Full-Time, One-Year Faculty Position in Biology
University of Minnesota, MorrisThe University of Minnesota, Morris seeks an individual committed to excellence in undergraduate education, to fill a full-time, one-year position in biology beginning August 18, 2008. Responsibilities include: teaching undergraduate biology courses including an introductory level survey of organismal biology (with lab) and a core ecology course (with lab); advising undergraduates; and sharing in the governance and advancement of the biology program as well as the campus at-large.
Candidates must be at least A.B.D. in ecology, organismal biology or a closely related field. One year experience teaching undergraduate biology is required. (Graduate TA experience is acceptable.)
The University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM) is a nationally-recognized, small, selective, residential, undergraduate liberal arts campus of the University of Minnesota. It has an enrollment of about 1650 students with 120 faculty members. The campus is located in west-central Minnesota, 160 miles from Minneapolis, in a rural community of 5000 people. The college is organized into four academic divisions, of which Science and Mathematics is one. Disciplines represented in the division are Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics. The college attracts excellent students many of whom go on to graduate or professional studies. Visit www.morris.umn.edu/positions/ to learn about other open positions at UMM.
Excellent fringe benefits and a collegial atmosphere accompany the position. Appointment will be at the Assistant Professor level for those having the Ph.D. in hand and at the Instructor level for others. The standard teaching load is twenty credit hours per year.
Applications must include a letter of application, resume, transcripts, a teaching statement (in which teaching goals and methods are discussed), and three letters of reference. Send applications to:
Biology Search Committee Chair
Division of Science and Mathematics
University of Minnesota, Morris
600 East 4th Street
Morris, MN 56267-2128Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Screening begins March 14, 2008. Inquiries can be made to Ann Kolden, Executive Office and Administrative Specialist, at (320) 589-6301 or [email protected].
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
I’ve got several degrees from the Texas Institute for Creation Science, but I won’t be putting my name on the list because of all the repression from Big Science.
Do I have to believe in the devils tool(evolution)to apply or will you discriminate against me and my academic freedom
Lasey Cuskin
Will they take a second year PhD student? I teach people in my lab all the time.
I really was wondering though about their requests for you to send transcripts along with your application. Do people really still ask for your transcripts once you’re done graduate school?!
LisaJ: not only do they ask for grad transcripts, lots of jobs want undergrad transcripts as well, although most are gracious enough to say “unofficial copies will be accepted during initial screening”.
But that’s not the strangest thing I’ve seen on a job ad, not by a long stretch.
Wow, I notice how the position does not seem to require any research responsibilities or anything like that. That’s actually good for the students because the professor will be able to deal exclusively on teaching them, and helping them with their problems, instead of working on pure research. A bit of a double edged sword though, I would imagine a brilliant biologist would *want* to do that research as well. Maybe that’s why it’s a “one-year position?”
Hi! I’m Casey Lustkin, and I am gonna be your NEW Biology Teacher!
As we all know, Mt. Rushmore looks designed, and the flagellum, of which I am an expert, is like a tiny little motor, and as we all know, you can’t have a motor without a design, right?
So, since everything else looks designed too, it is, and that’s it! Class is over.
No, not just for the day, for the rest of the quarter.
The answer is: yes, it is designed. Yes. That IS the only answer.
Oh, and The Christian God is the Designer.
Bye! I’ll see you all in church!
Full-Time, One-Year Faculty Position in Biology
University of Minnesota, Morris
So, you’ve decided to follow in Richard Dawkins footsteps ;-)
“Richard Dawkins is retiring from academia, but I’m sure he’ll still be involved in the greater culture…”
Did the Postmaster job in Morris open up?
So UMM is finally firing PZ? ;)
IanR, thanks for the info. Wow, I’ve been telling myself for quite some time now that the juvenile nature of me having to disclose my undergrad transcripts and pay out ridiculous sms to have them ordered will soon be over… I guess I sure was wrong! Craziness.
