Jobs available! Honest scientists need not apply.

Wow—Liberty University is hiring. They’ve got 27 openings for new faculty right now, so if you’re in the market, they might be tempting. The first three on the list are…

Biology: Two positions. Rank open. Ph.D. and compatibility with a young-earth creationist philosophy required. 1) Human anatomy and physiology, 2) undergraduate genetics. Supervision of undergraduate research expected. Contact Dr. Paul Sattler.

Center for Creation Studies: Rank open. Ph.D. and experience in the origins controversy from a young earth creation perspective required. Faculty will teach the required course in creation as well as develop and/or teach in their area of science expertise. Ability to teach courses in astronomy, anatomy and physiology, or other biology courses preferred. Contact Dr. David DeWitt.

Hmmm. Makes the possibility much less attractive, doesn’t it? I suppose if you were desperate enough for a job that you’d be willing to rip out your integrity, throw it in a cesspit, and let a chain of smarmy evangelical cretins squat over it, you might be willing to sign on.


  1. llewelly says

    Rank open. Ph.D. …

    Initially, I read that as ‘Rank open pit’ …


    6. highly offensive; disgusting: a rank sight of carnage.

  2. Shygetz says

    I suppose if you were desperate enough for a job that you’d be willing to rip out your integrity, throw it in a cesspit, and let a chain of smarmy evangelical cretins squat over it, you might be willing to sign on.

    An obvious sign that you’ve been out of the academic job market too long.

  3. Bob Russell says

    I checked the link and it seems there are alot of job openings at this “university(?)”…I wonder why?

  4. CCP says

    What’s not clear to me is how one would go about teaching Human A&P from a YEC perspective…do they have to modify the lab skeletons so the rib-count matches Genesis, gender-wise? (Actually, one could probably get through 2 semesters of A&P without mentioning evolution at all…unless some pesky student asked one of those “why?” questions. 2nd thought, I’m sure that’s NOT a problem at Liberty U.)

    And then, how about that genetics course? Must DNA polymerase be perfect to maintain “kinds”? What do they do about that chapter in the text about mutation? Where do they get YEC-compatible texts at all?

    Really, this whole YEC academic biology scene fascinates me.

  5. J-Dog says

    This job sounds so easy, even a cave man could do it…

    It would be great if the Geico Guy could somehow arrange an interview… the look on Satler or deWitt’s faces when he walked into the room – priceless!

  6. T_U_T says

    hmmm. Has someone thought about smuggling a truckload of moles in ? Those scumbags literally beg for being infiltrated ;-)

  7. Mark says

    A small, Southern Baptist-controlled liberal arts college in my hometown advertised for a geology position. Their ad said they were an equal opportunity employer, but they also required a statement of belief from all applicants. Does Liberty consider itself a non-discriminatory institution?

  8. says

    If one wanted to write a real page turner of a book on the intelectual dishonesty at LU, it would be the perfect job. Lawyer required during publshing phase.

  9. Ray says

    Faculty will teach the required course in creation as well as develop and/or teach in their area of science expertise.

    At least they (appear to) admit that creationism isn’t science…

  10. says

    And what is a course in creation anyway? “God created the universe. It’s all a mystery. Who created the universe? God. What did he do to the universe? Created it. How? It’s a mystery. Excellent, young shaver. Have a first.”

    Presumably you fill in the rest of the semester flinging poo at a likeness of Darwin, reviewing students’ entries in the Hillary Clinton rape fantasy contest, and getting in a few shots down the range. Oh yes, and you’ve got to supervise the brick team on Wednesday sports afternoon.

  11. says

    Wow, the Creation Studies position seems so… flexible. Not just Biology, you also have to teach Astronomy. Double Doctorate?

    I’ve got to question the intelligence and/or education of a Double Doc in Astronomy and Biology who remains a Young Earth Creationist.

    For the student’s sake, I hope Liberty University is a terrific “Party Campus” – or else they won’t get any benefit at all from their education.

  12. Ginger Yellow says

    Biology: Two positions. Rank open. Ph.D. and compatibility with a young-earth creationist philosophy required. 1) Human anatomy and physiology, 2) undergraduate genetics. Supervision of undergraduate research expected. Contact Dr. Paul Sattler.

