easy energy. Plus, you know, it’s pretty and stuff.
theophontes (坏蛋) says
[Pussy Riot]
This has gotten really sordid. Bombing artists into gaol because a few goddists are having feefees. The whole indictment has been completely ridiculous. “Offending” the church? They can’t even fucking prove their imaginary god exists. And they lock up these people because some creepy people claim to know the mind of a fictitious being. A fascist state smothering the Polis in an attempt to prop up an iniquitous fascist institution. (Or vice versa?)
“religious hatred” … more like an appropriate intolerance of cheap fiction. Pathetic bullies.
@ chigau
The queue is longer for ratties than for Brownian or Louis … put together. Caine will have to can the whole snippitysnip program.
Pteryxx says
Thomathy, Deacon Duncan’s on it too:
Lynna, OM says
Uh …. let’s put this in the Moments of Mormon Madness category. I mean, I wish the mormon women active in the semi-but-not-really-equal campaign well, I just think they are tilting at windmills. If they want true equality, they will have to leave mormonism.
Some of their own statements betray the depth of the brains-fucked problem:
Oh those divine differences. And that uniquely feminist doctrine. Assholiness.
Beatrice says
Yes, it’s nicer here.
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinist says
Well, yeah, Beatrice, but it’s also a sad news day. It’s not very nice anywhere at present.
Pussy Riot. Odd name, but fun, I guess. Theophontes, don’t be mistaken, they’re being arrested has more to do with the anti-gay laws that Russia and Moscow have recently passed. The No Gay Propaganda law is at the root of the indictment of Pussy Riot.
That is, it’s not a religious thing. That’s a convenient angle for the government, but this about LGBTQ rights not the offended sensibilities of the religious.
Pteryxx, thanks. I hadn’t seen that yet. Isn’t it amazing how they (the FRC) can just completely ignore their privilege and ignore the difference between their propaganda and slander against a diverse segment of the population while decrying the use of ‘hate group’ because it’s apparently ‘enabling’?
Crazier, people are nodding their heads in agreement with the FRC.
birgerjohansson says
OK here is the entire 12-minute film.
BlinkyTM – a short movie (YouTube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF47sndzhjQ
BlinkyTM (Summary) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1520494/
A heart-warming story about a boy and his robot.
Pteryxx says
Thomathy: well, yeah. The only unforgivable sin is exposing bigotry.
cicely says
oniongirl: If it turns out that the contents of my email are unduly stoopid-sounding, or beside the point, feel perfectly free to ‘not have received it in time’. No penalty, no offense, no reprisals.
Skepticon is in Springfield. Sedalia, 103 miles away, seems to have the closest Amtrak station.
McC2lhu, I like the way you think.
Damn, but this bag of jelly beans sure has a lot of evil-tasting licorice-flavored beans.
Huzzah!!! *confetti&champagne&dancinginthestreets*
Does it come in time to save your guitar? Get it out of pawn?
Our 14 pound cat panics when she barfs; she’ll start at one spot, hurl, then try to run away from her act-of-barfing-already-in-progress, laying a trail as she goes. It contrasts boldly with the beige carpet. We have come to take a relaxed view of carpet stains.
portia: Congrats on the new customers.
Bernard Bumner says
I wonder what punishment Garry Kasparov will face for “biting a police officer”?
Pfft. Russian justice.
Beatrice says
I tasted licorice for the first time a couple of days ago.
Lynna, OM says
Okay, I’ve decided that Paul Ryan is the perfect VP pick for Romney. Those two guys could be twins as far as their campaign lies go.
Yesterday, Ryan strongly criticized President Obama for not rescuing an auto factory in Ryan’s Wisconsin district. There’s just one problem with this attack. The factory closed in 2008, when George W. Bush was President.
Maybe this is part of the Romney/Ryan “retroactive” strategy. They get to retroactively correct all their past errors, plus they get to retroactively blame Obama for all the difficulties of the George W. Bush administration.
I knew Obama was powerful, but I didn’t know he was that powerful.
I would like to point out that Obama claims he was born in Hawaii, but he failed to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor.
birgerjohansson says
I seem to recall that a leading American Nazi was murdered at a laundrey in the early sixties.
So everyone who are dumping on the Nazis are obviously totally enabling murderers.
Or maybe laundries are an inherently jewish institution, I’m not sure.
— — — —
Nepenthe, when you are retired and have plenty of time you should invite Jehovah’s Witnesses to get even.
Start with deconstructing the concilium of Nicaea, then make a detailed description of the computer algorithms that show which passages of the Bible that have been added on centuries after the nominal author, a thorough description of the archaeology that shows towns supposedly built by David were built centuries afterwards…
Lynna, OM says
Good news: “Federal Court Rules Florida’s Shortening Of Early Voting Discriminates Against Blacks”
Coming on the heels of the partisan/stupid ruling by the judge in Pennsylvania, this ruling is a hopeful sign that the courts will reverse at least some of the voter suppression laws that have been passed by Republican state legislatures, and/or otherwise put into effect by Republican Governors.
Beatrice says
I saw the funniest little dog in Florence. The poor thing apparently has bladder problems and he kept trailing piss as he was walking. I managed to trace his progress backwards, but lost the piss trail on a street crossing.
Lynna, OM says
Musicians against Paul Ryan!
Ryan said that one of his favorite bands is Rage Against the Machine. His love is not returned.
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
Given the track record of the US, Assange might be safer in the UK or even Sweden than in Ecuador, where US drones, I’m sure are only a couple of hours distant in Colombia.
Rey Fox says
I’m getting the impression that Ryan is trying to paint himself as the candidate of Generation X. I weep.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
No more acquiring! There are plenty left. How about Theo for you? He’s one of the mostly wild-types, not quite as strange as Chester and not as quiet as Oliver. (Chester, Theo & Oliver all look alike except for their tails. Dexter and Neville in Rubin’s crew look like them.) Anyway, Theo is nicely mannered, on the quiet side, likes bacon and chocolate and when he does manage to be a troublemaker, he does it in a spectacular manner!
Hmmm. The itty bittys are all claimed. Weirdest? Hmmm, barring Chester, that would have to be Amelia. She’s a facehugger (seriously, spreadeagle, attaches to your face, usually when you’re trying to sleep), major explorer and world class climber. Takes delight in teaching the other kidz how to do stuff they will get in trouble for at some point. She’s a black/gray and white hoodie. Generally speaking, she’s a very naughty little rat, but trades on her extreme cuteness.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
a_ray_in_dilbert_space! :pounces and squeezes to bits:
Erm, good to see you again.
Paul says
Until I read about one of Ryan’s favorite bands being RATM, I had no idea what demographic he was supposed to pull aside from old white guys and people easily charmed by made-up figures made by a charismatic guy with an R next to his name.
Now I can’t shake the idea that he was supposed to be the Republican’s plan to pull in the youth vote. Mitt doesn’t resonate with the youth. He seems too fake. Ryan will really bring in the college Libertarian vote, at least. The ones that feel like they’re “raging against the machine” that gives their admissions slots and jobs to undeserving minorities in an attempt at tokenism.
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
Paul Ryan is trying to portray himself as the candidate of all the following groups:
1)Randroids–even though Rand was an atheist and would have deplored Ryan’s anti-LGBT, antiwoman positions, as well as his anti-science stance
2)Entrepreneurs–even though the only private sector work experience he has is a short stint at the family bidness.
3)Catlick dominionists–although like most of his fellow catlicks, he conveniently ignores any teachings having to do with charity, or pretty much anything but personal sexual morality.
4)Anti-science nutjobs.
Curiously, he appears utterly unable to appreciate the irony inherent in his philosophy.
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
It’s good to see you!
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
I’m sorry, but Ryan’s confession that he lurves Rage Against the Machine made me feel old.
Really old.
Paul says
Be careful about thinking “atheist” equates to “one of us”. It’s the root of a lot of the surprise and disappointment in the movement lately. Here’s the Ayn Rand and Homosexuality wiki page.
Improbable Joe says
Ummmm… Paul Ryan has never listen to RATM lyrics, has he?
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinist says
Ayn Rand, enlightened bigot.
I really, really dislike anyone who calls themselves libertarian. I also really dislike Ayn Rand -she wasn’t just a crappy novelist with a bad idea.
Louis says
I second Improbable Joe. There is no way, nooooooooo way he has ever listened to the lyrics of their songs. Not a hope. Not now. Not then. Not ever.
Or if he has, he is deeeeeeeeeeeeeply confused…
…oooooh wait libertarian, sexist, god bothering, Republican…deeply confused is redundant. It comes with the territory.
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
Paul, Oh, I would never consider Rand one of “us”. She was a helluva piece of work. Ryan, though, and his fellow magic-of-the-marketplace glibertarians are worse.
Not only is it doubtful they’ve even read Rand, I doubt they’ve even read Adam Smith. They’re like all the xtians who have never read the Bibble, except a few choice bits in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, skipped to The Revelation and then maybe tried to find the juicy bits in the Psalms.
Louis says
And ARIDS! Hey there!
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
Thank ye kindly, maam. And in my eyes, you are still a pup.
Paul says
My point was that you were projecting our pro-LGBT, pro-woman positions onto her. I don’t know much about her position on science, and don’t particularly feel like looking it up. But from my link:
I don’t think she would significantly disagree with Ryan on LGBT issues or many of his anti-women positions.
sc_b3852da0511075db84e787440ae4d8ec says
Did you know that I don’t get the dates because whenever I mentioned I am atheist.
So, dianne would you date someone if they telling you they are passionate christian and they won’t date hateful atheist ?
Ahh, you think I am whining, I think atheist are less likely to get a date, well I think that’s a mutual interest too, right.
jefrir says
Louis, have you come across the Peter Principle? Because that sounds very much like what you’re experiencing. Basically, you discover that someone is good at something, so you promote them. You keep doing this until they reach a position that they aren’t good at. And that’s where they stop. Eventually, every position is filled with someone who’s incompetent at it – but might well have been very good at whatever they were doing 10 years before.
chigau (違う) says
Amelia … facehugger
Like in Alien?
I’m in.
Richard Austin says
Erm, I wouldn’t date someone if they tell me they’re a passionate Christian, full stop. I also wouldn’t expect such a person to date an active atheist. While such a relationship could work and likely has at points, I’d assume those are the exceptions and definitely not the rule.
That being said, I list myself as “atheist and pretty serious about it” on OKCupid, and I still get dates and people talking to me. So, it’s not like “dating” and “outing ones self as an atheist” are mutually exclusive, at least not in all markets. I admit the area of the world you’re in could have different social norms and this it might be more difficult, but I doubt it’s impossible.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
You are whining. By the way, this atheist has been married to another atheist for 33 years. Also, if you can’t be arsed to click on your scmess above the comment box and get a proper godsdamn nym, go the fuck away.
A_ray, what am I, chopped liver?
Chigau, yes, like Alien. :D
Beatrice says
So, your problem is that you too often encounter religious women who don’t want to date you because you are an atheist.
I don’t understand why you were whining about atheist women not wanting to date you then. You sound a bit like you expect atheist women to sniff out your atheism and come knocking at your door. I’m afraid I can’t offer advice on how to meet more atheists if you are surrounded by very religious community, other than telling you to maybe find and join an atheist group or try dating sites.
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
Awe, thanks. :D
Richard Austin says
There are complicating factors that certainly don’t help.
1) Many “careers” don’t have any kind of promotion path except to management, and often people feel that if they aren’t getting regular promotions ever few years they’re “bad” or “unwanted”. So, often, the only option is to promote someone to management.
2) There are very few non-manager positions that define someone as being a good fit for management; it’s usually stuff you do in addition to your regular job (or around it) that show off your management skills. As a result, being a good worker very often does not mean being a good manager, if only for lack of training.
3) Telling management or HR that you don’t want to be a manager – especially if it’s your only promotion path – is often seen as “xe is lazy and wants to stagnate in xe’s position for the rest of xe’s life.” So, people who should stay at whatever level they’re at are often let go in the next round of layoffs because they have “no ambition”.
So, you end up with people who have nowhere to go but management and have no skills or training on how to be a manager. If they know this and decline management positions, they’re seen as deadweight and gotten rid of at the next opportunity.
hotshoe says
Oh, dear, my mistake. I should have known not to trust my memory.
Too bad, that means Amtrak is not a good option, leaving Greyhound bus — which is surprisingly more expensive, and not anywhere near as much fun.
