First order of business, we have a new inductee into the Order of the Molly:
Secondly, my latest blogroll open enrollment day harvested 88 90 new souls blogs. Take a look below the fold for the long, long list of new additions.
About Agnosticism / Atheism: Agnosticism / Atheism
Action Skeptics: (null)
Agylen: Ugo Cei’s Weblog
astropixie: (null)
The Atheist Experience: (null)
Axis of Jared: (null)
Bajillion: (null)
balancing life: (null)
The Baliset Palimpsest: (null)
Beautiful Biology: Ramblings of a Science Teacher: Ramblings of a Science Teacher: (null)
Biomes Blog: (null)
blogfish: (null)
The Bronze Blog: (null)
Bugs for Thugs: An Entomologist’s Blog
The Calladus Blog: (null)
Circe – The C Word: I’m like…a fertility goddess. On hiatus.
Cogita Tute . . . Think For Yourself: An occasional record of my thoughts . . .
Cogito, Ergo Sum?Atheos: (null)
Confessions of an Anonymous Coward: (null)
Cosmic Afterthoughts: (null)
Andy Cunningham: Musing, Ranting, and What’s happening to me
De Astra, Ad Astra: If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
Diatomaceous Earth: (null)
Dinosaurs: A Creationist’s Fairy Tale: A Creationist’s Fairy Tale: The World’s Greatest Dinosaur Lie EXPOSED!!
Duo Quartuncia: (null)
Eclectic Esoteric: I’ll mention whatever pops into my head; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Egotistical Whining: (null)
End of Silence: Freedom hating on the internets since 2002
Everything and more: (null)
The Dispersal of Darwin: (null)
The Flying Trilobite: (null)
faith in honest doubt: (null)
Framed: Discourse & Democracy
from Archaea to Zeaxanthol: (null)
Henry VII – Newsvine Column: Henry VII – Newsvine Column
hitched to everything: (null)
Hypnocrites: (null)
The Indigestible: Missives From the Reality-Based World
Interrogating Nature: (null)
Journal of No. 118: Mike
Just a Bump in the Beltway: (null)
a k8, a cat, a mission.: (null)
Killing Time, Making Noise: Humanism, toys, & auto repair since 2006.
Lakeshore: Jay Lake
Liberal Debutante: Dinosaurs and evaporation rates. Word.
Life Behind the Register: (null)
The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World without Losing Your Way
Lord J-Bar For Democracy, Not Theocracy: (null)
Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets: (null)
Markiarchy: (null)
Maxwell’s Pandemonium: (null)
My Inner Child plays with matches.: A brilliant journal wherein everything worth knowing about anything is revealed.
Mythusmage Opines: A spot for opining, news, and stuff
N@ked Under My Lab Coat: (null)
No More Walls: (null)
Notes from Evil Bender: poetry, politics, reason, morality
The Oil Drum – Discussions about Energy and Our Future:
The One With Aldacron: Searching for reason in an unreasonable world.
ordinary girl: (null)
Our Descent Into Madness: Survival is a state of mind.
Philosophy and Bioethics: (null)
… ponderings of a fool: (null)
Pseudo-Random Quanta: (null)
Random Intelligence: (null)
A Romani Atheist in a Christian World: (null)
Salad Is Slaughter: A Gluttonous Curmudgeon and "D" List Blogger
Secret Project HALIBUT: The Malefic Macabre Master of Science
Sex, genes & evolution: (null)
Sexy Secularist!: Assorted thoughts on science, atheism, and the world
Slightly diktytaxitic: Geology does rock…
The Space Station: Circling the earth at a dangerously low orbit, broadcasting video, audio, and whatever else we can think of…
Synapostasy: (null)
Tantalus Prime: (null)
Think Tonk: (null)
This is That: (null)
Tinny Words: (null)
Tiny Frog: Atheism, Evolution, Skepticality
Topography of Ignorance: (null)
Transcription Factor: Miscellaneous Musings, &c.