    Center for Creation Studies: Rank open. Ph.D. and experience in the origins controversy from a young earth creation perspective required. Faculty will teach the required course in creation as well as develop and/or teach in their area of science expertise. Ability to teach courses in astronomy, anatomy and physiology, or other biology courses preferred. Contact Dr. David DeWitt.

    But…but… I thought the evil Darwinist conspiracy meant that it was impossible for creationists to do research!

  13. says

    Prof. Myers, This is diabolically tempting. “Rank open” may signal extra good salary. And in the absense of a standard textbook of creationism, I would enjoy total freedom to teach whatever theories that may hit my fancy. Freedom to unshackle and let fly my imagination. Exciting forays into teaching additional areas I know nothing, such astronomy, anatomy and physiology. Quoting Groucho Marx, I can resist everything except temptation. Ne nos inducas in tentationem, I pray.

  14. Ray says

    Faculty will teach the required course in creation as well as develop and/or teach in their area of science expertise.

    At least they (appear to) admit that creationism isn’t science…

  15. Jen says

    Compare that to an ad for an actual professorship–this one in the department of neurology at the University of Minnesota:

    “Candidates are expected to have either an MD or PhD degree and have a proven track record in muscle stem cell research. The departmental home and academic level of the appointment will be determined based on the individual’s experience. To be successful applicants will need to demonstrate how they will complement current strengths and support collaborative programs to develop cell-based treatments for muscular dystrophy.”

    Wow…hiring professor based on their experience and future research goals, as opposed to possession of a dogmatic belief system. It’s amazing!

    (But the Liberty position sure looks easier to get!) ;)

  16. Ray says

    As a resident of south western Virginia I am embarrassed that a place claiming to be an institute of higher learning like liberty exists in our area.

  17. says

    I distinctly remember seeing this exact same article and ad earlier this year…
    You mean to tell me that they haven’t filled that position yet?

  18. King Spirula says

    “young-earth creationist PHILOSOPHY required”

    Hey wait! I thought it was a SCIENCE, at least that is what they keep insisting it is. Hmmmmm.

  19. Mena says

    IMHO, someone who is actually religious but not crazy should apply for the position and teach the class as stated but also spend a week or two on the scientific method and have the students write up a research project. That way the teacher can sign whatever faith statements are needed without falsifying them (don’t want to have grounds for them to fire him or her) but at least get the students on the right track. They should have been exposed to that sort of thing in grade school but if they were home schooled that probably didn’t happen. Maybe it would help in reducing the number of extremists.

  20. Molly, NYC says

    Anyone accepting this job should make sure the bennies include immediate life-time tenure. Because if they ever have to apply anywhere else, who’s going to look past a stint at Liberty (or Bob Jones, etc.) on their CV?

  21. says

    Mathematics: Assistant/Associate Professor. Two positions. Doctorate Preferred. Teaching assignment includes general education math and major courses.

    Since I’m already applying for 100 jobs in this cycle anyway, it’s quite tempting to send them an application on a lark.

    But “doctorate preferred”? Would they hire a professor with a bachelor’s degree?

  22. Graham Douglas says

    Quoting Groucho Marx, I can resist everything except temptation.

    *cough*Oscar Wilde*cough*

  23. Keanus says

    Astronomy? Don’t they mean astrology? That fits the creationist line much better.

    As for a doctorate being “preferred”, I’m sure a mail order doctorate will work just fine.

  24. atomic dog says

    So is there “young earth” astronomy? No stellar evolution? Are they heliocentric? What does young earth physics look like?

    Actually Molly there are quite a few institutions like this.

  25. says

    Liberty has less credentials for printing Ph.D’s than Kinkos.

    The government really needs to crack down on these bogus universities.

  26. Larry says

    I’m curious what the lab for Creationism 101 is like. Do you run experiments that test for the hand of god, er, intelligent designer, in the frog the T.A. handed out? Or maybe the class watches a series of images of life on earth and recites for each one, “God Did It!”. You grade is then based upon on how enthusiastic your response was.

  27. says

    Their ad said they were an equal opportunity employer, but they also required a statement of belief from all applicants.

    That’s equal opportunity. People of all religions get equal opportunities to say that they’re devout Baptists.

    They’ve got 27 openings for new faculty right now, so if you’re in the market, they might be tempting. The first three on the list are…

    Is there any real university that size that ever has 27 openings at any one time?