Sorry, thunk.
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
Seriously. I’ve been married for 3.5 years to someone who recently let go of his faith (but was never terribly observant). One would think that if “atheist” or “nonreligious” was a dating criteria, it wouldn’t be any more difficult to find someone than picking another set of criteria.
I never had a hard time getting dates because of my atheism, anyway. *shrugs*
strange gods before me ॐ says
“TET will become [Lounge]. It is still the same: an open thread, talk about what you want, but I’m going to be specific: it is a safe space. Discussion and polite disagreement are allowed, but you will respect all the commenters, damn you. No personal attacks allowed at all. If you’re feeling angry at someone in the thread, back off and leave: there is no shortage of rage threads on Pharyngula, but this one isn’t it. These threads will be heavily moderated…which means that if you break any of the rules, they will be promptly and strongly enforced.”
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
On the good news at work front:
I get to offer one of my guys a promotion (and a raise) today! I had a meeting with my manager and provided my guy accepts the offer, I’ll be able to start training him as my replacement next week. :)
Tethys says
Why are you popping into the Lounge and quoting the rules to us?
The poopyhead was quite clear about his feelings on Inspector Javert type behavior.
David Marjanović says
Sign the petition against large-scale coal mining on top of the Great Barrier Reef.
More petitions. The one currently on top of the page: “President Obama has done good things to reign in dirty coal pollution. So why is his campaign running a radio ad in Ohio which promotes coal and actually criticizes Mitt Romney for saying that pollution from coal plants kills people? Pres. Obama should have his campaign pull this cynical ad.” *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*
Most understated abstract ever. And a good lesson about unexpected benefits from basic research undertaken just for the sake of theory! Be sure to read the part after the very last comma.
Pretext for offending Putin’s sensibilities.
In how much detail?
The same way.
How many do you even know? I recommend staying on the Internet for longer.
There isn’t really anything you can know “about ladies” that isn’t simply “about people”. Women aren’t a monolith. Treating them as one never works.
Instead of “get from”, try “have with”. It’s something two people do with each other for their own enjoyment (which includes the other person’s).
Of course, the “science” there is all made-up technobabble. “Total protonic reversal.” But the idea still clearly is that ghosts aren’t magic – that nothing is magic.
WTF. With what reasoning???
*Jadehawk’s® Totally Biodegradable Confetti®*
Srsly? Their “punk prayer” in the famous Savior Cathedral was to be delivered from Putin.
strange gods before me ॐ says
Tethys, because I don’t want to see sc_b3852da0511075db84e787440ae4d8ec wrongly driven out of here. It’s not okay to tell anyone here “if you can’t be arsed to click on your scmess above the comment box and get a proper godsdamn nym, go the fuck away”. And I don’t want to see sc_b3852da0511075db84e787440ae4d8ec inappropriately escalate the situation while thinking that it’s okay to treat people like that here.
I’ve answered the rest of your post where appropriate.
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
Chopped liver, you most decidedly are not. I’m envisioning a rather delicious Pate–perhaps with a habanero pepper hidden deep within for the unwary.
Missed Y’all.
hotshoe says
Maybe better Amtrak only to St. Louis ($24, in advance) then switching to the Greyhound in St. Louis for Springfield ($42). Schedule works okay with a long gap between the scheduled arrival in St. Louis and the bus departure, which allows for train delays en route.
I wouldn’t do it; bus doesn’t get in until 10:30PM in Springfield. I wouldn’t have the energy to carry my bag to a hotel in a strange town already past my bedtime, and then get up in the morning and enjoy a conference. Probably fine if you’re young and energetic.
Google maps says it’s 512 miles, 9 hours drive, from Chicago Union Station to Springfield MO. So even carpooling, with drivers to share the trip, that’s a long haul. Easy to forget how big this country is.
Pretty country, though. I suppose with the drought this year it’s not quite as green as I remember, but I bet the old shade trees are still as grand.
Tethys says
Do you actually have a pantograph machine? Dracula Duckie is coming out nicely. I love that you are giving him hearts.
I am also going to be bossy and request more ratlet pics.
I am curious which one is Angua. I am also in love with the little gray rat that looks like mini-Chas without the white blaze.
Any news on the latest betes test? Gah, sympathies on having had to go through that.
Richard Austin says
Gotta love fullerenes :)
From the full text:
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
And Louis,good to see you still fighting the ggod fight.
Tethys says
I understand your concern. I’m sure if it becomes an issue, a mod will bring it to PZ’s attention.
Please don’t do the Inspector Javert thing. I don’t want the Poopyhead to get upset with you again.
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
Not yet. *sigh*
Tethys says
That is an impressive understatement.
Can anyone tell me how they get solvated fullerenes in the first place? Are they naturally occuring forms, or are they man-made?
strange gods before me ॐ says
Tethys, I’ve answered your concerns where appropriate.
Richard Austin says
This explains the process a bit, even in the abstract.
Tethys says
Thanks Richard Austin!
*goes off to read*
cicely says
a_ray_in_dilbert_space is back! *hugs* and *boozes*
Lynna, OM says
Another lipless old white guy who is also a right wing nutter has come out against feeding poor children. Well, actually he is just against the federal government being involved in education at all, and this, he thinks, makes it okay for him to suggest putting a stop to support for school lunches.
I should point out that Todd Akin thinks the federal student loan program is a “stage-three cancer of socialism.” He also thinks liberalism is based on “a hatred of God,” and he wants to impeach President Obama, who is, of course, “a complete menace to our civilization.”
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
Thanks, Cecily. Where did they move the spanking couch?
Tethys says
I came across this gallery of fullerenes
I think the onion fullerene is particularly awesome.
a_ray_in_dilbert_space says
You know, I look at these Teabaggers, and I cannot help but wonder: What the hell is wrong with these people? They are just nasty, mean, hateful scumbags. They have no appreciation of science, culture, art, thought… They are even utterly unaware of the intellectual traditions they claim to embrace–xtianity, libertarianism, capitalism…
Try as I might, I cannot find a political movement as reprehensible in American history. Even the Know-Nothings would shun them as ignorant, hypocritical Philistines.
Lynna, OM says
More music and politics news ! [ironic exclamation mark]
Previous music and politics news @159.
We know that Rage Against the Machine has a beef with Paul Ryan. Their beef makes sense for the most part. Well, it turns out that Megadeath singer Dave MUstaine has a beef with Obama, and no sense is made nor even approached.
http://www.salon.com/2012/08/16/megadeths_dave_mustaine_obama_stages_aurora_shootings/ Scroll down in this article to see details of right wing pundits jumping on the Mustaine bandwagon, and to see a video of Mustaine rocking his batshit craziness.
Mr. Mustaine is also convinced that Obama was born in Kenya because he saw signs in Kenya claiming just that.
Socio-gen, something something... says
A long nap, some chicken soup and crackers, and more tea and I’m feeling semi-human again.
Improbable Joe:
I missed it earlier, but mucho congratulations to your wife!! *applause* *chocolates *confetti* *booze* *paper horns
Congratulations to you as well!! *bacon *booze* *chocolates
Paul Ryan likes RATM? Ummm…okay.. (or “what Improbable Joe and Louis said.”) Good grief.
It’s more gag- and shudder-inducing here. But I’m actually older than Paul Ryan, so perhaps that’s normal?
Oh my. And I didn’t think I could hate Ayn Rand more than I already did….
sc-number gibberish:
You’re back! *sigh* Atheism does not make one magically more attractive or more repulsive.
I’m open about my atheism and no, I don’t date anyone who holds strong religious beliefs, but there hasn’t been any lack of people who are okay with my atheism and dating me. But, I also spent 10 years not dating at all after my divorce and learned to like who I was — and learned not to care about people who didn’t like me as I was. I love my life. A date or even a relationship is a bonus that I appreciate, but don’t expect or even need.
Of course. Because because it’s not like healthy children and an educated citizenry are important or anything.
Lynna, OM says
Teabaggers are good at recycling. Look at the way they’ve recycled birtherism. We thought that meme was dead, but no. Teabaggers can resurrect anything.
U.S. House of Representatives member Steve King from Iowa recently recycled the moldy “Death Panel” meme.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Hahahahaha. Uh, no, I do not. Everything is done by hand. Thank you! I’ve done something a bit different for each one. I found a lovely little skull & crossbones for Pirate Duckie’s pantograph, assuming I ever get the effing Pirate Duckie done in the first place. I don’t know what I’ll do for the Devil and Ninja Duckies. My fave pantograph is the Sci-Pi I did for the Geeklet Duckie. :D I did locate an awesome stylized octopus for the whole quilt pantograph. Oy, I have so much to do.
Okay! In the next day or three. Angua is a black & white who rarely affords me opportunities for photos. There are two ultra-soft grays, Merlin (male) and Mallory (female). They are gorgeous. The two apricot blondes are interesting on the eye front – Percival developed black eyes, but Pearl has the classic red eyes which usually go with a very pale coat. Perdita is a mini-Gytha. Giles is unto himself, stone gorgeous and the only one who doesn’t have a match between the two litters.
Now that Rubin is spayed, I let her back into the studio, twice (she wanted back in so badly) and immediately started attacking every single rat, including all the spawn, hers and Esme’s. We haven’t quite figured out what the hell is going on, but it’s going to be interesting trying to re-introduce them all once the gals are all spayed. It’s never easy.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
So, went to my parents today.
A) My mum looks horrible and isn’t very coherent
B)I miss the cat. Fuck, it’s like she’ll come over any minute now” and she won’t come.
Congarats to Joe’s wife and Sarah
JOe, I hope you can dig up the money. Light the Horde-signal if you need help
Yes, since when do you talk to an alleged rapist on his terms? If you’Re wanted for a crime investigation you gotta play to their rules.
WTF? That’s hardly an argument.
Also, if it’s all just a plot to get Assange to the USA*, why on earth would anybody consider Ecuador to be safe?
The USA kidnapped innocent people to torture them all over Europe. Ecuador would probably be as easy as pie.
*I don’t doubt that they want them. Probably a Swedish prison would be quite a safe option for him.
Lynna, OM says
Chronicling Mitt’s Mendacity, Vol. XXX
I would just like to quote Ann Romney here in order to put extra sauce on the irony pudding: “Mitt’s integrity is golden.”
There are 33 instances of Romney lying in the past week.
Brad says
EBay Bans Magic Potions, Curses, Spells
broboxley OT says
get off my gravel!
Louis says
Jefrir, #177,
I linked to it in #104. :-) Yeah it’s EXACTLY what’s going on to a degree.
I hope I haven’t hit my ceiling yet!
Anyway, my rant/whinge/entirely privileged dude middle class pseudo “problem”, was more about “wah wah wah I am having to do shit I do not like”, as opposed to “wah wah wah job be hard”. The job’s good, the taking me away from playing with my chemistry set…not so much! ;-)
Thomathy, Holy Trinity of Conflation: Atheist-Secularist-Darwinist says
David Marjanović, seriously. Well, I can’t discount all of the other very awful laws that Russia has, but they definitely violated the gay propaganda law and at least the news sources with a gay bent are taking that angle …though the story is everywhere I can’t find one that lists the laws they contravened, only the charges they were found guilty of.
Is it still on-the-books illegal to stage protests of the government in Russia? Not that it matters in the end, I guess.
Pteryxx says
wow, quote-bullying’s totally a thing:
Zinnia quoting right-wing radio hosts:
Audley Z. Darkheart, the joke killer says
Anyone who can look up to someone who was booted out of Metallica for being too much of an asshole seriously needs to rethink their priorities.
Oh wait. We’re not talking about the most thoughtful people, are we?
Louis says
Lynna, #207,
1) I had drinks with Dave Mustaine and the rest of Megadeth at a Wolfsbane/Megadeth concert in the UK ~22 years ago. I nipped to the bar before Wolfsbane had finished there set in order to beat the rush, and there they were. After Megadeth played we were allowed back stage for a beer, and for some reason we ended up chasing Wolfsbane through the streets of my hometown massively drunk. Ahhh to be 16 again.
2) Even ~22 years ago I could tell he was a little bit…interesting. Didn’t he become an evangelical Christian?
3) Batshit wingnuttery from Mustaine…not a surprise!
Improbable Joe says
Re Dave Mustaine and his batshittery: notice how no one who criticizes liberal celebrities for bashing Republicans, and especially no one who went after the Dixie Chicks, has anything bad to say about Dave Mustaine.