Transmutational Hops: (null)
Infophilia: (null)
Your shortcomings and regrets, personified!: My cricketron’s gone berserk!
ywut: (null)
Note that I have no control over the name or the description — I get those straight from your rss feed. those odd “(null)”s are there because you haven’t set some field in your syndication configuration.
Argh. I’ve been busy setting up my new blog; and missed seeing the harvest request. So my new blog (Duo Quartuncia) missed out on the harvest. But it’s not too late! I’m still accepting requests for permission to link to my blog.
Thanks much for the add. I will graciously attribute any future traffic spikes to Dr. Myers.
Blogger doesn’t give me relevant fields to fill out, so I think I’m stuck with the null for a while.
Yes; it looks like all the new entires with “(null)” as the description are from blogger. I have the same problem. I’m trying to find out how it can be fixed, and I’ve joined the blogger discussion group for just this purpose. I’ll let you know if I figure out the solution.
I’m also writing a new blog entry on the evolution of wings as a celebration of being included in PZ’s blogroll. Busy, busy, busy.
Okay, that’s just weird, seeing myself up there like that. Now I have to post something interesting so people will care. Argh!
That’s great, except you speled the poor guy’s name wrong.
Congratulations, Torbjörn!
*offers Waldorf salad on a tray*
What? It was there a moment ago. Well, sorry, I have a karate lesson. Gotta run. :-)
Congratulations Torbjörn. It felt unnatural to vote for a Swede, but you richly deserved it.
Grattis Torbjörn =) Det ska vara en svensk i år.
Oh great, now even your blog is getting stupid HD-DVD key spam.
I hate Digg for making this such a “big” deal.
Wouldn’t be great if Torbjörn was bald (or was clean shaven on top) after the first eulogy!
Thanks for the link!
I like that, too. ;-) Thanks all!
Not to worry, as I already had occasion to describe on another thread, my Special Superpower happens to be “Sexy Hair”. (Due to the often and accidentally occurring after-frak look, not due to the trim).
I like that, too. ;-) Thanks all!
Not to worry, as I already had occasion to describe on another thread, my Special Superpower happens to be “Sexy Hair”. (Due to the often and accidentally occurring after-frak look, not due to the trim).
Thank you, sir.
Congrats Tor!
The OM at the end always makes me think of yoga.
Yes! Thanks for including my site, Prof. Myers!
Ooo, I hope my site is put into “Artsies”!
Go Torbjorn! I’m proud to say that not only is he a compatriot of mine, he is also a sometime commenter on my blog.
PZ, thanks for the plug. I need it! More traffic should inspire me to post more.
I, for one, welcome our new Hive-Minded Swedish Overlords!
Captain Myers:Arr.. what makes ye think to be worthy of being on the blogroll of The Pharyngula?
Poor Gullible Recruit: I just want to be on the internets all my life.
Captain Myers: Welcome Aboard!
archgoon: We shall rule thee with compassion and wisdom. We do have a few requirements: you will have to watch one Ingmar Bergman movie a week, and commemorate Linnaeus’ birthday by drinking snaps. There will be plenty of ombudsmen to direct any complaints to, though.
Thanks for the link.
My feeds have been consolidated on feedburner, so the “null” can be fixed by replacing the xml link with this feed.
What a list! The 7th one down looks mighty interesting!
Torbjörn Larsson! I didn’t vote for him, but that’s only because I already knew he was going to win.
The alphabet hates me… *sniff*
Though maybe being out of place will land me a few extra curiosity hits from people trying to figure out why I’m down there.
Almost too close to be funny, it felt like cold water poured down my back. Ask Martin R about “Jante-lagen” and why our parents generation didn’t invent ABBA or Björn Borg.
(Hmm, perhaps a decade over one generation, though. No matter, the New Swedes can lie with a straight face, too. ;-)
:-) But which ombudsmen can we direct complaints about ombudsmen to?
See, the system appears flawed. [Next Moore/Gibbons comic: “Ombudsmen”.]
