
  1. Didaktylos says

    Actually, (sorry to be a bit pedantic) it works better if “Goddamnit” rather “Fuck” is used – actual profanity rather than simple vulgar obscenity.

  2. jazzbot says

    Wow, I laughed my ass off, and then I read the comments, and the first two said that it was a very old joke. I never heard it before, but I thank you for the opportunity now. And I’d like to pass it on to friends, but now I’m wary because most of them have probably already heard it. Anyway, thanks, PZ.

  3. Francisco Bacopa says

    Caddyshack, the least funny comedy ever made. All that talent and they still made a horrible movie.

  4. Brownian says

    Caddyshack, the least funny comedy ever made. All that talent and they still made a horrible movie.

    Dear God:

    I know you won’t heal the sick, feed the poor, or cause Rush Limbaugh to finally overdose and keel over, but could you at least teach people the difference between “I feel” and “it is”?

  5. unclefrogy says

    it is I feel it is!

    to bad God is such a bad shot most of us actually have to practice to hit what we are aiming at. I guess being god he is just to conceited to think he might need some target practice.
    Even the US military has “smart bombs” and at least tries to hit the target but the god of the middle east just blasts everything in sight he really needs some self control or maybe some anger management classes.

    uncle frogy

  6. snebo154 says

    Actually Rush succumbing to an overdose is on my list of things that would cause me to consider the existence of a benevolent deity.

  7. Marc Abian says

    the difference between “I feel” and “it is”?

    “I feel” goes without saying if it’s a matter of subjective taste. It annoys me when people make that unnecessary clarification.

  8. DLC says

    God can’t hit anything, which is why the lazy bastard just flooded the world instead of blowing up a few towns.

    “Fuck! I missed”

  9. Brownian says

    “I feel” goes without saying if it’s a matter of subjective taste. It annoys me when people make that unnecessary clarification.

    Given how many people say things like “This isn’t funny”, it seems pretty clear to me that the distinction is not unnecessary, and it’s probably worth reminding them of the subjective quality of their opinion.

  10. benjaminking says

    I haven’t heard this particular joke before. Cute. Nice to see some other people who didn’t think Caddyshack was a particularly funny movie.

  11. RobertL says

    Well – if we’re going to bring up hoary old golf jokes featuring religion…

    … a Catholic is in the confessional booth, where he confesses to the priest that he used profane language while playing golf.

    The priest asks him to explain the situation so he can decide on his punishment.

    The guy says “I sliced my drive badly into the trees”.

    The priest says, “and that’s when you swore”.

    Guy: No – but then a rabbit picked up my ball and bounded away with it.

    Priest: And that’s when you swore?

    Guy: No – but then an eagle swooped down, caught the rabbit and started flying away.

    Priest: And that’s when you swore?

    Guy – No – because the rabbit dropped the ball, it landed on the green and finished six inches from the hole.

    Priest: Don’t tell me that you missed the fucking putt!


    Thank you; I’ll be here all week. Try the meatloaf.

  12. crissakentavr says

    The largest portion of people struck by lighting are… Golfers.

    It’s not a bad game, if you live in a rural area as I grew up in. My favorite day to golf is a a grey, overcast day with little wind and nice, soft grass that hasn’t needed lots of fertilizer. Windy days are just for suckers and pros!