Louis says
1) Read my #45.
2) Stop whining.
3) Don’t worry, be happy!
Louis says
I can forgive Mustaine many things, he did write/cowrite many of my favourite songs as a teenager, and kicked major arse live.
I need to listen to some thrash now…
…which I can! I have a free weekend (hold your horses ladies and gentlemen…Josh gets first dibs).
I have to work all weekend, my wife and kid are away until Sunday night at my in laws, I get hours of free, quiet worky time and my dance card is unmarked for tomorrow night. So form an orderly queue…
…hey…HEY!…where are you going. Form a queue I said…don’t run away. Please come back…I’m so alone…I’ve got rum!
thunk, erythematic says
Ahh, too many rats (at least for me)
Can’t keep track of them all. I’m cool with any, honestly.
StarStuff, a soulless cunt says
Apparently I talk and move a lot in my sleep. I’ve been told that, last night, I sat up in my sleep, pointed to the window, and said “not everything”. Weird.
Tethys says
Joy and happiness!
The grays do look soft. They remind me of my beloved childhood angora hamster Bianca.
thunk, erythematic says
I was somewhat of a sleepwalker when I was younger.
Funny Diva says
Hello, Horde!
I’m srsly threadrupt, but saw cat-related condolences going out.
Improbable Joe: You’re a good person, taking critters into your heart that way. I feel for your MIL…I’ve been in that situash (though only after 7 years), and I thought my heart would break.
Where are you geographically?
I just “Inherited” about a half of a GIANT bag of MeowMix tender centers fish n chicken flavor kibble from a neighbor. Her (totally indoor) cats were tooooo fond of it, and gained weight. I don’t need it because New Kitteh came with big food supplies and a small trust fund.
So…any North Seattle/South Snohomish Co. Pharyngulites need a bag o’ kitteh chow?
Tony–sorry about the job loss. I’m sure they made a huge mistake. Hang in there. Booze and nachos if you need more.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Going to make me choose, eh? Well, how about Merlin for you? Merlin is young, very cute, on the quiet side when anyone is looking, but adventurous and mischievous enough when he thinks no one is around (or observing) and he’s recently decided that chocolate is quite nice.
birgerjohansson says
Hobbit-village planned for Stockholm island http://www.thelocal.se/42676/20120817/
— — — —
Sweden deported some people to Egypt where they got tortured. Major scandal followed, especially considering the treatment of the prisoners by CIA guards when the plane was still on Swedish teritory and subject to Swedish law. The political establishment really took a pounding.
No one in government wants to go through a similar process so A. would be safe from extradition to USA.
— — — —
99 percent of people prosecuted in Russia get convicted. No major difference from the communist days.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
I was a serious sleepwalker in my younger years. Used to wake up in all kinds of interesting places. I’d end up outside a lot.
Nightjar says
Caine, can I have a virtual rat too? And if so, is Giles already taken? He’s so gorgeous and kind of reminds me of Esme. :)
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Of course! No one has claimed Giles, so he’s yours. He’s beyond beautiful and the only one who is even close to Esme in looks. I need to get a new photo of him, his colouring gets prettier and prettier and he’s *huge*.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
When Mr. and I first met he was still nominaly Lutheran. After he left the church because he was just fed up with all the church tax, I was the official excuse why everything about us is secular to his grandma. He was also believing in “something beyond” at that time.
Never was a problem.
Nowadays he identifies as full-out atheist. Having kids did that to him.
Well, it’s been more than 12 years now…
Nightjar says
Great, thanks!
Oh, please do get a new photo of him. Can’t wait for it.
Beatrice says
Remember those seven kittens on livecam that have been linked to dozens of times? They’ve all been adopted and it’s only a matter of time until they’re all at their new homes. Their mum was a stray and she’s being adopted with one of the boys.
Lynna, OM says
Yes. Born again fuckhead.
thunk, erythematic says
thunk, erythematic says
Both of the Tropical waves I mentioned earlier struggles in the tropics, but are now full-fledged tropical storms.
TS Gordon (winds of 65 mph) is heading east, and is forecast to hit the eastern islands of the Azores in about 60 hours.
TS Helene has recently popped up in the Bay of Campeche, and has about 18 hours to go before landfall in Mexico south of Tampico.
Ouch for anyone in the path of the storms.
thunk, erythematic says
And likely to ruin someone’s day.
Pteryxx says
Caine, think you might put up a ratlet cheat sheet at some point? ;>
and I shouldn’t have backed out… if one of the browny brown wildtype identicals is left, I’ll virtually guard one.
Movie about Milgram-type doings in real life – even though it’s accurate, some audiences have walked out in outrage.
From the NYT article:
opposablethumbs says
Thank you, Beatrice – I did wonder. Nice to hear!
Fuck, that’s frightening. And not surprising. I think most people (I include myself, obviously) will respond at least to some extent – and probably a lot more than we would like to think – given the right combination of authority figure and desire to please. Fuck.
Paul says
They did an ep in one of the police procedurals (Law and Order: SVU?) on this same real life events. The creeper was played by Robin Williams.
In RL (in case this was not mentioned on boingboing or the NY times), the way it happened is that there were calls to several different fast food joints. The caller indicated that he was a cop, searching for a particular female employee. She was to be confined, iirc in some cases actually bound, and frisked (I think in some cases disrobed) for stolen goods/money.
Lest we get too depressed, I don’t think any numbers are available for how many places got these calls and either refused to believe that it was a cop on the other line or refused to follow the instructions given.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Virtual Ratlets! (Agnes, Amelia, Artemis, Beatrice, Carrot, Chas, Giles, Gytha, Merlin, ratlets, Theo, Vasco, Zoe.)
Sastra says
Paul says
Yay Sastra!
Sastra says
Testing again (I hate computers.)
Hi Paul!
Caine, Fleur du mal says
You have your choice of Oliver, Dexter or Neville, all males. :D Let me know and I’ll add a pic to the parade of virtual ratties. (If it helps, Oliver is Daddy Sam’s favourite.)
Sastra says
I’m trying to get a gravatar. My nym was taken, but someone told me I could register under a variation and the picture would follow me. I must be doing something wrong.
Sastra says
Whoa– what happened? It changed! All of them changed!
Ok. Never mind. Happy now.
Paul says
If you want a black circle with an A in the middle (one continuous line), it’s showing on my end. That’s not the default sort of scrambled IP-based image like I have (I can’t help but think of Coyne’s site whenever I see it, since that was the first place I saw them and it’s the same image unsurprisingly), so I was guessing that might be what you meant by gravatar (all I know is that gravatar allows for custom avatars).
Sastra says
Yes, that’s the universal atheism symbol, and it’s what I wanted. For some reason my first two ‘tests’ showed the generic blue design. Gravatar takes a bit of time before it works, I guess. And it starts gradually …
Pteryxx says
Caine, I can share Oliver with Sam. (I think I can maybe remember the name Oliver!)
thunk, erythematic says
Hi Sastra. Welcome back.
94L (latest tropical wave) is making me shudder right now.
Look at the GFS prediction.
*However, models have little validity beyond 5-7 days. Weather is hard to predict*
Paul says
Huh, I must have missed that committee meeting. Good to know. I haven’t decided on an atheism symbol I prefer, although that seems like a really nice candidate (I’m big on simplicity). I like the idea behind the GNU Atheism upraised fist one, but ever since Jadehawk put one together I can’t shake the idea that it looks like a person fisting a Gnu.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Oliver it is! He can be seen here, right after Merlin.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Conga rats Sastra for the avatar appearing. I know how I felt when Fantasia hippo came up after the transition to FtB. Somehow I always pictured a wise owl as your avatar.
Pteryxx says
eee lookit Chester doing the stretch!
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Something he does often. :D I love him so. He’s always the very first one to come running to me when I wake up and goes with me to make tea and get salad & ensure for the crews.
thunk, erythematic says
I admit I do not have the visceral reaction many people do upon seeing kitties or ratties. But Merlin looks rather cool. I have a random plush rat too, and that’s also gray. :)
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Glad it’s a good pick for you, Thunk. :D
Tethys says
Yay, new ratlet pics!
Look at Carrot in a bed of lettuce. I want to nom his ears.
thunk, erythematic says
Gah. Why am I so dishonest to myself (and others)?
I admit I like the other ratlets more. Never actually liked Merlin that much. Ah well.
I tried to avoid embarrassing others, and now I’m a complete dipshit.
thunk, erythematic says
(Sorry, Merlin.)
Caine, Fleur du mal says
You’re not a dipshit. You don’t have to be stuck with Merlin. Maybe one of the other ratties would be more your cuppa – which ones do you like the most? There’s Basil, who looks just like Beatrice or Magrat, who looks like Amelia & Agnes, except with a dark gray streak along her lower back and butt and many more. Just tell me what ya want. :D
thunk, erythematic says
I really like Beatrice, so I’ll probably go with Basil then. ANd not freak out.
Jessa says
Aw. I go away for a few days and come back to find ratties for virtual adoption. Is Magrat still available?
thunk, erythematic says
I’m going back to school tomorrow, so I’m just having random freakouts, and being generally nervous at other times.
I know it’s going to be all right, I just can’t convince myself.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
No need to freak. All fixed, you can see Basil now, he’s right above Beatrice.
thunk, erythematic says
Squee! and thanks!
Caine, Fleur du mal says
She is and you can see her here.
Muse says
I want a rattie… both Caine’s virtual and real. I recently had to decide to be responsible and not take a couple of snakes… but that means I might be able to talk the housemate into rats…
Improbable Joe says
Fed the outside kittens just now… and mom and dad showed up to eat and guard the kids.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Oooh, good luck!
Muse says
I’m honestly not sure she’ll go for it. She loves the cat a lot, and I think she’ll freak that they won’t get along. That said, she was the same way about snakes until she met them. I do love the look of the agoutis and the hooded guys though. They are so cute.
Jessa says
Yay! She’s adorable! I’ve always had a soft spot for hooded rats. I’ve had a seriously shitty week at work, and seeing all the cuteness has definitely lifted my mood. That, and the glass of wine. :)
Ava, Oporornis maledetta says
Late to the party, but Numbermess #23, if you’re sincere, I hope you can buck up and look on the bright side. Others, this is the lounge now, cute baby pandas and things, right? Three-post rule?
Improbable Joe: That’s sad about the guitar and other equipment. Years ago when my sister’s husband’s business went under, she had to sell her beautiful Ovation guitar to help them survive. It hurts.
OK, trying to catch up more now . . .
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Well, the rat[s] don’t have to free range and a lot of rats and cats get along just fine. Mine boss the hell out of the cats and chase them. If you have time to waste, search pet rats cat on yootube. You’ll be there forever. :D
Improbable Joe says
The good news is that my wife will get paid in time for me to get my #1 guitar back from the pawn shop. The bad news is that I’m going to have to flat-out sell my Strat to help pay rent/groceries for September. The other good news is that my wife will be making enough money that I will be able to go out and buy a brand new Strat by the end of September.
Pteryxx says
I put this up at Zinnia’s also; the SPLC response to right-wingers blaming them for the FRC shooting.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
She is, too. Magrat is very active, playful, tends to be a leader in learned mischief and *loves* to climb. The higher, the better.
Ava, Oporornis maledetta says
Pteryxx, #115: Good for Ecuador. I have no doubt that if Assange is brought here, they’ll do a Bradley Manning or a Wen Ho Lee on him. I’m glad Ecuador came out and said so.
thunk, erythematic says
I’m pretty sure her first name is Breanna.
thunk, erythematic says
What’s Basil like? I know he looks spiffy.
Also, I feel the urge to call him “Vasily”…
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Vasily is a form of Basil, so I think that’s fine. :D
Basil is a wild and craaaaaaaaaazy guy. He popcorns at the slightest touch, loves to run, wrestle and chew on fingers. He has the cutest habit of falling asleep when he’s sitting up – he nods off and his head keeps falling down until it hits the surface of whatever he’s sitting on and there he sleeps. I’ll try to get a pic of him doing that, it’s too damn cute.
He’s named Basil for two reasons. First, Basil Rathbone is one of my all time favourite actors and my favourite episode of Fawlty Towers is Basil the Rat.
JJ831 says
Well Lynna at 159 bet me to it (damn work!), but I was going to comment about that awesome op-ed piece by Tom Morello in the Rolling Stone.