Almost too close to be funny, it felt like cold water poured down my back. Ask Martin R about “Jante-lagen” and why our parents generation didn’t invent ABBA or Björn Borg.
(Hmm, perhaps a decade over one generation, though. No matter, the New Swedes can lie with a straight face, too. ;-)
:-) But which ombudsmen can we direct complaints about ombudsmen to?
See, the system appears flawed. [Next Moore/Gibbons comic: “Ombudsmen”.]
The OM after your name means Ombuds-Man, right?
Well, I already have a funny Special Superpower, so I could follow Moore’s lead and assemble a team. For example, I could join up with RavenT’s husband, who can get dogs to pee when he points them out.
We would be great Ombuds-Men, because people would be too distracted to follow through on their complaints.
But I need more voluntaries. So, what is your Special Ombudsman Superpower, or SOS specialty as we OM’s call it?
(This message is set to self-destruct in 5 s after you read it through, because while PZ probably can stand a joke or two, I’m not sure what he will think about our treatment of his award. Please stand back, and don’t inhale the smoke.)
Well, I already have a funny Special Superpower, so I could follow Moore’s lead and assemble a team. For example, I could join up with RavenT’s husband, who can get dogs to pee when he points them out.
We would be great Ombuds-Men, because people would be too distracted to follow through on their complaints.
But I need more voluntaries. So, what is your Special Ombudsman Superpower, or SOS specialty as we OM’s call it?
(This message is set to self-destruct in 5 s after you read it through, because while PZ probably can stand a joke or two, I’m not sure what he will think about our treatment of his award. Please stand back, and don’t inhale the smoke.)
Torbjörn: MY parent’s generation invented ABBA & Borg. =) Technically, they could be my grandparents.
My associations concerning the hive-mindedness actually went to science fiction, not Jantelagen. Being a headstrong individualist of the mid-80’s, I guess we flipped off Jantelagen with our middle finger and rode off into the sunset from the very beginning.
Concerning the ombudsmen, I guess at some point in the system, people have to stop behave like whiny bastards. I guess that point will have to be the complaints concerning the ombudsmen themselves. =)
But be ye assured, your Swedish overlords – hive-minded or not – will solve all technical/logistical issues over time. Just buy IKEA furniture and Absolut Vodka, and you will be able to handle the transition just fine.
If only it were just peeing…
That figures. The one thing I’m ever going to be internationally famous for.–Mr. Raven, 2007
What can I say – I’m from the outback. We had no IKEA furniture, and the only absolute with the vodka was that it was absolutely not from a store. I didn’t have to ride into the sunset, I lived in it.
Well, no, it wasn’t quite as bad, but I did see what Jantelagen had done with the previous generations. I think we are pretty much talking about the same generation, I have seen people reckon 30 years/gen so that is what I used.
What can I say – I’m from the outback. We had no IKEA furniture, and the only absolute with the vodka was that it was absolutely not from a store. I didn’t have to ride into the sunset, I lived in it.
Well, no, it wasn’t quite as bad, but I did see what Jantelagen had done with the previous generations. I think we are pretty much talking about the same generation, I have seen people reckon 30 years/gen so that is what I used.
“The Flying Trilobite” – I love that handle!
Props to Tor for having been björn. :-)
I don’t get this references to bears all the time. Torbjörn, are you a shapechanger?
Oh, and regarding jantelagen – we all know that it’s Danish. Don’t think you are something, just because you’ve stolen the concept from us (ok, it was defined by a Norwegian, but he was writing about a Danish town, where he grew up).
Torbjörn: the last part was amied at our non-Swedish subjects. You are ofc one of the Overlords. =)
Three cheers and a pint o’ Guinness for Torbjörn! Huzzah!
Thanks for the add, Prof!
Thanks for the shout out, Kseniya! You can check out my blog for my paintings of mythical flying trilobites, too.
As for being on the blogroll, it’s fantastic to be in such good company. A lot of nice sites are gathered in this list!