Spooktober Day Twenty-Four


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Mountain or Odd Couple or Dark Magic)

TITLE:  The Alpine’s Bumpin’

PREMISE:  I’m gettin’ good grip from the fifty series tires; the alpine’s bumpin’ but I need the volume higher…  So quoth Sir Mixalot.  I know folk horror is usually about a summery rural cult torturing some squares to death but I don’t love the genre so I’m going with the idea this category could include faerie tales.  So.

Jakeem and Bernard are an odd couple (Odd Couple), wherein Jakeem is the low-key nerd, and Bernard is the vision-questing Jim Morrisonesque tripping man.  He must drag his personal Ray Manzarek (Jakeem) to the ends of the earth, and this time it’s up a mountain (Mountain).  They went to a ski resort with the idea they’d meet some cool people and learn how to snowboard, but the resort is all but abandoned.  The weather report said skiing too dangerous, slopes closed, but the resort itself was still technically open, which is how they ended up with tickets while everybody else was staying home.

The skeleton crew of a staff warns them to stay inside, enjoy the cocoa by the fireplace, take in the view from the grand lodge, whatever.  But Bernard ensorcels Jakeem to follow him off a cliff, in his usual way.  The dudes end up high literally and figuratively in snowy dangerous places.  The mountain paths rely on consensus reality to stay moored in the mortal realm.  Without two hundred snowbunnies thinking it’s just a ski slope, it becomes a path to the impossible.  The guys find themselves in an ice castle, subject to palace intrigue between some talking ravens, dwarven servants, and a wicked ice witch (Folk Horror).

HORROR ELEMENT:  At first it’s all fun and games.  Jakeem teaches the ravens to smoke weed, Bernard wheedles the witch about the nature of reality, maaan.  But things take a turn for the real when the witch bites back with vindictive curses and spells (Dark Magic), leading to grim shit like raven cannibalism and horrible transformations.  All psyche stripped to the bone, what’s left of our gentlemen?  Will they ever get back to college?

Spooktober Day Twenty-Three


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Beauty or Rococo or Vice & Sin)

TITLE:  Ecstasies

PREMISE:  Lisette Selys is the most beautiful girl in the world (Beauty), and what makes her ever more appealing is religious fervor.  She is prone to ecstasies in which all the saints in the statuary come to life and dance around her.  Or she’s a mutant (Mutants, also, not the preferred nomenclature dude) with a chromosomal abnormality, in a time (Rococo) before anyone knew what chromosomes were, trying to feel out their intersex condition.  And maybe epilepsy.  Some would say it’s a sin (Vice & Sin) to throw your expensive wig on the floor and make your mom cry, or to eschew god’s preferred use for those of your genital configuration, but that’s what god’s telling them to do.

HORROR ELEMENT:  God isn’t real of course, so the ecstasies reflect their mental state, and as pressure to become an adult woman increases, the visions take a dark turn.  The saints mutate (Mutants, i knew i could come up with a less offensive way to justify this) into shrieking devils, and carry Lisette where no one can touch them.


Spooktober Day Twenty-Two


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Spoopy/Pumpkincore or Slime or Metamorphosis)

TITLE:  Check Out My Drip

PREMISE:  Lilibel is into the goth version of Tiger Beat magazine (Pumpkincore), but her favorite hot boy was last seen on a desert highway where somebody picked up him up while hitchhiking and they drove him home to a haunted house (Spoopy) but then they called to ask where he was and found out he died seven years ago or something idk (Cryptid).  Well, she did a baby witch ritual to summon him from the magazine pages, and he appeared!  Not ideal, actually.

HORROR ELEMENT:  Stavros Lugosi III emerges from a giant jack-o-lantern like it was an egg, bringing ectoplasm (Slime) like a trailing yolk that can cover the world.  If Lilibel doesn’t wanna get turned into a slime (Metamorphosis) like whatever Drake was talking about in that one song, she’ll have to undo the evil that she done.