I grew up listening to Rage Against the Machine, and I saw Tom Morello play last weekend at outside lands. I have to give it to him, he stole the entire weekend (beating out Neil young). Him playing “This is Your Land” (the true Woody Guthrie version) really hit me emotionally.
I suggest everyone read that little screed that Lynna linked to in 159, even if you aren’t into his music. He really gives Paul Rand a bit of a slap.
Ava, Oporornis maledetta says
Improbable Joe, #278. Well, that’s a turn for the better. I hope the check comes in before #1 is bought by somebody!
John Morales says
I’ve never viscerally understood this symbolic attachment to specific items; a copy which is indistinguishable from the original (or a replacement which is functionally no less) is fine by me.
(Normal people are weird)
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Ask your wife, she’ll explain it to you.
eriktrips says
I am not sure why I feel compelled to read the entire thread before posting, but I do. Which leaves me knowing lots about you all and you knowing nothing about me.
Improbable Joe: Yay for newly-employed wife! And double-yay for getting number one guitar back eventually! Is that the Les Paul? I was very very sad when I read about its trip to the pawnshop. I have a Special–no carved top, bought on a grad school budget–and I am devoted to it. I have a thirty year old Strat, too, that I bought new. I don’t play it much anymore, but I am as attached to it as to my right foot. Or my left one.
Meds withdrawal report, good: nine hours of sleep last night, plus two hours napping today. Annoying: dopamine receptors in gut are having too much of a party now that their restraints are off. Ouch. Also head noise, but nothing like what this was prescribed for in the first place.
So what is a Friday night like here? Lots of nonsense and carrying on? I might be up for awhile. You might be happy to know I am feeling less loquacious than recently. I can be plied with coffee, though.
broboxley OT says
aww, poor russians feelings were hurt http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/aug/17/madonna-sued-gay-rights-russia
John Morales says
Caine, don’t be mean — even I get that people aren’t replaceable or copyable.
John Morales says
Knowing what’s going on surely must be helpful, though.
(I’m cheering you on in that endeavour)
broboxley OT says
John, I have a guitar in my basement which cost $150 new, has the finish sanded off, crap soldering on the pickups by me and was my eldest boy’s treasured possession. He isnt around any more, his guitar is.
Now after I am gone the guitar will probably end up at goodwill (a us donation based thrift store) but until then it means more than anything else I own.
Do understand where you are coming from, I have always advocated to never get attached to anything that doesnt fit in a backpack, but there are exceptions
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Generally, very quiet.
John, I wasn’t being mean! I meant for you to actually ask your wife – it’s like the whole jewelry business. She’ll know best how to explain the sentimental attachment to you.
John Morales says
broboxley, I intellectually get it, just not viscerally — and I think the converse applies between you and I.
(e.g. I don’t keep photo albums or mementoes, but my wife does; I don’t care about birthdays or anniversaries, but ditto)
John Morales says
Caine, I already have! :|
Like I said, normal people are weird.
(We’ve been together 34 years now, and very intimate)
cicely says
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Well, you’re a pod person. You try your best to understand the rest of us irrational creatures. You remind me a lot of Walter Plinge, a character in pTerry’s Maskerade. When Granny Weatherwax asks him what’s the one thing he’d carry out of the house if it were on fire, he answered “the fire”.
I’ve lost almost everything I ever had an attachment to, so I’m not overly burdened in that sense. There are a few things, though. Mostly, my pillow and there’s a silly thing for ya.
Ah, 34 years, good on ya both. It’s 33 for us.
Jessa says
Attachment to items for me is all about linking memories to them. My issue is that copies are very rarely indistinguishable to me. I notice detail. So when I look at a copy, I notice that it doesn’t have that scratch there near the bottom, or a small imperfection in the paint on the back, or wear on the side like the original did. So when I try to link the item back to the memory, the linkage fails because the copy doesn’t recreate the full memory for me.
Rey Fox says
Could I still virtually adopt a virtual rat? I seem to still be in a state of mind in which I need a little rattie to hug and squeeze and love and name George.
I think I like Giles, he looks like a little schemer.
Jessa says
And damn. I feel like a young’un. Mr. Jessa and I have been together for only 4 years; 3-year wedding anniversary is in November. Though we both had a late start on marriage. He was 39 and I was 34 when we met.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
Am I overreacting by reading back through the thread and seeing the info about comments
hatereligious groups have made regarding the LBGTQ community? There are people advocating they be banished from the country. There are people advocating violence against them. This is ridiculously close, if not parallel to the situation that Jews faced in Europe, basically from 1947 down back through recorded history. It’s all too disturbingly close to the history of Nazi Germany and these utter and complete fucking morons are reviving the entire storyline.Places in the world that actually teach history and science and expect students to know it by graduation must be horribly worried about this massive Idiocracy uprising in a country that has at least half the world’s nuclear weapons. Maybe it’s a new religious science called ‘applied stupidity’ DESIGNED to accelerate the End Times. Because, you know, the world wasn’t ending fast enough, and we all have to go and see Jeebus so we can be judged, and sent to burn in Sulphur so the cretins can smile over the edge of their clouds, because they love us so much.
thunk, erythematic says
An overexcited ratlet named Basil sounds like fun :)
eriktrips says
Thanks, John. Yeah, it helps to know that whatever I experience in the next three to six weeks may be more ephemeral than usual. Anything that becomes persistent I will deal with as necessary; I don’t want any more neuroleptics in my body.
I tend to get attached to things that I like: sheetmetal, rusted ship parts, certain pieces of silver, my guitars–which are only nominally replaceable, as each one will play differently. I have a few photos of friends and family members that are not as precious to me as they seem to be to some, but I am glad to have at least one image of a couple of people who have died in the last few years. Since I am not going to see them again, I want to be able to look at a picture from time to time. I have a hard time visualizing faces, otherwise.
But in an emergency I would grab the cat and run. Or get us under heavy furniture, depending. And yes, I have tried to hold onto a frightened cat. It can be done if you are willing to part with small pieces of tissue.
broboxley OT says
John, I dont need pictures my memory is good enough. I also own a Bass guitar, violin and an electric keyboard with some wind instruments. That guitar is different. In use by a 14yo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEwmKPFyrcY&feature=g-upl
John Morales says
Well, for me, both the original and the copy would evoke the memory, and the memory is the memory — its evocation is enough — it doesn’t matter what makes me remember.
Don’t imagine I don’t feel emotions normally — I speak only of the unnecessary need for specific symbolic triggers.
(Could this typical human quirk provide a plausible basis for the law of contagion?)
broboxley OT says
damn, now I’m maudlin, more grog dammit! get some sports on the tube! Willing to battle penguins for pea flavored cheese! Horses bring on the dam horses!
broboxley OT says
John #306 you mean religious has cooties?
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Rey Fox:
Of course you can. I’m afraid Giles was taken by Nightjar earlier. If you want one you can call George, then you have your pick between Neville, Dexter, Percival and Merlin. Neville & Dexter are mostly wild-type agoutis, they look like Chester, Oliver and Theo (see here). Merlin is a soft gray, Percival is a pale cream with black eyes.
The girls who are left (you can call one of them George, too!) there’s Angua, Pearl, Perdita and Mallory. Angua is black and white, Pearl is like Percival, but with red eyes, Perdita is a mini-Gytha and Mallory is like Merlin.
On the schemer front, I’d go with Neville or Dexter. Both those boys bear watchin’, if you know what I mean. :D
eriktrips says
I have been worried about US christofascism for a long time, and have been pointing and yelling to any who will listen. It is hard to get people to really understand that complacency has killed, does kill, and will kill again.
Myself, I need to get my passport. I don’t want to leave, but I want to be able to leave if necessary.
And the fundie/evangelicals are trying to hasten the End Times. It may be cynical of some, who are in fact more interested in controlling access to oil, but there are many who are convinced that we are the last generation–of course, this has been going on long enough that it has started to get a little confusing as to which generation, precisely, is to be the last one.
Tethys says
Sometimes being maudlin is the only logical response.
Mind if I join you? *passes the tissue*
John Morales says
broboxley @308, I don’t follow you.
I mean, yes, but that wasn’t what I meant to express there.
Amblebury says
Sarahface Yay!
Improbable Joe Yay!
Ogvorbis All too see-able. Boo!
Louis The Peter Principle. I’ve always called BS on that one, and not just because of the simplistic-to-the-point-of banality of it. My, hrmhrm, very recent experience reinforces my impression that there are far too many people in managerial positions who really ought not be. And, it’s the people with relatively good “people skills” (I dislike the term,) a group in which I’d humbly include myself, who don’t gain managerial positions. Partly because we don’t have the tendency to claw our way over others to get where we want to be. I’m guessing your very specialised field perhaps differs. Also, like most other things, damn variables make everything damn complex. Feh.
And alas! I cannot take you up on your kind offer. LMA (Luckiest Man Alive) has recently returned from a couple of days absence. My dance card is is quite, quite full :)
Caine I think Agnes has a very kind face :) Also, all this work you’re doing, the caring, the building the new condo, grieving for Esme. All with a concussion, now. I feel I should be contributing something. There’s a spaying session at the vet on the 27th, am I correct? Could we chip in something to help cover costs?
broboxley OT says
eriktrips #310 we are the last generation has been going on religiously so to speak since the crusifiction. The original road crew were convinced they were and that has been handed down generation by generation unto today. The shia also have the same generational endtimes concerning the 12th mahdi since he went out for cigarettes in 839 and hasnt been seen since.
Jessa says
I didn’t mean to imply anything about how you feel emotions; I was just giving my personal take on attachment to items. Just sharing my experience.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Oh, that’s so very sweet of you to offer. We’ll be parting with $565.00 on the 27th and that’s with the discount. It will cause us a serious ouch, but we can handle it. Thank you very much for the offer though. ♥
Agnes does have a very sweet face, however she is the mischief maker in chief and a leader among rats. She is very protective of her sisters.
Pteryxx says
I went looking for something cheerful on the net, and this ended up being slightly relevant: a blind book aficionado writes about the joyous development of portable Braille e-book readers.
Markita Lynda—damn climate change! says
Eriktrips, if there’s time you can throw the cat into a pillowcase or wrap it in a towel or jacket. If not, well, you just hang on. Been there.
rorschach says
Russians are a weird lot. I don’t know what baffles me more, that Putin sends 3 young women to labor camp for singing, or that half of Russians think that is a good idea.
chigau (違う) says
John Morales says
Jessa @315, me too! :)
Amblebury says
Ah…that’s my girl! :D
thunk, erythematic says
You can count me as part of the other half. This is deplorable, but nearly every Russian government since about Ivan IV has also been screwed up.
Jessa says
Also, thunk:
Right back atcha, actual young’un.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Improbable Joe—Hugest congratulations on your wife’s employment, and at such a salary! You could dine at any dumpster of your choice now, maybe?
A_Ray—How awesome to see you! Stay around now, you hear?
Sastra—You too!
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
TMI Warning: Question For Gentlemen
Have you all, those who do not wish to discuss male privy parts, averted your eyes? Good. Because I’m not going to be coy or use euphemisms.
Any guys here who bicycle? I need your advice.
I just started biking to work and for various errands—groceries, getting about town, etc. The head of my dick is rubbing most uncomfortably back and forth against the inside of my underwear while biking to the point where I must find some solution. It’s not titillating, or tickling. It’s flat-out painful and bothersome. Stopping to rearrange shit isn’t working.
Usually I wear cotton boxer briefs for underwear, then loose-fitting shorts or pants. Clearly this is wrong. So what do I need?
A jockstrap? Close-fitting lycra bike shorts? Some sort of Protect-a-Peen?
I don’t want to walk around with my junk on display and hear passers-by say, “Oh, honey, look! He’s circumcised.” Definitely not into the immodest, body-hugging bullshit. But I need some comfort.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
eriktrips says
Damn. Three blocks and back to get some food. Sweating: like a badly overworked horse. Shaking: like salt on a subwoofer. Shirt is off, fan is on, drinking cold liquids to reset internal thermostat, which took large muscle movement to mean that we were very very very hot.
Outside it is about 60F here in San Francisco. My neighborhood is flat (Yes there are a couple like that!).
This is beginning to remind me disturbingly of opiate withdrawal (It’s ok. The internet knows).
I wonder if I should postpone the backpacking trip on order for a week from Monday.
(The cat says geez you humans leak a lot of water!)
