
  1. says

    I’m a huge fan of Ron Howard. I LOVED Arrested Development, was pretty much the funniest show ever.

    But this wasn’t that funny. Maybe I missed it? I just never found it that amusing.

    Oh well, at least it’s one more person voting for Obama!

  2. says

    I’m a huge fan of Ron Howard. I LOVED Arrested Development, was pretty much the funniest show ever.

    The first two seasons of the show were pure gold. By season 3 it started to get a little repetitive and then got rushed at the end (thanks to the cancellation). But yeah, brilliant show!

  3. Realist Golfer says

    I thought this was VERY well done, and will be viral. If you grew up in the sixties or seventies this hits home…too bad “Andy” wasn’t wearing his uniform.

  4. Hank Fox says

    I love this kid. And this was a fun approach to a serious subject. Sure to get some attention.

  5. Trent1492 says

    This is sooo much better: vlad and friend boris presents ‘Song for Sarah’ for mrs. Palin

  6. says

    Well, I thought it was a pretty laid back delivery, but a good message.

    On the other hand you should check out the anti-Ron comments on that page:

    You suck Hi Ron
    I was a big fan of you. But now you are supporting a Muslum terrorist for president and I don’t ever want to see you on TV or anywhere else. Your career is history pal.

    You suck Ron Howard,

    Say what you want about the GOP. However, I do know one thing for sure. SARAH PALIN has MORE EXPERIENCE than the blatantly and disdainfully proud Obama who is the infanticide, voter fraud, race card, and redistributionist candidate of the Scam-ocratic Party.

    Vote Republican. Vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

    Ron, My sister just showed me your little promo ad

    How sad. I am soooo very disappointed in you!

    I know you and the Obama family do not live as most Americans do and you probably can’t relate to the serios situtations many of them now face. (You sure will when it begins to hit you with the fact that many will not be able to afford your movies.) Both of my neighbors have lost their home to forclosure. Perhaps you may want to investigate how this whole housing crisis started ten years ago!

    I will no longer watch any movie you have anything to do with. I agree with another person on this comments section…how about you stick with what you do know about…movies and hollywood

    Proud of ya there buddy!!!! I too hope your little ad has a backlash for you as it did the Dixie Chicks and for Alec Baldwin!!! Welcome to America buddy! Still the land of the FREE!!!


    There’s good replies too, but the ignorance and irrationality out there still floors me. This belief that Obama’s policies are-the/will-be-the cause of the economic problems, that Liberals rather than the GOP are the ones that don’t understand the way common people live, and that the McCain/Palin ticket is their savior and champion. What on earth are they thinking?


  7. Autumn says

    I was glad to discover that even my wife, who has extremely conservative views fiscally, is going to be voting for Obama because she looked at McCain’s website, and a few Republican sites, and came to the conclusion that McCain “just sounds crazy! He has no idea what’s going on”.

    And we live in Florida, so her one vote may, in fact, matter just a little bit.

  8. Patricia says

    Oh now Matt, don’t get frightened honey.

    Let me make you up a sugar tit, and a drink.

  9. Pdiff says

    Andy Allen,
    Those are rich! Especially like the oblivious nature of “Maria” at the end:
    “You and Obama do not live as most Americans do” — as if McSame and his millionaire trophy wife do :-) (Sorry PZ, she meets the real criterion for TW).

    “Perhaps you want to investigate how this whole housing crisis started” — perhaps she should look into Charles Keating and the Keating Five, aka Senator McCain.

    “I hope your little ad has a backlash like it did for the Dixie Chicks…” — Yes, I’m sure he would as they produced their most successful album and won several awards and accolades from the whole affair :-)

    The conservative wakos are getting really desperate now. They can’t believe they might be wrong. Ohhh Noes. That black man might win!!


  10. Luger Otter Robinson says

    I thought the Paris Hilton one was better. Also she seemed to be more qualified and made more sense than Sarah Palin. Just one question though. Who is Paris Hilton?

  11. peter says

    Well, the video is content-free, and so I suppose it would appeal to you guys.
    Come to think of it, “change we can believe in” is just as moronic as anything Sarah Palin has said, but doesn’t seem to attract anything like the same venom.

  12. Nibien says

    Well, the video is content-free, and so I suppose it would appeal to you guys.
    Come to think of it, “change we can believe in” is just as moronic as anything Sarah Palin has said, but doesn’t seem to attract anything like the same venom.

    I really enjoy this post for the intended irony and plain ignorance of the poster. I give it a 8/10.

  13. peter says

    Nibien @23
    You’re right about the ignorance on one thing at least: who is this guy, and why should I prefer his opinion to that of my butler, or of the bus-conductor?

  14. Your Mighty Overload says

    Andy at 14

    Unfortunately, those people ARE the Republican base – and they see things pretty black and white, so to speak. Either you are with them, or you are their enemy.

    Perhaps, before the next election a movie needs to be made about the Republican base, showing what a crazy bunch they are. That might make swing voters, who one can only imagine must be a pretty moderate bunch, think more carefully about which “team” they want to be on – the rationalist moderate one or the fanatical extremist one.

  15. Walton says

    “The kind of change that will make us trust our government again…”

    Trusting government is an incredibly silly thing to do, no matter who your leaders are (as the Founding Fathers were very well aware). Trusting government with more control of the economy is especially silly.

  16. andyo says

    I’m just watching Indiana Jones 4, and this rang a bell! Indy in baggy pants same as the Fonz.

