
  1. EMR says

    To be fair, if “Talk Like a Ninja Day” actually involved talking, then it would ruin the point of being a silent assassin. “Talk Like a Ninja Day” would be more like “Shut the F*ck Up Day”, which on some days is definitely an idea I could get behind. :-)

  2. Sven DiMilo says

    aw, jeez, not “Talk Like a Pirate Day” again. As my wife said last year, when’s “Spit Like a Carthief Day” and “Sit Like a Rapist Day”? And as I pointed out last year, if we really wanted to talk like pirates these days, we ought to learn a dialect of Indonesian.

  3. Dustin says

    Pirates get to plunder, and are gathered unto the Flying Spaghetti Monster to indulge in the beer volcano and enjoy the stripper factory.

    Ninjas just flip out and get super pissed and swallow frisbees. Idiots.

  4. stogoe says

    “Talk Like a Ninja Day” would be more like “Shut the F*ck Up Day”, which on some days is definitely an idea I could get behind. :-)

    While I like the idea of a “Shut the F*ck Up Day”, “Act Like a Ninja Day” would involve shutting the f*ck up and sneaking up behind people, then scaring the everliving crap out of them.

    “Act like a Pirate Day” would involve lechery, robbery, and battery. Which be a bit of a rhyme, me hearties.

  5. CortxVortx says

    Yes, I am a pirate, 200 years too late.
    The cannons don’t thunder, there’s nothing to plunder,
    I’m an over-40 victim of fate,
    Arriving too late. Arriving too late.

    Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks at 40

    — CV

  6. JamesR says

    To git ya intha mood fer a bit o piratin.
    Go here:

    A scene from “Yellowbeard” The pirate
    Stagger stagger crawl crawl

  7. Rey Fox says

    “Act Like a Ninja Day” would involve shutting the f*ck up and sneaking up behind people, then scaring the everliving crap out of them.”

    No. They would be dead too quickly to be scared.

    And we’d also get to eat pizza and yell “COWABUNGA!”

  8. says

    Surely, you all realise that the whole pirate-ninja rivalry was only started because the ninjas thought it would be funny.

    Also: robot zombie ninjas.

  9. says

    Robot zombie ninja cephalopods.

    (Incidentally, this would be a good opportunity to test Internet Rule 34b: “If you can think of it, Japan has done it with schoolgirls.”)

  10. Donalbain says

    I must say, I have never understood the appeal of pirates. Piracy wasnt cool and fun, it was violent, brutish and short. Rape, theft, murder and slavery have never really been a source of fun for me..

  11. Bob L says

    I must say, I have never understood the appeal of pirates. Piracy wasnt cool and fun, it was violent, brutish and short. Rape, theft, murder and slavery have never really been a source of fun for me..

    The rapist, slaver murderers were false pirates, that’s why we have Global Warming now. We are talking about TRUE Pirates™ here who plunder for a betterment of mankind.

  12. stogoe says

    Piracy wasnt cool and fun, it was violent, brutish and short.

    Violence and brutishness are enjoyable. See: Pro Wrestling, Ultimate Fighting, 24, Sin City, Fight Club, etc.

  13. SEF says

    Have you found a way to install the talk-like-a-pirate filter (as per the original Pharyngula website) on ScienceBlogs posts yet, PZ?

  14. says

    Wait a minute, according to my Despair, Inc. calendar, talk like a pirate day is on the 18th…

    I suppose two is better than one.

  15. says

    It just goes to show that if you dress up in a silly outfit and talk funny, you can get away with murder (and rape and pillage) and people will think you’re cool!

  16. Kel says

    When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches?

    Never, because nobody ever sees a ninja; they’ll silently kill you before you even know they’re there.

  17. K. Engels says

    When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches?

    Never, because nobody ever sees a ninja; they’ll silently kill you before you even know they’re there.

    Not to mention the fact that some of the best ninjas are ‘wenches’…

  18. Dahan says

    Why don’t we have a “take a pirate to work” day? Seems like a natural enough thing. Certainly better than “bring your violent, stinky, ill-mannered pet to work” day.

  19. cajela says

    Arrr! And please. We’re not stupid. Yeah, yeah, we all know, real pirates are in fact bad. In other news, water is wet, and creationists are liars. That’s why we here are all, in fact, fictional pirates. Except for those of us who are fictional ninjas, robots, cephalopods, zombies &c.

    Avast! Flee from the wrath of Cap’n Kate Blackheart, ye scurvy po-faced landlubber, or prepare to die like a mangy squid! Arrr.

  20. says

    When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches? When was the last time you saw a ninja period? That’s right, boys. We sneak into your house and make sweet ninja love to your wife while your at work… sort of like the milk man.

  21. Torbjörn Larsson, OM says

    When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches?

    Someone hasn’t played games or read hentai lately. Let me repeat: the best ninjas are wenches.

  22. Torbjörn Larsson, OM says

    When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches?

    Someone hasn’t played games or read hentai lately. Let me repeat: the best ninjas are wenches.

  23. Brandon P. says


    1. Pizza

    2. “Cowabunga!”

    3. Nifty swords

    4. Stealth

    5. Demigod-like agility

    6. Nunchaku

    7. Cool outfits


    1. Jack Sparrow

    2. Rum


  24. Brandon P. says

    T. rexes beat both though. As do cyborgs and Spartans.

    Spartan ninja pirates riding cyborg T. rexes are clearly the pinnacles of awesome.

  25. Heather says

    Arghh…aye, it be talk like a pirate day tomorrow. But when is talk like a corsair day? All the plundering, sailing, raping and plank-walking – but with the king’s permission. That’s what I want – the chance to take whatever I want and not have to worry about some fool capturing me and making an example of me by hanging (or worse).

  26. bernarda says

    There are some good parodies of “Modern Major General” on youtube.

    “I am the very model of a popular youtube auteur”.

    “I am the very model of a modern major googler”.

    “I am the very model of a Singularitarian”

  27. says

    The second annual Minneapolis Pirate Pub Crawl is coming up on Oct. 6th. Last year Pirate Jesus attended! I just posted some photos from last year on my blog (including Pirate Jesus) Check out for more photos, a short movie clip from last year, and 2007 details. Hope to see you there!