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Josh, I’d think anything which tucks you up and out of the way would be good. If Dhorvath is around, you might ask him. Failing that, why not ask at the local bicycle shop? This has to be a fairly basic issue, given the amount of men who cycle.
Also, if the skin tight lycra is the best answer, you can always wear a looser pair of shorts over for modesty.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Tight fitting whatever josh. I used to have the same issue biking until I got over my not wanting to wear tight as all hell everyone can see your junk shorts.
Bikers wear them for a reson.
broboxley OT says
josh, tighty whiteys keeps the junk in a compact space without too much whang disruption. My wife trained me from going commando eons ago as she hates buttcrack. tighty Whiteys keep the nutsack and head from flopping into hmm, need to peek out and see whats lookin good
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
They make tight on the inside baggy on he outside biking shorts too
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
cicely says
Coincidental to this conversation, I’m contemplating giving my SiL a smack on the snout on the subject of “End Times”, and how they explain autism, climate change, resistant diseases, etc. I’d thought to lead in with “Ever since the first century Christians expected Jesus’ return any minute now, it has always been the “End Times”…except, of course, that it never has been”, and then point out that using it as an excuse for never giving thought to the world we’re shaping is, and always has been shown to be, irresponsible; talk about leaving debts for our grandchildren to pay off!
Comments? Suggestions? Hints? All solicited. Balloon goes up tomorrow evening.
Okay, not as important as Josh’s Private Discomfort, but still….
ChasCPeterson says
funny, you don’t look Jewish.
rorschach says
Is there some fundamental difference between American bicycles or penises compared to the rest of the world? Because I don’t remember ever having this problem.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Depends on whom you ask. Some think so. Others think I must have an Asian grandparent.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I don’t fucking know. What I do know is that I asked the question in good faith because it’s a problem I’d like to solve. If it’s not a problem for you that’s great, but please fuck off if you’re gonna snark.
rorschach says
Ok, sorry.
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says
Josh: I’ve never had this problem, but in principle it seems like briefs might help – anything with legs is likely to get pulled into the leg motion more, so there’ll be more rubbing. More flexible shorts, without necessarily being form-hugging, might be helpful?
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says
Also, I’ve just rubbed a modest-sized glob of vaseline on places where bits or folds of flesh rub together when I’m working out or walking a lot, or where there’s something friction-inducing on my underwear, and it helps with the friction.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Azkyroth-I’ve seen that same advice; using something to lubricate. I’d rather avoid that if possible because it’s messy, obviously. Would rather keep everything. . . bundled:)
Just to be clear: I didn’t post what I did to be cute, funny, or raunchy. I know the jokes are obvious, and you all know that I love ribald and bawdy humor.
But don’t act like I posted a comment to invite bullshit dirty jokes. I was only looking for practical advice.
Jessa says
Josh: I’ve put the question out to my male cyclist friends. The consensus seems to be tight underwear or tight bike shorts, and cornstarch to alleviate chafing. They’re in vocal disagreement about the exact peen position in such tight confines.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
I don’t have man bits, but that would make me a bit crazy.
Rey Fox says
The thing with bicycle shorts, aside from the aerodynamic tightness, is the chamois pad that goes under the butt and crotch area and provides the extra cushioning that makes longer rides possible. With all that extra stuff downstairs, you’re not really that likely to look like an Olympic rowing champion. At least, that’s been my experience with them.
I also own a pair that is designed to be worn under regular clothing, in that it has less padding and no “legs”. More like cycling underwear than cycling shorts.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
thank you, Jessa. I’d be interested in the various opinions about Peen Position (not pruriently, really, but practically!). I’d imagine the best thing is “as tight against your body as possible without crushing your nuts”.
Rey Fox says
Caine: OIC. I saw multiple names under some of the rats, and I figured we had ran out and were doubling up on them. Which would be a benefit of virtual rats.
I think I’ll go with Merlin, since I like the soft gray, he sounds kinda like me, and he’s named after a lovely little falcon that I finally added to my life list while in northern Wisconsin last week.
eriktrips says
cicely: I don’t have much concrete advice, but I think your angle is quite reasonable–which might mean your SiL will not be able to hear it at all. There is also the “no man knows the hour” bit that the New Testament says somewhere. I would probably say something like I think the better bet would be to give a damn about one’s fellow creatures and their children and their children’s children, on the off chance that no, he’s not coming back now, either.
Best of luck. Would be interested to know how it goes, if you do engage her on this. I have spent most of my adult life avoiding conservative christians in order to preserve my sanity.
And that has worked so well!
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
I just got done reading that book!
I get so many more references now. It makes me feel smarter.
*sympathetically holding my own crotch* That problem definitely sounds painful. =(
Side question: Am I the only woman who hold their own crotch when people get crotch pain or injuries, regardless if it’s a man? I swear I cringe and grab in sympathy pain when guys or gals gets kicked in the crotch.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, that’s a good idea! I wish I had thought of that for chaffing, that’s a right pain in my ass.
For issues with the undersides of bras, especially wire ones I’ve used deodorant, I wonder if this tip would work for that as well…
Jessa says
Josh, according to my scientific poll (N=5), three guys tuck it “downwards” (I didn’t ask for elaboration; I hope you know what that means), and two guys tuck it “upwards”. The two “upwards” guys said that they do it because they get turned on when they’re riding their bikes. And now I know more than I wanted to know about my cycling friends. FOR SCIENCE!
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
I can second the corn starch for chaffing as well.
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says
I was being a bit circumspect about how fat my thighs are. x.x
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says
I should note that I haven’t paid very much attention to whether it stains or discolors the fabric. It doesn’t obviously, but my underwear is mostly some kidn of dark gray or dark blue. It’s also much more effective for skin-on-skin chafing; fabric tends to absorb it. And it might have unfortunate effects on elastic; it’s just kinda been what I had around.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Cool. Okay, you and Merlin are up.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
Meh. Not an issue. I appreciate the information though. All my clothes are dark colored and in varies stages of worn out. They were worn out before I even got then and time with my care has not been kind to my clothes. I also have boxers that I love wearing specifically since it helps so much with chaffing. I’ve tried all kinds of powder products, including cornstarch, and it did not go well. So any ideas to help I’m glad to try.
My feet and legs already give me enough pain from walking, chaffing is just that little extra making you literally bleed and feel the pain for hours later that does me in. I’ve only been able to take the Little One to school and pick her up two days this week because of all my pain just from walking the 2 blocks to her school.
Jessa says
JAL: Have you tried cornstarch for chafing? I was introduced to its wonders when I was a restaurant server. It’s cheap, it doesn’t stain, and it works wonders for chafing. Seriously.
Jessa says
Looks like our posts crossed. Never mind, then.
Rey Fox says
Pardon me, I’ll just be intoning a string of nonsense syllables through pursed lips at my computer screen now.
cicely says
For chafing, I’ve always got much better results with corn starch. It works like a dream where the bra hits the boobage, and has dramatically lowered the incidence of fungal outbreaks in the groin area.
Vaseline and other lubricating agents only make everything all sticky and goopy, and plaster cloth tight to my skin—Do Not Like!
I’m not being at all circumspect about how fat my thighs are, and again I say: corn starch. It’s on the store shelves right next to the baby talc.
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says
…okay. How does one use it? Or will be exhorted to just Google it? :/
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
Oh, and Caine, I showed Little One the pictures of Chas II and she’s in love. All gushing over him, it’s adorable. Chas II is definetly her favorite. “Look at him eat the peas! I can give him all my veggies! He’s little hands! Look at his white stripe!” etc.I had to explain the virtual adoption and why they aren’t all hers and it was difficult. Cute but difficult.
She’s all “If it’s a virtual adoption why can’t we virtually adopt them all?”
“Because hunny other people, and other little girls want those rats to be their very own virtual rat pets.”
“But you said it was wall pretend! Why can’t I pretend to have them all?”
“Um, well…because it’s nice to share…I mean you can pretend to play with them all but they aren’t all yours…it’s like the pictures. Everyone sees them but it makes you feel special that that one rat is yours…”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
Then she flounced off to play.
So yeah, sorry everyone Little One calls dibs on them all. I think she’s taken them all to live with her in her refrigerator box house. She said she’s okay with letting everyone else pretend the same thing, if that’s any consultation. Very generous that one.
Jessa says
Are you asking about cornstarch? If so, you would use it like any powder.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
Take powder in hands, apply to areas. That’s it. Just make sure you’re dry when you apply it.
I know it works for what seems like everybody else but it really doesn’t work for me. I don’t get why. It just feel all sorts of wrong and there’s still rubbing and pain, it just gritty and makes it worse. Maybe I sweat too much or something? I dunno. I’ve had better luck with creams. I like creams, I just haven’t been able to buy any but I’m sure I can get Vaseline from someone. It seems like Vaseline is the Duct tape of medical creams. Everyone has it for some reason or another.
Nutmeg says
Skimmed a bit of the thread just now, but I’m not caught up.
I’m in BC for a wedding/family reunion. I think I’ve had enough family togetherness already – can I go home now?
Some day, in my perfect world, everyone will understand the concept of introversion, and I will not be expected to cheerfully socialize for hours on end. Right now, I’m just going to snark here until I feel better.
*Sees ratlet pictures. Feels much better.*
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Alright, the Not Yet Virtual ratties have their pics up – 7 left.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Aaaw. You and LittleOne are listed with a new pic of Chas here.
SallyStrange: Elite Femi-Fascist Genius says
Hey Josh!
Another option, if you feel like investing more money, is to get a different type of bike seat: the no-nose bike seat.
Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!
JAL, I reckon the little one can virtually have all of the virtual ratlets if she really likes, but then I haven’t officially virtually adopted any myself so I don’t think my vote counts for much.
Today I registered voters at the local mosque.
I can now say that I’ve been religious services/rituals of the following types:
Christian (primarily Catholic)
Native American
and now Muslim.
They’re nice people.
SallyStrange: Elite Femi-Fascist Genius says
Registering voters is really quite fun! I must say I was surprised at that.
Yesterday I convinced a nun who was upset about all the injustice in the world and skeptical that voting actually did anything that it might be worth it to vote.
Nutmeg says
Caine: Can I have virtual Mallory or Angua? I love the name Mallory, and Sergeant Angua the ratlet sounds awesome.
I’d like to just hop in a car when the ratlets are grown, drive to North Dakota, and bring one home. But I’m pretty sure my mom wouldn’t let me in the door if I brought home a rat. :( And I haven’t had enough exposure to rats yet to know if they’re an asthma trigger for me or not. So maybe a virtual ratlet is a better idea.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Sally Strange:
Really? Must have taken a hell of a long time, attending ceremonies of every tribe.
Pardon the nitpick, that gets under my skin a tad. I suppose that’s obvious, eh?
SallyStrange: Elite Femi-Fascist Genius says
Here’s a page that lists websites where you can buy no-nose bike seats: http://www.healthycycling.org/
SallyStrange: Elite Femi-Fascist Genius says
You’re right, Caine, my sincere apologies.
It was an Abenaki ceremony.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Sure. You want one or both?
Most ratlets are adopted out fairly early, from 8 weeks. We brought Esme home when she was 8 weeks. It seems rather heartless, but that way, they aren’t totally set in their ways, which makes it easier for the person adopting.
I know some specific types of rats are supposed to be okay for someone with asthma, the hairless in particular. Outside of that, I don’t know about rats and asthma. Some people who are allergic are allergic to the hair/skin and others are allergic to their urine.
I just had to lecture Havelock & Sam about fighting in front of the ratlets. “You have to be good daddies, fighting scares the children. Now behave, you two.” They ran upstairs, Havelock laying on top of Sam, with a pile of ratlets on top of them. :shakes head:
eriktrips says
Caine, I see what you mean about slow on Friday night. Do people go out or go to bed or am I just in the wrong time zone?
strange gods before me ॐ says
Well, I don’t know. I come from a family that teaches the history of the Holocaust to our children as a necessary curriculum from an early age, ~seven. And I’ve been out of public school for like a decade and a half. While I have a memory for words as words, I don’t always source them properly. So I have a bit of a hard time separating where from everything I’ve learned.
But I believe nobody can come away from it all without an understanding that the Nazis wanted to kill heaps of Jews. I am confident that in the USA, denial of this is ideological, not ignorance.