    By the way, those Arrested Development fans, can you name all of the Happy Days references?

  17. Gene says

    I love the dissonance. My parents live in Mount Airy, NC ( the inspiration for Mayberry), it’s about as red-state as you can get, and yet their most famous son, Andy Griffith, is out making videos like this.

  18. Rey Fox says

    “Come to think of it, “change we can believe in” is just as moronic as anything Sarah Palin has said”

    Uh oh, you got us. We only like Obama because we blindly vote for whoever former child stars turned film directors tell us to. The mask is off. You get a cookie.

  19. says

    Matt @32

    Lucifer is also in the tank for Obama.

    Excellent. All I need to know now is how you managed to get an article off The Onion to look like it’s on Fox Noise.

  20. DavidONE says

    Andy Allen:

    …the ignorance and irrationality out there still floors me.

    Yup, it’s sc-c-cary fascinating.

    Much of it seems to come from the same source of ignorance and irrationality that we’re used to discussing in these here parts. It’s the same people who are so entrenched with their Bronze Age fairy story, homophobia, racism, denial of climate change and general knuckle-dragging moronity (sic).

    Fortunately, it looks like the usual GOP shit is not sticking to its target this time around: +

  21. Nick Gotts says

    Trusting government with more control of the economy is especially silly. – Walton

    Right, and why increase democratic oversight when the private banks and hedge funds (a.k.a. “market forces”) have done such a marvellous job? You can always trust a wunch of bankers.

  22. SC says

    the Obama-Alinsky-Lucifer connection

    I…I…Well,…I…That’s just…can’t…process…

  23. James F says

    #32 The poor guy keeps getting a bum rap….

    Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. “The devil made me do it.” I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them.
    And then they die, and they come here (having transgressed against what they believed to be right), and expect us to fulfill their desire for pain and retribution. I don’t make them come here. They talk of me going around and buying souls, like a fishwife come market day, never stopping to ask themselves why. I need no souls. And how can anyone own a soul? No. They belong to themselves….They just hate to have to face up to it.

    -Lucifer, from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman: Season of Mists

  24. says

    Well, the video is content-free, and so I suppose it would appeal to you guys.
    Come to think of it, “change we can believe in” is just as moronic as anything Sarah Palin has said, but doesn’t seem to attract anything like the same venom.

    Well this is Ron Howard. See he was a child star and is now successful director. He is not an expert on politics but is usually pretty good at entertaining people.

    I doubt very seriously anyone here is going to change their vote one way or another based on this person’s opinions but we may get a laugh out of it. We are however open to being entertained. Something you appear to be incapable of.

    And no, that phrase is no where near as blindingly stupid as some of the things Palin has said and done. Making that comparison is ridiculous.

  25. Mikel says

    From what I recall, Focus on the Family was in love with the way life was portrayed in The Andy Griffin Show. Well, take that Dobson! LOL

  26. David Marjanović, OM says

    Trusting government with more control of the economy is especially silly.

    How often do I need to explain that the greatest force for capitalism in the world is the EU Commissioner for Competition? That competition is selected against and is therefore replaced by megamergers and cartels if you leave capitalism to itself? Capitalism requires constant intervention like Newton’s model of the solar system.

    a wunch of bankers.


  27. Cappy says

    Get this clip out to folks and grandparents. If they know that Matlock is for Obama it could swing the senior vote!

  28. Sili says

    Trouble is – I only know the guy from The Simpsons

    And Henry Winkler from Little Nicky and that detective show with the psyschic … Profiler? (And of course tonnnnnnnnnes of pop-culture references to ‘the Fonz’.)

    Ah well – desperate times call for desperate measures.

  29. negentropyeater says


    Trusting government with more control of the economy is especially silly.

    And trusting the free markets, when they become dominated by speculators and Ponzi investors, to control the economy, is not only even more silly, it’s criminal.

    Read :

    “The Credit Crisis: Denial, delusion and the “defunct” American economist who foresaw the dénouement”

    Friedman was WRONG, markets do not self regulate, they will wait for a Minsky moment, and the longer they wait, the worst the crisis will be.

    Walton, how do you explain that between the 1980 and 2007, the DJIA was multiplied by 15 (fifteen !), when the real income of the average American was only multiplied by 1.25 ?

    By comparison, between 1950 and 1977 the DJIA was only multiplied by 3, and the real income of the average American was multiplied by 2.

    Hey, it’s not difficult, a free market will always want to accelerate its growth as much as possible by borrowing always more and keeping labour costs as low as possible. There’s no invisible hand pushing it to do anything else.

    “A system where individual bank traders had no reason to co-operate with other departments while they have millions of dollars of incentives to go it alone with high-risk, high-return strategies with no payback required if the rainmaking turns to disaster, contains the seeds of its own destruction..”

  30. Marc Abian says

    Oh sure, like the guy in the $5000 suit is going to listen to anything Ron Howard says. COME ON!

  31. Arnosium Upinarum says

    Marc, #48: Why not? Ron Howard consistently makes lots of money for guys in $5000 suits. It helps them to afford it.

    Those guys listen to him. Really. They do. They’re called “producers” or “film studio executives”, etc. They’re rich, they’re powerful, they love profits, and they listen to their earners who deliver it.

  32. Arnosium Upinarum says

    And Marc? Remember when almost ALL $5000 suits listened intently to a B-movie actor?

  33. says

    Personally, I’m more surprised by the Andy Griffith endorsement, not because of his age, per se, but because I’d thought he was a pretty politically conservative guy.