Spooktober Day Twenty-One


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Home Invasion or Dark Secrets or Toys & Dolls)

TITLE:  Get Them Girls

PREMISE:  Some lil native girls were in a terrible catholic boarding school for abducted children (Dark Secrets), when in a strange inversion of history, all the adults died of disease, leaving the lil girls alone.  What spirits wrought this havoc?  One of them brought a corn-silk doll (Toys & Dolls) with her and accidentally invested it with real sorcery.  Kids these days.

HORROR ELEMENT:  Spirits can be vengeful whether they deserve to be or not.  The shitbird colonizers got theirs fair and square, but they still came back as angry ghosts to kill the girls (Haunted House).  It’s spirit vs. spirit, making the house unlivable, however… the girls still want to live there.  They don’t know if, or don’t believe, that they have parents to return to, and are more afraid of being taken again (Home Invasion).

When the feds come to get them girls (roll credits), it’s emotional and supernatural mayhem.

Spooktober Day Twenty


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Party or Rumors & Scandal or Body Snatcher)

TITLE:  The Body of Christ

PREMISE:  So many political agendas derived from Young Jeezy, this and that interpretation of his historicity (Historical) and importance, what he said and what it meant.  It was inevitable that time travelers would try to throw shit in the game (Rumors & Scandal).  But they couldn’t go back in person.  They had to send clone avatars (Body Snatchers).  The tech works best when you send a clone that doesn’t look like anyone in particular, but if you aim for a given guy’s likeness and persona, you end up with a lot of corrupt copies.  They send the everyman clones to manipulate public opinion, to shill for their preferred beliefs, and they send the attempted jesi to attend The Last Supper (Party).

HORROR ELEMENT:  You are the son of man and about to get betrayed with a kiss from your home boy Judas, but Judas doesn’t know who to kiss, because there are about twenty of you on the scene, at least four of which are close enough to bewitch the mind.  What the hell is going on here?

Spooktober Day Nineteen


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Beach or YouTube/Streaming or Lovecraftian)

TITLE:  Live From Necropolis Beach

PREMISE:  Linda Fong gets her big break as a correspondent, live reporting (Streaming) from Party Beach (Beach) on local news.  But the beach used to be a city of the dead, in the time before time, and the stars are right for the return of the ancients (Lovecraftian) – just in time for spring break!

HORROR ELEMENT:  Evil Dead basically, in broad daylight.  The demonic entities that claim living bodies of beach revelers don’t seem to have much respect for the flesh they’re in, and all sorts of vile mutilation is had by all (Body Horror).  How will Linda survive, and what will be left of her?

Spooktober Day Eighteen


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× 1950s or Lynchian or Lost Media)

TITLE:  The Last Record of Johnny Fire

PREMISE:  Johnny Fire is just utterly unknown.  Only some antiquarians and centenarians remember his rock ‘n’ roll career in the early ’50s (1950s), but among those, nobody can lay claim to a copy of his last record (Lost Media), Skippin’ Town.  Just how did those songs go anyway?  One creepy old KKK dude can remember a few of those songs well enough, because he murdered the young man, and took a perverse joy in learning about his victim after the fact.

Racist old Virgil is in for a treat.  He finds the record one day in his collection, as if it had never been missing in the first place.  Funny, the cover doesn’t look like he remembered it.  Some songs are the same as he recalled, but others?  Were they always that morbid?

HORROR ELEMENT:  One night Johnny (Revenant) comes dancing across the disc, tiny as a mouse (Lynchian), and flies off the edge into the magic moonlight.  It’s time to murder a guy, but how is it fair for the fucker to have lived an entire-ass life consequence free?  No, every single moment he’s ever had must be taken away.  Just as Johnny’s record was magically there like it had never been lost, so the history of Virgil’s life must be rewritten – and replaced, with that of an aging and healthy Johnny.  And what will be the last thing Virgil experiences before he ceases to be?  Beaten, burned on a cross, drowned?  So many possibilities.

Spooktober Day Seventeen


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Lifetime/Mom Movie or Lighthouse or Amnesia)

TITLE:  Olivier

PREMISE:  Thérèse works and lives in the lighthouse (Lighthouse) with her special little child, a working single mom (Mom Movie).  Little Olivier is barely able to move, perhaps muscular dystrophy?  Hard to know; she doesn’t get to hospitals.  Too busy.  She doesn’t know why she doesn’t have a second adult in the building to trade shifts with.  She doesn’t remember giving birth to Olivier and doesn’t remember his father (Amnesia).  She just knows that her little guy is precious and weak and will just die if she doesn’t help him in every little way.