That seems naive. Irving is a clever fellow, and has access to all the same information we have. In the past you’ve characterized Holocaust denialism as the intention to finish the final solution — this is, iirc, Austria’s justification for outlawing Holocaust denialism. I think you’re basically right about that. But then doesn’t that require admitting that some people aren’t ignorant, they really just want to finish the job.
Anyways, though, how then do you account for Gerd Honsik?
(Obviously my endgame here is to say “a theory which accounts for everything accounts for nothing.” But I’m ready to be surprised.)
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Erik, I think a lot of people go out. Movies and such. For others, it might just be the standard Friday flake out. Also, most USians are in bed by this time (1:30 a.m. my time right now).
I’m generally up, but lately my concussion has seen me to bed earlier than usual. I’ll probably be heading off soon. Thanks for the like on the ratlet pics!
strange gods before me ॐ says
erik, I’m going to email you in about ten minutes.
theophontes (坏蛋) says
@ Thomathy
The accusations did seem very much contrived and overblown with regard to the “offenses” given to religious people. Odd though that they are pussyfooting around the real issue. The new anti-gay laws are completely ridiculous. What is it with these people? Are Rmoney and Putin going to be getting into bed together on these issues? Détente!
@ Caine
Like virtual parent, like virtual rat!
@ chigau
Ratties with superpowers! We shall be invincible!
Welcome back!
@ Joe
Good news!
@ Josh
You maybe need to talk (don’t be shy!) to someone at a professional bike shop. Some chaffing is to be expected with cycling and running and may just need a bit of vaseline (not joking: runners often get “nipple rash” from shirts and literally tape their nipples or apply vaseline). It may be as simple as just acquiring a proper saddle.
[Rage Against The Machine]
I can see Catlick aRyan rocking out to that. Link: Calm Like A Bomb
Perhaps we could make a playlist for him, of bands that mock everything he stands for. Perhaps the Manics: If White America Told The Truth For One Day Its World Would Fall Apart. (The title says it all. Would this still go over their heads?)
Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says
Whoo Hoo!
That’s great.
Improbable Joe:
Sweet. I’m happy for you and your family.
portia says
*pokes head in, looks around*
Hi everybody. I can’t sleep to save my life. I popped in to say hi.
Cicely, sometimes it can be fun to ask what they’re doing the day after the apocalypse..(sorry, I mostly just know how to snark at godbots).
Caine, I know you probably get this a lot,bu t iif I may say so, your ratties are quite endearing.
/stoopid smartphone…
*shuffles off to tumblr for a bit*
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
Poll to be Pharyngulated:
The City of Kelowna, in Southern British Columbia, wants to fly a ‘pro-life’ flag at its city hall. Usually BC is pretty left coast and groovy, but this one place seems to want to be the asshole of the province. It’s only a short drive from Kamloops, where PZ was a guest speaker at a skeptic con, so I don’t know WTF Kelowna’s problem is.
I had an issue after clicking to participate in the poll where I had to choose a default location. Choose Kelowna and you’re in.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Thanks, Portia. :)
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
Josh #326:
Your only really good solution to chaffing is to get a pair of bike shorts. If this seems a fashion faux pas to you, you can wear them under another pair of shorts, as I sometimes do.
The chamois patch inside the shorts soaks up moisture and is very comfortably soft, and it is virtually impossible to chaff inside them. That is, unless you are going for fifty-plus mile rides. In the instance of these long rides cyclists actually use a jelly to lube up the inside of their cycling shorts. Feels like you’re sitting in Crisco for a moment, but you appreciate it when you don’t have a very sorry feeling hynder and trouser-trout with matching luggage set.
If you are set on wearing your regular briefs and shorts, perhaps you could try out the cycling shorts jelly by itself. I’ve never tried it that way, but it should perform the same service. I would just make sure it doesn’t permanently stain or leave a greasy looking spot on the outside of your clothes first.
Dhorvath, OM says
To add to that I have done two to four hour ride without cycling shorts or any balm. Change as soon as you finish riding. Take a shower. Don’t ride tomorrow.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
I just realized I had no freakin’ idea how to spell chafe correctly. Apologies to pedants and pendants.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
Good morning
There are special biking trunks with a thick layer (leather in ye olden times) to protect the privates in question (can be very uncomfy for pussies, too)
And I also scratch my head when somebody mentions lice.
Your little one seems verrrrrry smart
Wowbagger, Antipodean Dervish says
Apparently that
leader of the atheist movementscumbag Justin Vacula has posted Surly Amy’s residential address in a post at the slimepit. At least I think that’s what’s happened; it’s hard to tell, since she’s alluded to DJ Grothe ‘living there too’.Details on Amy’s Twitter feed.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
So, managed to upload some of the holiday pics, mostly animals, but also a steam train for Ogvorbis (oldest in France)
Gorillas only
portia says
Is it just me or does DJ seem like he doesn’t believe her…
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
Fucking scumbag.
He got the adress probably via the counter DMCA.
I understand that she probably doesn’t want to put her energy and money into it but I’d love to see her sue the blood out of the fucker.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
Vampires have no blood. The level of douchery going on right now is bewildering. Only the dimmest of dim could think putting someone in a situation of danger by outing their home address is ‘rational skepticism.’ These guys are just as fucking stupid as any creationist.
Way to move the progress pin back four decades, MRA assholes.
Beatrice says
Great photos, thanks for sharing. I laughed at the last one and your description.
theophontes (坏蛋) says
@ Josh et al
Your Dutch expression for today:
(Lul= small talk / blather but can also be slang for penis —> “It is better to talk about your bicycle, than to cycle over your penis!”)
@ Gilliel
Those otters are dangerously cute. :D
rorschach says
Why did Vacula do that? Does he want Amy to get hurt by some slimepit nutcase, was he just bragging? I don’t get this.
Wowbagger, Antipodean Dervish says
rorschach wrote:
I don’t either. In some ways I’m very glad of that, since it means I lack the capacity to think like those miserable fucking pieces of shit.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
That’s because your brain operates on decent human beings modus.
McC2lhu saw what you did there. says
Mea culpa to the folks that come to the Lounge for the fuzzy animals and recipes for borscht and biscuits. If Imagonna vent about the planet’s low-lives I should have taken it to the Chunderdome. I forgot that there’s new wiring on the back of the blog and forgot to use the ‘input’ button to switch over. Back to calm thoughts and green tea with berries in it.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
@ Louis
Interesting. So do I, and I’m willing to share. I went to a party here in the foreign teachers’ housing, and brought a bottle of rum (Myers’s in fact). I left it there for the hosts. Then next day, being out of rum, I picked up a bottle at the store (Barcardi Black). Day after, I went shopping with a friend and in this great foreign foods shop, they had Bacardi 151! Well, stand back, I bought it. (Rule in China, if you see it and you want it, buy it, because it won’t be there the next time you go back and maybe never again.) A week later, a wine shop owner offered me a deal on Diplomatico Reserva rum (less than half price) so I bought it. THEN the hosts insisted on giving me my bottle of rum back because they felt it was just too expensive a gift to waste as they were leaving soon and didn’t want to gulp it, etc, etc. So I took it (baffled). Now I have four bottles. Whoops.
Any who would like some, please open your USB port and hold the mug under it.
Louis says
Amblebury, #313,
In all seriousness I feel the same way about it. The problem is I don’t know enough about it to really have a worthwhile opinion.
And yes, what you are saying about managers who definitely do not need to be there…oh yes. I’ve met them. I have to work very hard not to BE one!
My door is always open, you play fair by me, I’ll play fair by you. ;-)
I shall weep in abject sorrow all weekend. Nothing shall rouse me from my grief. It is to sob brokenheartedly and so on.
Oh! Pizza! GTG!
P.S. Enjoy dancing. I find absence makes the dancer prance longer!
Louis says
Lyn M,
RUM PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!
Shit…I have work to do…hmmm…designing novel syntheses, interpreting spectral data, assessing the work of others (A-fucking-GAIN!), creating submission documents for first in human trials, scanning through CVs of candidates to replace the bloke I had to sack for gross misconduct this month (HATE DOING THAT!), and catching up on the literature is best done whilst drunk, right?
Louis says
Also: Justin Vacula.
This is lounge. I do not want to mention what ran through my head when I discovered this address dropping shit smear.
It involved a hot kettle flex and a games sock filled with wet sand…
Beatrice says
*looks at the clock*
At least it’s passed noon.
USB port open. Mug ready.
carlie says
Yeah, that’s exactly what happened.
Hey @DJGrothe Just thought you’d like to know that @justinvacula just posted [redacted]. Sure its all in good fun, right?
@SurlyAmy If that’s true it is completely inappropriate, and obsessive. Do you have a link to slime pit? @justinvacula
His first response to her telling him something happened is “If that’s true…” What. The. Everloving. Fuck?
carlie says
And then a few minutes later he says it again: “I haven’t seen links yet (multitasking) but if he has published”…
Fucking hell, seriously? Treating a friend as if the default is that they’re lying every time they tell you something just happened to them is doin’ skepticism very, very wrong.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Sending bursts of rum in the following order: Barcardi Black, Myers’s, Diplomatico Reserva and last the 151.
Please do not permit an open flame near your USB port when the last one comes through. There will be a 15 second interval between rums to permit you to switch containers, should you care to.
Pro tip, drink the 151 with lemon juice as part of the mix. It is amazing what that does for the flavour. A genuine, no kidding Jamaican friend taught me that one.
As for working while drunk, I think working while sipping is not a problem, but actually googly eyed drunk … with chemicals … nah.
Louis says
I have beer!
A walk to the local shop, a casual stroll back. Yes, this working weekend lark is going to go smooooooothly methinks!
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
Yeah, but it was a woman who made the claim, so he’s very justified in doubting it, cause, you know, bitches lie.
Talking ’bout Peter principle and stuff, at least in Germany I’m always amazed how we leave the highest level of teaching to people who have zero qualification in, well, teaching.
My BIL would like to take a university career-path, doing the classical research-and-teaching-mixture. I don’t doubt that he’s a good biologist and a decent researcher, but he has no idea about teaching. He doesn’t know how to ask a question or set up an exam. His lack of qualification could seriously ruin somebody’s life because, contrary to common knowledge, knowing the facts doesn’t mean you can teach them as well.
carlie says
On managers – I think part of the problem as to who becomes managers is that the people who are best at it tend to be almost invisible. They do a huge amount, but it’s all effort getting other people to do their parts well and fit together, so if you look from outside, everything just kind of “magically” seems to work. It takes a very good higher-up administrator to notice who’s responsible for everything running smoothly.
Louis says
Oh I’m not in the lab Lyn M! I brought the paperwork home.
Crikey! Drinking in lab! Not since 1994 thank you very much! I R Responsibubble adult an everting now.
I’m not even wearing proper PPE…
theophontes (坏蛋) says
@ Caine
Interesting pic on your blog: Sunflower “trapping” (?) a butterfly. What happened there?
Louis says
Also, listening to Sinatra’s “This Town” loudly whilst drinking beer with a Sailor Jerry’s rum on the side and assigning proton NMRs is about as good as life can possibly get.
Well, I suppose it would be better if I could somehow work a blow job into it, but I think that would put me off accurately determining the couplings…
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Lol, Louis, OK! I kind of skimmed your comment, I think. Good thing you are not proposing drink+chemicals. I did tons of paperwork at home, too, because it was more comfortable than the office. I used to sit in bed with files spread all over it. I could prepare very effectively that way, laptop on a pillow on my lap (raised the keyboard). I had a rule that I stopped working when Letterman came on so I could watch the monologue. Meant I stopped at 11:30. Was usually up again by 6, but what the hell.
When it passed 10, I sometimes poured a scotch. Depended on what I was preparing. Trial, no. Editing affidavits, pleadings, letters, sure.
I haven’t had to hire/fire for a year. Love being back in the trenches. The whole staff management thing gets old fast.
What beer did you get? Will it go with USB rum?
Grumps says
Just wanted to share this. One year on from the London riots a Tottenham (London) school starts to reclaim pride in their community..
the song was written and performed by pupils of the school..
Louis says
Beer: I have a selection. Mostly Ringwood 49er (my personal favourite), which goes nicely with rum. I have a couple of nasty, nasty lagers for self harm purposes.
Rum goes with everything!
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
This is true. I just had a Diplomatico Reserva. My, my, my. That is goooood stuff. I like it straight.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Slept like shit, woke up at 5:45 and the coffee at my parents house here in the NC mountains sucks donkey balls. Big shitty donkey balls.