Is is necessary to say creed and religion? I can’t work out how they’d be different things!
Yeah, but what about phylum?
#10 – I can only guess that discrimination on religion would be discrimination by a christian against a non-christian and vice-versa while discrimination based on creed would be a Baptist discriminating against Catholics or something similar.
No discrimination based on color. That’s terrific! I’ll bet you look forward to all those oranges applying.
LisaJ: I also found it surprising that they want transcripts. I’ve been applying for physics and astronomy faculty jobs lately, and only one place wants transcripts. Maybe things are different in the life sciences.
This doesn’t mean PZ is leaving his job, right? AFAIK, PZ is an associate Professor, whereas this advertised position is just a temporary job for faculty membership.
Transcripts. Perhaps as in, “Did you get more A’s in science and philosophy or in English literature and Bible studies?”
This is an ad for a sabbatical replacement for other faculty who are taking some time off. The obvious clue that they’re not replacing me is that we are looking for someone with expertise in ecology.
This is a pretty good deal for someone just out of grad school, or someone who wants to make a little cash while they’re writing up their thesis: it’s a year of very good teaching experience.
In the past we’ve had sabbatical replacements who do research, too, and I think that would be considered a good thing, but of course it really is only a one year position.
Are they all fed up with the way you can’t keep your restless tentacles to yourself? ;-)
Cosmetic surgery to have their own set of tentacles fitted? Flagellae? Beautifully beating cilia?
Ah, thank you for clearing that up PZ.
Me and a colleague are currently applying for faculty positions in CS. I’m applying at research universities only; my friend is applying at all kinds. I haven’t had to send transcripts anywhere, but he’s had to send transcripts to some of the teaching colleges. So I think it’s a research vs. teaching thing, though certainly not all teaching schools require them. I guess they just want to see that you’ve had some breadth in your education (since you’re likely going to be teaching classes outside your specialty)?
Gee, the UMM sounds really nice, in spite of how much I don’t want to go to Minnesota. I hear it has a lot of snow. And mosquitoes.
Is everyone doing a search now? Good time to be in the job market.
OK PZ, let’s talk about the perks:
Any fancy car? Platinum card? A 23 year old dutch supermodel as personal assistant? secret clubs membership? Those are the sort of things I want to hear about.
must love cephalopods.
phd in hand (or tentacles).
Nah, no cephalopods required. The job isn’t replacing me! As it specifies, we need someone who can teach our core ecology course and a freshman biodiversity course (in which you could talk about cephalopds, if you wanted).
The perks: you get to live in Morris! Cost of living is really low here, the person would get a full faculty salary, and one could conceivably save up a fair amount. We also have smart students. The faculty here are incredibly collegial, so it’s going to be a good experience for anyone who joins us.
We do have snow, and mosquitos, but not at the same time.
I hear it has a lot of snow. And mosquitoes.
Generally one or the other. Rarely do you have both at the same time.
Reminder to self:
finish reading all posts before making silly comments.
Nah, no cephalopods required. The job isn’t replacing me!
Oh, wait till the equal opportunity commission hears that you have a strict policy of restricting the number of qualified cephalopods in the science department. I mean, what if another perfectly well-qualified cephalopod showed up? Could “race” be construed to include “species” as it was in Darwin’s day? Do I need to stop taking this cough medicine?
Me and a colleague are currently applying…
That should be “A colleague and I…” You see? Those English degrees are really quite handy. ;)
If only it were a more permanent position, I’d be stopping by the post office in the morning.
Lledowyn, I greatly prefer teaching to research. For me, it is far more personally and emotionally fulfilling (less stress, too). The last year of adjunct teaching while taking a class or two in public health have been the most enjoyable in a long time.
I’m wondering if GrrlScientist is qualified for the post. If there aren’t any obvious shortcomings in her CV, I think she should be encouraged to apply.