HORROR ELEMENT:  Olivier isn’t an immaculate conception.  He was just born with a spiritual mutation that crippled his body and expanded his mental powers.  He is psychic (Psychic), and having underdeveloped empathy and ability to care for others, has used those powers selfishly.  Anything that might keep maman away has been suppressed or erased.  The memories were easy.  But what did Olivier do with the other lighthouse keeper?

If I did this one, I’d emphasize that Thérèse’s love is not forced; it is real.  And Olivier will grow up to be capable of unselfish love as well.  There is room in the world for creepy kid stories but it’s not my preference.  I think there’s still room for a lot of terrible horror content while still retaining kiddo’s humanity.

Spooktober Day Sixteen


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Psychedelic/Stoner or Rural/Backwoods or Monkey’s Paw)

TITLE:  Abuela Desastra

PREMISE:  Stoners in Sierra Blanca know that if you partake of peyote (Psychedelic) when your heart is broken, she’ll appear out of the desert (Rural) – an old lady in a hat and poncho, who will grant you a single wish.  Of course, that doesn’t go well (Monkey’s Paw), and the wishes of the broken-hearted tend to follow a certain theme.  For a little place in the middle of nowhere, Sierra Blanca has a lot of drama going on.

HORROR ELEMENT:  Is she a nagual?  A hallucination?  A bruja (Witch)?  Is she even an abuela?  What does she have to do with the corruption of love?  Fiction has us all accustomed to spooky ideas, not easily spooked, but this would be creepy if real.

Spooktober 2024, Days Fourteen and Fifteen


Spooktober is a 31 day event of coming up with original horror ideas based on prompts my writing group voted on.  Carrying forward from last year we’re having optional sub-themes and I’m trying to do them all like Debbie do Dallas.  Book covers made with midjourney and photopea.

(× Baroque or Teeth or Ice & Snow)

TITLE:  Miasma Dracula

PREMISE:  Park Yoon-Joon is a creepy dude obsessed with draculae and horror.  Around christmas time (Ice & Snow) at a haunted antique store in Seoul, he finds a rococo (Baroque) vase which contains Vlad Țepeș in mist form.  Good times for Yoon-Joon, bad times for Dracula.  The old vampire, being in mist form, was barely sentient, and his identity and the memory of what he once was became corrupted over the centuries.

HORROR ELEMENT:  Yoon-Joon immediately turns himself into a vampire (Vampire), but finds when he tries to make more vampires, they just disintegrate in his hands.  However, they become part of a blood-sucking mist that he can control, which manifests fangs (Teeth) or vampire faces to attack its victims.  Is there a modern Van Helsing in Korea that can stop him before he takes over the world?


(× Gothic or Asylum/Prison or Conspiracy)

TITLE:  Keep it Together

PREMISE:  Holden Poulat was in a gang of cosmopolitan ne’er-do-wells, thieves, and homosexuals, until a very intricate caper (Conspiracy) in Egypt involving seductions and palace intrigue (Gothic) failed disastrously, leading to most of the crew being summarily executed and the rest being consigned to a terrifying desert prison (Prison).  The commandant Entwhistle was a British Egyptologist, allowed to hold this position by the breakaway Turkish sultanate because his methods were amusingly grisly.

Holden wakes up to find he’s become a mummy (Mummy).  All of his organs have been stolen and placed in canopic jars who knows where.  The commandant didn’t do such a great job of stitching him up, and Holden has to keep what’s left of his innards in place by improvising mummy wraps out of tarpaulin, rags, and pitch.

HORROR ELEMENT:  Body horror, of course.  Holden is in denial about being dead, convinced if he can get all his organs back, he’ll be fine.  One of the only other survivors of the gang, Montfort, is in the prison with him, and tells Holden he’s become a stereotypical monster of lore – the vengeful mummy out for grisly trophies.  But Holden says no, and bullies Montfort into helping with his campaign of organ-snatching.