However, I am smoking 8 racks of ribs for dinner tonight so there’s that to look forward to.
Nakkustoppeli says
Sally Strange, EFFG:
Thanks! I have to look if no-nose bike seats are available around here and try one. I get numbness in my genitals when I ride my bike and because I do it in winter (extended periods of snow, ice and temperatures below the freezing point of water) and low blood circulation down there in cold weather and air speeds of 20 – 50 km/h cannot be good in the long run.
tigtog says
Since somebody kindly sent me the link at the Feminism 101 blog, I’m passing on this Pharyngulation-worthy poll link here: http://www.singularity2050.com/2012/06/a-first-quarter-poll-on-the-misandry-bubble.html
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
Yay I’m not alone! =)
And thank you! I’d like to think I have something to do with Little One’s smartness. Her teacher loves her and told me how Little One was one of the few kids that was writing (practicing her name, letters and numbers) before she got into school. I’ve always tried to explain and get her to understand things instead of the whole “Because I said so!” excuse.
thunk, erythematic says
Lyn M:
*sees rum stains on floor*
*shakea fist*
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
But I warned everyone! and DO NOT LIGHT A MATCH.
thunk, erythematic says
I was sleeping!
Some of us sleep!
Pteryxx says
re ratlets:
I was gonna say, eeeeep! How does Angua not have a virtual owner yet, with that inquisitive face! (Also LOL at the pic of Dexter investigating the cover of Psycho…)
re bike seats: DO get the noseless or split-pad seats if y’all can find them, folks. People with male bits have a significant chance of numbness, nerve damage or restricted circulation causing infertility or erection problems from prolonged biking on the default horned seats. I’m sure the pressure’s not healthy for external female bits, either.
and between the ratties and biker bits, this was a great evening of conversation before Vacula went and escalated the shit. IMHO, I’d rather be alerted to such things than not, even here in the Lounge, because it’s heartening to see that y’all are on it.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Scuffs foot on floor. Stares at wall.
Well, I’m in CHINA! I sleep too! Just 12 hours later than you.
And seriously, no matches. That 151 is really flammable.
John Morales says
To quote the Bard:
(Good start, but degenerates into magical thinking.
Gimme Epicurus any day!)
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorph says
The Romney and Ryan Presidential Campaign’s official logo!
Pteryxx says
via one of my IM friends:
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan anagrams to “My Ultimate Ayn Rand Porn”
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorph says
ProtoWife and I once built a candle out of a coffee mug and Dos Dedos Tequila. Don’t ask what we used for a wick. You can imagine it, just don’t ask. It was weird.
Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says
Carefully does not ask.
The 151 bottle has a metal neck with a vent in it so if it does catch fire, the flames can escape and the bottle does not explode. Seriously.
Tastes the bomb, too.
dianne says
Is Neville anyone’s virtual ratlet yet? Does adopting a virtual ratlet come with responsibilities (for example, transferring money to Caine’s paypal?)
Pteryxx says
No, but a bunch of us would volunteer… *hint hint nudge nudge*
and I’m not Caine but AFAIK Neville’s still on the non-virtual list above.
broboxley OT says
josh, do not point the penis down when riding. It has been many years but if any girth gets involved for any reason you will have to stop and adjust. pointed upwards within whitey tightys it can grow and subsist grumbling while you, the adult keeps riding.
ImaginesABeach says
I don’t handle death well. My husband’s uncle died yesterday at the age of 58. Because I can’t lie to myself that I will see him again or that he’s in a better place, I don’t cope well.
Ogvorbis: The only post-Permian seymouriamorph says
Hugs, grog, beer, nachos, chocolate and bacon are now clogging your USB port.
Pteryxx says
aw, ImaginesABeach I’m so sorry. *offers anklehugs* to you and husbeach.
Lynna, OM says
Romney lied about his taxes in 2002, and thanks to a lawsuit he was caught.
Romney says we should trust him now when he tells us what is in the tax returns he refuses to release. He has proven that he can’t be trusted.
Romney insisted, and had his staff insist, that he had filed taxes as a resident of Massachusetts before he ran for Governor there. He lied. He had his staff lie. “You’ll have to take my word for it,” was the line. Why does he think he can get away with this kind of stuff? Do his tax filings magically change to reflect whatever he says today?
Link to 2002 documentation by the Boston Globe.
Improbable Joe says
ImaginesABeach, I’m sorry for your family’s loss.
Grumps says
“Have you heard the one about rape? It’s funny now.
The misogyny all over the Edinburgh comedy festival isn’t comedy, but rage in disguise.”
Pteryxx says
and this may be the fluffy place, but it’s also the venting-place. I am so sick of these lying hating fiddling parsing skepticky liars who lie.
Pteryxx says
Lynna: the Guardian yesterday suggested Romney may be withholding those returns to avoid a repeat lawsuit.
Lynna, OM says
This is from August 13, so it may have been posted already and I just missed it.
Sister Simone Campbell of the “Nuns on a Bus” tour took on Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly bullied her, but she held her own fairly well.
Lynna, OM says
Interesting. One more speculation to add to a long list of reasons why Romney is withholding his tax returns.
I wouldn’t put any amount of sneakiness past him. He has proven that skirting tax and other laws is something of a passion.
I still think people are underrating his penchant to be personally insulted when anyone asks him, a golden mormon priesthood holder of royal extraction, to explain or document anything.
Improbable Joe says
Which one this time? It has been five whole minutes since the last lying liar I saw, so there’s time for 15000 more lying liars to have popped up. Fuck skeptics.
Arkady says
A friend posted this fascinating link on FB: http://artofmanliness.com/2012/07/29/bosom-buddies-a-photo-history-of-male-affection/
In short, this person managed to starkly illustrate, through collected late 19th-early 20th century photographs, how non-sexual physical expressions of affection between male friends largely disappeared during the 20th century.
I must admit, I hadn’t realised this change was quite so recent. I knew the ‘boys don’t cry’ stuff came in during the Victorian era, and the much earlier cultural switch from the medieval-and-earlier ‘women are lusty and men must control themselves’ to the later; ‘women are chaste and pure, and men are uncontrollable animals the women must not provoke’. Guess we can chalk up the lack of ‘allowable’ male affection to the Patriarchy’s many crimes too…
Nutmeg says
Caine: Could I have virtual Mallory, please? She looks so smart!
Pteryxx says
Joe: on the Freethought conference in Dallas thread, and Jason’s Campaign against Surly Amy thread; also someone accusing Rebecca Watson on Twitter, a couple going after Stephanie Zvan over DMCA, another batch of FTB/Skepchick-haters as described on Cristina Rad’s latest… take your pick. NOBODY with a shred of reason or consideration can legitimately argue for good-faith literal readings at this point.
eriktrips says
ImaginesABeach, I’m really sorry. I get very impatient with people who tell me not to grieve because I will see X again someday. I get to grieve if I want, dammit.
[insert long rant about US culture’s unwillingness to face death honestly here]
Oh look, a little puddle of rum!
/me shakes usb hub over coffee
StarStuff, a soulless cunt says
In case anyone wants to see what Vacula posted, but doesn’t want to visit ‘hell on the internet’, here’s a screen cap I took. http://tinypic.com/r/2i8i1sp/6
(btw, the captcha was “bad egg” for that pic upload lol)
Improbable Joe says
And yet, lots of people will continue to pretend that the anti-feminists are the heroes in this nasty affair. I wish there was something we could legitimately do that wouldn’t sink to their level…
Improbable Joe says
So… in lighter news I’m shopping for a new guitar. Yay?
I’m totally going to crowdsource this one. Including her name, which should maybe include “horde” and/or “hoard” in it. :)
One Thousand Needles says
In the spirit of Amy’s “Speaking Out Against Hate” series, would it be possible to get atheist and skeptic leaders to denounce these people by name?
Or maybe they could agree to a charter that says “these people do not speak for me.”
Vocal condemnation of “hate” is not enough; the perpetrators need to be denounced by name by the public figures of atheism, skepticism, and humanism.
Wish I had any better ideas.
Lynna, OM says
Tea Partyism negatively affects urban planning. Yes, I know we discuss the negative effects on education, women’s rights and so forth. But even urban planning? Well, yes.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
I have no idea. I was out shooting for quite a while and that butterfly didn’t budge. There were all manner of butterflies out in the field, but this one seemed quite happy to stay where it was. Either that sunflower went carnivorous or Butterfly was takin’ a nap. :D
No and No! So, you want Neville, then?
You may! She is a little smartypants…a quiet one, doesn’t parade it around, just gets shit done. You and Mallory are now up.
Lynna, OM says
From the New York Times article about Tea Party activists fighting green projects:
Caine, Fleur du mal says
No, that’s doin’ friendship very, very wrong. It’s also doing decent human being very, very wrong.
David Marjanović says
Four hours ago, I
justfinished eating garlic soup. Recipe:30 cloves of garlic
1/2 l veggie broth (from powder or cube)
1 leaf of laurel
1 clove
nutmeg, thyme, basil, oregano, black pepper, parsley, chives
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
Peel garlic, chop parsley & chives. Boil broth with garlic, olive oil, laurel, clove, nutmeg, thyme, basil and oregano.
Boil with a lid on for some 20 minutes (till the garlic is soft). Pour through a sieve, press the garlic through, stir the mashed garlic back into the soup. Add lemon juice and pepper to taste, garnish with parsley and chives.
What I actually did:
I didn’t have any laurel or cloves. Instead of parsley, I took lovage. Thyme, basil and oregano I only had as a package (herbes de Provence) that also contains rosemary. I put a bit of loser curry and cumin in.
Lacking a sieve, I tried to mash the garlic in the pot, first with a gravy whisk, then with a wooden spoon. Didn’t work well, but worked well enough.
The lemon juice turned out to be unnecessary. The oil, unsurprisingly, turned out to be rather much; fine with me*, but I know people who couldn’t deal with that much fat. Lemon juice turned out to be unnecessary. I must have overdone the broth powder, because the soup got a bit too salty. Other than that, it was fine. :-)
* Except now I’m not sure what to cook next, because I’m… somewhat full. Update: I gave up and made tea; still not sure when I’ll start cooking. Further update: the sun is setting behind the next building (what? already?), so I decided to cook lest I go to bed hungry and/or resort to eating all cookies I have. It’s going to work out fine. :-) Update: eating Spätzle with supermarket gravy. Rice with herb gravy is for tomorrow, then!
Also, sign the petition.
Point and laugh.
David Marjanović says
Aaah, forgot to close a blockquote.
Most Reverend BigDumbChimp, you’re in South Carolina, right? Would you like me to come visit before the conference in Raleigh (NC)?
(I’m trying to find out what my first destination in the US will have to be. Without that, I can’t apply for a visa waiver or book flights.)
In a few years, “Tea Party” will have replaced “retarded” and “gay” as the new word for “stupid”.
Pteryxx says
Heya David M,
…That’s why there are Growers and Showers. *nodnod* Perhaps you have insufficient experience of penes…
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Okay, you Dexter are up on the list of virtual ratties. Dexter is a right…squirrel. (In the slang sense of the word.) He’s shy around people, incredibly fast, generally quiet but willing to squeak up a storm if you try to hold him for any length of time, quite skilled as a food thief and forever curious. The only effective ways to get him to remain fairly still are to put him up very high or let him burrow under very heavy towels or blankets.
Pteryxx says
Dexter sounds like a great hoodie rat.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Theophontes, new pic of Theo is up, replacing the previous one, showing his tardigrade side. :D
QueQuoi, traded in her jackboots for jillstilettos says
This is a paraphrased X-posting from the earlier lounge. If I am spamming, please tell me to piss off. It’s just that I really liked this idea:
If you’ve ever wanted to show appreciation for the bloggers on FtB or Skepchick, I started a Tumblr page where messages of support, or LOLcats/squids for laughs can be posted in one central and public place. – quequoi.tumblr.com – it is titled “Love for FtB and Skepchick” Any pictures of you in your Surlyramics finery would be especially appreciated.
If you’d like to have something posted, send it to quequoi at gmail.com along with how you want attribution. I will of course keep all emails confidential.
