Life List: Pine Siskin

A few weeks ago, my husband called my attention to a flock of birds flying around wildly, outside our window.  He said they must be the same birds that weirded him out when, upon waking, he thought he was seeing bats outside.  Now these birds were not flying at all similar to bats, but they were shading in that direction much more than bushtits or starlings – the other birds I see larger flocks of at times.

There was just an erratic, manic quality – no cooperation, just dashing around.  Starlings are like fighter jets, Bushtits are bouncy little paper airplanes, and they both like moving in the same direction as the squadron.  Not so much with these guys – pine siskins.  How else can I characterize them?

I don’t have much to say.  They’re streaky LBBs with a wee bit of yellow in the beige.  My husband thinks they look green.  Word is they sometimes flock with goldfinches, but I haven’t seen it.  They’re not unusual in the region but it is unusual for me to see a big flock so close. Kinda fun.

This post was boring so I’ll do another one today.

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