HuffPo: Worse than Fox News?

At least when it comes to quackery, it is. An informal analysis of relevant stories on homeopathy reveals some sad results:

  • Fox news returned a total of 20 news stories; 5% were favorable towards homeopathy, 50% were unfavorable, and 45% were neutral.

  • NPR returned a total of 8 news stories; 12.5% were favorable towards homeopathy, 50% were unfavorable, and 37.5% were neutral.

  • The Huffington Post returned a total of 77 news stories; 68.83% were favorable toward homeopathy, 14.28% were unfavorable, and 16.88% were neutral.

Fox and NPR don’t really have a horse in this race, so their percentages (based on some small numbers) probably just reflect a casual bias in the popular culture, unfortunate as it is. HuffPo looks like they’re flogging quackery pretty hard, and almost certainly intentionally.