Giliell, not to be confused with The Borg says
Good evening
Today I had one of those experiences that make you hate people. Since I was a very good girl working hard the last days, I took the girls to a medieval fair today. It’s a pretty big one in an even bigger park. So, already on our way to the exit, I picked up a desperately crying little boy, about three, who had apparently lost his parents. I held him up, tried to calm him down, looked if there were some people desperately looking for a kid and when there was nobody to be seen I went to the nearest stable and told them I need help. the boy was lost, could they call security, please.
So, with everything taking about an hour we got feedback that his mum was waiting by the main stage/entry. So I carried the poor lad there.
If my child had been lost for over an hour, I would have LOOKED into the direction of the market for hir to be returned to me. If it had been my child I would have MOVED towards the woman carrying hir. If it had been my child I would have HUGGED and kissed and caressed hir. I might have forgotten about thanking anybody cause, you know, so glad.
As things were, I wouldn’t have guessed that the woman standing there indifferently had anything to do with the whole thing. Security led me towards her, she took him up, and walked away. Then she remembered to turn around and say “thank you”. I’ve been thanked more enthusiastically by people whom I made aware of having lost their hankie. Then she put the boy into his stroller and turned around to talk to her friends.
So I suppose he got the most caresses and hugs that day from a strange woman.
Well, I didn’t do it for that asshole woman anyway, I did it for a desperate little boy. If my child were lost I’d like somebody like me pick them up and make sure they get back to me safely.
Sweet story of the day: we went there with some friends. Still at home, #1 searched for some money to take with her. We asked her what she needed it for. To give it to S. Why do you want to give it to S.? Because of the dog. People with dogs always need a lot of money for the dog-food. We don’T need that much.
Ogvorbis: faucibus desultor singulari says
Damn. I just found out that the UK does not have a kidney transplant list. They do, however, have a Liverpool.
It is a beautiful Thursday afternoon here. Just a few clouds, very low humidity, temp in the low 80s (F) in the sun. Nice.
Wife and I will be able to take a minivacation next week. Three days camping up in the Adirondaks (upstate New York). We get to try our new mega tent (it is over 2m tall so I can actually stand up in it).
Louis says
Sorry for your loss. Bacon covered chocolate internet hugs?
Louis says
Would you mind elaborating?
portia says
I think that’s a lovely idea. Trying to think of what to send…maybe a picture of my cherished Surlyramic :) (which resulted in high fives from other surly-wearing strangers at Reason Rally. Good times).
Pteryxx says
(more ragey Deep Rifts news)
apparently DJ just blocked Jen McCreight on Twitter, along with doubting Surly Amy and promoting JV’s podcast. Here’s Jen’s latest:
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Louis, there’s a new pic of Vasco on the virtual ratlets post (replaced this morning) and I must say, he’s so damn cute it’s sickening.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Jesus Christ, just what in the fuckety fuck is DJ’s problem? He may as well dive in headfirst into the slimepit.
Improbable Joe says
What the fuck is wrong with DJ Grothe? No, seriously… WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH DJ GROTHE?!?!
That dude makes me sick to my fucking stomach.
Louis says
OOOOOH! That THAT is the cutest one yet! Thanks. Are you absolutely sure we Virtual Rattists cannot make contributions to the Rat Upkeep Fund? If only for the regular photo updates! ;-)
Louis says
It’s all RW’s fault.
Improbable Joe says
If this wasn’t the Lounge, I’d tell you where to stick it. Hint: it does involve DJ Grothe, does NOT involve lube but probably should.
Pteryxx says
seriously, professional caliber cute rattie photos! …Caine, might you submit a few to Zinna for her Adorable rat series?
Louis says
Improbable Joe,
Whoa. Erm. Explain please.
I was making the joke in #472 that everyone blames Rebecca Watson for everything (and is wrong to do so), I kinda thought that was understood seeing as we had a thread basically dedicated to that joke recently.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
Caine, did you name Perdita X just because of the book or is there actions that reminded you of Perdita X?
I keep going back to look at her and wondering.
I feel so bad for the ratlets with out a virtual owner. =(
I know that’s terribly silly and all but I can’t help it. It’s like the lonely pets in a cage by themselves at pet stores.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says
I think he has, he just made the terrible mistake of being able to breathe down there, now the rest of the world must suffer…
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Louis: Short version.
1. SurlyAmy files a copyright infringement notice on Justin Vacula. He used a photograph she took without her permission.
2. Vacula filed disingenuous counterclaim, in the process noting Amy’s home address.
3. Vacula then posted Amy’s home address in the slymepit.
4. Amy tweeted about this to DJGrothe.
5. Grothe responded with an “If that’s what happened, then it’s terrible. . ” HyperSkepticism from the gate.
6. Grothe continued to say how awful it was (that’s good) but quickly devolved into “both sides are being divisive.”s
7. Grothe then retweeted an announcement of Vacula’s podcast.
Summary: DJ Grothe is an amoral politician to his core. He is an ethically disgusting man.
Improbable Joe says
I know… which is why you’re the stickER and not the stickEE in that hypothetical scenario that bears no relation to reality.
Of course with DJ Grothe being a hypocritical asshat, he’ll probably see “DJ can stick it” and see that as a serious threat that condemns all of FtB to federal prison if he has his way, and posting Surly Amy’s address is a reason to plug Vacula’s podcast.
Louis says
I knew all that!
I was just wondering why Improbable Joe told me I could stick it for what I thought was obviously a joke (about the sexists blaming everything on RW), and wondering if I had fucked up somewhere.
Louis says
Improbable Joe,
Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh! Sorry I misread you as telling ME to stick things up MY…. I mean, fine, but never on a first date!
Louis says
I should point out I am slightly alcoholically impaired this evening. I did 75% of my work, drank 100% of my beer and 50% of my rum. In the lovely, sweaty sunshine.
I even had an ice cream from an ice cream van.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Vasco (aka Big Balls) is so effin’ adorable. He lives up to his name, he loves to explore, just like his daddy Havelock. He’s Havelock’s favourite, by the way. Vasco is also becoming proficient at shoulder riding, he likes to go with me to the wondrous big box of food in the kitchen. He’s fascinated with the eggs in the egg rack of the fridge. He is also a serious aficionado of boxes – all types of boxes and he’s pretty sure that all kleenex in the universe do indeed belong to him. Like Chester, he is also fascinated with remote control units and enjoys stomping on them. He also enjoys belly kisses. Altogether, he’s a confident, happy fellow.
As for money, it’s not necessary, however, if anyone feels the need, they can contribute to the Pharyngufund with a note to Josh that it’s for ratties.
Um, colour me clueless. What is this?
Well, it turned out that Perdita X is a mini-Gytha in looks. I already had Agnes (As in Agnes Nitt), so I went with Perdita X, so as to have the full Agnes, so to speak. It’s a good name for her, outwardly, she’s not as much a presence as Agnes, but she’s outspoken and knows what she wants and has no problems attempting to get whatever she wants. She’s very persistent and she does have the habit of following Agnes around all over the place. :D
Improbable Joe says
Good times Louis! I’m just starting to pollute myself. Magic Hat variety 12-pack, plus a couple of Sam Adams Latitude 48 IPAs. Managed to sell one of my guitar effects pedals, so it is like winning the lottery in my house tonight!
Pteryxx says
Caine: glad to hear money’s not a problem! (as opposed to time, stress, equipment, injuries… talk about yer above and beyond!)
About Zinnia, every couple of weeks she posts something like this:
but yours are at least as good or better!
Nightjar says
Oh, the ratties, they’re all so cute! *squeee* And Caine, could you tell me more about Giles? I mean, every time someone virtually adopts one of the rats you tell them about their behaviour and personality, but you didn’t with me. I’m curious.
I just visited SB Pharyngula. It’s a weird place. It’s almost abandoned (but not by David! :)), but it shouldn’t be because there’s so much WOTI going on over there. Just in the most recent threads I saw a creationist asserting that ribosomes proofread RNA (*headdesk*) even though they don’t have brains (*headdesk*) and a Christian seriously wondering if anyone commenting on Pharyngula has ever needed to use evolutionary concepts in their jobs/graduate studies and assuming the answer is no so why do we need to teach it at school anyway (*headdesk*). Huh.
Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says
You still have a few female ratlets, correct? I needs me one to give virtual love and hugs to.
Sarahface says
I know I’m mostly just a lurker and all, but could I possibly adopt Perdita X? She’s just so adorable, and I like the idea of a virtual rattie for hugs and snuggles.
Nutmeg says
Aww, cute, thanks! She sounds perfect – I’d like to think that I’m like that in real life.
David M:
I didn’t think there was anyone in the world who used more garlic than my mom. I was wrong. You win some kind of prize…maybe mouthwash? :p
Sarahface says
I would say “Yay for Louis,” except that ice cream vans have been *ruined* for me by the one that visits my neighbourhood regularly. It plays the most horrible, bastardised version of the Teddy Bears Picnic, and whenever I hear it, I go to my window to see, and I can’t see it. (It hides behind a giant fir tree, I think.)
Until this week, I’d *never* seen it and was starting to think it was someone trying to drive me to madness.
Went to a beer festival at a local pub today, which was good. I got to try a bunch of real ales (yum!) and sit in the warm afternoon sunshine with some good friends. All in all, a good afternoon was had.
Ogvorbis: faucibus desultor singulari says
30 cloves of garlic
I didn’t think there was anyone in the world who used more garlic than my mom. I was wrong. You win some kind of prize…maybe mouthwash? :p
I’ve got a breaded and baked chicken that usually takes 40 to 60 garlic cloves. Then again, I’ve been known to go through a kilogram of garlic in less than a month, so . . . .
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Oh, Giles. He looks more and more like Esme every day. He is a very calm, cool and collected guy. He does enjoy the occasional wrestling match and always wins. He doesn’t care for shoulder riding, but will happily splay himself along the back of your neck for a ride. He tries to sleep by himself all the time, but he’s the most popular rat when it comes to being considered a pillow – the other ratlets pile on top of him whenever he tries to nap. He likes to chew on fingers and hair. He loves chewing on hair. He’s recently discovered Nutella and approves of it, but only a tiny bit at a time. Giles doesn’t see much need to run when walking gets the job done just fine, thank you.
Giles loves hanging out with Daddy Sam and they can often be found napping together, all curled up in a bundle. Giles also tends to arbitrate when there’s a fight going on – I’ve seen him get inbetween two other ratlets and hold each one down, one hand on each ratlet’s neck. He’s a very big guy, and like a lot of very big guys, he’s gentle and good-natured.
Yes, there’s Angua, Pearl and Perdita X. They can be seen here.
Beatrice says
If it’s not too much trouble with all the virtual rat adoption going on, can you write a little bit something about Beatrice? All I know is that she used to be Basil (and maybe plans to steal all your paints and be an artist when she grows up, but I’m just guessing ;).
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Of course you can! You and Perdita X are now up.
Caine, Fleur du mal says
Beatrice is a little troublemaker extraordinaire. She does not like being bossed around at all and is very stubborn. If you tell her ‘no’, she’ll go out of her way to do whatever it is she isn’t supposed to do. She does like hanging out on my table when I’m painting. She enjoys climbing, leading the younger ratlets around (mostly into trouble) and stealing Oreo cookies and pencils. Beatrice has little patience for being held and fussed over, but she does enjoy shoulder riding, especially if the ride contains the promise of exploring someplace new. She absolutely *hates* having to take medicine of any kind and has a marked talent for spitting it out.
Pteryxx says
this is now the rattie personality reference thread. *bookmarks*
thunk, erythematic says
I’m settled in again.
Somewhat cramped with useless furniture, but the beds are soft. Also, roommate is a decent human being.
Beatrice says
Thanks, Caine.
*big grin*
That girl definitely shares more than a name with me.
Improbable Joe says
So… I’m making potato soup. Do I add lots of bacon, or ALL THE BACON?
Nutmeg says
If I make it through the next 40 hours without killing my mom or my aunt, it will be a remarkable achievement.
Why is it that when I’m forced to travel with my mom, she immediately reverts to treating me like I’m 14? (I’m sure any 14-year-old lurkers understand what I mean about that. There were many many reasons why I hated being 14, and parental treatment was pretty high on the list.)
She doesn’t seem to realize that I am perfectly capable of handling social situations on my own, and that there’s nothing wrong with being quiet and letting others lead the conversation. And there is so much fucking gendered bullshit among the older generation, I feel like going on a ten-minute rant. Why do the men get to be quiet and reserved while I have to be a bleeding social butterfly every waking moment?
And on that note, I’m going to put on my dress and go to the damn wedding.